.... he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost ,and with fire
update: 24 January 2025
Every Creature Commission TV youtube channel
Matthew 24:13-14 (AKJV)
But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
John 10:10 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
18 the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, 19 and what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, 20 which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places, 21 far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come: 22 and hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, 23 which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all. Eph 1:18-20 AKJV
6 and hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus: Eph. 2:6 AKJV
Huge numbers of former Christian Ministries give the same title to Lucifer as they do to Jesus. It is is they who chase the remnant who stick to the old paths, the never changing Bible rather than bow down to the social connected Deep State Bibles of today that continually change under Satanic order.
Deut. 4:2 Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.
Rev. 22:18-19 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: 19 and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his part from the tree of life and [i]from the holy city, which are written in this book.
Who is at the root of this? – The Vatican & The Bible Societies guilty of the Unpardonable Sin – note the warning in Rev 22-19 ….
No wonder the Establishment Church and State is falling apart at this time.
Their own admission:
The text shared by these two editions was adopted internationally by Bible Societies, and following an agreement between the Vatican and the United Bible Societies it has served as the basis for new translations and for revisions made under their supervision.
This marks a significant step with regard to inter confessional relationships. It should naturally be understood that this text is a working text (in the sense of the century-long Nestle tradition): it is not to be considered as definitive, but as a stimulus to further efforts toward defining and verifying the text of the New Testament .........
What then has the Nestle Aland Committee done using the Satanic codices of Vaticanus, Sinaitucus and Alexandrinus that underlie all the new translations?
Isaiah 14:12-14 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
12 How art thou fallen from heaven,
O Lucifer, son of the morning!
how art thou cut down to the ground,
which didst weaken the nations!
13 For thou hast said in thine heart,
I will ascend into heaven,
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God:
I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation,
in the sides of the north:
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;
I will be like the most High.
Isaiah 14:12 New International Version (NIV)
12 How you have fallen from heaven,
morning star,
son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth,
you who once laid low the nations!
2 Peter 1:19 New International Version (NIV) – addressed to the Church and Lucifer rising
19 We also have the prophetic message as something completely reliable,and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the
morning star
rises in your hearts.
Revelation 22:16 New International Version (NIV)
16 “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you[a] this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright
Morning Star.”
When threatened in 2010 by the agent of the “Deep State” that we would be destroyed through official channels – he told us that all the churches believed “we were up the wall.”
Dealing with the movements making Lucifer and Jesus this strange alliance that has come from codices hidden in the Vatican Vaults, that spiritualists Westcott and Hort took to infiltrate the Church with the Revised Edition of 1881.
Clearly intercession has had to take place to set free the Church from such blasphemy and heresy and so to Oxford, Canterbury, Edinburgh, Swindon, Cardiff, Mattersey and Pen-y-Groes to the scene of the Oxford burning; to the Anglican H/Q at Canterbury, to the Church of Scotland H/Q in Edinburgh, the Bible Society offices at Edinburgh and Swindon and to significant landmarks of the Pentecostal Denominations who like the rest have sold out to the heresies of Luciferian Christianity.
Intercessions at what are now agents of the Deep State are seen on these videos:
Today the Oxford Establishment persecutes those of revelation throughout Britain and the World, today by legalism but in times past by taking those of revelation to the stake and burning them.
In Oxford is a memorial to Latimer, Ridley and Cranmer who gave their lives as martyrs for the Protestant Constitution of our nation, a Constitution now disregarded by the Oxford Establishment.
To address this Brian Mason stands before the memorial, intercession coming through him and then a walk to the memorial with David P Griffiths giving a close up of the inscription, then the short walk to Broad Street where a cross in the road marks the spot where the marytrs so bravely died on their way to the heavenly reward.
It is to be noted that without repentance the persecutors now live in eternal tormenting fire as will do the philosophers of Oxford unless they come to the Saviour of these Protestant martyrs.
20 04 16 EU LEAVE INTERCESSION - Brian Mason -
The National Church & its Constitutional Obligations
The Church of England has Constitutional Obligations to uphold the Pre-Eminence of Christ Jesus; the Protestant Reformed Religion Established by Law; and ensure that no foreign power comes in and removes our heritage.
Yet years of compromise have crept in so Rees Howells trained Intercessor Brian Mason stands in the gap taking on Baal and its Luciferian counterfeit at Canterbury Cathedral, there being a sun made upside down cross, a symbol of Romanism appearing in the video in the process of the casting out of the infiltration to bring the conditions for Britain and its national Church to uphold the doctrine of the Royal Priesthood of Believers, remove the high altars and uphold our Protestant Christian heritage.
02 09 18
Brian Mason standing in the middle of George Street, Edinburgh pulling down the strongholds of the Church of Scotland that have allowed in teaching like that of one of its ministers Scott McKenna who is reported to preach that to say Jesus died for sinners is "ghastly theology". The age old curse of higher criticism has certainly affected "The Kirk" as it is known in Scotland founded by John Knox in 1560 with the motto, "Give me Scotland, else I Die!"
A far cry today with the exception of a remnant of evangelical ministers in the Kirk but even they are bound by the Kirk's association with the Bible Society, which in itself is then associated with the Vatican, who through the Nestle Aland Committee have produced ever changing "Bibles" of crazy doctrines that deny the deity of Christ Jesus primarily, even in one version giving him the same title as Lucifer's ..... With this association then the Kirk preaches "Bibles" that
1) Deny the Judgment Seat of Christ
2) Deny GOD manifest in the flesh
3) Call Joseph Jesus' father
4) Deny Christ as "Begotten"
5) Deny Christ's equality with the Father as the Jehovah's Witnesses do
6) Call JESUS "a son" or "servant" rather than "THE SON"
7) Deny JESUS as being THE ONLY LORD GOD
8) The rising up of Christ
9) Deny Christ as having all things made "by him"
10) Deny Christ has having been always in existence
11) Deny in the Kirk's false scriptures worship of him.
In addition the Kirk's scriptures uphold Vatican theology rather than that of its Protestant landmark, refer to Gospel as "an" rather than "the", declaring "a" common faith" rather than THE COMMON FAITH and so it goes on and on with fundamental Protestant doctrines no longer declared by the Kirk.
No wonder it is a dying institution but there is hope if the remnant in the Kirk openly reject their associations with the Vatican and false "Bibles" and come back to the landmark of Knox. Will it happen? Thus the intercession.
In the true Rees Howells tradition, Brian Mason in intercession exposes the alliance between the Bible Societies of the World with the Antichrist, the Roman cult that in its Bibles deny the deity of Christ calling him "a sons of the gods" rather the ONLY BEGOTTEN SON OF GOD.
Such is the evil, it comes out in intercession to expose the Luciferian root of all of this.
You can enrol for the "Other Jesus" Course at the Bible College of Wales Website - https://www.thebiblecollegeofwales.org
Yes, truly in Jesus Name this occultic stronghold has genuinely been found out to release the Church from the Nestle Aland Committee so linked to the Bible Society that openly admits its links to Egypt and the Vatican.
A shameful state of affairs! Indeed, the new leader of this Bible Society, Bishop Angaelos is as the Alexandrian preacher that needed to be corrected in the Bible for with his new work as leader of the Bible Society - he presents a cult that has its doctrines in manuscripts that contradict dramatically the true Word of God.
