.... he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost ,and with fire
update: 10 February 2025
Every Creature Commission TV youtube channel

Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 20/11/14
“The Money Supply is Fine, saith the Lord, if…”
“The money supply is to be placed back into the hands of the people, instead of in the hands of unelected bodies, who instead of taking the views of the people, have an agenda to control the people, who work hard to bring about the wealth.
“The present scenario of banking is one, bluntly, of theft, coming from the one who comes to kill, steal & destroy. This is why the justice element of thy A.C.P. statement is so vital. For to bring to justice the banks, who illegally control
money for their own benefit, who blacklist others who do not fit into their own criteria, who grossly interfere with the affairs of government with their own controls of the money supply; who, as you have pointed out for yourselves, grossly interfere with the affairs of justice.
“What you must do, is bring them under the crest of thy monarch, towards a judge completely conversant with the Constitutional Acts of thy nation, which thou is honour bound to do.
“Thy intercessor tells Me what I am honour bound to do; so I am telling youwhat you are honour bound to do in My name. For thou art My body on earth. Thou has all authority over the devil, the head of the body working as one, & the money supply that has been suppressed from coming to thee, is because of corruption at the highest level of banking.
“This money supply must now come back into the hands of those upholding the Constitutional Acts of thy nation; of those who will bring to justice those who have allowed foreigners to control thy money supply; & whilst it is good to have free trade agreements, it is not My will that Britain should have any part of integrating its legal & political processes with the global order, except that of the Commonwealth nations & the United States of America. For these nations, the Constitutional Acts of Great Britain & the Mayflower Compact are the basis on which to operate, these documents being based on the Word of God.
“Within this stability, the money supply is allowed to flow, all these nations prospering.
“Now, for nations not within this grouping, a grouping of freedom of choice; a grouping without dictators, a grouping without religious persecution, a grouping in which the people are free, by having their needs met through sound investments, communities coming together, in relation to community projects to develop bases within their community for everyone to benefit. As thou hast witnessed in Amish areas, there will be no crime, for the criminal element from the top will have been removed.
“Remove the corruption element from governments & banks, & you influence from the top down, the money supply should be in the hands of the people, where it should always have been, rather than in the hands of greedy bankers & stock-holders, who exploit the people for their own ends.
“For example, gone will be the designer label sweatshops, for narconomics will be a thing of the past. For the wealth will be shared equally amongst the people, throughout the Commonwealth of nations; that includes the United States of America.
“Yes, entrepreneurship will flourish; but not the entrepreneurship which exploits the people, but from community-based entrepreneurs, whose heart is to benefit all of the people, not just themselves.
“They will say this is a form of communism, for everyone is equal. Well, communism is a philosophy of man, whereas the Word of God, God gave His Son so that all the people would be joint heirs with Him.
“Now do you understand? God has shared His riches through His Son, for those who respond to Him, He makes heirs with Christ.
“And so, the will of God in heaven is the will of God on earth. So those with riches share their wealth with all of the people.
“This is why you have given up your wealth for the benefit of all the people. This is why others have given up their wealth for the benefit of all the people. This is why it is harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God; for they see that their wealth is their own wealth & not the Lord’s. For the earth is the Lord’s, & the fullness thereof. The world’s resources are the Lord’s.
“Thou hast had sacrificial Trustees who have seen that. Yet thou art attacked by those who have the old-fashioned own wealth scenario, when I have called thee together to lay all thy goods down at the feet of those who work, not for personal gain, but for the benefit of all the people.
“You see, all around you are those who have their faith in their own money supply. Rees Howells’ ministry was so successful because it saw its wealth as belonging to God, not themselves, personal ownership being a barrier for the growth of the Church.
“Why do you think I told those with riches to sell what they had, give to the poor, & follow Me? ‘It’s too high a price,’ they said. Yet the Lord God gave His only begotten Son; & so sacrifice is the key element of the Christian life.
“The early Church said, ‘Silver & gold have I none. Such as I have, give thou thee. In the name of Jesus Christ,’ this name representing the ultimate sacrifice, of blood shed for the benefit of all the people.
“Such is the true Christian. He or she will give his whole life for the benefit of the people, never mind monies. That is insignificant, the true Christian is the one who is prepared to give his or her own life for the gospel.
“Yes, of course it is the will of God for God’s people to prosper & be in health. But this is in a certain context. That context is one of sacrifice. For to establish the covenant of God, one must be prepared to put all on the line yourself for the benefit of all the people.
“This is how the Bible College of Wales operated, with deep surrender, deep sacrifice. It was never intended for those to control it with large amounts of money, to restore the mantle of Rees Howells that can only come with those prepared to place everything on the line for the benefit of the people.
“Hence the testimonies in ‘Rees Howells, Intercessor’ through your brother Grubb; & within this context came the intercession, that affected those in governments, just as what happened at Eastleigh.
“You see, within this context comes the challenge to God to honour His Word. But this challenge of honour can only come from those like Rees Howells, who laid everything down.
“You see, when My body lays everything down in covenant, so does the Head; & I am honour bound to bring My glory.
“This is how the taps on the shoulder in the missionary days of the 30s occurred. Individuals knew they must not keep wealth for themselves, but give it to those who are fully surrendered.
“Where today can I find those who have laid their whole lives down? In Western nations, I find so-called Christians who have their faith in their own wealth rather than God’s. I find, too, false prophets & apostles, manipulating people for the benefit of their own ministries, rather than God’s.
“By restoring the mantle of Rees Howells. Thou hast brought light to the darkness; & they investigate you because your philosophy is one that believes the wealth belongs to God, government bodies not under-standing the sacrificerequired to be a real Christian.
“This is thy position: ‘the earth is the Lord’s, & the fullness thereof.’ And in this belief system, the wealth is distributed for the glory of God. The waste places get built up; & in this building up to God’s glory, we see nations flourish; for the money supply is in the hands of people who sacrifice, rather than those who operate for selfish gain.
“It is these people you bring to justice, not the people of sacrifice, who must not come under letter-of-the-law philosophies, but for the justice & mercy I have ordained for the people of Britain, its Commonwealth, & the United States of America, the other countries needing to come under this umbrella too; on condition they are able to keep to My Constitution-al Acts & the Compact of the United States.
“It is this prophecy that gives the way you operate to all those who investigate your operations. ‘This is how you operate under the law,’ you say, with the question, ‘Are you operating this way too? Or, are you operating a philosophy not of the Constitution of Great Britain, its Commonwealth & the United States?’
“This is the question you must ask. For letter of the law has no place within this Constitution. For what is represented in the crest of the monarch is that the Spirit must take the precedence.
“This is what you show the lawyers & government bodies; & the reason why I say to thee that you say to them, that unless you uphold the Constitutional Acts of the nations & the Compact, then thou must step aside, & give government to the people of sacrifice, rather than personal gain.
“Now, this word that I give thee is thy sword. It is to be used against all those that attack thee. You say that this is your stand, in My name, on the Constitutional Acts & the Compact; & this is the victory.”
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 26/02/11
“Today I want to talk to you about the tithe, & the whole concept of giving; for as thou hast sown over many years into the ministry, it would seem that that sowing has brought much struggle, as the devil has used his every defeated resource to suppress the anointing that relates to the understanding of covenant. The tithe was always a part of covenant, not of the law. ‘If ye be Christ’s, are ye Abraham’s seed.’ It’s this covenant which continues through the Old Testament; the covenant with Abraham, it continues through the New Testament – for as Abraham was prepared to slay his son, so God the Father sent His only begotten Son, that whoso believeth on Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
“Tell the people the tithe is holy unto Me. Tell the people the tithe is non-negotiable. They seem to insist on a New Testament text; I give thee two: ‘If ye be Christ’s, are ye Abraham’s seed.’ Hallelujah. ‘In all things He (meaning I) must have the pre-eminence.’
“So, there are two key words here: ‘seed’ & ‘pre-eminence.’ The tithe is recognition of the understanding that I am the provider. By not recognising that provision, man has become a schemer & manipulator. By recognising that provision, one recognises one’s provision is of God, rather than one’s own resource.
“Yet, there are those who say that people can be rich without the tithe. They are forgetting one thing: the wind is blowing; the rain is falling.
“That which standeth on the Rock will stand. For man’s resource is of sand – it is sinking. Remember the hymn ‘The Solid Rock on which I stand; all other ground is sinking sand.’ And my, is it sinking!
“Thine own abode has become a place where the Word of God is transmitted from 24 hours a day. Thou hast heard from Me, David Owen, My Word & broadcast it world-wide. Likewise, thou hast discerned spirits, David Griffiths, of what is known as the New World Order, that have manipulated the saints into thinking that it is their own positive confession that brings the resource, when it is clear from My Word that it is the faith of the Son of God rather than the faith of man.
“Trust Me now, saith the Lord; trust Me in tithes & offerings. Thou wilt not go short. Recognise thy provider – or is that provision of human, or godly, resource? If it is of human resource, then you rely on yourselves. If it is of God, then you honour Me with tithes & offerings. That is New Testament, that is Old Testament, that is everything.
“Now, as the people of God recognise this obligation, thou hast been trusted with the holy tithe. I have seen thy struggles over the years, as man has looked to manipulate funds from you, rather than give you the holy tithe. And I have seen thine heart. Thou hast seen Kim Freeborn wander the world on mission after mission, his early days of mission having been with thee. His whole dependency has been on hearing from Me. The principles of covenant remain the same. ‘If you hearken unto the voice of your God...’ These principles are clear in Deuteronomy 28. Why do people neglect their titheing & their giving? It is because of human dependency, that dependency being on the god of this world.
“But that dependency is bankrupt. The New World Order manipulates & suppresses the people through their false accounting, & ridiculous world-wide crashes. Are you not aware that the earth is the Lord’s, & the fullness thereof?
“Thou, David, are in a process of exposing the New World Order & its malpractices. Thou hast shown to Me, David, that you are open to be that empty vessel; to expose the god of this world & his financial miscalculations, even to the highest court in thy land.
“Take heed to My Word – it is life. Yet you have been warned that heeding My Word can mean death. Yet My Word declares ‘Attend to My words; they are life to those who find them.’
“And so, David, as you take on the financial institutions of the New World Order, know ye this: it shall not come nigh thee. Thou hast the Psalm 91 protection. So My word to thee is to be fearless, strong, the mighty man of valour in Me. Just as Gideon looked over at the Midianites, laugh at the resources of the New World Order. The earth is the Lord’s, & the fullness thereof.
“What they have is stolen from the people. By exposing the thief, he has to restore. Call, therefore, a trustees’ meeting, a Holy Ghost night, & recognise thy resource is of Me. That which is coming in is of Me – but make sure of the holy tithe. In all things I must have the pre-eminence; yes, in all things I must have the pre-eminence. There thou will be, amazed at the resource that is of Me, as men & women honour the holy tithe, which thou hast been given charge in My name.
“This tithe is holy to the Lord. Thou art right to say thou hast needed resource, My Word declaring I have given thee the power to get the wealth. What to do?
“In answer to this, there is the word covenant. Establish My covenant, saith the Lord. Lean not to thy own understanding, but to the Word of the Lord. The tithe is holy unto the Lord. Hallelujah!”
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths 12/03/11
“I am speaking to you as apostle & prophet. I have purposes to fulfil through your ministry, which requires great wealth.
“Listen to Me constantly as I give you the strategies to create wealth. Remember My Word ‘I have given thee the power to get wealth, to establish My covenant.’
“You have understood My covenant. You need to establish My covenant, which requires you to gain great wealth. Do not give heed at this stage on how you spend that wealth. I will give you the strategies of spending when the time comes.
“Simply gain the wealth. Pay off or remove all debts to the world. Bring the trustees alongside you with this. They are to be open about their own positions. Tell them they have been shown to be faithful. When the ministry was needing money, they came up with it.
“But now, you must go on to great wealth; talking at this stage of over a million.
“I have plans for the stage presentation; to touch hearts; to bring men & women & children to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord & Saviour; not only that, but to understand the whole concept of covenant which thou knoweth.
“You will need a bigger vehicle: I am telling you that. You will need to stay away, as you take this vehicle across the country. It all takes wealth, & the bank account must show increase rather than going down; but the funds are to increase rather than decline, as you preach My Word as regards to covenant.
“People are to see that you are living normally within the culture, staying in nice places like you used to do; but not being proud, but staying as the manifestation of I: close to the people, but only close enough that thou can hold out the hand to take people to the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.
“I speak to you as if you are a mountain rescue team in a helicopter. The mountain rescue team comes down so far; holds out a winch to which people can hold on, & be taken high up to safety. Such is the kingdom of God; you fly down so far, lower down the winch, which is My Word. As people hold on to My Word, so they will be lifted up to the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.
“So the wealth is to be spent on national mission – I will tell you that. And be not afraid of Northern Ireland, Lindsay. The vision I have for you of My protection – remember My Word? ‘It shall not come nigh thee.’ Those who preach My Word must be fearless.
“I needed to see, David, through the Peter Watkin warning, whether you would stand up to the god of this world. Thou hast shown that in Me, thou art fearless; so to use you to have a major impact on this nation, I require you to have great wealth. I require you to have great health; for thou needeth health & wealth to establish My covenant.
