The Word & The Spirit Coming Together
update: 13 September 2024
Every Creature Commission TV youtube channel
Word from the Lord through DPG, 01/03/12
“IF THEY SOLD WESTMINSTER ABBEY” [This is a major prophecy]
“If they sold Westminster Abbey, you would have the resource to reach every creature with the gospel; if they gave the money to you.
“If they sold Westminster Abbey, they would rid themselves of the altar, by which the Queen made promises successive governments have not allowed her to keep.
“If they sold Westminster Abbey, the nation would rid itself of the sin of spending money on monuments, rather than the propagation of the gospel the Queen promised to do.
“If they sold Westminster Abbey, the nation would rid itself of a holy place made with hands, the sale bringing about an understanding that Church is the body of Christ.
“If they sold Westminster Abbey, the building would become a museum of the past, which the Church could forget, & move into the high calling of God.
“You see, selling these altars made with hands would bring the understanding that Church is not a physical building, but the very body of Christ.
“This would then put pressure on the Roman Catholics to sell Westminster Cathedral; for then would come the understanding that a wafer cannot possibly be the body of Christ. For this is the disciplined army of the Lord; the manifestation of Christ being the body of Christ, a group of broken people, now one in Christ Jesus.
“All over thy nation are buildings people see as being Church. Huge resources are spent on maintaining these physical buildings, where I do not dwell.
“Where in My Word is permission granted for spending money on ancient monuments? My Word declares to forget those things that are behind, & move ahead into the high calling of God.
“Does not My Word declare to the rich to sell what thou hast, & give to the poor? What an opportunity for the nation, to sell its ancient monuments, & give into the propagation of the gospel the Queen promised to do? In her oath to God, in the place which I am calling the nation to sell, the funds being used for the gospel, that is, the gospel the monarch promised to uphold, on a seat of broken promises to God, due to successive governments breaking these promises. Well then, national repentance can include the sale of these ancient monuments, bringing favour with God; the nation then will understand the realChrist Who lives in believers, rather than on stone altars.
“So My Word to thy nation is: sell Westminster Abbey. Give the resources to My seers of Zadok. Then the promised you made to God by the altar of stone, can really mean something, future coronations then being in simple buildings, that give no attention to the physical building, & every attention to the Christ that reigns within the remnant Church; not in altars made with hands, but into the true believer.”
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 21/02/12
“As in the days of Jeremiah, I am having to say once again, “Woe to the false pastors!” They control & stage-manage meeting, & suppress the flow of My Spirit. This is contrary to My Word.
“They do not allow the flow of My Spirit to run; they hold back the anointing of God; they hold back the conviction of God, & allow in alien spirits that have emanated largely from the Catholic-orientated spectaculars, like Toronto & Lakeland. They have not heard from Me, but instead have gone with the flow of the end-time counterfeit.
“These pastors are in great danger. Many have sat under the teaching of Higher Criticism, that is, the doubting of My Word, rather than the embracing of it. Many have chosen alien scriptures; scriptures whose codices are Vatican-based; & so have brainwashed the people into accepting a form of godliness that denies the power.
“This form of godliness leaves the place wide open for the remnant; that is, those who are teaching the true word, that is, those who teach that the Church is My body, to stand out, & make its position heard against the falsehoods which have taken over so many of My movements.
“For out there, there are so many casualties of the false pastors. You have witnessed at first hand the spirit of Absalom in thy midst. The false pastors, running round from place to place, looking to please the people rather than please God. Within this spirit, there is always sexual immorality; for the betrayal not only affects the Church fellowship itself, through the spreading of false rumour & false information. If the false pastor has a wife, it betrays her. Its gaining of favour comes with sexual control, as well as control through false information. The spirit gossips continually against the anointed of God, looking to isolate the apostle & prophet from preaching the true Word.
“The spirit particularly looks to gain favour with widows, ladies who are on their own, & those having problems in their marriage; & position & power is sought by these Absaloms, which has brought a bad name to ministries throughout the nation. Apostles & prophets on identifying the operation of this spirit, take action against it; but by which time, there are many casualties who often are drawn in by the lore of the Jezebel, who offers them the ministry & the loving-kindness, only to build up the pride in the victim, rather than the assurance of who that person is in Christ.
“So, as you have looked to expand thy ministry, these spirits have come & isolated you once more. All you can do is say, “Let us expose these false pastors; these pastors who have come to steal the flock.” Let the message be heard, that I am calling these pastors to account, saith the Lord.