Bible Society scriptures:
13) DENY THE TRINITY, THE BLOOD AND THE EXISTENCE OF HELL and so on and so on .... heresy indeed! A much needed intercession.
now with Alpha instead of FOURSQUARE GOSPEL!
With the embracing of the Alexandrian translations, the Alpha Course and Gnostic belief, Elim is a shadow of its former self, a former self that once embraced the teachings through George Jeffreys that had as its banner THE FOURSQUARE GOSPEL ....
Now intercession has taken place outside THE CITY TEMPLE CARDIFF in view of restoring the landmark the fathers have set and bring this movement back to this, rather than its present Emerging Church position.
Right at the heart of the apostasy of the Assemblies of God in UK, before its National Ministry Centre and College that has a logo of the Cross of Baal.
Here intercession takes place through Brian Mason, uncovering the higher criticism that has crept in, one of it former Principals David Petts even referring to part of scripture as "asides".
The heresy goes further from this once great institution even to the questioning of Christ's Atonement.
Now, the corruption is exposed in intercession, we can look forward to a return to that which Smith Wigglesworth believed from than University higher critics.
Opening his heart in intercession, Rees Howells trained Intercessor calls at the Apostolic Temple, Pen-y-Groes, South Wales.
His heart cries out for this denomination and its tenets that came out of the Welsh Revival just as the Bible College of Wales did.
But like the Bible College of Wales in Swansea, the Apostolic Movement of Wales has moved to new translations and all the trappings of the Charismatic World - but now all this will come out into the open and the cry of the Lord will return this movement back to its landmark.
Such is the God given role of the Intercessor!
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 16/04/19: For the Voice of Prophecy Newspaper:
“Founded on the Blood of the Martyrs,
the Bible College of Wales”
“Back in its Spiritual Home”
“On seeing the blood of the Solemn League & Covenant, Rees Howells made a pledge before God, a pledge today being honoured by those in Whithorn, Scotland, to restore a movement that once again would stand on the shed blood of the martyrs. For despite of being battered & clobbered over the years by infiltrating agents of the Vatican, this College is now stronger than ever before.
“As a ship, it has been pounded by the torpedoes & battleships of the enemy. Its stern has been hit time after time again. Jezebels have come unto the bridge to get us to steer another course. Even one’s own family have tried to get us to become respectable – but thou hast rejected all the armoury of the enemy’s tacticians.
“Despite of being pounded constantly, thy ship has miraculously not been driven on to the rocks, but on to the Rock. Standing majestically above the pounding waves, thy restoration of the Bible College of Wales has honoured the landmark which thy founder has set.
The Solemn League and Covenant was an agreement between the Scottish Covenanters and the leaders of the English Parliamentarians in 1643 during the First English Civil War. On 17 August 1643 the Church of Scotland accepted it and on 25 September 1643 so did the English Parliament and the Westminster Assembly. In the 1920’s our founder Rees Howells knew the Roman Catholic Church, the greatest enemy to the “Every Creature Commission” knew at that time that they were buying property near the universities of the land, to influence and take over the nation, its intellectual heart, its legal systems and its politics.
We now know that through their Luciferian Bibles that include the NIV that they have stole the hearts and souls of Evangelical movements stopping the money supply to the remnant who have stood for the old paths and visions of founders. Read this from Rees Howells Intercessor: Norman Grubb Chapter 25 USA Edition – CLC, that is written in the context of the buying of the first estate in Wales, a contest with the richest “Church” in the world.
I knew they were buying places near every university, and no one was stopping them. I realized the Holy Spirit was now saying He would never have allowed the Church of Rome to have power again in this country if He had found men to believe Him; and His word to me was plain: 'I shall be very displeased with you if they get this property.' "In a moment I saw it was a contest with the wealthiest church in the world, and I said, 'But You haven't given me money.' 'Didn't I promise you a talent of gold?' He replied. 'If you believe, go on your knees here and claim this place.' So I knelt down there on the lawn by the little bridge and claimed it, and declared aloud, 'They will never get this BUYING THE FIRST ESTATE IN WALES 203 property. I take it for the Lord.'" A few days later Rees Howells spoke to Mr. Edwards again, who asked him a direct question. "If I put these other people off, will you 'close' with me on it?"
Mr. Howells knew so little about buying properties that he first had to inquire what that expression meant! He then promised to do so in two weeks, after his return from the Keswick Convention.
While in Keswick, God gave him another marvelous confirmation. An invitation came to preach in Anwoth parish, in southern Scotland. Faced with such a big decision in Swansea they would not have gone but for the definite guidance of the Spirit. But as soon as they arrived in Anwoth, the lady with whom they stayed, Mrs. Stewart, the widow of the former Consul-General in Persia, told them that in front of their bedroom window scores of the Covenanters had been martyred. "That's God," said Mr. Howells, "the guidance is right again, taking us up here against ourselves, as it were." The following day they were invited to tea with Sir William and Lady Maxwell, at Cardoness House.
Following are Brian Mason Intercessions here and at the grave of Mrs Stewart of Anwoth, & intercession at the grave of Rees Howells.
26 05 16 Brian Mason Intercession -
The Heart of the Covenanters -
Anwoth Old Kirk
All this was the beginnings of the Bible College of Wales, set up at its very heart to fight the Church of Rome, to fulfil the heart of the Covenanters and reaching the whole world with the Gospel.
at St David's Church Penllergaer
Thanking God for the lives of Rees Howells & his wife Lizzie and the life of his son Samuel.
Thanking God too for those called to continue this sacrificial calling in line with the original vision that cannot at all be associated with the Emerging Church, Higher Criticism and Romanism that has crept in through those taking over the College choosing instead to place it under the pagan influences of a University system intent on keeping it in line with human thinking rather than the Biblical passion of God.
The first thing he did was to take them to a small room where a framed document hung on the wall. "I am going to show you the most precious deed in Scotland," he said, "—the deed signed by the blood of the Covenanters." "When he said that," continued Mr. Howells, "I felt my blood run cold. To think that in Glynderwen the Lord had told me He had brought me back to make a test case with the Church of Rome, and here I was face to face with the Covenanters' deed. It is a wonder I remained standing on my feet. There were the signatures scrawled in blood as if with bits of stick. When I saw it, I changed altogether, and there wasn't one thing I wouldn't do to vindicate the Holy Spirit.
"I never felt anything like it before or since. I shed tears that night in my room. I said to the Holy Ghost, 'If it costs my blood, I'll do this for You. If Mr. Edwards asks for £10,000, I'll pay it, and if the Church of Rome puts a match to Glynderwen the next day and burns it to ashes, I'll say it is the best investment I ever made.' "The Spirit of God came on me to fight that church: it was God's anger in me towards the Church of Rome, keeping those five hundred million souls in darkness on the Continent and elsewhere. I entered into a world where fellowship with people was not to count; the only fellowship was with those martyrs who had laid down their lives for the liberty of the gospel. When I saw that deed, the strength of God came into me and changed my body from clay to steel!"
Right now, the Bible College of Wales continues with the original heart of Rees Howells who saw in the 1920’s how agents of the Vatican would take over our universities, our schools, our colleges taking away from future generations the heart and depth of our Protestant Constitution giving freedom for all, away from the dictates of foreign powers.
Three promises were given to Rees Howells at the being of the “Every Creature Vision”
Right now, the Bible College of Wales continues with the original heart of Rees Howells who saw in the 1920’s how agents of the Vatican would take over our universities, our schools, our colleges taking away from future generations the heart and depth of our Protestant Constitution giving freedom for all, away from the dictates of foreign powers.