“As you go out in My will, no plague will befall thee; but pestilence, plague, natural disasters, will increase in the world, as the world continues to follow My counterfeit.
Thou hast shown to Me that thou art prepared to be unaffected by the counterfeit’s festivals. I cannot use those that are. Continue to warn about following festivals. Have no truck with them whatsoever. Remembering physically, & to have a resurrection day, is an abomination to Me. Thou hast shown that thou art prepared to move by My Spirit & to manifest My resurrection 24 hours a day & 7 days a week continuously, to show My victory over the devil. He has looked to confine this to one day; & even then, present himself as the Crucified One.
“So rejoice, My children; listen to My strategies to create wealth - & when I say ‘wealth,’ I mean it. You will need it to fulfil what I have called you to do.
“Get ready for revival; continue to preach conviction. There is a major call of God on this church that requires full commitment.
“Rejoice, for thou hast been chosen to fulfil this mighty call of God.
“Do not hold back at this stage in creating wealth. This is what I have called you to do; it is in My Word, to establish My covenant.
“There can be a limited amount of spending at this time, to go to the next stage in the sound equipment & lighting, & to tidy thy house, & to bring the office in the way thou hast mentioned. But you are to think much wider & broader within the context of having a wide aspect view. To establish My covenant, you will require great wealth. This is what I am giving you strategy to receive.”
Word from the Lord through D P Griffiths, Saturday 25/06/11
“There is a cloud coming over thy nation, saith the Lord: an awesome cloud of judgement, for thy nation has to answer for many things:
(1) The turning away from Me;
(2) They know not Me; for I am the way, the truth, & the life. For they have refused to accept My mercy, so now must face My judgement.
“I am telling thee this day, that thou must shout from rooftops the imminent arrival of My cloud. For there is to be a time of political instability – there is to be a time of judgement; judgement that will include My Word being preached by those who unde3rstand the true time & season.
“For I have called thee to be My crier to the nation. Those who desire shelter from My judgement must come to Me.
“Thou knowest the truth; the truth that has set thee free; & thou art to present this truth to the nation.
“The cloud will include judegment upon the government, which has refused to answer the call of God. The cloud will include greatest austerity; but it shall not come nigh thee.
“The wealth of the wicked is to be transferred to those who stand upon My Word; & I am resourcing thee, as I have through Margaret Ryder, to spend according to My will – My will being that thou should extend thy tent-pegs, & all thy resources that Margaret collected is to go to the ongoing expansion of the gospel, for her will was My will.
“Thus saith the Lord.
“All the resources are for the ongoing presentation of My gospel. Thou art to put out material on the internet. This stage, remember to reach as many ;people as possible – warn of My judgement. My judgement is against those who have aborted the nation’s childhood. My judgement is against those who have failed to keep the laws of God, by bringing in laws inconsistent with My Word.
“Thou hast shown already to the nation My Word; & the truth of My Word is to be received on screen after screen. I am calling thee not only on internet television, but television that will reach the vast majority of screens worldwide.
“And this is what you must warn: thou must contend with the Indian government to properly provide for its poor.
“Do not be alarmed at the pending judgement, for the government will show fear; but remember, it shall not come nigh thee.
“This judgement is real: warn the people to accept Jesus Christ as Lord; for a nation which sows death shall reap death; & that reaping is about to happen, as in the years of Noah & the ark.
“For the people refused to hear from the prophet of God. For I have spoken through thee; thou hast produced material of My Constitutional Acts. They are to be adhered to, not ignored as they have been. For great punishment is upon a nation that turns away from its landmark.
“Thy nation has touched tha holy thing; voters voting for governments who have slaughtered thy innocents are to be convicted & judged.
“There is not to be a hold-back on behalf of My Church in the warning of the people.
“You can go forward. You have given the warning of pending judgement .
“The money of Margaret Ryder is not to be used for any other purpose than the ongoing delivery of the gospel. That was her desire. So warn the people. Warn them clearly.
“Thou knowest the desire & heart of Margaret Ryder.”
Word from the Lord through DPG, 05 08 11
“I have come to you with this call, & you know to keep out of organisations that have the love of money as the base of their operations. My written Word warns against that activity.
“There will be those who see they can make money out of thee. As you know from My Word, I have no objection to thee collecting money for the extension of My kingdom. I have every objection to using the gospel for commercial gain. The gospel is there to save souls; to save souls, & make disciples. It is not there for commercial gain. That is why the books that you will write, the money goes to the ministry; & also it does not go into the hands of commercial publishers – only those who use the profit to establish My covenant. That is My Word – it is clear.
“When those come in who see the commercial gain, you will then see the ways of the world compete with the ways of God.
“I have no objection to thee having thy manse a place of rest as well as a place of work. I have no objection to the use of tithes & offerings for the use of this manse to preach the Word all over the world through the use of technical advances.
“I have no objection to the use of tithes & offerings to be used for the very best of equipment & the looking after of family & staff.
“I have every objection to publishers cominbg in, commercial companies with shareholders, to use what I have called you to do for the extension of the world’s kingdom.
“You have exposed the two big boys in this; Zondervan, & Thomas Nelson - & there are others. The gospel is not to be used for commercial gain. There can be profits made; but all of that profit is to establish My covenant; that is in My Word.
“Looking after the earthly needs of My people is in My Word. As well as a house of work, you need a house of rest; I have no objection to that; none whatsoever. I have every objection to commercial companies coming in & taking over ministries.
“I have no objection to financial advisers, as long as they are there to give you natural knowledge. I can use the education of this experience for My purposes. But financial advisers are there to give advice, not to control. My role is to control, because you are not your own. You are to be the empty vessel.
“I appreciate you need earthly education. As a child you needed to learn to read, write. Those skills which thou hast learnt are to be given up to Me, so I can use what you have learned for My purposes. Such as it is with finances. You can learn the best place to keep money, to hold until My Word comes over what to do with that money.
“I will use that which you have learnt, by My Spirit, & give instructions over what to do at certain times. Get a hold of this: I cannot use, to the extent I want to use, even men of God who are in the clutches of commercial publishers. Why do you think I am telling you to expand thy tent-pegs? As you get bigger, these publishers will be knocking on your door, seeing the commercial opportunity & offering you great wealth.
“What you do is set up your own publishing operation, either through a non-for-profit company or charity, one organisation which does not have as its root the love of money. What I am looking for is the passion for souls. The establishing of My covenant, that is why I am looking for you to get wealth – not for commercial gain.
“This is the root problem even in small “churches.” People see themselves making money for themselves; holding on to that which they have got. If they were truly submitted to Me, they would have no problem with handing over their tithe; they would have no problem in hearing from Me as to where their offerings were to be placed. But what they have is an agenda of their own, which they ask God to bless. My promises are conditional upon hearing from Me. In other words, their lives are run with commercial gain. Yet the wealth I have called you to gather is for one purpose & one purpose only: to establish My covenant. Then I can look after your earthly needs, at a pace even higher than you are prepared to think.
“Your critics are those who live a life of commercial gain. You make the people of their own thinking uncomfortable. As you broadcast My Word from thy manse, you will bring that conviction in the same manner as you brought that conviction in the local church.
“You see, My Word is pure, not to be blighted by commercial gain. My Word, My written Word, is not to have the names of commercial publishers on it, but to have not-for-profit companies, charitable trusts – whatever.
“You cannot make money for commercial gain from the sale of My Word. The profits made are for the extension of My kingdom, not for the extension of earthly greed.
“Be open for great extension of thy tent-pegs. No! you have not been able to respond to the demands of people. What is important - you respond to the demands of the Living Christ. You will be criticised for not responding to the needs of people. I never called you to respond to the demands of people. You are to respond to the demands of the One True God, & Him alone.
“I never called you to go running after people. I have called you to study My Word, & respond to the demands of My Spirit, to be what I have called you to be: the empty vessel. For it is not by might, or by power, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord.”
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 11/10/11
“David & Lindsay, thou hast shown to Me thou hast been prepared to go all the way; & that you have understood the importance of hearing from Me. Had you gone another way, the way of earthly respectability, you would now be enjoying a leisure lifestyle & the luxuries of this world. But you have chosen the old paths; you have chosen the way of the cross.
“There have been times when you have wondered where the next penny would come from. You have given up all to follow Me.
“There have been times you have wept, & cried out to Me, casting burden after burden upon Me; such has been the battleground that has been your lives. You have given up family inheritances for Me. You have had times when you have wondered what was to happen to you. You have lost family relationships for Me; part of your family will not come near you, because of the stand you have taken.
“You have moved in the power of the Lord, in times of earthly desperation. You have a determination to expose that which has infiltrated thy nation - & paid the price for doing so.
“You are aware you could easily join the Conservative Party, & be given easy seats to win, & be prosperous from it. In fact, either of you could easily climb the ladder, & end up in a government cabinet; that is, if you were prepared to give up the prophetic, & simply live by the means of the god of this world.
“So, in effect, you have rejected the luxuries the god of this world wants to bestow on you. You would have had family round you, telling you how great you are, but you have given that up to make the decision to follow Me.
“Even now, the pressure is on to conform. They want to be “a blessing” to you, if only you conform. They want to see you fail, so they can be that “blessing” to you – even bail you out, as long as you conform.
“My hundredfold return is for people like you, David & Lindsay; the list is there in My Word. Those who have given up houses, & lands, & family, for My sake & for the gospel, shall receive a hundredfold, now at this time.
“To fulfil the purposes of God, you need great wealth. You have discovered that, when you have had wealth, people can clamour round you, but soon depart when you have entered the hard times you have had to endure for many years.
“I say to you: be of good cheer. My Word declares, be of good cheer when men shall revile you. You have the power to get the wealth to establish My covenant; & you had the ability to pander to people in your church, to keep that money supply going; but you knew the enemy was looking to control you in relation to tithes & offerings.
“You see, unless a man tithes, he is holding back from God; & if a man tithes, looks to have control over that tithe, he becomes a manipulator who denies the role of the prophet who hears from Me in relation to how that tithe is to be used.
“You have had those who are prepared to give (on condition that…). You see, acting this way is a manipulative move of the enemy, to keep you in the natural realm of total depravity.
“David & Lindsay, for many years you have suffered this way; you see the same pattern unfolding again.
“But My Word declares a rest & a peace for the people of God. You have not shown fear; you have shown strength in your weakness. You have been prepared to go all the way.
“So My Spirit can work on those I am calling to give substantially to thee.
“So you are moving on, & not backing down, despite of all the pressures that have come against thee.
“And so, you have stood on My Word, rather than the lure of men. You have seen that there are two roads one could go along.
“So, you can go forward in My strength now, having been through all that you have been through; & that hundredfold passage in the gospel, you are to read through again. It is for men & women like you.
“Lindsay, you could have had that sporty car you so love. You could now be having so much from your retirement – yet it seems to have all gone. But I am telling you, there comes a time for the release of the hundredfold; of what you have given up, coming back a hundredfold.
“Be prepared for this to manifest; for My Word declares now & at this time.”
“You have even considered passing the work down to the next generation, having paid a great price to establish the work.
“And there is opportunity now to go forward in My strength.
“How I love you both. Simply refuse respectability, & the comforts of this world, to proclaim My Word.
“The Jezebel has tried to destroy you again; yet you have stood firm, having the anointing that has already destroyed the yoke of bondage.
“Rejoice; they say all kinds of evil against thee. But rejoice! I have already won the battle, & you are washed in My blood to fulfil My purposes, rather than the “oughtnesses” of this world.”

Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 13/12/14 “The Sacrificial Remnant”
“I have spoken My Word over My suffering remnant, who has sacrificed their houses, homes, families for My sake & the gospel’s; & that they shall have the hundredfold now at this time, to walk in the fullness of God, with such power & authority that every devil from ‘hell’ – for hell-fire is their ultimate home – should flee to such a degree that this remnant should take charge of world affairs, the god of this world being bound up by them; My intercessor having gone to the seats of the Emerging Church, seats that indeed are thrones, but thrones of false authority over millions, this false authority having been taken up by those who run movements through witchcraft, like you witnessed those years ago at Elim.
“Thou art to name these movements, stolen from Me. For I am an angry God, whose movements & resources have been stolen from My remnant.
When thou spoke at Lowestoft those years ago, at the Lowestoft Elim, the cripple came out of the chair, after the proclamation of the foursquare gospel.
“You spoke as Jeffreys spoke, with the same result. If you spoke like that on entire sanctification in a Methodist church, you would get the same result as John Wesley did: the separation of flesh from spirit.
“For thou art to restore the mantles from rebellious movements; Elim & the Methodists are just two. You uncovered the cross of Baal at the Assemblies of God. You entered the graveyard of the Apostolic Church, & found out that the whole vision of the founders had been stolen. You pointed out the decadence in their ranks; but with stolen resources, that movement moved out of the place of its founders, to squander the founder’s resources on the trivial words that theirgod has placed among them.
“In thy position at this time, you personally have little of family resources to give them, should they sue you for the words of My prophecy. But you can back these words with hard facts. You saw the Egyptian gods in action at the Elim College. You saw the Egyptian scriptures being adhered to at the Elim College. Even then, you knew that College & movement had been stolen from Me, from the founder’s
vision – a stolen movement. Same with the Assemblies of God, the visions of Carter, Harthern & Wigglesworth – stolen.