“There is a warning I am giving to one large Church fellowship in Colwyn Bay:-
“Thou hast removed My Word for the Catholic codices of Vaticanus, Sinaiaticus, & Alexandrinus. Thou hast allowed thy worship to be influenced by Lakeland & Toronto, & have lured in people through entertainment, rather than the Word.
Behold, I am calling thee back, saith the Lord, from the vagrancies of modern day Christianity, to the cross-carrying of the past. I warned thee to remove the ideals of pleasing the people, to preaching the Word once more, in relation to sacrifice, & cross-carrying. For unless one teaches the Galatians 2:20 truth, the work that I began in Old Colwyn will cease, saith the Lord.
“My prophet has stood against the Leviathan of the Menai, & is now saying to the Antichrist that has looked to infiltrate the coast from Colwyn to the estuary of the Dee, that that run of Antichrist is on notice that it has been found. The false pastors are on notice today that the prophet has seen, & has exposed, the infiltration thou hast fallen under; seen the hearts of so many betrayed people, that Absalom & Jezebel will be exposed in this area too, as the whole of the North Wales coast gets set free for old-time revival, not the counterfeit of the Catholic scriptures.”
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 29/10/15
“When the Non-Conformists Conform, they are no longer Non-Conformists.
When the Non-Denominationals form themselves into a Denomination,
they are no longer Non-Denominationals.
Those who are of the Original Call are the embarrassment to the New Conformists. Those who hold to Non-Denominationalism are seen as rebels, for they continue not to conform.”(Please note: Rev Hughes referred to was Minister at The Tabernacle, Colwyn Bay, North Wales)
“The whole principle of being a non-conformist, is not to conform. Yet organisers infiltrate into movements based on this principle, to bring about a conforming to worldly ways.“Now, this is what has happened to you. You have not conformed, & those who do conform, chase after you to demand that you doconform. When you do not conform, their system will look to destroy you.This is what happened to Rev Hughes in Colwyn Bay.
He was not naïve financially, as has been reported. He was a victim of non-conformists who did conform; & because they did conform & he did not, his resources were suppressed.“Non-conformists conform to the mind of the Spirit, & do not conform to the mind of the flesh, Satan.
“Rev Hughes did the unrespectable of the day. He preached from the heart & brought conviction. Yet those who refused the conviction looked to destroy him. He died a broken man, suffering the torments thou art going through now.“Thou has sought to bring life to that brokenness, & thou in the form of thy intercessor have spoken life in the physical building of the Tabernacl, & all principalities & powers are in fear.
‘Not this again!’ they cry. ‘Not this again!’ “The difference, however, to your situation & that of the Rev Hughes is this: thou hast the power today to bring the darkness into the light, through going on-line, & expose that which is happening. “Look at those who are opposing you. The BBC, once with high moral values, a non-conformist operation under the nation’s Constitution, began to conform to the god of this world, who now rules this Corporation with a passion.“Non-conformists began charities in thy nation; yet there are those who have come in who have made movements which thy forefathers set up, to conform to the regulators of the god of this world.
“These movements lose their power, & become efficient bastions of society. No longer with the blood & fire of General Booth, a non-conformist preaching machine has become the bastion of social welfare, rather than preachers of blood & fire.“The landmark has therefore been removed; & just as you look to restore the mantle of General Booth, his movement now looks to minister to people primarily, rather than to God.
General Booth’s principle was to minister to God first, who then supernaturally provided the needs of the people, in contrast to today, for that army bows down & conforms to the god of this world, & has procedure & regulation above blood & fire. You can see that in its logo. The blood & fire has gone. “So it was with the Baptist Missionary Society & Rev Hughes.
It had bowed down to regulation, & Rev Hughes did not conform, & a schism formed between that which stood for the old paths, & those who stand for the god of this world. Those who therefore have taken over the movements of the non-conformists, now hold the purse-strings. They say, ‘If you conform to this, & you conform to that, the resources will be yours.’ The non-conformist, hearing from God, replies with My Word.“You see, those who conform hold the purse-strings. Lucifer conformed, & showed Me the kingdoms of this world. For those who conform have eaten off the tree of knowledge. Knowledge & reason is in charge, rather than virtue.