Three promises were given to Rees Howells at the being of the “Every Creature Vision”
That God would give the offer of the Gospel to every creature during the next thirty years. Today that offer is being renewed for generations that have come up against Vatican controlled governments and authorities that have taken away the true Word of God from the people.
That God would call forth ten thousand people who would believe the vision, and would send them out as his witnesses unto the uttermost parts of the earth. In Rees Howells we still had Evangelical and Pentecostal missions of the Antioch Line, today Vatican Luciferian Bibles have affected these once great movements which God is speaking to today to come back, come back, come back!
That God would open His Treasury to finance the Vision – the first gift to be £10,000. Today in April 2019 the College has become the victim of the Vatican takeover of our legal systems completely disobeying the 1534 Act of Supremacy, the College since being in 2010 threatened by agents to “be destroyed through official channels”. Time after time legal COST AFTER LEGAL COST HAS BEEN SENT OUT BUT now in 2019 the spirits have come out in the open. Two Prayers of Petition were given and those doors are opening wide. Realisations are coming of the Rees Howells plan.
“Today, agents of the Vatican have taken over movement after movement, stealing the resources of those who call themselves Protestant. They do this with the backing of Vatican/EU law dominating the political & legal structures of thy nation.
“Legal case after legal case will go in their favour; & even when in Inverness, you had all the proof to convict an agent of the Vatican, you were told that agent was on a no-prosecution list; a no-prosecution list backed by EU/Vatican law, dominating the corridors of Westminster.
“Rev. Dr. Paisley it was, who brought this out in the House of Commons, & was thrown out for daring to expose the vagrancies of a rebellious Parliament.
“Utilitarianism was dominating those corridors then, a philosophy of man, rather than the conviction of God; a Parliament that passed laws slaughtering the innocents in the womb was dominating the corridors of power at that time.
A report coming into us is that there are now British soldiers being prosecuted in relation to these times, the real culprit however in the “thus saith the Lord” is the root of sin, the lack of repentance for the starving Irish of the famine and the utilitarian stance of the British government at the time of the troubles in their secret deals with terrorists preventing them from prosecution, prosecution now going to their own side.
Had the British government opened its heart in relation to the sadness of the Skibbereen death fields, had opened their hearts for peace, then there could have been an opening up of all sides in confessing faults one to another on an equal basis – then there would have been real peace, and victims compensated like ourselves in the stealing of Christian resources from our ministry for para-military causes of which we were told the perpetrators were on a “no prosecution list” but more importantly the people of Ireland – they had lost loved ones and today have not been compensated – we had lost finances, the people of Ireland had lost loved ones too.
Further reports have come in on the murder of a journalist in Derry, a place of intercession to bring things out in the open, for genuine peace based on true repentance by faith and the heart to restore the mantle of Columba.
15 05 18
Outside the city walls of Derry comes Brian Mason Intercessor in the heart of the Bogside before one of the murals of the Bogside Artists.
The area has a history of great trouble with many dear people having become victims of the times when religion and historical bitternesses came before the name of Jesus. In 1969 a fierce 3 day battle had taken place here that led to the troubles and in 1972 Bloody Sunday took place. But now in 2018 an intercessory cry for the healing of Skibbereen (see previous intercession) takes place giving Jesus Christ the pre-eminence, Jesus the only HEALER whom we worship and adore before any ideology of man.
In 563 AD Columba sailed from this City of Derry along the Foyle to Iona in Scotland, a special voyage with 12 men depicting our Lord's very disciples.
From a City that in more recent times has witnessed so many hurts and problems, the clear message of Columba who was neither Roman Catholic or Protestant remains clear - the message of the Saviour who calls all into the Royal Priesthood of Believers.
16 05 18 GARTAN
Columba was born at this place in 521 AD. Mistakenly some feel there are particular powers in the soils around this place even leading to soil being sent to the trenches of the First World War.
There is not so such power in the soil but in the hearts of those who believe and it is this heart that in intercession we look to restore throughout the whole of Ireland.
01 04 17 Skibbereen, Ireland Intercession
Brian Mason Intercessor comes to the town of the Phoenix Society founded in 1856 as a precursor to the Fenian Movement, also the area of the ancestry of David P Griffiths on his dad's side, a heritage going back to the Great Potato famine, 1845-52 - the town being right at the heart of the sufferings, thus bringing about movement later to be involved in para military struggles. Here the Intercessor stands by the original soup kitchen were the people were fed a watery soup.
01 04 17 Abbeystrewry Graveyard INTERCESSION
Brian Mason Intercessor at the scene of Ireland's greatest disaster - the 1845-50 Famine. Here 9,000 people were buried coffinless after starving to death as the potato crop failed.
Through intercession life is prayed into Ireland and beyond, that the wounds be healed. It is the heart of God to bring life to Ireland whether Catholic or Protestant, that the name of Jesus be glorified and a realization of all sides that Jesus is the only mediator between God and man.
1 Peter 2:9 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:
28 10 16:
Overcoming the Targetting INTERCESSION
In the late 1980s to early 90's a business in Inverness was targetted, targetted by the enemy of souls who saw a then naïve couple David and Lindsay Griffiths who simply chose to believe that professing Christians were those who lived a life in line with the Word of God.
They had no idea of the battleground of "Church" in Great Britain, of the dark infiltrations that had taken place into the so called "Church".
Whilst many Christian staff members lived up to the Word, there were those who chose otherwise, and the business came under immense attack with infiltrations involving the manifestation of sexual immorality amongat staff, particularly one member who after leaving we found an immense amount of stock had been removed, it being seen in the Spirit the immorality and also the place in Ireland where the stock was being taken.
Immense suffering followed but God has lifted up this couple to now being one of the World's leading exposers of the corruption in so called Church - but the time has come for restoration - the Intercessor here releasing that the returned funds - 7 fold - would be released for the extension of God's Kingdom and as for prosecutions suppressed by Government through what was called a "no prosecution list" then this must now cease for the true hour of judgment is nigh.
On 28 October 2016 Brian Mason Intercessor stood on Church Street Inverness and interceded in relation to the Ireland to Scotland link during the Irish troubles at the end of the 1980's.
As is now well known secret negotiations were going on between government and para-military organisations in relation to peace, the price of which being an ignoring of crimes that included theft crimes to pay for the para military struggle. Such a crime is highlighted here in the second part at Malahide.
Peace is welcome but there are so many victims of crime who have in effect had to become the victims for peace! Utilitarianism (for the greater good) eliminates the rule of law, the British Constitutional Acts allowing law to be "applied with law and justice in mercy", the legal alternative to the illegal presentation of utilitarianism. David and Lindsay Griffiths were victims of such a crime, the actual operation being found out through "word of knowledge" hence the geographical accuracy of the two intercessions, the thief being now found who has to restore sevenfold, a return to be used to reach every creature with the Gospel!
“In 2007, I gave thee the 95 Theses of warning, not only to the nation, but also to movements, ministries & charities who had fallen to the agents of the Vatican.
“The teaching of Higher Criticism at Elim Bible College, where one was, had come from the Luciferian scriptures of Vaticanus, Sinaiticus & Alexan-drinus, which you now expose with every passion.