“In the Apostolic Church, the vision of D P Williams – stolen. But thou hast found the thief. What must he do?
“Then I took you back to your Mission Hall; no longer proclaiming the vision of Walter Crocker, & his wife, known in those days as Mrs Crocker. The vision to preach Christ & Him Crucified – no longer applicable, now the vision of a false Christ movement taking over a building many had sacrificed their lives for.
“That building belongs to thee. For it is your ministry that carries the mantle of Walter Crocker, & all the pastors that followed him, including Ted Scott, William Griffiths, Norman Gates, & George Harrison. You carry that vision & mantle; but the thief has stolen it.
“The intercessor cried from the graveyard – but the biggest grave there was that of the Mission itself.
“For I have called thee to be an Isaiah 58 ministry, to restore the breach; to set the people free from the controls of false leaders.
“Thou stood outside Boland Mission in Bradford, the whole city being stolen from the influence of Smith Wigglesworth, not just the Mission. You held a meeting to restore that mantle. You interceded, & cried out from the graveyard too; but the biggest graveyard was the Mission itself.
“Thou art called to be the restorer of mission halls; mission halls that have become graveyards, from their former glory. But thou art called to raise them up, to restore the mantles of the founders.
“The list goes on. Thou art called to restore the Southport Convention. You can hold the Southport Convention today, by using the recorders of its speakers; & have a programme called ‘The Southport Convention Continuing.’ After all, you have restored Keswick, so why not Southport?
“Oh, Hallelujah! You are restoring My movements, My mission halls, My conventions. Not only this: you are restoring My seminaries, My colleges – taking them out of the hands of the rebels.
“It was right you went to Fuller first; for what I showed you at Fuller was pulled down through the intercession of the intercessor, who came to you seeing your heart to restore. My little army stood outside the gates of
Fuller; & as Gideon pulled down the forces of the Midianites physically, so you spiritually pulled down the forces of the Midianites of Fuller, through the loud voice of the intercessor, who cried aloud & spared not, thy Telethon not just being a matter of two television programmes, but a loud cry to bring the resources back to the people of God.
“This is thy Telethon. Thou hast an immediate need of £25,000 to thy ministry; but thou is aware of needs of other remnant ministries; & you cry aloud for themas well as yourself.
“This is the sign of a true ministry: it sees not only its need, but the needs of others too; & you cry aloud for them as well as yourself. For this Telethon is about bringing back resources to the people of God, away from those of the rebellious movements.
“The holiness movements have been infiltrated too, My College at Birkenhead being made into a citadel of Satan. Thy ministry sends those of older years to the mission field, just as Emmanuel did. For I have called thee to carry the mantle of J D Drysdale & Stanley Banks; not the rebellious movement that placed that College under the Higher Criticism of Manchester & Professor Peake.
“You stood outside the gates, from where missionaries were sent out, choruses & hymns being sung, & those laying down their lives to preach the gospel.
“You stood outside those gates; for what had they built but a fortress of Satan, to deny My Word that youth is to be restored to those of years which the world would call a pensioner.
“Oh, but oh yes! No more a pensioner, but a child. This is thy call: to raise up pensioners with wings like eagles.
“You formed a group called ‘Pensioners with a Mission’; & that is indeed what you became. But the forces of this world came against you, seeing pensioners as pensioners, & young people as young people; whereas in My eyes, there is no differential.
“So the Nazarene movement - stolen by the organisers, with the policies & procedures of the god of this world, to whom they reported you to, so that youmight abide by the policies & procedures of Satan, rather than the freedom & liberty of the living God.
“What safety procedures did you have, when you crossed the minefield to Batticaloa? Oh, but one did have a safety procedure crossing the minefield. They say that you had no policies & procedures; but your policies & procedures were that of an ancient landmark. Mark 16 was your policy & procedure; & these new policies & procedures they have made you take, have stolen resources from My kingdom, which you must now claim back from a Commission placing you under law, rather than the liberty of the Spirit – an action illegal under the British Constitutional Acts, which thou art teaching to government, governments not honouring the oath of the monarch to God Almighty.
“Thou hast placed governmental prophecy after governmental prophecy on the internet; but they give no heed. As in the days of Noah, they laughed at My prophet, they laugh, & still slaughter the innocents, which they will pay for in hell, unless they repent. The hell-fire is being stirred up for those that slaughter My children, all politicians & medical staff facing an eternity in hell, unless they repent of their sin.
“For re-defining marriage, they re-define the relationship between Christ & His Church. The fires of hell are awaiting those who voted in favour of such a blasphemy – that is, unless they repent.
“On thy Christian Financing site, thou took on the banks which did not heed a House of Lords edict. They ignored thy court cases, & blamed thee. Yet all the blame was on their side; & thou has called a judgement against them; for they owe thee the resources to fulfil thy call.
“You are to continue the cases they have thrown out. You were right not to accept the return of court fees; for by doing this, you continue the cases against those stealing the very Constitution of thy nation.
“Now, finally for this prophetic word: thou hast been to Fuller, thou hast been to Saddleback; thou hast been to the money-changer of San Diego; thou hast been to Knock & to Mexico; even to the stronghold of St Paul’s, to restore thy nation & its national Church; a national Church embracing the Emerging movement through Alpha, rather than the mantle of J C Ryle, & other bishops holding to the truth; & in amongst all of this, comes the Bible College of Wales – rightfully yours.
“And now, the Every Creature Commission television channel; how you have seized the opportunity of the internet, & its possibilities of reaching every creature.
“Thou has looked to restore the Word of Faith movement back to Biblical Word of Faith, rather than the selfish lusts.
“In amongst all of this comes the Bible College of Wales – now Continuing. You carry the mantles of its missionaries; those of sacrifice rather than selfish gain. Thou has looked to contact the owner of its physical buildings, but to no avail. But it is you who walked those South Wales valleys those years ago. It is youwho stood in Aberfan; you who stood in Treorchy; you who stood at Blaengwrach; you who stood at Moriah; you who stood in the seats of revival, even to the Hebrides, where you held a meeting in the Barvas Kirk, to restore the mantle of the lady intercessors & Duncan Campbell.
“It is you who did this on a limited budget; not those who come from the Charismatic world, with their stolen wealth & indulgences.
“So it is you who have the keys of the Bible College of Wales; not those of the Emerging Church background – but thee.
“You must continue to challenge them, & take back into the kingdom that which is rightfully yours.
“This is thy Telethon. Have you grasped it? The vision is big, isn’t it? Ha! Ha! Ha! The victory is assured. The intercession has been gained. Claim back into the kingdom that which is rightfully yours; for thou does not operate under thine own name, for thou art My body, My body carrying government on its shoulders; My body having the name above every other name; the body of Christ, that has only one name – the name, Christ Jesus.
“At His name, every knee has to bow, as you claim back My movements & My resources back to My remnant Church, the body of Christ.
“As thy brother Oliver would say: ‘The sons of Zadok, & not the sons of Eli.’ “
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 13/09/11
“Behold, behold! The great tribulation cometh nigh; for they are not heeding My Word. They are not seeing Scripture being fulfilled before their very eyes.
“There are wars & rumours of wars. Man’s wickedness is having its way in parts of government; & the people are simply letting it happen.
“I say unto thee, to walk in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Yet they go here, they go there, running from their own emotions, & call themselves Christian at the same time. Do they not know My Word, that you are not your own, you were bought with a price?
“I have much to do through you; & I require complete obedience from those called to fulfil My Word, for the signs are all about thee. Yet, they still run here & there, with their own emotions as their ruling passion.
“You know, My Word is clear: a Christian is continuously on the main line with Me.
“One is going to have to be firm in warning the people to write down what the Spirit is calling them to do; to write down My specific instructions. Tell them allthe prophecies are being fulfilled all around them.
“Lindsay, thou sung ‘The Midnight Cry;’ yet they did not heed the warning in the song. Indeed they were some who walked out at the warning in the song. They could not take the warning of the imminent return of the Christ, Who died & rose again.
“The ability to see around the world has been given to this generation. They look at their television sets, & see events unfolding around the world; events prophesied in My Word. Yet they still think they can live their own lives.
“The key is in hearing from Me, writing down what I am saying to do, & actingon what I have said to accomplish.
“And so you have a people simply giving lip service to My Word.
“There are to be consecration services for those who will say, ‘No more will I run from my emotions & feelings. No more will I place my own emotions as the prominent factor in my daily schedule. I will take time out to hear what the Spirit is saying. I will carefully write down what the Spirit is saying.’
“For the victory of Calvary is to manifest from all of the believers; & so the spectator sport phenomena is to be addressed. They come to spectate what God is doing. Yet, God is declaring the demand of the whole life given over to Him.
“Yet they continue their own ways; despite of Lindsay singing the song ‘The Midnight Cry,’ they still continue to live their own lives. And so, you have taught & taught on My five-fold ministry; yet they are so entrenched in the pastor-people syndrome, they have no understanding of the individual roles, activities of My ministers. Yet they are called to be ministers themselves.
Yet I have called thee to tell the people that the five-fold ministry is to manifest from the heart of the congregation. Yet I have called them all to fulfil the callings I have on their lives. Thou hast said, ‘Surrender, Surrender. Give to Him that is the Lord.’ Yet they still rob Me in tithes & offerings.
“And so, this calling of God which I have on thee is so massive, because My labourers are few. Yet I have called many to help thee in this calling; yet they act according to their feelings, rather than My Word. Yet, there are prophecies being fulfilled all around you.
“And so, I have called thee to mighty things, saith the Lord. I have called thee to have thy loft, not only as a studio to broadcast to the world. Prepare, prepare, prepare! Prepare to put together than which I have called you to do; & warn those who call themselves Christian, to take heed of My Word. Where is the self-crucifixion, I declare.
“I have called thee to be obedient. I have called thee to listen carefully. I have called thee to act accordingly. The time is short. Put aside the world, I declare. The Word is clear. I have called them to contact thee over what they have heard from Me; yet they do not listen.
“I have called them to have their own handbooks; their own instructions written in a book, much of which is to help thee with what I have called thee to do. Tell the people once more: listen, listen, listen! There are prophecies being fulfilled all around them. If they really believed it, they would be acting accordingly.
“Yes, I have called those who wander the streets from place to place, to hold back, & hear from Me. The blessings of the Lord are for those who call upon My Name; who write down what I am calling them to do. Yet I have called them to give heed to My Word.
“I have called them to write down, to write down what the Spirit is saying, & to act accordingly. Tell the people once more to listen, listen, listen! Have their notebooks ready. How many times have you called them to this? You have called them continuously to have the notebook ready; yet they do not give heed to the prophet’s cry.. They do not give heed to the call of My Word.
They do not give heed to the sacrifices of the apostle & prophet; for these are sacrificial ministries. They simply move by their feelings, & even ask God to bless such feelings. Yet they are cursed with a curse. They have ‘phoned thee with their problems & difficulties, yet they are cursed with a curse. How are they cursed with a curse? They rob God over their tithes & their offerings.
“You should not have to tell them where you are with the vision & the calling; for they would know, because they would be at the same place in the Spirit. Yet thou hast warned them continuously to hear from God. What they do is give God a tip, rather than hand over the tithe. I refuse to accept the tip, for it is given as a by-to-by thing to do – an offering bag comes to them, & they give God a tip, rather than His holy tithe.
“Blessed are they who hear from God, & give accordingly; & I am talking about offerings. For the tithe is handing over what belongs to God. For thy Populating Heaven meetings will require great funds to come in to support what I have called thee to do. For thy people are to get a hold of, not only the tithe, but also the offerings; for I have been talking thousands in relation to what has to come in; yet the people still think they can give a tip to God. I am the covenant God, that requires complete obedience; yet there are those who have their security zone in the world, in the treasures of this earth, rather than in the calling of God on their lives.
“Put aside the world, I declare. Give according to what the Spirit is calling thee to give. Give offerings with a cheerful heart. You see, there are signs all around thee. There should be a thirst for the lost soul. There should be a determination to give the finance to fulfil the Great Commission. Yet they still do not hand over offerings, & rob God with the tithe.
“You have much to purchase to fulfil the call of God on your life. Some have criticised the purchase you have made, from a human perspective – for they have no concept of the call of God on your life; the call of God. Write down what the Spirit is saying. Tell the people, tell the people: write down. Tell the people to be ready to write down what the Spirit is saying.
“Hallelujah, hallelujah! I am speaking today. I have called thee to act according to thy programme; going into Bangor; proclaiming My Word, & having lively praise & worship.
“I have called My people to listen, & act accordingly. Yet they act on their own emotion & feeling.
“Warn them. Warn them, the prophecies are being fulfilled all around them.
“I have great times for thee, as thou hears from Me & acts upon the call upon your life. The full surrender message might not be the most popular message to the human emotion. Give heed to My Word. It is being fulfilled all around thee. And thou art being called; yet I have called thee to write down.
“And, Lindsay, thou hast been faithful in writing down what I have called thee to do. Thou must go forth; remind the people of their obligations before God.
“Whom I have called to be obedient to My Word: ‘The Midnight Cry’ is all around thee. Write down; listen; act accordingly.
“This is My Word: hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God. It is really that simple; but not for those with their own agendas. Having one’s own agenda is the blockage to hearing from God.