“It is this that came against Rev Hughes, & comes against thee. It is this that brought about a broken man, for to the end, he would not conform. He did notbow down to Satan, like My once-great movements have done. They have passed not their Mount of Temptation experience. They have not replied as Ireplied, choosing the path of the cross, of complete brokenness, rather than the path of earthly success.“Choose ye this day whom ye will serve. The non-conformist pays the price, with the conformist holding the purse-strings, & in thy case, they have even taken away the purse-strings of thy non-conformist prophetess. “For the path of reason is the path of ‘best interest,’ & the path of non-conformity is the path of ‘mental incapacity.’
This is their thinking, & as thou has spoken out, unconstitutional.“For those of reason now run thy country, & those who do not conform, being put on a path of destruction. This is the reason for thy suffering.“’If only you conform,’ they say; just as the devil offered Me on the Mount of Temptation, & so thou hast refused his invitation.“In the place thou art in, comes massive anointing of the Christ who died for thee, & the blood & fire conviction of thy preaching, brings fear into thy adversaries. For in their bowing down to conformity, they have much to hide; & thy openness, transparency & honesty brings the fear of God to them.“This is the situation of Rev. Hughes, & this is thy situation.
“But let me return thee to My Word.“As you now act by My Spirit, having forsaken all to follow Me, then the promised of My Word is clear, ‘Now, in this time.’ Hence thou are to continue with the building of houses, in Sri Lanka, Great Britain, all over the world. Media missions houses – it is all there before thee. For that which is built on sand is about to fall. The thief of Rev. Hughes has to pay back. For up to now, the thief’s goods have been in peace; but now that which is stronger has come upon him.
“You see, the stronger man has already overcome the strong man; & thou art to expose with vigour the corruption of the strong man; & yes, Lindsay, thy time has come to reveal that sword. Thy intercessor has stirred up the socialist antichrist, whose goods are no longer in peace, & thou art called to knock down the Jericho walls, & enter the Promised Land of milk & honey at this time. For it is My will that thou shouldest prosper & be in health; & thou are to take back the goods of the strong man.“Go forward therefore, having established the rear guard action of having thy affairs in order.
You can then go forward with My sword, & claim back all which the devil has stolen, by taking over movements that have conformed, so as to restore the non-conformist banner of blood & fire, of ministers who have not conformed to the god of this world, & have taken over the resources of those who have stolen movements into the hands of the antichrist.“Thy call is to make that which has conformed into that which has not conformed to the god of this world. For thou will stand again in the pulpits of blood & fire, & take back from those that haveconformed, the goods they have stolen in the name of antichrist.
“For thou, in the name of Jesus, will restore movements of non-conformity to the conformity of My spirit, rather than the god of this world.”
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 29/11/11
“Thou hast become true, non-conformist Protestants. I have had movements in the past where I could speak My Word, & have an impact on society; but the Churches Together movement has taken that away from Me, by taking what were non-conformist Protestant evangelical movements unto the new ‘love gospel,’ where you are not allowed to speak within the context of being a protester (Protestant); where you have to compromise to get on with everybody.
“So it is you who have My voice on non-conformist Protestantism.
But they have looked to force you into a corner, that even if people come to you for a short while, when they heard that non-conformist Protestantism, they leave you, believing you should not be stirring so much trouble, as they see it.
“Thou art a true Reformation Church, & should say so, coming from, as you do, the Wesleyan holiness perspective. Coming from this perspective was the Apostolic Church (Wales). Yes, they had some Calvinistic perspective too; but what was their distinction was the commitment they had within the movement.
“There was a time they would take heed to the voice of the prophet; but now, the prophet is placed in a corner & told to calm down.
“This was a movement designed by Me to be always based in South Wales, at a little-known village, where I sent My glory. A landmark was set at a place where, if you had the physical resources, you could begin Apostolic Church Continuing; but despite of prophetic word, this movement has gone its own way, & set up church like all the rest of them.
“The movement began with passion, compassion, & reliance on the Word of God. The revelation of God took a key part in their meetings.
“Thou hast truly rattled their cage; & indeed, you have exposed the movement. On one occasion they even bought a cage! Their movement is angry with thee, for thou art the convicting voice of the past. Thou hast been fearless in exposing what has happened in this church operation. Thou even exposed their rave night in the Rhondda, making fun of them, even to the point of having a depiction of their leader, D P Williams, dressed in disco gear.