“Thy daily appeals to thy email mailing lists have rocked the security zones of many who are under that control, movement after movement under the Bible Societies now of Satan rather than of God being tossed to & fro with every wind of doctrine, with the Nestle-Aland Committee causing confusion by constant doctrinal change; their blasphemy, their unpardonable sin, reaching the depths of the pit of hell by declaring another Jesus,#
“in whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.” [II Corinthians 4:4]
As one with Lucifer himself.
“Oh, what heresy! Oh, what filth! Oh, what blasphemy is this! The Bible College of Wales has been restored to bring back the true Antioch line, not only to Church movements, but also to nations; the line which martyrs have shed their blood for.
“In this edition of Prophecy Newspaper, on its front cover, thou seest the place Latimer, Ridley & Cranmer shed their blood, to set a nation free.
“The 39 Articles in thy national Church of England, are now to be restored to thy nation, removing the powers of Rome who have infiltrated thy nation by the EU.
“Oh, what a movement thou hast restored, My children! Thou hast become a massive threat to the enemy. Thou wast threatened by a Vatican agent that thou would be destroyed by official channels, way back in 2010. Legal action after legal action has come against thee; threatened, but not dismayed; weakened, but strengthened to be partakers of My divine nature; this divine nature that took Me to the cross, to shed My blood for a world festooned in sin. Now you bring the words of eternal life. For whosoever believeth on Me shall not perish, but have everlasting life; & thou hast not been afraid to emphasize the use of the word ‘begotten’ in the Bible salvation verse.
“You keep emphasizing it time after time again. ‘I & the Father are one’, declareth the Lord; whereas the Vatican & its Alexandrian Bibles has its Jesus as one with Lucifer, which is the reason why Rees Howells founded thy movement on the blood of the martyrs in Scotland, who brought about a Solemn League & Covenant, written in blood, that would forever protect Scotland from those looking to deny the royal priesthood of believers. For thou hast brought about what is described in the Coronation Service of the nation’s monarch as ‘the most valuable thing this world affords.’
“Scriptures that cost the blood of Tyndale:
He gave his life so that we can have a Bible today unpolluted from the Alexandrian line that includes NIV and all new translations.
A real hero of the faith!
Intercession through Brian Mason to bring the conditions of how blood was shed so that the King would ultimately authorize the true Bible.
Scriptures that cost the blood previously of the Covenanters; previously of the Oxford Martyrs. For these scriptures are pure, & free of the influence of the Vatican; scriptures authorized by a king not only coronated in England, but also in Scotland; scriptures for the whole world, a finished canon, not one to be altered by the vagrancies of the Vatican & the Bible Societies, but a finished canon pure, precious & holy, now to be referred to once more, as the Holy Bible. The Holy Bible. Oh! You can trust it. It is this that the Bible College of Wales has been restored to bring back the lost, even evangelical & Pentecostal movements, to the throne of grace, where they can repent before God, & restore the visions of thy founders.
“Now, as you give to this cause, please give from the heart to those who take no wages, give up their worldly goods & pensions, to a cause that saves lives.
“To those who have put money to the cause, at times of great need, at times of great suffering, when My faithful have suffered to such a degree that some have responded by giving loans to the ministry: under EU infiltration the courts & authorities gave no protection from these agents of despair. On this ministry, there needs to be a jubilee, & recognition of the price that has been paid. Openness & transparency, & even admission of faults when under pressure, have been the order of the day for this ministry, bringing about its humility,
“Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed.”
[James 5:16]
“that the holiness of this ministry has not been achieved through man’s pride, but through man’s complete brokenness, being crucified with Christ, to live, but not as themselves, but Me, living not by their faith, but Mine.
“But now is the time for the intercession, the final intercession of Norman Grubb, to manifest: ‘that they may be one, as we are one,’ declareth the Lord.
“And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one” [John 17:22]
“Oh! They are not their own; they were bought with a price.
“What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? 20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.” [I Corinthians 6:19-20]
“Their unity is in Me,
“But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.” [I Corinthians 6:17]
“partakers of the divine nature,
“whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.” [I Peter 1:4]
“members of My body, flesh & bones. Oh! They have been weak, but now strong.
“Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.” [II Corinthians 12:10].
“They are married unto Me.
“Turn, O backsliding children, saith the Lord; for I am married unto you:” [Jeremiah 3:14]
“for we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. 31 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. 32 This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.” [Ephesians 5:30-32]
“What then was the final intercession of Norman Grubb? It’s in all the letters Norman wrote to David’s dad, ‘There never was an independent me – formerly walking satans, now by grace, walking christs.’
“Oh! The one Christ, the one Christ alone; but the one Christ in the hearts of all believers, walking this earth, not with the lusts of the flesh, but with the passions of the martyrs, who like Me, gave their lives for the salvation of others.”
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” [John 3:16]
“Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world.” [I John 4:17]
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,” [I Peter 1:3]
“We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not; but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not.” [I John 5:18].
At the passing of my natural brother Paul who it has emerged with full British Government authority worked with the IRA to hunt out and prosecute Pedophile Priests of the Roman Catholic Church – it needs to be pointed out that the philosophical root of this governmental permission was utilitarianism, rather than the Constitutional Acts of the British nation which demanded repentance by faith at Skibbereen, and mutual forgiveness of the British and Irish peoples. Instead an unsteady peace with many victims remains unsolved, this failing to deal with the root of sin now resulting in the weeds branching up again, there being only one cure for this ……
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 26/03/19
At the passing away of thy natural brother Paul ………
who had opposed this ministry over many years
“You looked to reach out to thy natural brother, in his dying days.
You had a letter written by Me, not thee, which thou must show all over the world, as thou proclaimest thy love for thy dying brother.
Thou lovedst him, thou lovedst him; & from thy heart thou proclaimed unto him a blessing, of thine forgiveness in the midst of many years of separation.
Thou lovedst him.
“You Knew the Key: ‘If you Hearken…’”
About this Ministry and the attempt of reconciliation with the natural brother of David P Griffiths - Paul
“If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the Lord that healeth thee.” [Exodus 15:26]
“You had a witch-doctor come to kill you. You heard My voice. My voice declared, ‘Use My name; use my name.’
“From thy heart, thou proclaimed My name. Thou wert young in the mission. Thou had many things to learn; but you used My name. The witch-doctor in the meeting was looking to kill thee; but you had used My name. Thou wast proclaiming My Word. Healings were taking place, & the witch-doctor whose income thou wast taking, looked to thwart thy ministry, in one of the hottest jungles in the world. But thou knew to use My name.
“Thou was in a learning curve; but you knew to use My name. ‘As Me on this earth’, so My Word declares.
“Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world.” [I John 4:17]
“You knew no identification crisis. You knew it was I standing there, not thee. For ‘I’ no longer live, but Christ, living by the faith of the Son of God, thou had no identity crisis. For thy lesson to give at this time, is that there is no separation in being one in Christ. ‘I live, yet not I’, means being as Him, for which the devil has no inroad. You see, this is such a powerful message that little know in the Western world. But thou learned in the fiercest of jungles.
“Since then, thou hast learned to confess weakness regularly, knowing that thou art to be as the begotten Son of God.
“But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.” [I Corinthians 6:17]
“whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.” [II Peter 1:4]
“For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church: 30 for we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.” [Ephesians 5:29-30]
“You know, all this thou knowest & thou learnest. My Word does not declare, ‘If thou pray…’, but a victory over sickness, disease & infirmity was won at Calvary. My Word declares, ‘If thou hearken…’
“Now, this is a life-giving message. At the time of thy natural brother’s death, it is a message to bring life, not natural reaction of philosophy against thee. It is a time for all to hear from God themselves. It is a time for all to lay down burden, lay down sin, lay down human philosophy, lay down human reaction, right at the cross of Calvary. It is a time for all to come to that cross, My Word being for all to pick up My cross, & follow Me.