“I have heard the excuses; but there is no excuse for disobedience, & not heeding the call of God.
“Take heed, take heed, take heed of the prophet’s words; & what are the words, but to write down what the Spirit is saying; act accordingly to what I have called them to do. They will have adventure after adventure; & those adventures can be testified of the blessings of the Lord.
“This is the Word of the Lord, to be taken seriously. If thy nations are to be saved, it will require the commitment of thy people.
“I am calling all of thy people, if only they listened. What do I say in My Word, but hearken, hearken, hearken?
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 08/09/15
“The Church Triumphant – Funding of Ministries”
“Thou hast been living, in recent years, through 3 eras:-
1) The protection of the criminal
2) he removal of the gospel, God, the Bible, from state affairs; & now, the criminalisation of the righteous, from well-funded sinners who are seeing their organisations thrive financially,& in this I include the Emerging Church that has taken over movements founded by those with the same heart as thee.
(The third is the criminalisation of the righteous, the sinners becoming prosecutors)
“The Church triumphant, My remnant Church, is one being fed of the ravens, about to face these sinners of Baal with the spiritual fire, just as Elijah faced them with a physical exhibition of God’s power.
“Now, let us gain some understanding here. What is known as the occult, that which is unseen, becomes physically seen in relation to those who have sold out to Satan in a manner in which individuals place their whole trust in the limited power that Satan has to offer.
For it is only limited in relation to how much those involved with him have given themselves over to him.“This is how he operates as the god of this world, for he offers to placate the lusts of the flesh, & draws mankind unto him, by convincing rather than convicting.
The Spirit of the one true God convicts, the spirit who operates as the Most High convinces that ‘God’ accepts sinners without conversion from the old life, so that they can operate under his control.
“This is why you see sin abounding in the Emerging Church; & as I said through Suresh Ramachandran, it is very attractive;& because people enjoy it, they give substantially into it.“The difference therefore between the spirit of the Emerging Church, which is booming financially, having stolen movements from My remnant, having gained converts to its cause by convincing that sin is OK, rather than how the true Spirit operates, by conviction of sin, the need to be washed by the blood of Jesus,& being brought into an atmosphere where the sinner is allowed to be drawn into an atmosphere of being brought to the Cross, from where he/she dies & is risen up in resurrection glory.“The latter point is the key point; for this is the Church Triumphant.
The Church Emerging is one of sin acceptance, rather than sin conviction; of saying there is more than one way to God; of maintaining sinful lifestyles & respecting the gods of religions, who are now perceived as being the same gods as their own.“The Church Triumphant, which is how I refer to My remnant Church, is one that has to overcome these obstacles to enable it not only to survive, but to go forward in My calling.“This therefore is what My Church Triumphant has to do, to overcome:-
“(1) Realise there is no point preaching Christ unless you expose the antichrist. This is why I have given you the Jeremiah 1:10 Commission, & the rest of the 7-Year Plan. It is there for you to understand, grasp, & act on by My Spirit at the given times. Now, that is there for you to move upon, whilst here I give some encouraging factors.
“(2) You are My Church Triumphant; & as such, you have already overcome all these wiles of the enemy. Thou art already more than conquerors. The anthems need to ring out; & as you proclaim this Church Triumphant, to give back the movements he has stolen, you expose the fact that what you have been accused of doing, that is, to coerce the vulnerable & the poor into giving, has been the tactics of the Emerging Church from the beginning. For the Emerging Church did not begin in the 20.century.
It began with Constantine & his takeover of that which the Early Church built; & indeed, if they find you are to give back moneys to whom they regard as vulnerable, then you say, ‘Then the Roman Catholic Church has to do the same; & to give all the riches of the Vatican to the poor.’ For this was all built through the coercion of the poor & vulnerable, in a massive scale. But thou has not acted in the way of the Vatican.
What thou has done is brought together a small group of people fully committed to the cause of God. You have done as Me in the Scriptures. Peter declared, ‘I’ve given up all to follow Thee.’ Forsaking is right at the heart of the gospel, as is covenant; & it is by these principles thou has operated, not human coercion, as with the indulgences Luther stood against.
“Bring out into the open the history of the Roman Catholic Church, & how it has operated with its separate priesthood, alien to Britain’s Constitutional priesthood of Zadok.
It is therefore clear that there is a co-ordinating line with all thy accusers; that they see God as a separate entity to themselves, whereas you emphasise the Biblical & Constitutional covenant that is, being one in Christ Jesus.“Now, what is at the heart of this covenant? It is the total giving one to another. For if God is to give His all, which he did, through His only begotten Son, then what is the demand on those who become married to him?
There is within this context an overwhelming desire of My bride to give. This is what happened with Margaret Ryder & with Sheila Standish: an overwhelming desire to forsake their worldly possessions for the good of the gospel. To take that away is an act of high treason because of the monarch’s oath to propagatethe gospel, which is why all the accusations that have come against thee, & government enquiries, come from a socialistic root (government without God, the Bible, & the virtue of God, which the Constitution demands), the case against you being in shambles because the fundamental root of the Constitution is being ignored.
“So by bringing all this out into the open, you bring a conviction on those who have stolen My movements, & ECCTV.org represents a media platform not only for the fundamental expression of the fullness of the Godhead bodily, but also to expose the creeping men who have crept in unawares, who have taken over movements which do not belong to them.“This includes the nations of Great Britain & America, who have now passed laws to protect the sinner & convict the righteous.
“So, what is the key message in all of this, & this is how thy ministry & allremnant ministries will be funded, by exposing the thief antichrist. For what does the Bible say about a thief being found? What does he have to do? “I hereby give thee thy fund-raising strategy. For as you seek first the kingdom of God & His righteousness, the wealth which you need to continue will be added unto you, by the power I have given you as the Church Triumphant.
For as you stand, calling back movements to God, & nations, then you will be seen in front of the whole nation, & the nations of the world, as being the ministry who has stood before the prophets of Baal, & brought down the fire of God upon situations that have been brought about through the actions of antichrist, an antichrist foe that has already been defeated by the shedding of blood 2000 years ago.”
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 01/12/11
“Thou has shown thou art prepared to give up all to follow Me, & as you go through the processes of sorting out the finances; sorting out the finances of the charity; the house mortgage, & the dealings with banks, thou hast seen how the enemy has looked to steal all that you have.
“He comes to kill, steal & destroy.
“You have seen also that there are those who have come to give, who look to control with that giving.
“But you have shown that obedience to the prophetic word takes priority over that.
“You are determined to set up thy media centre; to broadcast to the whole world. But with all the costs of this, you have begun to feel under pressure. And yes, you have recognised that cares are to be shed upon Me; yet it is obvious that to continue fully in the vision, you need a major financial input now, to fulfil My call on your lives.
“I take you to My Word; to Mark’s gospel, where you will see the financial position of those prepared to give up everything for Me. They are to receive a hundredfold, now in this time. It is My duty to see that happens. So, please expect the manifestation of My glory in the area of finances.
“You are right to call revival; those in revival are free from the corruptions of this world. You have learnt how to bring revival; you have warned of the price required for revival; & as the mail-outs have gone out; as the posters have been put up; as the websites have been brought up to date with this revival news; & as you bring to the attention of the people on thy websites, words I have spoken through apostles & prophets; as you deal with the barriers to revival, allow My zeal & determination to manifest through you all. “There is a joy that must come - & that joy is thy strength. You have shown determination to fulfil the call of God. Step up into the high calling of God.
“You have shown determination to take back the infiltrated movements. Stand up to them; convict them of the great apostasy they have allowed to creep in. Stand firm with them. Claim back the heritage.
“And Lindsay, thy word given from Jeremiah is important in this, as you will find all Jeremiah is important in this; for My pastors have gone astray & become brutish; & there are instructions for you to fulfil, given through J Edwin Orr, which thou hast on thy website.
“So, as you now complete the rear-guard; as you now go forward with setting up facilities required for the media centre, & the purchase of the manse, you can now go forward in the strength of the Lord.
“The banking community is already bowing down to thee; for thou hast stood on the foundational acts of thy nation, rather than the global thrust of international Satanism.
“Stand firm; for all other ground is sinking sand.
“For these are exciting days for thee; get excited; bring in thy harvest, & proclaim the victory of the Lord.”
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, Saturday 16/07/11
“My subject is dying to self. This issue is a very real issue, that many ministries have gone through over the years, & that preachers have heard from Me, & have seen a blockage in the ability of congregations to die to self.
“This changes, of course, when there are natural disasters or wars etc.
“What people have as their idols are material possessions; their houses & homes, & even their families. All these can be idols before Me, which is why Mt hundredfold return is for those who are prepared to leave the pleasures of this world & become reliant on Me.
“And so in dealing with barriers to revival, your congregation must understand the effects of materialism on their lives.
“There are also those with pride, who think they can do something for Me using theor natural abilities.Their natural abilities, however, become the barrier to revival; for unless there is an understanding of John 5:30, the work is folly.
“Next in the equation is joy, namely false joy. This is having the realm of enjoyment based on the things of this world, rather than relationship with Me, the cure being in the chorus, ‘Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus.’
“There will always be a rumpus when it comes to the subject of dying to self, when so many idols are in the hands of the people.
“There are those who have money as their idol, My Word having declarations about the seriousness of loving money.
“I understand thy passion to have money to fulfil the purposes I have given thee to achieve; but there are those who think of their material wealth as being their own, & not God’s. However, the resources of this world are Mine, the born-again believer giving Me the pre-eminent position. Tithes were given willingly & cheerfully; so should they be today. It should be a joy to hand over one’s tithes, the big barrier to this joy being opinion.
“Opinion holds back the tithe: ‘They should be doing this; they should be doing that,’ they say, & within this area comes the barrier of criticism.
“The word I have given for thee is to go forward, extend thy tent-pegs; & this thou hast begun.
“But I tell you now: this is only the first stage of thy development. For I have called thee to have thy home as a manse to the glory of God, in which you can house those originally from Third World environments, to preach with a passion against the materialism of the west.
“The things thou hast, be prepared My children, for a great revival coming through thee, on condition that the people surrender fully to Me.
“Thou art to continue to preach the message of complete dying to self. Give no heed to the reaction of the people. For those who enter the hill of the Lord are those with clean hands & a pure heart.
“And so, the message is clear: persevere, shpout from the roof-tops; for I have declared this day I am calling a complete surrender for those prepared to completely doe to themselves to come forward to the front & declare it.
“Thou will do a work on those who will respond to the gospel message, dying to self. I look for the empty vessel to fill. That which is empty will flow in resurrection glory. For those who walk not after the flesh, there is no condemnation; but for those who look to have one foot in both camps, thy struggle will continue until thou hast decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, meaning no turning back to this world. It is a continual waiting on the instruction of God before thou moves forward.

Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 17/03/15
“They Break My Commandments”
“By planting their ‘seeds’ to gain material things on the basis of receiving a physical blessing means they manipulate Scripture from the Old Covenant, so as to appease personal lust.
“They are told to visualise, as they give, some kind of physical blessing; & this they covet, having desires for personal ambition & gain, rather than the requirements of the kingdom of God.
“So, here you have Emerging Church methods to manipulate money out of the people. They stir up the people to covet, desire physical blessing, & plant their ‘financial seed,’ as they call it, not on the basis of the growth of the kingdom of God, but on the basis that they will benefit materially.
“What in reality happens is that a whole lot of people plant these financial seeds on the basis of material blessing, rather than the growth of the kingdom of God. They are even told that if they don’t plant their tithe in a certain ministry, they will be cursed with a curse.
“Now, who benefits out of all of this? Is it God? Is it the people? Or is it the growth of the kingdom? The reality of it is, the Emerging Church & its ministers. Great physical temples are built, to show the success of a particular ministry. The physical building is a sign that a particular ministry is doing well. The leading minister has a fine wage & a fine car, & a big house; for after all, he is of the seed of Abraham, who had many fine physical things; & if we be Christ’s, are we not Abraham’s seed?
“This is all very fine: the people planting their seeds, people doing it on the basis of personal lust & greed, the ministers benefitting by manipulating this covetousness, lust & greed, & benefitting by these techniques. It is only when one realises the sacrifice of Christ that one really understands the sacrifice required to be a Christian. The Old Covenant was a physical covenant, & I saying within the context of the coming Church, not to set aside treasures on earth; & this is the distinction with thy ministry founded by Rees Howells; that is, through Rees Howells by Me; that to belong to the kingdom of God – that is, within the context of the New Covenant, one does not set aside treasure on earth; one does not manipulate seed faith offering so as to bring financial gain to oneself. For I have clearly said in the parable of the
sower, that the seed is the Word of God, & the true Church plants the Word so as to bear fruit, the heart of the gospel being sacrifice, not personal lust. And as Paul was crucified with Christ, so must thee. ‘Silver & gold have I none,’ was the New Testament declaration of My Church; for Peter declared, ‘I’ve given up all to follow Thee,’ a hundredfold being that of the resource to fulfil the Great Commission, a hundredfold being in the context of the fullness of God, not of the lust stirred up By Emerging Church ministers, who have turned the minds of the people away from the will of God to the lusts of the flesh.