“Your exposure of the absolutely ridiculous has been noted; for thou hast exposed the modern infiltration into a once-great movement.
“You have become the lonely voice again. Your ministry has become the John the Baptist, crying out in the wilderness. This now-modern movement will accuse you of being eccentric & strange; & as you get your rear-guard in order, these times of delay & financial strain have been a real bugbear to thee; & it is as if everything is crashing in on thee. Movements from banks to church fellowships – you have rattled their cage, for they have moved away from their ancient landmark.
“You have studied their apostasy, & stood for the old ways. Yesterday, thou spoke to a casualty of the modern ways – a lady hurting, the ministry she has had in such churches leading her to such a state of despair, that the feeling was there that you were the only people who could help her.
“There are many such people in these movements of Baal; hurting people. You have been called to set up your rear-guard, & speak out prophetically over what has happened.
“You yourselves have faced the wrath of “Apostolic” ministry (Apostolic Church Wales), of a controlling so-called ‘apostle,’ to which you stood with the truths; & the attack against you was withdrawn. But now, the attack against you is building up again. They are smearing you, your integrity, & your ministry; for the place of non-conformist Protestant is in the past, & it is not for now. That is the way they think; but I have called your ministry to be My Martin Luther, within the context of setting out Theses; & as you re-do these websites, containing these prophetic words I have given thee over these weeks, I am giving you an appeal to these movements; for I am still standing at the door, knocking at the gates of these movements, to come back to their ancient landmark. “Come back to Me,” you declare; which is why I have called thee, Lindsay, to expose the infiltration of Catholicism in these movements. The protection of God is upon thee.
“I am aware of the finances you need to fulfil this call. I am also aware of the despair you feel, & the crying out to Me; & the understanding you are receiving of Romans 7; & like the apostle Paul, you are speaking out revelation, with the thorn in the flesh constantly buffeting thee; & how thou art feeing so humble as a result of that operation.
“For Me to speak effectively through you, there has to be a humility in thy ministry; & yes, you are looking to destroy the infiltration into movements like the Apostolic Church (Wales); but, most importantly, you are looking for leadership groupings to repent, & once more be of the non-conformist persuasion their founders embraced.
“So take heart, My children. Continue to speak out My Word; & as, David, you spoke out My landmark Word in the COGIC Cathedral of intercession; how they gasped at thy family heritage; & as I called you back to the family landmark of intercession, which as the intercession of Rees Howells, so I am calling you, & those still in thy Church, to intercede with My Spirit over the return of these once-great movements back to Me.
“There are substantial numbers of people on the west coast of America, who still passionately remember the holiness background to Pentecostal movements. You were in amongst such people at the COGIC Cathedral of intercession; & how they loved you for your longing to restore the landmark of holiness to the Pentecostal movements.
“I know you need this love again, for it has been a lonely place for thee. In Britain, you have been a lonely voice crying in the wilderness; & even now, they are looking to metaphorically place your heads on platters; whereas in the Cathedral of intercession, they gasped, & respected your family heritage, they are afraid in Britain to let you near their congregations, else you bring that conviction which came about through the example of what happened in South Wales through the intercessor you mentioned in the COGIC Cathedral of intercession.
“How you long to experience that love towards you again, rather than the plottings against you & your ministry.
“Understand, I love you both with all of My heart; & I have reserved for thee a place in heaven for those who did not conform to the world system. You will live amongst the Non-Conformists of old, like the brothers & sisters whose bodies lay in the Non-Conformist field thy walked through in London.
“They shall be thy neighbours, saith the Lord; the John Bunyans; the Isaac Watts; the Wesleys themselves; they will be your neighbours. They too walked lonely paths, the system rejecting them, as it has rejected you.
“And what you have done is instilled a memory of what can be done today, if the movements come back to their Non-Conformist roots; if these movements come back to their Non-Conformist roots of Protestant intercession.”
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 02/02/14
“Every day you see the resources before you. They are in the hands of those who have moved astray from the original visions of movements. They are in the hands of those who move by the natural mind rather than by the spirit. The sons of God, led by the spirit of God, have legal right to those resources, but those led by the natural mind, who stray from the vision of the founder, are indeed in witchcraft; for that is the sin of rebellion.
“I brought together the people Methodist for one purpose & one purpose alone: to portray My holiness. Entire sanctification simply means entirely Me. This is just one movement that has gone astray from the vision.