“This is My word at this time, of thy natural brother’s death. It is one of life, blessing & understanding; for thy brother did not know the things that thou knowest. He did not have the experience of Hindu gods physically manifesting at the end of his bed that thou faced in Andhra Pradesh. He had not experienced the tremendous breakdown that this caused thee to have, being broken to the core; not having any help but Christ; knowing that it was not just a matter of saying the name of Jesus. The sons of Sceva learned that.
“Then certain of the vagabond Jews, exorcists, took upon them to call over them which had evil spirits the name of the Lord Jesus, saying, We adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preacheth. 14 And there were seven sons of one Sceva, a Jew, and chief of the priests, which did so. 15 And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are ye? 16 And the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on them, and overcame them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded. 17 And this was known to all the Jews and Greeks also dwelling at Ephesus; and fear fell on them all, and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified.” [Acts 19:13-17]
“It is a matter of complete brokenness. Thy natural father experienced that in Africa. It involves major weakness, major brokenness; & thou experienced this in its beginnings, in Andhra Pradesh, India, just as thine own natural father experienced this on his own, in the heat of the African jungle.
“You looked to reach out to thy natural brother, in his dying days. You had a letter written by Me, not thee, which thou must show all over the world, as thou proclaimest thy love for thy dying brother. Thou lovedst him, thou lovedst him; & from thy heart thou proclaimed unto him a blessing, of thine forgiveness in the midst of many years of separation. Thou lovedst him.
“You had learned in the Andhra Pradesh jungle, to use My name; & from then on, many years of prophetic word which thou hast on-line; & thou became a target for the god of this world. For those who use My name in the first person of prophecy, are continuously targeted by the god of this world; that is whom conspirators call the Deep State, or the New World Order.
“Look at the $1 bill, its pyramid & declaration, the symbol of those looking to hold the world in the control of a New World Order. Through this death of self, through the faith of the Son of God, thou hast continuously resisted those who have attacked thee through the understanding of the human mind, rather than the mind of Christ.
“Thy life can be explained in II Corinthians 4 & 5; & those around thee have helped thee through major times of trouble, taking pity on thee, lending money to thee at times of great trouble & persecution, which in one’s human state, one could not handle.
​“Thou wantest all for the gospel – nothing else; & thou became targeted by the god of this world. A threat by text was sent to thee in 2010, that thou would be destroyed by official channels. Thy ministry has been infiltrated on many occasions, resulting in great losses. Thy suffering has been immense.
​“Thou had learned in Andhra Pradesh to use My name; but thou heard through Manuel Scott Junior, evangelist of the USA, that if they crucified Him, they would crucify you; & there you are, acting as Me, to come under the greatest of persecution.
​“In these circumstances, thy natural mother reacted to help thee, with loans to help thee through the greatest of persecutions. It was coming at thee from every angle, & thy natural mother reacted amongst others to help thee. Such was the persecution, such was the suffering.
​“In asking for understanding, this is the context of how you, Lindsay & David, have lost all thy worldly wealth.
​“But like the apostle Paul declared that all that he had lost, he counted but dung.
​“Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ, 9 and be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:” [Philippians 3:8-9]
​“Having learned all this, thou climbed the steps of a haunted house in Cheshire, beneath a hill of great witchcraft. The owner of the house had been going through great oppression herself. Spirits had been manifesting before her, just as thou had experienced in Andhra Pradesh. In fact, the attack was so great that when one climbed her loft, at her request, thou was flung by a devil of great might, somehow turning around from those steps to land head-first on a radiator, cutting thine head wide open; & thou knew not to pray.
​“Thou knew to ask for a towel, to stop the blood gushing out of thy head. For one knew not to pray. One knew to wait for the Saviour.
​“And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.”
[Colossians 1:18]
​“You knew I would come; for the Word declares I am in intercession for thee; & thou knew to wait on that word of intercession; & thou wast sitting in Warrington General Hospital, awaiting a great procedure to put thy head back together again; but thou hearedst My voice. Thou knewedst of the prayer of agreement, that if thou speak out the words of My Word with Me, then thou shalt be healed.
​“At this time of thy natural brother’s death, one can only give this word to those who grieve. Whether they take any notice, is of them to choose; but thou chose to speak out the words of life. I said to ‘say with Me, say with Me’; an urgency was in My voice. ‘Say with Me these words, not as a formula, not as a vain repetition.” But from the heart of the One who had written these words in the book of Isaiah.
“He is despised and rejected of men;
a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief:
and we hid as it were our faces from him;
he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
4 Surely he hath borne our griefs,
and carried our sorrows:
yet we did esteem him stricken,
smitten of God, and afflicted.
5 But he was wounded for our transgressions,
he was bruised for our iniquities:
the chastisement of our peace was upon him;
and with his stripes we are healed.”
[Isaiah 53:3-5]
​“These are words of life thou art giving to those around thy natural brother. For like the early apostles, thou hast given up all that thou hast in the natural senses, for this cause; & My Word to thy brother’s natural family is this: ‘Silver & gold have I none, but such as I have, I give to thee’. Thou hast these words of eternal life, ‘In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up & walk.’
“Thou hast no natural house to offer them, no natural money or resources; but at this time of great grief around thy natural brother’s death, thou can only give this name, the name above every name, that at the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow; & through these years of suffering & turmoil, that name has meant more than all the wealth of this earth.
​“All this has meant rejection, a walking away from, commonly of those who were close to you; but thou hast forgiven, thou hast loved, thou hast cried out to Me, in the midst of the greatest provocation. For thy testimony is in the midst of the greatest of persecutions, having lost practically all that thou had, in Inverness, Scotland, where one at that time, were naïve, victims of a paramilitary struggle.
​“One’s own natural brother was in the place where thou, Lindsay, had a word of knowledge about.
​“In recent times, an intercessor from the same camp as thy natural father, appeared to stand outside thy Highland Craftworld shop. Thou had seen, Lindsay, where thy goods were being stolen to; & yes, thy natural brother came back, saying in the place where he had gone to live, there were shops selling goods like thou wast selling in Inverness.
​“At that time, one was in conversation with thy natural brother, & he showed concern for thee; for thou was under great threat, not only with having lost most of thy natural wealth. The threat against one’s life was real. One flew to Cheshire, & again one saw great corruption, right at the heart of British society & what was known as Church within it. The degree one was offered from Manchester University, under My instruction, thou refused, to the dismay of many around thee.
​“You were seen as being crazy, for like Peter, you were giving up all to follow Me. But the system targeted thee. Thou had gone through the Andhra Pradesh experience, & the system targeted thee. Thou had realized that it was not the true Bible thou wast being taught, but the satanic counterfeit of Egypt. So one took the lonely road of rejection, all this costing millions to thy family wealth.
​“In amongst all this, there were those around thee who lent thee money out of sympathy towards thee, for you were living the life of taking up My cross.
​“In Ireland, thy natural brother was taking up the cause of exposing major corruption in what was seen as establishment Church in Ireland. But instead of standing in repentance on the death fields of Skibbereen, British government had come to a deal with those of the paramilitary background, who had stolen thy wealth from Inverness.