“The New Testament Christian, he or she is not his or her own, but was bought with a price, the price of removing all that the world has got to offer, so as to save the lost. So, as you were crucified with Christ, abundant living comes through placing all one has at the Cross; for covetousness, lust & personal greed is sin, breaking the very basics of My command to Moses. For I have called thee to live in abundance, the abundance being there so as to reach every creature with the gospel. And I require those taking this Word to give their whole lives to be crucified with Me (Romans 6), but to be risen up to such a state of glory, that every provision required will be there, in relation to one hundredfold that does not cater for personal lust, but does cater abundantly for all the resources you need so as to reach the lost.
“So the New Testament Christian is one of personal sacrifice, who has said, ‘I’ll give my whole life to reach every creature.’ Such is the passion of My Church. As Peter said, ‘I have given up all to follow thee.’ And look at My response in abundance, so as to reach the lost.
“This revelation to the people exposes the thief who has built movements on the basis of financial seed faith & personal lust; but not only has the Emerging Church stolen the inheritance of the saints by taking over movements of sacrifice. They dominate people’s lives who long for personal possession. For to the lusts of the flesh, it is an attractive message. Yet it has many personal casualties who have been bankrupted by such a revelation, the Emerging Church being the satanic temple of personal greed.
“So many dear ones have been taken in by this, which is why the message of the Cross needs to be preached in power. For this I can assure you, the conviction of My Spirit is upon those who have committed their lives to
Emerging Church ministers rather than to Me; & that thou must prepare for a great harvest. Hence your continual work of preparation, which has not gone unnoticed by the Father. For what you are doing in the Bible College of Wales Continuing is planting My Word, My Word not having any copyright clause in it. So if any ministry accuses you of copyright infringement, you will know it is of Emerging Church origin. For their bibles & songs have copyright attached to them, which they protect through physical means, for their ministries have become massive industries, for at the back of the Emerging Church are businesses protecting their personal interests & the interests of their shareholders, their interests having no place in the kingdom of God.
“So, should a ministry contact you over copyright infringement, heed not. For thou hast given up all to follow Me, & for them to be fully Christian, they must give up all this worldly possession, protected by copyright, to move into the kingdom of God. For New Testament Christianity is a movement of sacrifice, & not of seed faith financial & material lust.
“One has brought about once more on this earth, a ministry of sacrifice rather than personal gain. For thou hast become as Me on this earth, walking too in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, high above principalities & powers, empowered of the Holy Ghost, overcomers of the buffeting of the messengers of Satan. Thou has supreme authority, for from the Cross thou has been risen up into resurrection glory.
“This is the army of the Lord, who has faith in God, who moves mountains, pulls down Jericho walls by the lifting up of My Rhema Word. For to fully move in My power & My anointing, one has reliance on God rather than the physical possessions of the seed faith financial offering, which is an exploitation of the people by Emerging Church ministers, who have no understanding at all that the seed is the Word of God.”
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 23/12/11 “SUCCESS”
“Through the world’s eyes, success is measured by the spirit of mammon, over how much money one has; that is, how much money you can pass on to future generations; how big a house you have; how big a car you have; & all this success is based on the spirit of mammon: greed for money, & pride in relation to what you have in comparison to others.
“Pride in the kingdom of God is based on what you don’t have; is based on what you can’t do; is based on your complete submission to the Lord your God.
“That is success in the kingdom of God. For I can only take broken people into My kingdom. Success in measured on what you can’t do, rather than what you can do.
“You see, spirits working in thy country have brought a competitive spirit, that simply has failed. Banks have looked to be better than the next bank, through a competitive spirit. Anyone who stands in their way gets battered.
“You have seen this work against thee, in which they have looked to have success over you, simply by their might, & strength, & domination of the legal structures of thy nation.
“Yet in Me, thou art stronger than them. Thou hast a Constitution which proclaims this. For, in thy Constitution, God is the Head, and as the prophet of God, thou canst speak judgement against all those who are of selfish ambition; for success was measured, in the last Labour government, with utilitarian belief, that if they did things in line of pleasing the greater good, they could gain popularity with the people.
“So, suddenly success started to be measured by a measure of what the people wanted, rather than what was written in thy Constitutional Acts.
“Success, therefore, in this government, was measured by to-&-fro policies, that linked to the feelings of people, rather than being of theRock that does not move; the last government losing its power because if its instability, in trying to please man, rather than God.
“You now can take the wealth of this wickedness, into the kingdom; for this utilitarian philosophy has failed miserably; & you have all of these banks spiritually on their knees; yet they will not repent, because of human pride.
“It is time to write letters to them, in detail of their transgressions against thee; yet not thee, but Me. For they have failed to understand the significance of having a registered court hearing against them: in other words, a court hearing pending. Whilst they defaulted thee, you are waiting legally for a court case; for they have now broken the principles of court hearings over centuries, for applying judgement before the court has sat.
The last Labour government knew how much these court cases were going to cost banks, who were already collapsing. And so, for the perceived greater good (utilitarianism), they produced a test case, reliant in its findings on global / European law, rather than the Constitutional law of thy nation.
“This, they perceived as success. Yet their dishonesty was in gaining success through foreign philosophy, rather than the theocracy principles thy monarch promised to uphold in the running of thy nation.
“What you are now establishing, is that their success was gained through men’s philosophies, rather than the theocratic principles you are upholding.
“It is coming as a shock to them, to find their utilitarian success has been found wanting in the hands of My prophet. He can now pass judgement in My name; which he has now done. In standing up to the foreign infiltration, My prophet has pointed out the demands of thy Constitutional Acts; a demand that there be no foreign infiltration into the way thy country is called to run under God.
“The chameleon policies of thy present government is an abomination before Me too. They look to please all parties; yet they are still allowing the abomination of abortion to blight thy nation.
“How can they stand for Christian values, when they are allowing the murder of innocents, day after day? They look to promote family values; yet they offer free operations to kill innocents.
“They see promoting family values as success; yet allow, in their perceived legal procedures, the lying of men with men.
“Their perceived presentation of racism is indeed racist in itself; for it insists man has to embrace its own perception of philosophy, rather than making allowance for cultural differences throughout the world; for in one culture, a racist term in Britain is a term of endearment in another. To not recognise cultural differences, is a racist act in itself.
“So, the perception of knocking out racism, is based on philosophy in Britain; that of the letter of the law that kills, rather than the Spirit that gives life.
“The Lord thy God created man; & man is looking to make all men under a new global legal system, that allows not for cultural difference. This is racist in itself.
“How God operates is completely different. He sees all men as equal; once they have been to the Cross; once they have repented of their sin, I turn man’s failure into success.
“I have all men as equal; whatever their colour, or background, all men have sinned before Me. But repentance washes away their sin, to bring men into not only being equal with each other, but more importantly, a joint heir with Me.
“So, these new philosophies have hit thy nation, & failed. Success comes the old-fashioned way: on your knees before God. That is success; but that success only comes through admission of failure; a position your nation must understand; for its embracement of utilitarians, instead of pleasing the people, has failed them miserably.
“You have the power in thy hands, to bring forth the revival; but this revival only comes through admission of men’s failure, rather than the pride of his success.
“Greater is He who is in you, than he who is in the world.”
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 24/12/11
“Understand this, & understand it well: the world is afraid of thee.
“When thou takest on these banks in the manner which you have done, understand, they are afraid. You will bring out in open court points that will open up the door for them to be bankrupted. They will use every delaying tactic they have, not to bring these matters to open court. Even though their behind the scenes dealings, they have fixed with the legal system what they thought was a win for them in the legal processes, they had not worked out that there would be a prophet come with higher law than their behind the scenes operations could muster.
“So, within this context, thou art to cry aloud, & spare not. Your constitutional objection is one they cannot get over. Spirits have endeavoured to kill, steal & destroy thee. A major instigator of these sprits thou bound in My name the other evening.
“So, you are taking away the spiritual support the banks have, & leaving them vulnerable to the prophet of God, who can present his case, which is now far more than the House of Lords edict in relation to credit cases.
“The case you now have against the banks, involves the harassment you suffered for a long period of time; the fact that they were involved with government to get the cases out of the legal system at a time of strain; the fact that they have blackened thy name, Lindsay, while a court hearing was pending. The over-confidence of winning these cases was a sure sign that they had manipulated things behind the scenes with powers & rulers, which you now have access to, in the name of Jesus, to bring the judgement of God upon a complete abuse of constitutional law, which can only be described as high treason.
“I declare that you should cry aloud & spare not, & bring the wrath of God, the judgement of God, upon decadent organizations that have abused the people for years.
“The City of London (financial) is a place of filth, idol-worship, love of money, & manipulators after their own ends; & My judgement needs to be called down by My prophet (God speaking through DG: ‘In the name of Jesus, I bring the judgement of God upon the City of London; upon its filthy banking system. I bring the truth out; even to the point of the demonic signs on the Bank of England. I bring out the truth; that the wrath of God, the judgement of God, should fall upon the Bank of England today, & on all of its associate financial organizations that have turned away from the laws of God.
‘I include all the banks which have been manipulators, truce-breakers, & covenant-breakers.
‘I speak to the banking areas around Canary Wharf with its pyramids, to be judged by the wrath of God; that once more this nation rely on God, rather than these evil manipulators of the spirit of mammon).’
“Thou art to take from them considerable compensation, for your lack of ability to trade, because of what they have done against you; for the great family suffering they have caused, through their harassment ‘phone calls which occurred over a long period of time; for taking judgement against thee, whilst a court hearing was pending; for allowing a long period of time to occur without addressing the issue; for the lack of action by thy solicitors there is judgement. For what they said they would do, they should have done.
“This is the day of My wrath & judgement, saith the Lord. For I am the Lord: I change not. For thou art constitutionally a Christian country. Just as the Temple was of God, so they brought in financial manipulators, covenant breakers, whoremongers, into the Temple grounds.
“Do you see what I did? I cried aloud, I spare not; & cast the money-changers out of the Temple.
“Such as it is with thee’ thou art to restore clean banks, encouraging local economies, rather than pander to the manipulators of the global economy.
“A landmark has been set in Britain, of the nation being a nation of shopkeepers, who were once supported on the ground by local bank managers, who encouraged & built up, who provided funds to benefit the local economy. And in has come global brands, to take away local identity.
“Thou art to restore local culture, & bring a banking system to Britain, where local business people can more than compete with the global infiltration.
“For what thou art doing is supporting the local economy, & Constitutional Laws that are there to protect the people; laws of God. And what you have witnessed is global infiltration into thy legal systems, that is completely illegal in thy country; & they are afraid that you will set the people free from the bondage they have placed local businesses under; placed local economies under; & you have cried before Pharaoh to let the people go.
“What they have not calculated for, is the fiery, cloudy pillar of My presence, from where you bind spirits of darkness, leaving the banking system helpless before thee. For with thy rod of authority, one can now bring down the judgement, & bring to an end the oppression the Pharaohs of the financial system of thy nation have placed the people under.
“Now, when it comes to the signs of the times, you still have authority, power & dominion over Pharaoh.
“And indeed, thou should watch, & stand upon thy watch; for signs of the times are all around thee.
“Lift up thy rod of authority; pull down the forces of darkness (which I now do, in the name of Jesus).
“As I come to the City of London (I meaning God, but God in us), I come to those doors of the dome. I walk along the aisles; & I come against the strongman of masonry, filth & decadence. I name you, spirit of darkness, thou spirit of the universal dome, thou spirit of the throne. I name you as the one who has sought to blind the rulers of our nation; this dome being built to honour mammon, rather than God. Thou art named, in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus, I pull down the dome built to honour man, rather than God; a dome built as a false temple before Me.
“For My temple today is the body of Christ; & this dome has been built to place My body in bondages.
“So, this dome I close down, in the name of Jesus.
“This is the word of the Lord in relation to the signs of the times: you are seeing prophecy fulfilled all around thee. The midnight hour is nigh. Thou hast stood faithful to My Word; & all those like thee I will protect, saith the Lord; for I am faithful & true to My Word; that all this curse I have placed on all the decadence & filth of the financial system of Great Britain; all the effects of this which shall hit thy nation, shall not come nigh thee.
“Bring together thy group to hear from Me. The signs of the times are to increase, as man wallows in his sin. As these infiltrations of darkness that have brought in false philosophies to fellowships that were once Mine. Thou hast been faithful in exposing these infiltrations, in movements that have become places of sin tolerance rather than sin conviction.
“My judgement is upon them, saith the Lord. (I expose the infiltrations of Alpha; the operations of the Catholic church in once-Protestant movements. I bring forth the judgement, saith the Lord; I expose this infiltration, saith the Lord. I bring forth leaders who will take these movements back to their old paths).
“For I am building My Church, & the gates of hell shall not prevail against it
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 14/01/12
“There is a distinction in the enemy camp, in the area of on-going financial services, & property management.
“Part (1) – Property:
“The enemy is obsessed with owning property along spiritual power-lines. This relates to old chapels, so-called church buildings, the historical monuments of the nation.
“As a remnant, you are called to remove the altars made with hands, by spiritually isolating them through thy spiritual warfare, & expose their paganism in the manner you are doing.
“So, much of the property, with good or bad spiritual backgrounds, is in the hands of the god of this world; hence, in Betwys-yn-Rhos, chapel was placed in the hands of people alien to the original calling of the chapel. By bringing this chapel back into the hands of those who have a calling of God, will stir up spirits determined to keep the property in the hands of those not being led by God; for within the North Wales area, much syncretisation between paganism & so-called Christianity has taken place. And there are huge property ownerships by those who have chosen to syncretise paganism & so-called Christianity.