“‘Continuing’ means to continue from the original vision of movements; & so, you make claim to the resource publicly by continuing the original vision.
“What has happened is, the natural mind organizers have made these movements into a business. They have their pension schemes. They have their employment rights. Yet if you read the scriptures, those led by the spirit of God have no human rights whatsoever. They are forfeited at the foot of the cross.
“The Church of England has massive resources to fulfil the Every Creature Commission call. They have massive resources to uphold the Protestant Constitution of the nation, which they legally are obligated to do. Yet they spend their resources on buildings they call ‘churches,’ which are nothing but synagogues of Satan. For the true building of God is the body of Christ, not a holy place made with hands. For where there is a separation between priesthood & laity, there is always with those caught into that system, a manifestation of devils when a prophet should stand up to that newly built veil.
“Let it be known that I do not dwell in holy places made with hands. What I do dwell in is the hearts of the believers, the true body of Christ, the temple of the Holy Ghost.
“It is to these I have given this resource that is in the hands of the people of Vanity Fair rather than the true body of Christ, My remnant.
“The Pentecostal denominations now come under the same category, denying My Word through allegorical approaches. They hold the resources of the founders, which are rightfully yours. They too think with the natural mind, having the audacity to ask God to bless it. For on these movements is an agenda that is not of God. These movements were brought about by those led by the spirit of God, not by those led by the natural mind, who ask God to bless it.
“Thou saw the result at Lowestoft, where thou simply proclaimed the Foursquare Gospel, moving in the calling of George Jeffreys, Elim being a movement which has forsaken the vision of its founder to become another movement of what Bunyan declared as Vanity Fair. Yet it has the resources to fulfil that call, yet uses those resources to manifest revivals that have no association whatsoever with the early revivalists you portray on your web-sites.
“Movement after movement has gone astray from their original visions; & so at exhibitions, you are seen as a strange remnant, a cult to the natural mind, kept in a cave awaiting your day to face the Baal of masonry that has taken over these movements. Each one is bound by the ‘good works’ ethos of the natural mind rather than the manifestation of Him.
“If those led by the spirit of God are the sons of God, then those led by the natural mind, who emphasise the good they do, can only be the sons of the evil one.
“For thy suffering has been noticed, saith the Lord, for thou represents the original visions of movements, therefore legally being entitled to the resources of those movements; not only the resources of those movements, but to the resources of nations who too have gone away from their original visions known as Constitutions.
“By proclaiming the heart of the Pilgrim Fathers in America, you claim the resources of that nation to fulfil the Compact which they have proclaimed. By proclaiming the Constitutional Acts of Great Britain, you make claim to the resources of Great Britain.
“So the resources are all around you. How do you make claim to those resources? It is very simple. My Word is made complicated by men, not by My Spirit.
“You make claim to those resources publicly. By doing this, the Church of England will cease to be a movement of a Rocking Bishop & its ever-embracing of charismania, to become a serious movement upholding the nation’s Constitution which it is called to do.
“And likewise with all the movements & nations that have gone astray from God-given callings: you make claim to those resources by putting on line your legal claim.
“For I am the Lord: I change not. And to those who have abused My Word by blaspheming God, for proclaiming a ‘new thing’ out of context from the Scriptures, then one needs to know that the original vision of movements & nations which are called of Me never changes, & the resource is the entitlement of those led by the Spirit of God to fulfil original visions, those resources having been taken by the spirit of rebellion, which indeed is witchcraft, which is why so many people are hurt by coming under those rebellious sons, moving by the natural minds, who have become the sons of Satan rather than God.”
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 25/09/14
“Something I am missing; the immense suffering of the people of Syria;
& the restoration of the Keswick Convention”
“Now, these three points in the title all relate together; for the something I am missing is responsible for suffering like in the Syrian example, when nations are being dominated by the messengers of Satan, who not only oppress, but also possess, those who have given their lives to Satan; for which he has many, like those who used to give their lives to Me.
“Those who give their lives to Satan entirely become the body of Satan on this earth, to kill, steal & destroy.
“Now, do you see the point? They gave their whole lives to Satan. They are a body of death. They have no fear of their own death. They give their whole life into the cause. It is extremely effective, & whole nations are suffering under this curse. Natural armaments will not stop them, for they have given their whole lives into the cause.