​“As you continuously point out, with those who had caused heartache & immense grief of families within those of the whole of the island of Ireland, instead of standing on the fields of Skibbereen, where thou, David, hast stood in intercession, where Brian Mason stood in intercession, the British government being found out by My Parliamentary prophet at that time, denied working with paramilitary forces the so-called ‘Peace Agreement’ coming through secrecy, rather than open confession on the fields of Skibbereen.
​“What was required was open confession, open sorrow, on behalf of the British. For it was there, neglect of the Irish people at that time, that brought about the rising of paramilitary forces.
​“At the root of all this, is a natural family link to these parts; & so, what emerged of a break in relationship between natural brother & natural brother, was deep-rooted in the past, this needing to be considered deeply spiritually at this time, particularly with the letter I wrote through David to his natural brother on his death-bed.
​“In this letter, seen at the end of this prophecy, is forgiveness, love & compassion. These are deep things, deep-rooted things, so intercessions took place at Inverness, not only at the Highland Craftworld shop, but also where a preacher had been poisoned, enough to kill him at that time, such was the spiritual link of death at this time of paramilitary struggle.
​“One can only appeal to those around thy natural brother at this time, of understanding the deep-rooted context of all that had happened to bring about the breakdown of natural relationship.
​“David had rejected the base of natural qualification to gain financial wealth for his family, whereas at that time, his natural brother Paul was part of an establishment system that did look after its own. The EU has supplied great wealth to charities with whom Paul worked, whereas David had rejected the security of that system, having gone through the experience intimated in this prophecy; & the attacks kept coming & coming, one after another, which those of the natural mind could not comprehend. David & Lindsay were being stupid, being silly, for they were waiting on the logic of heaven, rather than the logic of earth. Even at this time, they received a ‘phone call from Inverness, saying what they are looking to achieve is impossible. Being ‘not real’ has been a common complaint against them; & indeed with the natural eye, they are not real, not of human thought. With no end of actions against them, they have stood firm on being in the impossible.
​“Through many years, they have looked to where the next penny was coming from, being receivers of bills rather than the tithes & offerings of the people. They have been like the cries of Malachi. They have built a massive storehouse through immense suffering, proclaiming the true Word of God of the Antioch line, not one interfered with by the Vatican, but of the Antioch line, the true Word of God, the Word that declares Jesus to be the Son of God, not a son of the gods; a finished canon, not that of the Nestle- Aland Committee that continuously changes the doctrines of scripture. For My Word warns of this.
"Hell" removed 23 times!
"Repent" removed 44 times!
"Damned" not in at all!
2,289 NKJV word removals from N.T. ALONE!
​Deut. 4:2 Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.
​Rev. 22:18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:
Who has done this – The Vatican & The Bible Societies guilty of the Unpardonable Sin ….
No wonder the Establishment Church and State is falling apart at this time. Their own admission repeated:
The text shared by these two editions was adopted internationally by Bible Societies, and following an agreement between the Vatican and the United Bible Societies it has served as the basis for new translations and for revisions made under their supervision.
This marks a significant step with regard to inter confessional relationships. It should naturally be understood that this text is a working text (in the sense of the century-long Nestle tradition): it is not to be considered as definitive, but as a stimulus to further efforts toward defining and verifying the text of the New Testament .........
“For David & Lindsay have taken on a massive New World Order, a massive Deep State, & have stood fearlessly in this battle, mighty in valour, as I declared to Gideon; & as all this now begins to be understood, one can only cry out like Malachi, for the support of family, the encouragement of family, rather than threats of the natural mind. An understanding of the deep roots of family history needs to be grasped; for the key message of this word to family is, ‘If you hearken…’
​“If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the Lord that healeth thee.” [Exodus 15:26]
​Letter of Reconciliation to Paul …..
“Dear Paul,
​“Greetings to you in the precious name of Christ Jesus.
​“How sorry Lindsay & I are to hear of your medical diagnosis. It has for many years been our belief that it was the Lord’s intention that we worked as a family together to continue not only the ministry of our earthly father, but also that of Lindsay’s dad too. It’s interesting to note from Christine, how you have asked Stewart to read the Beatitudes at your funeral, which we know we can’t attend because, frankly, we know we would not be welcome.
​Matthew 5:1-12 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain: and when he was set, his disciples came unto him: 2 and he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying, 3 Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 4 Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. 5 Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. 6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. 7 Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. 8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. 9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. 10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 11 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. 12 Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.
​“However, we look forward one day to being with you in heaven, where none of this will matter. This is far more important; & to hear from Christine how you have been guided is a great thrill & excitement to us. To be free as a family together in heaven, because of the shed blood of Christ Jesus, is one we praise the Lord for.
​“Lindsay & I have nothing of earthly possession. We were threatened in 2010, to be destroyed through official channels; & the devil has done all he can to do that. All this followed having been called of the Lord to go back to mission hall days, like I hear you’ve been called to do. This is all the same. We began our ministry, Lindsay & I, with the Beatitudes. We were called back to mission hall days. We got to work with those in USA who worked with Norman Grubb, who worked with our earthly father in the Lord.
​“The legal investigations constantly against us have cost us thousands. In one case, Lindsay & I were taken into a small room by a barrister of another faith, & threatened that if we did not pay £9,000, in effect we would be destroyed. We appealed for money to pay this, but it did not come. So it was lent by a brother, to whom we still owe most of it.
​“We have no funds to even consider our funerals. It has all gone. Like Rees Howells, we’ve said we’re finished with ownership, & trust the Lord day by day for our existence; & like the apostle Paul, we have been able to say we count all that we’ve lost but dung. Like him, we’ve had legal action after legal action come against us, including legal actions brought about by yourselves. But we forgive, thousands of times over.
​“We so much love you, & simply ask one thing: that like Christine & Stewart have assured us, there will be no more legal actions.
​“In our human form, we’re all but weak vessels; but in the Lord, we are all more than conquerors. What we do in the Lord is of our own weakness, but in His strength. “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”
​“We still believe there can be a miracle in your life; my God, we do. I remember the Lord coming to me after 5 bouts of pneumonia, when at times I thought I was going to die, but knew Jesus would come. He told us to get the ministry ready to hand over to younger people. We’re in process of doing this, but further legal action would threaten this. I can only tell you, we’ll continue the wonderful ministry of both our mum & dad, who both had triumphant days in the Lord, despite of severe financial difficulty.
​“We can remember hiding under the table from the insurance man on the door. It’s as if we have been chosen to live like that too. But it’s God’s will that we prosper & be in health, “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth,” to fulfil His calling on earth; & that on God delivering you on earth from this affliction, then our offer for you to work with us still counts. But on Him calling you to heaven, then we look forward to seeing you there.
​“We remember singing in Sunday school, ‘If you get there before I do, look out for me, for I’m coming too. Away, far beyond Jordan, we’ll meet in that beautiful land.’
​“Following is the letter from our Aunty Tessie, our dad’s intercessor way back in the 1930s, which I’ve shown at meetings on TV & in the States, & on the internet. It sums everything up, of the spiritual battle we go through in life.
“Lindsay & I would love to share it with you. There’s so much to tell you; but it does not seem possible now. So please know of our forgiveness & love, our heartfelt concern & love for your children. Of Rachel, I know she knows of these things which I write. I don’t know of Andrew; but I do know that it is God’s will that they know of these things of which I write; that through the precious blood of Jesus, we can all meet one day in that beautiful place.