“You can easily name them. There are massive buildings throughout North Wales, belonging to syncretised faith.
“And you, as a remnant, with your financial battles to stay alive, face an enemy flush with cash to suppress down.
“So, what are your weapons in all of this?
“(i) Cry aloud; spare not; expose what the enemy is doing; which is where you come in, in the area of financial services.
“The enemy has favourable backing, in the area of financial services. So what he is trying to do, will always gain financial support from a pagan banking system.
“And so, under the heading of Financial Services (Part 2), you have mighty weapons against the enemy:
“(a) Expose financial services in Britain breaking Constitutional Law.
“(b) Show clearly how the enemy has broken the Constitutional Laws of Britain.
“(c) As the earth is the Lord’s, & the fullness thereof, claim it back into the Lord’s camp; your weaponry here being so much more powerful than the enemy’s operations; meaning, there is a link between financial services & property – but the first step is to take on the financial services, then claim back the property.
“In other words, you are cutting off the supply lines of the enemy, which is classical spiritual warfare.
“Now, coming back to property: you are used to crazy things going on in relation to property. Louise has witnessed this in Betwys-yn-Rhos & David in Ystradgynlais, both villages being areas of much pagan activity. Betwys-yn-Rhos is centred round its so-called Parish Church, which is part of this whole Anglican cult in Wales, which again is a syncretisation of paganism & Christianity, the chapel in the past having stood against this; the chapel movement, of course, being Non-Conformist – now get the name Non-Conformist, meaning not conforming to the system.
“The enemy has spent years bringing these chapels under his control. This is what has happened in Ystradgynlais; for he has systems of syncretisation: that includes Alpha, Churches Together, etc.; so what you have, is a huge spiritual battle-ground, if any Non-Conformist looks to get property back. You will see what has happened to David & Len at Ystradgynlais, & what is happening to Louise at Betwys-yn-Rhos – the enemy has fought hard to get the property, & will fight hard to keep it, particularly in areas of strong spiritual mapping. So, at Ystradgynlais & Betwys-yn-Rhos, which on paper looks like simple purchases of chapels, becomes a spiritual battle-field of huge proportions.
“So, back to My solution. Expose the spiritual battle-fields, within the context of cutting off the money supply to the enemy; which is what you are doing.
“But it is like 2 separate operations, although they are strongly linked. The corruption of the banks is well known; & you must go in with flags flying. You carry on your instructions in taking on the banking institutions; which ultimately will have an effect in the area of property; which you are to gain much property for My kingdom, saith the Lord. By exposing unconstitutional & illegal management of money supply by the banks; & what will follow that is the illegal, unconstitutional, management of property.
“For you are going into the financial services with a sword, the sword of the Spirit. And so, you are in the stronger position; for financial services exposure comes first; then will follow the return of property, in line with Mark 10.
“So, greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world.
“So rejoice; the victory is ours, saith the Lord. But follow My way of going about things:
“Cry, aloud, spare not;
“Cut off the enemy’s purposes of domination; that is why you have so many franchises today, of small businesses under global control.
“So, what are the steps again?
“Take over the financial services, in the manner I have told you;
“Then deal with the area of property.”
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 3/03/12 “LOST INHERITANCES”
[Important prophecy]
“Over the coming nights, I will be informing you as to why you have lost inheritance after inheritance; the reasons for it; & what to do about it.
“This is a personal prophecy, which you can share with others on the Christian Financing site.
“There are so many Christians who have lost inheritances, & it is for a reason which I am going to show.
“In ancient times, occultic power lines were drawn over certain areas. Many of these power lines were drawn up by Druids, & other lost religions. Barriers were drawn up in the spirit, which normally do not manifest, but will manifest in places of Christian activity, i.e. Sheila’s house in Frodsham, which you showed to be locational phenomena, rather than anything wrong with Sheila. But Sheila’s living in that house brought reaction of the spirits.
“Now in her present house, spirits too have been reacting to her state of mind, & want her out of there, & are harassing her to get her out of there. Thus her state of mind there.
“Now, you live in an area of much leasehold property, which is significant, which means in effect, the land belongs to another, similar to the Scottish feudal system.
“When people are living normal secular lives, this does not trigger anything, although haunted houses can exist with poltergeists, but that is a separate issues.
“What I am telling you is, if you are a baptized in the Spirit, born-again Christian, moving by the Spirit, & live in a leasehold or freehold property, these ancient power lines will react with you, because the spirits around them feel this is their land, because you are in effect, to their way of thinking, within the power lines of their activity.
“Now in this system, if you are an ordinary person, doing ordinary business, generally (there are exceptions) nothing will happen.
“Now, if you are a baptized in the Spirit Christian, the conflict has begun, because you are on the land, set up in ancient times along particular power lines, with additional lines set up with squires or lairds; you live in the estate of another; the squire or laird having the estate people under his thumb.
“You see the spiritual battle-ground going on? Which is why so many Spirit-led Christians have battles with property in your country; but Spirit-led Christians should all be Mark 10:30 Christians, giving up all to follow Me, which is difficult in a culture which set up building societies to bring the majority of people into ownership, which was a major cultural change, because at one time, there was a culture of long-term rents.
“Now where the Spirit-led Christian rented, outside of spiritual clashes with a landlord, which is a separate issue to what I am talking about now, there was no problem for the Christian in relation to the spirits of these power lines; for the spirits associate the land to the owner, not the one who is renting.
“Now, you personally have lived on estates; even though they do not look like estates in modern times, the ancient power lines remain.
“Now, where the most illustrative place to explain this, was land & property you were associated with in Kiltarlity. Spirits made the owners of the property you were buying, ridiculously sue you. They persuaded the owner to pull out of the transaction, & become very legalistic about your one day late in payment. On the land you bought, you could have built on the high ground at low cost; but the spirits did not want you on the high ground, but on the low ground, where on their way of thinking, they could dominate you. So they persuaded the owner of the property next door, to place his objections. Both these objections cost you thousands of pounds, & you were left with no property at the end of the day; & you’ve been on a run of losing on every property you have had.
“In Haslington, spirits persuaded children to hound you out, because of the stand you took. This was particularly noticeable at Halloween, where on one occasion you had to clear out for the night. They did not want you there.
“You bought a property on the Wirral; spirits persuaded children to hound you out. There was an uproar in the spirit when you even stepped into the place.
“Have you noticed, when you rented in Crewe, you had little hassle? Because you did not own the property.
“Now, you can have spiritual clashes with landlords, & you have had them; but that is a separate issue to what I am talking about now. When you rented in Prestatyn, you had no hassle. It is when you own a property, within certain boundary lines, where the spiritual battle takes place. .............
“And so these battle-grounds are in places of spiritual boundary lines, where the Spirit-led Christian purchases.
“Now, combine that with the economic collapse in the nation; the taking out of equity loans on property which is declining in value, rather than going up in value. The spirits are taking their opportunity not only to hound you out, but at the same time, destroy your ability to own property again.
“This is not only your problem, but a problem in your Church fellowship, which you need to bring to Me.
“Now, I have individual Rhemas. As people cast their cares upon Me, I build them up, & give them instruction as to the way forward. These are individual Rhemas.
“Now, you have been under great attack as regards to the ownership of your present property. Again, you live in an area of much leasehold property. In such areas, there will have been land rents at one time, which in modern times have been removed. You have had, in addition to this, a banking collapse. You have many legal cases, rightfully applying the Constitution to them; but the system which you are fighting against has been overwhelmed with complaint after complaint over the behaviour of the nation’s banks. So in effect, the usual places of settlement have been removed; these places of settlement breaking law after law themselves, with the bringing in of European law; with the suppression of Constitutional Law, including the monarch’s oath. Within this equation, you had a figure to spend on the loft, which was exceeded because of spirits taking the opportunity to cause division in your fellowship group. You needed the group’s passionate support, but were greeted by reaction of manic attack, from spirits who want you well out of Rhos-on-Sea.
“These spirits have the same plans for Rhos as they had for Prestatyn; & you are a barrier to their plans.
“So, what do you do about all this? I know how great a toll the stress & worry of this has brought. But I also know the amount of times over the years you have cast these cares upon Me; & thou hast taken My rescue packages.
“But now, your desire is to be properly funded, to fulfil the call of God on your lives. That is your big rub at the moment, combined with the ability to live normally, without threat of expulsion. You are living with that threat now, day after day’ & I know how great the strain is on you, for 2 reasons: the ability to run the ministry, & security of a place to live.
“So, what can I say? You are looking to Me in a state of saying, ‘What am I to do, Lord?’ & actions I will reveal over coming evenings, & through the nights; for at this time, simply rest in Me. I have solutions. But no spirits have contrived to remove your inheritance because of property ownership. I know, particularly Lindsay, your heart is broken; but know too, I will reveal at the right time, the solution.
“So at this time, simply rest in Me. I will be back with Biblically based solutions, from the Old & New Testaments.
It is not only you this has happened to. I will bring to you those who have had similar experiences, for I am bringing My remnant together.
Remember what happened at the House of Daviot, which you did not own? But look what happened to the owners: spiritual attack after spiritual attack, & eventually financially having to leave the property.
“I have solutions which I will reveal to you.”

Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 3/03/12 “LOST INHERITANCES”
[Important prophecy]
“Over the coming nights, I will be informing you as to why you have lost inheritance after inheritance; the reasons for it; & what to do about it.
“This is a personal prophecy, which you can share with others on the Christian Financing site.
“There are so many Christians who have lost inheritances, & it is for a reason which I am going to show.
“In ancient times, occultic power lines were drawn over certain areas. Many of these power lines were drawn up by Druids, & other lost religions. Barriers were drawn up in the spirit, which normally do not manifest, but will manifest in places of Christian activity ...........
“Now, you live in an area of much leasehold property, which is significant, which means in effect, the land belongs to another, similar to the Scottish feudal system.
“When people are living normal secular lives, this does not trigger anything, although haunted houses can exist with poltergeists, but that is a separate issues.
“What I am telling you is, if you are a baptized in the Spirit, born-again Christian, moving by the Spirit, & live in a leasehold or freehold property, these ancient power lines will react with you, because the spirits around them feel this is their land, because you are in effect, to their way of thinking, within the power lines of their activity.
“Now in this system, if you are an ordinary person, doing ordinary business, generally (there are exceptions) nothing will happen.
“Now, if you are a baptized in the Spirit Christian, the conflict has begun, because you are on the land, set up in ancient times along particular power lines, with additional lines set up with squires or lairds; you live in the estate of another; the squire or laird having the estate people under his thumb.
“You see the spiritual battle-ground going on? Which is why so many Spirit-led Christians have battles with property in your country; but Spirit-led Christians should all be Mark 10:30 Christians, giving up all to follow Me, which is difficult in a culture which set up building societies to bring the majority of people into ownership, which was a major cultural change, because at one time, there was a culture of long-term rents.
“Now where the Spirit-led Christian rented, outside of spiritual clashes with a landlord, which is a separate issue to what I am talking about now, there was no problem for the Christian in relation to the spirits of these power lines; for the spirits associate the land to the owner, not the one who is renting.
“Now, you personally have lived on estates; even though they do not look like estates in modern times, the ancient power lines remain.
“Now, where the most illustrative place to explain this, was land & property you were associated with in Kiltarlity. Spirits made the owners of the property you were buying, ridiculously sue you. They persuaded the owner to pull out of the transaction, & become very legalistic about your one day late in payment. On the land you bought, you could have built on the high ground at low cost; but the spirits did not want you on the high ground, but on the low ground, where on their way of thinking, they could dominate you. So they persuaded the owner of the property next door, to place his objections. Both these objections cost you thousands of pounds, & you were left with no property at the end of the day; & you’ve been on a run of losing on every property you have had.
“In Haslington, spirits persuaded children to hound you out, because of the stand you took. This was particularly noticeable at Halloween, where on one occasion you had to clear out for the night. They did not want you there.
“You bought a property on the Wirral; spirits persuaded children to hound you out. There was an uproar in the spirit when you even stepped into the place.
“Have you noticed, when you rented in Crewe, you had little hassle? Because you did not own the property.
“Now, you can have spiritual clashes with landlords, & you have had them; but that is a separate issue to what I am talking about now. When you rented in Prestatyn, you had no hassle. It is when you own a property, within certain boundary lines, where the spiritual battle takes place. There are spiritual lines around Colwyn Heights, where Margaret Dransfield is; & the spirits have already started to try & hound her out.
“And so these battle-grounds are in places of spiritual boundary lines, where the Spirit-led Christian purchases.
“Now, combine that with the economic collapse in the nation; the taking out of equity loans on property which is declining in value, rather than going up in value. The spirits are taking their opportunity not only to hound you out, but at the same time, destroy your ability to own property again.
“This is not only your problem, but a problem in your Church fellowship, which you need to bring to Me.
“Now, I have individual Rhemas. As people cast their cares upon Me, I build them up, & give them instruction as to the way forward. These are individual Rhemas.