“Now, this is what I am missing, to counteract this. The answer is: The Keswick Convention, with other conventions around the world with the same heart; but I use Keswick as My primary example here.
“You see, David, when your Dad responded to the missions call, he was giving his whole life. Like the example of the armies of Syria, he too was prepared to die for the cause, he too was prepared to leave his homeland, in his case Britain, to go to the army of the Lord in a foreign land, where the gospel was unknown. He was prepared to die to reach every creature.
“Likewise, in Britain today, there are those today prepared to go to a foreign land & fight for a cause. Indeed, today there seems to be a mission call for another cause.
“You see, in days gone by the call to the front was for those prepared to give their whole life; for those prepared to die for the cause, & the Keswick Convention was brought about, teaching ‘All One in Christ Jesus,’ meaning the unity in Jesus was one where those who came to the front were not withholding anything of their own life. They were sent out as missionaries all over the world, & whole nations were affected by those who were prepared to give their own life.
“Likewise today, there are young men going out from Britain prepared to go to foreign lands; & like your Dad, they are affecting nations. However, there is one major difference: those who left your shores, having responded at Keswick, affected nations with life, for they exalted Jesus, who is the life, & whole nations were saved. Governments were changed, and peoples all around the world were blessed. Lands began to prosper, sicknesses and plagues were thwarted.
“And so, what I am missing today are those prepared to give up their lives like they did at the Keswick Convention. Without this missions call, there is noKeswick Convention. What you have done on ECCTV is simply restore the foundations. There needs to be others come around you to have a Keswick Convention once more. Where you are going in Asia are those who areprepared to give up their lives. And so, you will be able to hold a Keswick Convention Continuing; & young people will come out to the front, both men & women. For when I use the term ‘men,’ I refer to mankind. It means men &women. They all can come to the front.
“For what you have in Britain today is those coming to the front for another cause. Young men are coming out to bring death rather than life. What I am missing is the Keswick Convention that affects nations. The Emerging Church with its Alpha courses, with its forgiveness sinners’ prayer; the affected Word of Faith movement (not referring to its founder, Hagin, who you have found preached the old-fashioned message, moving on from Smith Wigglesworth & the like) that preaches a message of selfish lust, than the abandonment of Peter that led him to prosper in the hundredfold, so that he could reach the world with the gospel.
“I am referring to the Emerging Church that ministers to each other so that they can gain the lusts of their own emotions. They hold revivals without abandonment mission calls.
“All this is the work of Satan to nullify the Church that preaches abandonment. So what he has done in effect has copied the old Keswick Convention in having abandonment missions calls for his own cause, & nullified the ‘Church’ into ministering to each other in relation to its own selfish lusts rather than have those coming to the front, who will go out & bring life to nations rather than the death that is manifesting today.
“Now, to come to My Syrian example: the Church needs a road to Damascus experience. The Church needs to give its intellect to Me, just as Paul did on the road to Damascus. The ‘Church’ can then open its eyes & be truly led of the Holy Ghost, just as Paul was.
“You, My children, in the Bible College of Wales Continuing, have abandoned your lives to restore a cause. At the responding at Keswick, David, your Dad went by faith to the Bible College of Wales, which thou hast looked to restore. Every gate of hell has looked to destroy you. Thou hast truly had a Gethsemane experience.
“I speak to all of you involved in the project: every gate of hell has looked to destroy you; for the devil knows if you succeed, nations like Syria will have life rather than death. Their lands will prosper, & instead of beheading on the streets, there will be joyous laughter.
“Oh, that is what this is all about; not only restoring the Bible College of Wales, but also the Keswick Convention. The two need to be one together. Likewise in America, the restoration of its own Bible College of Wales, the Fuller Seminary, taken over like in Wales by the Emerging Church, with its business methods, philosophies, & ministries of the selfish lust.
“The old-fashioned revival meetings of America used to feed into seminaries like Fuller. Thy sister Mary Morrison Peckham proclaimed the old-fashioned meeting. That is how people used to respond in America & in the mission halls of Britain, & throughout the world. They preached abandonment, not selfish lust. They responded giving no heed to their physical bodies.
“Today they come seeking healing rather than the Healer, & wonder why they do not get healed. The answer is in what George Jeffries proclaimed: Exodus 15:26. Do you not see, ‘If you hearken’? These early missionaries hearkened, & so moved in their healing; for the sought the Healer primarily, giving no heed to their own bodies; & I was honour bound to ensure they overcame, in line with the promises of My Word.