​“So, in the Lord Jesus we say, we love you. There’s great prayer going up for you from our affiliated college in Sri Lanka. Suresh, who our earthly mother knew, is in deep prayer about your situation, & everything around it. “For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”
“Like Tessie’s letter to our dad, this letter is written in tears, our love to you; & whilst we would love to be in ministry together on earth in our mum & dad’s call, we still know & know & know that through Christ Jesus’ blood, we’ll all be together in heaven one day.”
David and Lindsay
Word 1 from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 21/04/19
For the Voice of Prophecy Newspaper:
“The Solution Lies in the Streets of Skibbereen & the Fields of Abbeystrewry”
“This is the heart of the matter: the streets of suffering, leading to the fields of death, where the British monarch needs to stand today, to call an end to the Irish struggles, to enable Britain & Ireland to properly be at peace with one another, with an open border, deep friendship, open trading, nations together, not apart.
“The utilitarian stand has failed miserably; & we need to return to what Roman Catholics call the ‘Our Father’, & Protestants call ‘The Lord’s Prayer’, as we declare to the Father an asking of forgiveness, on condition that we mutually forgive one another.
“This is the solution to the Irish Troubles: for the British monarch to say this prayer on the streets of Skibbereen,
“for the Irish Taoiseach to join in that prayer; for the British government to deeply repent for leaving these dear Irish people to suffer so badly, with so many bitternesses following, resulting in Irish military units being set up. If we are to have a deep, lasting peace in Ireland, then there has to be this mutual forgiveness, & an expression of love, & deep friendship to one another, as we love our neighbours as ourselves.
“What a moment that will be! A moment that today will affect the streets of Derry (or Londonderry), & bring peace right into the heart of places of sad history. Expressions of love for one another can occur, freedom of choice, freedom of religion of both Britain & Ireland coming to the ethical positions of the Word of God, rather than the philosophies of man.
“On the Bogside is waved a socialist flag, declaring a free Derry. But Derry is not free from the threat of violence, & can only be free through mutual forgiveness; a forgiveness that could be seen in the faces of Ian Paisley & Martin McGuinness, who became known as the Chuckle Brothers of Ireland.
Oh for Britain & Ireland to be full of chuckles, rather than grief, suffering & despair!
“Our ministry has stood at a Mission Hall on the Shankhill Road, declaring this love & forgiveness. Our ministry has stood right at the heart of the Falls Road; & as you have seen, at the Bogside too, with its great heart of intercession for a peaceful Ireland.
02 04 17
Right in the heart of Protestant Belfast lies this mission hall proclaiming the true scriptures of the Antioch line - the Authorized Version of the Bible.
It is a joy to see that Belfast maintains its mission halls and Intercessor Brian Mason cries out from this special place for all to receive the true Christ, not the false Christ of the separate Priesthood, the the TRUE LORD JESUS CHRIST - the heart of the mission hall!
In Christ Jesus there is neither Jew nor Greek, Protestant or Catholic and here at the heart of Catholic Belfast stands Brian Mason Intercessor crying out reconciliation but not of the earthly kind, that the coming together of the peoples of Ireland needs to be in CHRIST JESUS DIRECTLY not via a priest or special person but to HIM DIRECTLY - this is the heart of the intercession.
“What has taken over has been the philosophies of man. The utilitarianism of Jeremy Bentham deals of freedom from prosecution for one side, but not the other. Foreign interference has been at the root of this, of an EU form of socialism that in effect has stirred up again the Troubles of Ireland.
“Thus, intercession has taken place at Rosslare that is the economic border between Ireland & the EU.
Brian Mason Intercessor at the Irish Gateway to the European Union, a nation now under threat as Britain embraces its freedom, so can Ireland and other EU nations be set free too? Not only does Britain need to be free from the over-regulated approach of the EU - but all the countries of Europe! Free trade is one thing but to control nations through un-elected officials including those representing big money interest like Goldman Sachs is one of bondage rather than freedom!
For these ties have brought havoc to the island of Ireland, to the peoples of the North & the South, with the British people wanting to support the Irish economy, & vice versa, the EU looking to affect this deep-rooted relationship of the deepest form of forgiveness.
“But Bentham’s utilitarianism took over. This declares the ‘greater good’ takes over; but what it does not deal with is the root of the sin. It deals only with the surface; & because the root of sin is not dealt with, this root will set forth branches again.
“This is what is happening on the streets of Derry/Londonderry. What happened when Ian Paisley pointed out the sins of the Republican side? John Major’s government denied their negotiations with Republican military units; & it is they who received freedom from prosecution, for the ‘greater good.’ To repeat:
“But this did not deal with the root, only the surface, enabling social workers like Paul Griffiths, brother of David, to deal with surface sin, bad as it was. Bad as the Roman Catholic priests were towards children, it never dealt with the root. For on the Protestant side, British soldiers today are being prosecuted today in their retirement, for their actions in the fray of un-forgiveness.
“Protestant families have never been compensated sufficiently for the loss of loved ones; & in the case of the ministry of David & Lindsay Griffiths, they have not been compensated for the loss of their financial resources that were stolen for this paramilitary struggle. For even though they had the proof of prosecution, they were not allowed to use it because of the ‘greater good’ philosophy of the British government, not acting under its own Constitution, which is ignored to this day. Thus, legal case after legal case has occurred against this ministry, the prosecutors becoming the defendants, resulting in a massive family split, with one side taking the stance of utilitarianism to deal with surface sin, the other taking the stand of Britain’s Protestant Constitutional Acts, to deal with the root of it; & from this comes the threat towards Protestant families today, who are far from being free from prosecution.
“From this has come the building of what are known as far right groups, in the North, who are growing on the base of this unfairness; groups who are constantly prosecuted under the socialist utilitarian laws of the EU, groups who will say they are standing for the British Constitutional Acts of Protestantism.
“So, divisions are rising to the surface again in Ireland; from ‘Britain First’ in Northern Ireland, & the “Real IRA” in the Bogside.
“We come back to the solution: the streets of Skibbereen, the fields of Abbeystrewry; for the Taoiseach to say the ‘Our Father’; for the monarch to say ‘The Lord’s Prayer’; for the second Elizabeth to embrace the Constitutional Acts of the first Elizabeth; to remove this EU philosophy of Utilitarian Socialism, & to bring to the fore the Act of Supremacy, that not only has Jesus on the cross, taking away our sins & iniquities; also our sicknesses & disease.
“From here will come the freedom of the unborn child, back to the island of Ireland, for both the Roman Catholic side, & the Protestant side; for the utilitarian stance only dealt with surface sin! The deeper sin is in the abortion of the unborn child.
“Prosecutions now need to cease on all sides, in relation to the Troubles. Compensations need to be paid, as Zacchaeus gave compensation to his victims, of people like the Griffiths, then of Inverness, who lost most of their wealth to the Troubles; & more importantly, to the people of Ireland, who suffer even today because of the loss of loved ones.
“The cry of the forgiveness of Enniskillen needs to be the cry of us all today.”
“After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. 10 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. 11 Give us this day our daily bread. 12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. 13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. 14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: 15 but if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” [Matthew 6:9-15]
Word 2 from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 21/04/19
“The Roman Catholic People are very Precious to God; What is not at all Precious
is the Roman Catholic System that Binds them”
“We have discovered in this Newspaper that the Nestle-Aland Commission forever changes doctrine in line with the corrupt codices of Vaticanus, Sinaiticus & Alexandrinus.