“Now, you have been under great attack as regards to the ownership of your present property. Again, you live in an area of much leasehold property. In such areas, there will have been land rents at one time, which in modern times have been removed. You have had, in addition to this, a banking collapse. You have many legal cases, rightfully applying the Constitution to them; but the system which you are fighting against has been overwhelmed with complaint after complaint over the behaviour of the nation’s banks. So in effect, the usual places of settlement have been removed; these places of settlement breaking law after law themselves, with the bringing in of European law; with the suppression of Constitutional Law, including the monarch’s oath. Within this equation, you had a figure to spend on the loft, which was exceeded because of spirits taking the opportunity to cause division in your fellowship group. You needed the group’s passionate support, but were greeted by reaction of manic attack, from spirits who want you well out of Rhos-on-Sea.
“These spirits have the same plans for Rhos as they had for Prestatyn; & you are a barrier to their plans.
“So, what do you do about all this? I know how great a toll the stress & worry of this has brought. But I also know the amount of times over the years you have cast these cares upon Me; & thou hast taken My rescue packages.
“But now, your desire is to be properly funded, to fulfil the call of God on your lives. That is your big rub at the moment, combined with the ability to live normally, without threat of expulsion. You are living with that threat now, day after day’ & I know how great the strain is on you, for 2 reasons: the ability to run the ministry, & security of a place to live.
“So, what can I say? You are looking to Me in a state of saying, ‘What am I to do, Lord?’ & actions I will reveal over coming evenings, & through the nights; for at this time, simply rest in Me. I have solutions. But no spirits have contrived to remove your inheritance because of property ownership. I know, particularly Lindsay, your heart is broken; but know too, I will reveal at the right time, the solution.
“So at this time, simply rest in Me. I will be back with Biblically based solutions, from the Old & New Testaments.
It is not only you this has happened to. I will bring to you those who have had similar experiences, for I am bringing My remnant together.
Remember what happened at the House of Daviot, which you did not own? But look what happened to the owners: spiritual attack after spiritual attack, & eventually financially having to leave the property.
“I have solutions which I will reveal to you.”
“Those with commercially-driven Bibles, are bibles of another Jesus, from the spirit of mammon, commercially-driven from those looking to
“Each copyright bible has distinctives of its own, & are sold like any other book; but My Word is beyond human copyright. It is My Word, that is to have no commercial interest attached to it whatsoever. Profits that come from the selling of My Word, having to be used for the on-going profession of the gospel, & never to be used for commercial profit.
“Likewise with My inspired music. Now, new songs & hymns, like that of the Wesleys, Isaac Watts, Fanny J Crosby, are prophetic songs in line with My Word. So you cannot say, ‘We just sing the psalms, because that is scripture;’ because that is denying present-day prophecy which is in itself unscriptural. That is a presentation of Logos, rather than Rhema.
“What an inspired hymn-writer does, is hear from God & write down what God is saying; but this is not additional Scripture, for the canon of Scripture is complete. But this is the presentation of hymns & songs in line with My Word, being used in praise & worship, & devotion to Me.
“Again, those who present & sell My music, should not be commercially-driven, but be proclamation of the gospel-driven; in other words, if I have inspired the hymn, I choose where the money goes; & the wealth I have chosen you to get, is for the establishment of My covenant, not commercial companies.
“That is why I have called you to set up a non-profit company in relation to a charity.
“That activity has prevented you from being a cult, for there are many cults of the spirit of mammon, who not only have commercialised apparent hymns & songs of God, but also what they present as My Word. These ‘other Jesus’ cults have therefore commercialised the Great Commission. This is serious blasphemy.
“Now, My Word declares warnings over seducing spirits in the last days. Now, in your nation of England & Wales, & to an extent Northern Ireland, there is a national Church that still has its altars made with hands; & because of the deceiving spirits attached to these altars, oaths & promises to God are brought under the deception of the other Jesus.
“And so, you have a challenge this year to your nation: will the monarch speak out again her Coronation vows? For if not, thy nation has fallen into the hands of the other Jesus (II Corinthians 11:4).
“Now, keep working hard this week. This is your rear-guard week. Be rested, but do not slack. Be determined, & see through what you have got to see through, in preparation for the great harvest that is to come. For the real Jesus of the Bible sees you as an empty vessel, to proclaim the truth of His Word, & to expose the seducing spirits of the other Jesus, that has bound so many up into a cult.”
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 28/03/12
“The reason why there has been such a drain on the finances, of not only you, David & Lindsay, but also all the trustees of the charity, is because evil spirits have done the following things. To make going forward almost impossible, this is what the evil spirits have done:-
“(1) They have held back the story of the gospel from the children of the nation. This contravenes the 1689 Act establishing the Coronation Oath; the Act which demands the head of state propagates the national religion. That has not been done to My satisfaction.
“(2) Excessive interest by bankers, & too high taxes by government.
“Because the ‘rendering to Caesar the things which are Caesar’s’ has been used by Christians in relation to their acceptance of too high taxes, the too high taxes has caused such a drain on the nation, that expansion of the economy as a whole has been difficult: hence, recession.
“Because Britain has God as its Head - this is the God of the Protestant religion established by law – the nation has legal obligation to support those propagating the Protestant religion established by law, & no other religion. Illegally, the nation has supported all kinds of faiths & religions – note the word ‘Illegally’ – through tax-back claims. All that money is legally only to be placed in the hands of ministers of the Protestant religion established by law. Because this has not happened, those of the remnant have been squeezed into a corner, to be suppressed by government, rather than blessed by it.
“(3) The charges I have on successive governments of thy nation, require national repentance, & special support is required for those living by the requirements of the Constitutional Acts; for they in effect have become the government in the nation, deprived of the national resources, rather than given them.
“(4) Illegal spending of money by government. Government is illegally spending money on the killing of babies; the use of drugs to hasten deaths; where the demands of the National Health Service are to bring life, & not death.
“(5) Because of the lack of education to the children, & their encouragement of children to be sexually active, this has been a huge drain on the resources of the nation.
“Real policies have to be put into place, to teach the Constitution of the nation to the children, & the people at large.
“(6) It is an abomination to Me to spend money on killing innocents, rather than propagating the national religion.
“(7) Re-defining marriage is bringing a curse on the nation so great, it will bring famine & drought to the land, on the basis that a re-defined marriage cannot bear fruit. So, a nation that re-defines marriage will never prosper, government giving money to those not bearing fruit, rather than to those propagating the God of the Constitutional Acts.
“(8) Those looking to stand for the old paths, are being shut down, discredited, ostracized, rather than being given positions of power in the nation.
“(9) Thy Government is in dire straits, because they have muzzled the ox.
“(10) Care for the elderly & disabled: thy government has stolen money from the elderly & disabled, through the taking of:-
“(i) Inheritance tax of previous generations. You are to declare as a prophet, that taxing a family, charity or whatever beneficiary of a will, on income that has already been taxed, is an act of a will-breaker. For what person has placed money they have gathered in their lifetime, to be given to Government, rather than the beneficiary of their will?
“All inheritance tax is to be given back to will beneficiaries – every penny of it; & there has to be national repentance for the stealing of money from those often in grief for their loved ones. It is a national disgrace, bringing a massive curse on the nation. To steal from the desires of those passed on, is lowest-of –the-low economics.
“(ii) To steal money for health care from families & beneficiaries of individuals when a National Health Service has been set up, is a theft which has to stop.
“(11) To therefore build a ministry like you have tried to do, in a nation of such rebellion against God, has been near-by impossible; & indeed, nearly bankrupted you all as trustees in the calling of God I have given you. Your nation is in disgrace, with you in a corner, the ox having been muzzled.
“But I tell you this day, that you are to rise up, My prophets, & proclaim the error of the nation’s ways. This is so serious, that you are aware they will try & place the blame on the prophets, where the blame is firmly rooted in successive governments, who have gone against the very oath the monarch has given to Me.
“There shall be plagues in the land, saith the Lord. My mercy comes with turning back to Me, & lifting My prophets into positions of government. Has the Pharaoh obeyed the prophet, the plagues would not have come.
“Already you are witnessing national shortages; the news that antibiotics do not work like they used to do; disease plague after disease plague with farm animals, & the effects of Chernobyl. Already the nation is experiencing plague. Drought restrictions; the reducing of quantities in packagings in supermarket shelves; are all signs of the drought & famine to come.
“Young people having no ambition & drive, drained by the system, for without a vision, people perish. The vision of God for thy nation has been ignored, with the prophets muzzled.
“Now, this prophecy is to go on the homepage of the Christian Financing web-site, as A Warning to the Nation. That is the title, with a sub-title, “Failing to Heed the Warning of the Prophet Will Bring Continued Plagues Upon the Nation: Repent Today!”
“(12) The 95 Theses of 2007 must be studied by Government & the established “Church,” to bring it in line with the Sons of Zadok, rather than the dead religion of Eli.
“Refer the nation to My prophet Oliver, who supports you in prayer, as My convicting prophet of Great Britain.
“For I have prophets throughout the world, not just one prophet. But I have called you, David & Lindsay, to be the convicting prophets of Great Britain; to work with apostles, like you have so done, most recently in the Christian Party, with Jeff & Sue Green, most recently with Apostle David Owen, & most recently with Ken & Mary Peers; & with you, you have had all of the Five-fold Ministry; & the nation needs to be told you have been propagating the Protestant Reformed religion established by law; & the reference to the Christian Party here, is the upholding the Constitution here, rather than promoting one political party; for you have found, in other political parties, those longing to return to the landmark of the nation’s Constitutional Acts; & this prophecy is as much of a blessing for all political party members looking to stand on the Constitution of the nation, that have come under leaders rebellious to the very Oath of the monarch.
“(13) Repent, repent, repent! & never muzzle the ox again.
“(14) Immediately remove the chains of Europe; & bring My prophet into government, who will bring a meeting of those leading the offices of government, to re-instate the Commonwealth, as I have called it into being to have a common wealth, where all nations of the Commonwealth can prosper, under the God of the Constitutional Acts.
“This is a command of God, not a debating point for the intellectuals of Government.
“Banking: all demonic symbols from thy buildings must be removed by law, to be replaced by scriptures from the Authorized Version, as it is thisBook the monarch has authorized, not the symbols of Egypt which thou hast embraced; for they are symbols of slavery, rather than life.
“There is to be national Days of Repentance. Fasting days are to be re-introduced in Scotland, rather than local holidays, as this is thy tradition; & there needs to be a time of national mourning, for going away from God: for you have sinned against the God of your Coronation. You have abused the very Name of the begotten Son, Jesus; & instead of being blessed by My Holy Spirit, you are to have a time of great pain in thy nation; of great shortage & despair; of disaster after disaster, unless you turn back to the God of your Coronation Oath, which you have abused through the slaughter of innocents, & the muzzling of prophets, accusing them & condemning them, rather than embracing the Word of the Lord which they give.
“Now, My Spirit is calling you back to Me (play the song, ‘We Shall Behold Him,’ as background to this page). Give careful heed to those 95 Theses of 2007. Give special heed, you so-called Church leaders & leaders of State. Behold the Lord God, Who speaks to thee this day! My prophets have suffered to give this message.
“You are not to muzzle the prophet. You are not to attack him, but embrace him! He has apostles & prophets standing with him at this time, in his injunction to the nation.
“Do not try to trap him, with your intellectual clap-trap – but behold the Lord Jesus! Get on your knees before Him, House of Lords! Get on your knees before Him, House of Commons!
“Behold the Lamb of God, who taketh away the sin of the world! You have been found guilty of gross sin against the God of the Constitutional Acts; but behold, I send My Holy Ghost, to convict thee of thy sin & debauchery. For this is a profound moment. Will you humble yourselves before God, or continue to persecute those of the religion thy monarch promised to propagate, even to the point of fining a bed & breakfast owner for protecting his property from the sin of the nation?
“You are called to repent. By repenting, children can have their mums & dads again. They can be children with toys, & fun & games, rather than victims of the nation’s immorality.
“Now, this prophecy is on the Christian Financing homepage for a reason, with Job 36:11 as My final demand: that if you want your nation to prosper, there is a condition; & My prophets is giving this nation the opportunity to obey & serve Him, the God of thy Constitutional Acts.”
[“Now, a private note to David & Lindsay: I know you have got all these things to do, but prioritize this today. Get it type-written, & on to the Financing web-site today. E-mail the link to Owen, Oliver, Kim, & Jeff & Sue. That is the priority today.
“Remember the song “We Shall Behold Him.”
“And a note to Lindsay: When you get back to rehearsing, get as much Dotty Rambo material as you can get, & make a CD album called “Tribute to Dotty Rambo,” which will be your third album.”].
Words from the Lord re Finances 22/04 12 (after Trustees Meeting)
Margaret Dransfield had a word to “call in the finances from the north, south, east & west – not only in this country, but the whole world.”
Lindsay Griffiths: word in connection with this: Psalm 83; the enemy to be as chaff & stubble before us (see Isaiah 41 prophecy from Pastor Jacob). Every foe to be confounded.
Resources to be found in the desert, in a place where no water is.
There is a pipeline in the desert, hidden from all but the people of God. A hidden pipeline, an oil supply – we have to dig deeper for it. It is a supply which cannot fail – beyond the clutches of the enemy strongholds.
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 20/06/12
“The hundredfold return is yours, saith the Lord. Remember My Word: ‘We have given up all to follow thee,’ they said. And I said, ‘And I say, Those who have given up houses, homes, family, for My sake & for the gospel’s, shall receive a hundredfold.’ When? Now – in this time.
“You must get ready to receive - & oh! -Listen to this, & listen to this well - houses, homes, buildings, for My sake & the gospel.
“You must get ready to receive hundredfold blessings; overwhelming to the natural mind – but you must not move by the natural mind. I have you by My Spirit. You must live by My Spirit, day by day, moment by moment; constantly in touch with the Saviour, the Holy One.
“You have known the fellowship of My sufferings. Remember, David & Lindsay, the many years of losing all you have had? Remember, My Word is true; for those who have given up what they have had, they shall receive a hundredfold – yes, a hundredfold! When? Now, in this time.
“Say hallelujah!
“And there are those coming to thee with the practical resources, like houses, homes, buildings, to not only restore that which has been lost, but also to give the financial resources too, to fulfil this great call.
“So, the message is to go forward now, with that mind, the renewed mind, into the high calling of God.
“Remember, by My Spirit. The message is, to go forward.
“Now, I say unto thee this: do not fear. Do not be stressed. Simply obey My Spirit.
“Now, Lindsay, you simply see where David was brought up. You look at those walls he used to sit by as a child. You get a hold of his heritage. Get some sort of CD player, & take the Maynard James CDs. Go into that Hall with the CD player, & invite them to listen to Maynard James in that Hall.
“As soon as you play that, a massive anointing will come. You see, you need to grasp by the Spirit what is happening. The devil has stolen, but he has been found. Please understand what I am doing. It is not for David, or even Sylvia, to go & wallow in the past. It is a matter of stirring up the mantle to go forward in the future.
“David Owen knows the new stuff that came into that Mission Hall to take it away from Crocker’s vision. Brian knows the spirits at large. But Lindsay, you must look at that window: “We Preach Christ Crucified.” The preaching of the Cross. The preaching of the Cross.
“Oh! Grasp it! Grasp it! Grasp it! Remember the hundredfold? Remember My Word, ‘now, in this time?’ There are buildings coming in all over.
“Grasp it: this is the flow of My Spirit upon those who have suffered & lost. Those who have given up everything for My sake & the gospel’s – they shall receive everything, now, in this time.
“But those who have turned away from My gospel, like thy nation, a nation losing its banks to foreign powers, giving its industry to foreign powers, giving its legal systems & political systems to foreign powers, them giving those things up, not sacrificially for the gospel, but greedily, for their own personal gain.
“You have now been in government circles outraged at the thought of being able to afford £500 for a robe. For thy governments are losing all that they had, because of their greed.
“Remember My Word? The wealth of the wicked laid up for the righteous? Grasp it! It is happening. As the government gets poorer, you are getting richer; & I am preparing thee for government of this nation, to take this nation back to God.
“You will call fast days in the nation; times to repent, thy government needing to give thee the tithe; that is, the 10% of the national income; to give thee authority in government.
“For thou will restore the ancient landmark of the Christian Constitutional Acts, to place thy nation back on its foundations. For without them, it is falling.
“As prophets, thou hast warned the nation of its impending gloom. As prophets, you will now tell the nation of the only way it can prosper, which is Job 36:11; & warn the government: ‘do not muzzle the prophets.’ Do not attack them. Do not harass them. But the more you try to muzzle the Word of God, the more harm you will place upon the nation.
“And as the nation celebrates the flame of Baal, so it will continue to go into the mire; so gloom of every description will engulf the nation.
“For those who have not followed Christ, gloom will reach a level which at this time, they are still not grasping. They see it in Greece. They will be seeing it in Spain. But they see this as far-off situations.
“But thou knowest My Word in Deuteronomy, for those who obey, & for those who do not obey; & it is important for you to grasp this, David & Lindsay. As the nation was getting rich, you were getting poorer; & now, everything has changed around.
“But I trust My resources far more in your hands, than in the hands of government that has forgotten God.”
Word (1) from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 22/01/15
“Britain’s God is Mammon rather than the Word of God
(those living in other Western nations will see the same happening in their own countries)”
“As prophesied, Britain before General Election will honour its god of mammon. No interest in the babied being slaughtered from wombs, even though this is having a serious effect on the economy, by removing the population who would gain income, & the huge cost on the NHS to conduct the procedure. But Britain does not care about that. Prospective governments are playing on the fact that they can make you better off. This draws the people into sin, in that they consider their own wallet or purse first, before life itself.
“This secular humanist society has little understanding of the anointing thou hast moved in powerfully. As you have laid everything down at My feet, so I am called to be the provider, so you can reach every creature with the gospel.
“Thou hast carried on the call of the life of Margaret Ryder, & continue the call of the life of Sheila Standish, to reach every creature with the gospel, whatever the cost. Even if it involves the giving of one’s all, every creature must be reached.
“Life is more precious than mammon; but to the Western society, as in Britain, mammon takes the primary role, in that money is more important than life.
“In all things I must have the pre-eminence. I am the way, the truth & the life; & when the monarch of Great Britain made an oath to Me, the fullness of the Godhead bodily, she was saying, ‘I will ensure Great Britain would honour the Father first, through Jesus the Son, & move by the Spirit of God, continuing prayer in the Parliaments, to enable the Sprit to move on Lords & Peers, & upon Members of Parliament.
“But what I have witnessed, is a down-grading of that oath; a move to mammon, away from God. Yet you have those in thy ministry who have sacrificed to Me; who have understood that I must have the pre-eminence as the fullness of the Godhead bodily; who have understood laying everything down before the Lord. And this principle is not understood, because the nation itself has turned away from God, & emphasised mammon before the will of the Father.
“Yes, My Word does say that My will is for health & prosperity; but this is notthe love of money, the love of mammon. For this is so thy nation can share its wealth, with the poor & those in need. Thy nation has been given a Commonwealth, yet has placed the love of money policies above the care for the poor. Where there is oil, thy nation fights. But where there is the poor, they are left in the hands of a dictator.
“Thy nation is pulling itself apart. It is divided at the core, because the god of mammon is divisive. It brings about the haves & the have-nots; & this brings bitterness into society, for people can see the vast unfair-nesses right at the root of the Parliament; a Parliament responsible for an over-stretched police force; an NHS over-stretched itself because of the strain on the people, suffering through laws that place them under bondage, rather than giving them the freedom to live.
“They chase, too, after the prophets who bring the conviction on a decadent nation. Those in conviction bring false accusation, as in the days of Jeremiah.
“But thou hast stood firm. Thou hast fulfilled Sheila & Margaret Ryder’s lifetime ambition, to give all to the gospel. But what about the state? Is it doing the same? The monarch has promised to propagate the Protestant religion established by law – but where is the fruit of this promise?
“Thou hast continued the callings of these two ladies, who have given their all into the cause. But thou hast taken nothing out for thyselves, but to fulfil the call of God, & nothing else. Now, the question you ask is, ‘Is it God, or mammon?’ The Coronation Oath clearly says, ‘God.’ So the nation is obligated to support thee, to propagate the religion the monarch promised to uphold. But because of mammon, they oppose you. Behind-the-scenes deals occur to take thy court cases against the banks out of the system. But thou hast stood firm on the assurance of the House of Lords, & have not backed down from this.
“But you see, mammon will always come before justice; & this will always occur before political parties who will emphasise the love of money before what is right before Almighty God.
“You see, the Parliaments are pulling themselves apart. The corruption of the past is coming to the surface. You see, thy nations, with its love of money & its policy of slaughtering the innocents, is the operation of a nation on sand, & the operation of a nation without the protection of God. By taking on the stronghold of mammon, thou hast brought to the surface the insecurity of the nation; & only that which is built on the Rock will stand. ‘The wise man built his house upon the rock.’
“Where is the wisdom in defying God, & the oath the monarch gave to Me in 1953? Where is the wisdom in defying the monarch’s solemn oath to honour & to propagate the Protestant heritage of thy nation? For if the foundations be destroyed, what do the people do? They divide, & look for fault in others, & over-stretch the legal system, which is why thou hast an over-stretched legal process, over-stretched hospitals & surgeries, over-stretched social services; & the list goes on, of stress & pressure in society, because mammon has taken its place before God.
“Oh, they can scoff at the prophet, but the time is short. As regards the eternal destinies of the people of Western nations living on the earth at this time, vast numbers will live forever with Me in heaven, as Me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven. These are the little children aborted from the wombs.
“But as for those guilty of this crime, without repentance, who have placed mammon before God, then an eternity in hell-fire awaits, of constant torment & regret. For persecuting the prophets who have spoken out the Word of the Lord; for the price of scoffing is an eternity in hell-fire. The opportunity is now here, to come to the Cross & lay down thy love of money. This is what Margaret & Sheila chose to do. But of money is more important to you than life, then you will wallow in your earthly riches & die. But if thou wilt come & lay down before God that which one has, then thou will have everlasting life.
“You see, a child in a third world country has little in material wealth to lay down; & so they quickly move into the realm of reliance on God, & the miracles that follow. But in the West, the love of money takes the priority.
“Thou foolish & perverse generation! Thou hast placed the love of the material before honouring God the Creator. Thou foolish generation! Unless thou turns away from this love, thou will drown in the lake of fire, prepared for the devil & his angels.
“But you have the opportunity to come to the cross. Which is more important: thy material life, or life eternal?”

Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 26/11/11
“I want you to understand what is going on. The level of attack on you is enormous. It is affecting your peace & joy, & is connected with the words “Suffering & inadequacy.”
“The enemy knows what you are doing; but has not access to the heart as to why you are doing it.
“By this time, most would have given up. Indeed I have given words to so many to fulfil, which have not been fulfilled, simply because the majority have backed out because of the enormous personal strain this calling has called with it in relation to the attack.
“Now let us examine the attack. You have found the devil out, & he is exposed; & when the thief is found, he has to restore; & not only restore, but restore sevenfold. You have legal cases before you, David, where you must be firm, & point out the laws these banks have broken, one bank making a fundamental flaw, to the degree of calling active Constitutional Acts archaic.
“The devil’s institutions of the love of money have been found out by thee. You have found out the strongman of Great Britain, beneath the dome of St. Paul’s. You have found out the strongman of North Wales, beneath the structures of Bangor Cathedral; & you are standing upon what I have given thee to do, realising thine own inadequacy, which the devil is feeding off to place fear; yet you are in the strongest position.
“I love those who are prepared to stand, in spite of onslaught after onslaught.
“You are declaring the Word of the Lord; & that Word of the Lord is penetrating the enemy camp. When you preach continuously on being joined to the Lord, members of His body, flesh & bones, you are standing with the protection of God around thee. You are standing as Moses stood before Pharaoh.
“What has replaced the structures in the once-great movements I have outlined, are systems that remove the strain. These movements have lost their “Onward, Christian Soldiers” approach; & here you are, wanting to restore all of these movements I have outlined to thee, under one ministry heading.
“You see, what the devil has closed down, I have called thee to raise up.
“So, take courage. Your vision of seeing these once-great movements restored is truly of God. Your approach in exposing the enemy & his ways, is one of great courage, which thou art showing. Yet you lie in bed, considering thy inadequacy.
“Let Me assure you, every resource of Heaven is with you. So takeheed:-
“In thy courses, Lindsay, you will have a course called “The History of Movements.” You will take Elim, AoG, for example, & give the historical & spiritual context of how these movements have grown.
“Spirits are afraid of you restoring that which they have taken away. You see, in one sense they keep their history; but they keep their history in an historical sense, rather than an active one. And you are looking to restore these movements back to their spiritual strength – not only that, but in the double portion.
“The task ahead looks enormous; but not only have I called you to restore these Christian movements back to their former glory & above that. I have called thee to rebuild their structures – that is, spiritual structures – into thy movements, thy movement being a place of protection for them, so you can place them back into those movements at the given time.
“This will mean confrontation in these movements with those who have stolen the vision. It is simply not acceptable for Methodists not to preach entire sanctification. It is simply not acceptable for Elim not to have the Foursquare Gospel as its banner headline.
“So you have been brought in to build up the structures of old; to nurse them, & see them grow; & release them back into those movements, so those movements can return back to My glory.
“You see, where there is revival, there is a passion for holiness & mission; & all these movements were mission-orientated; whereas today, they are socially manipulated.
“I give you a parable to illustrate. Thy football team had lost its way; so they brought back a man of the old school, to restore the structures of old; those structures that had made thy football team the most successful team of all time. Teams of old did not necessarily have the best players; but a team structure was in place, to bring about the best team. Likewise, I am calling thee to restore the structure of these movements, to enable the five-fold ministry team ethos to manifest. These movements today stand with their newly-built structures of government grants, newly-built structures of Higher Criticism, newly-built structures of simply accepting the social norm; a social norm that has dramatically changed over the last fifty years, the new structures being tossed about with every wind of doctrine. Yet you are standing on the ancient landmark, rebuilding the structures of success, your admission of fears & inadequacy being dangerous to the enemy; for he lives off the natures of proud ministers.
“So fear not; go forth; fulfil the purpose; bring revival.
“Thou hast remained faithful to Me, in spite of enemy onslaught. So rejoice! Be glad! Where men speak all manner of evil against thee, rejoice! Thou art on the right track. Fear not.”