“By changing the Word of God continuously, in the Vatican’s alliance with the Bible Societies, the Word declares that there is no hope for this Commission. For the ever-changing Word has brought the conditions for the philosophies of man to take over from the Word of God.
“Jesus healed the mother-in-law of Peter, said to be the first Pope, so how can there be celibate priests, supported in the Word of God? Indeed, how can there be a separate priesthood? For each man, woman & child that comes to the cross in repentance becomes part of the royal priesthood of believers, joint heirs with Christ, one spirit in Him, married unto Him, with the access to the Father through Jesus alone. And so, we have a people now bound by the traditions of men, rather than being led of the Spirit of God.
Matthew 8:14-15 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
14 And when Jesus was come into Peter’s house, he saw his wife’s mother laid, and sick of a fever. 15 And he touched her hand, and the fever left her: and she arose, and ministered unto them.
1 Peter 2:9 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:
“From here has come the Roman Catholic social policy that not only binds the people of Ireland, but the people of Britain, & the whole of Europe. Indeed, in Brussels the EU set up a Commission of Bishops, that a form of Romanist socialism should dominate the social laws of the EU.
“This is not the socialism of Keir Hardie, Ramsay MacDonald, & the Tolpuddle Martyrs. This is a form of socialism that has been grounded in the school of theology at Alexandria, where Gnostics brought together the ideologies of men with aspects of spirituality that had their roots in the Pharaohs of Egypt rather than the pure Word of God.
“It is for this that the EU will not let the people of Britain go, the people of Britain being as Moses, crying out to let them go.
“The Pharaohs of the EU, however, have other ideas. They align themselves with the might of the god of this world, that manifests through a Romanist ideology that on one hand, helps the people, but on the other, places them under a control of the Luciferian scriptures that deny the deity & power of the name of Jesus.
“Not for them that the people should know that they should become partakers of Christ’s divine nature, with free access to the table of the Lord, as a joint heir with Christ, rather than having to bow down to a priest.
2 Peter 1:4 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
4 whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
Romans 8:17 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
17 and if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.
“You see, this is the control at the root of the EU social policies; why social workers take over lives & decisions, rather than support them & respect them.
“You see, God wants to bring to the people of Britain & Ireland, His love that took Him to the cross, but is prevented from doing by ideologies that have their root in the Egyptian pharaohs.
“At its formation in the 1920s, the founder of the Bible College of Wales, Rees Howells, discovered that agents of the Vatican were taking over buildings near the great universities of Britain, so that they may take over & control & mesmerise the minds of the people. They knew that if they could influence the most educated, that would run down to the least.
“At that time, that ideology was already prevalent in Ireland, & agents of the Vatican have influenced every area of society, in practical terms removing the crest of the British monarch & all that stands for, from every legal decision, both criminal & civil. This has brought about a people in Britain & Ireland enslaved to the Vatican Pharaohs. Over-regulation has brought fear rather than the joy to the people, a people under control because they are divided. Procedures & policies have to be brought together, because people are afraid of being sued by each other, & so by creating division through over-regulation, the Pharaoh can even more control the people.
“The opening declaration of the Bible College of Wales was never to fight the dear Roman Catholic people, but to fight the system that binds them, with every ounce of Rees Howells’ energy in the Lord.
The Spirit of God came on me to fight that Church: it was God’s anger in me towards the Church of Rome, keeping those five million souls in darkness on the Continent and elsewhere. I entered into a world where fellowship with people was not to count, the only fellowship was with those martyrs who had laid down their lives for the liberty of the Gospel. When I saw that Deed, the strength of God came into me, and changed my body from clay to steel.
Rees Howells Intercessor Norman Grubb, Lutterworth Press.
“The Bible declares whatsoever we shall bind on earth, is bound in the heavenly realm; & whatsoever we shall loose on earth, is loosed in the heavenly realm; & now, in its restoration, the Bible College of Wales, the Original Vision, has stood through great times of persecution & legal action against it, legal cases that that are founded not in the Constitutional Acts of Great Britain, but at the hands of the Romanist Pharaoh, with his great control over the people.
“Even the charities are affected. Huge sums of monies are given to them, to ensure nations are kept under this European Pharaoh. Daniel Hannan MEP reports the amount given to the following charities,
Action Aid, the NSPCC, One World Action and Oxfam – 43,051,542.95 either pounds or euros A Doomed Marriage: Britain and Europe Daniel Hannan, Notting Hill Editions.
All this is clearly associated with their support of the Lisbon Treaty designed to bring nations further under the Pharaoh.
“The people however, as in Egypt, are rising up against the Pharaoh. Even in Ireland, in vast numbers are rejecting this control of the Roman Catholic Church. And so, we are called, as the body of Christ, to explain the true gospel to the people of a mesmerised Europe, remembering Christ Jesus gave His life for the world – the whole world.
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”[John 3:16]
“What is noticeable, however, is that the Romanist scriptures leave out the begotten Son of God, & replace Him with a Jesus that is one with Lucifer, the very beginning of our Newspaper.
“Agents of the Vatican have infiltrated this prophetic ministry time after time again, to try & get us in line with the churches which they control through Alpha courses, through the Emerging Church.
For the Vatican has taken over movement after movement, Church fellowship after Church fellowship, nation after nation.
Matthew 24:24 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
Brian Mason before the gate of what has been exposed as THE ANTICHRIST of the last days, so great, yet so pathetic a title that this simple Parish Church of Holy Trinity Brompton be transformed into being such a den of the occult that only deep intercession as here can set free even the very elect who have been persuaded by its Jezebels and Absaloms infiltrating and deceiving some of the greatest movements man has ever know.
Correct but just as LOVE and the GOSPEL is the person - JESUS CHRIST; so then the deceiver of souls is ANTI-GOSPEL, a person and it is the ALPHA (in manifestation the course) - not the Alpha and Omega that is THE ANTICHRIST OF THE LAST DAYS!
Contact us to register for the
Bible College of Wales - The Original Vision COURSE on THE OTHER JESUS -
to study how the Antichrist has operated at this five to midnight hour before
2 Corinthians 11:4 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
4 For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.
“But those in the Bible College of Wales are lifting up the rod of authority, opening up the spiritual Red Sea, to lead people to the Promised Land of redemption, to the cross of the true Jesus, the begotten Son of God, the only way to the Father.”
“Jesus saith unto him,
I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”
[John 14:6]
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There is a board of trustees (Feb 2020):
David and Lindsay Griffiths, Barry Trayhorn, Haroon Masih, Brian Mason, Ravinder Singh, Suresh Ramachandran.
Our Professional Team: LCMI’s books are audited by Zoe Devonport, Chartered Accountant, H R Davies & Co Ltd., 33 Chester Road West, Queensferry, Shotton, Deeside, CH5 1SA.
LCMI’s Legal Affairs in England & Wales are dealt with by Dylan R Moore, David Jones Solicitors, 22, Trinity Square, Llandudno, Conwy, LL30 2RH; in Scotland by Helena G Fox, A B & A Matthews Solicitors, 37, Albert Street, Newton Stewart, Dumfries & Galloway, DG8 6EG.
David P Griffiths’s dad
in the 1930’s
David P Griffiths now in Africa in the 21st century continuing the work of dad …..
LCMI Trust: England & Wales - Charity Commission No. 1065192
Scotland – OSCR Registration No. SCO48778
The Bible College of Wales
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