“So you see, you now know what I am missing. You now know how I look at the Keswick Convention; & witness day by day the terrible sufferings if peoples of nations like Syria.
“And this has been caused by the nullification & infiltration into My once-great movements, who now minister through their community churches to the lusts of the people rather than to God. The result: death all over the world, rather than life.
“To conclude this word for the time being: will you respond to the abandonment call? Will you turn My tears into joy, as you come forward with your whole life? Will you lay everything on the altar for Me? Will you sing the hymn with all of your heart, ‘O Lamb of God, I come’ – the Lamb whose blood was shed that whosoever believeth on Me shall not perish, but have everlasting life.
“You see, the old-time believer responded to the blood shed; became blood-washed ones – oh yes, blood-washed. They used to sing, ‘Are you washed in the blood, in the soul-cleansing blood of the Lamb’ – the Lamb of God, & response to Him, is no longer preached.
“I speak to thee, for thou hast laid down your whole lives into this cause, so as to bring life rather than death.”
Just as I am—without one plea,
But that Thy blood was shed for me,
And that Thou bidst me come to Thee—
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
Just as I am—and waiting not
To rid my soul of one dark blot,
To Thee whose blood can cleanse each spot—
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
Just as I am—though tossed about
With many a conflict, many a doubt,
Fightings and fears within, without—
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
Just as I am—poor, wretched, blind;
Sight, riches, healing of the mind,
Yea, all I need in Thee to find—
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
Just as I am—Thou wilt receive,
Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve;
Because Thy promise I believe—
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
Just as I am—Thy love unknown
Hath broken every barrier down;
Now, to be Thine, yea, Thine alone—
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
Just as I am—of that free love
The breadth, length, depth, and height to prove,
Here for a season, then above—
O Lamb of God, I come, I come!
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 27/07/14
ecctv Shalom Intercession Programme, Sunday pm
“For thus saith the Lord: ‘I am He that liveth, that liveth and was dead; and behold, I am alive for evermore.’ For I have called thee to this place at this time to fulfil the purposes of God; to speak out that which is right in My sight. I have called thee to expose the confuser - and I am to go along that line today.
“The confuser has come, not only to kill, steal and destroy, but also bring confusion. This confusion has brought about the conditions for men and women to give away movements. One such man confused was Samuel Rees Howells; confused by all the situation which was around him. There were those looking to bring in false translations; those looking to bring the Bible College of Wales under false leadership; leadership to move the movement astray. The same which had happened at the Fuller Seminary, Pasadena, California, was happening at the Bible College of Wales. The passion for mission was replaced by those looking to bring in Higher Criticism, around which has come the evil of the Emerging Church.
“The intercession which I have called thee to today has been all about returning movements to their rightful owners, these owners being those who are blood-washed; owners who, like Elijah and the early apostles, gave up their all to follow Me.
“I am calling movements back all over the world to My remnant, who are called to take back these movements under My anointing, for those who have stolen from Me must now pay the price, saith the Lord.
“For I have been preparing My remnant, and this is why they must prepare to come out of their caves. My remnant has been called to take back the stolen resources from the higher critics, those who have brainwashed lost souls with the evil of Higher Criticism.
“For I am telling thee today, as we reach the 7-year point of the 95 Theses [explain to viewers to look up the 95 Theses of 2007 on our website]. We are here today, saith the Lord, in agreement together in this intercession. I have called this intercession to bring back these movements: Methodists under the mantle of John and Charles Wesley; the Assemblies of God under Howard Carter, Smith Wigglesworth, Stephen Jeffreys; the Apostolic Church under D P Williams and the early apostles; Baptists to be like Spurgeon; the Church of Scotland under John Knox.
“Lord, we are here today to bring back these movements under the mantles and anointings of the founders.
“The Lord is leading this intercession today. Scripture spoke, ‘Remove not the ancient landmarks which thy fathers have set.’
“Prayer: ‘We declare in the Name of Jesus that these movements, these callings, come back under those who are moving in the callings and the visions of the original founders.
“Explain to the people… [to send to for set of notes entitled ‘New Translations, Commercial Publishers & Higher Criticism.’]
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 22/08/16“
The Rebels have Taken Over – What Shall We Do?”
“The resources of the Church have been stolen by those who portray a form of witchcraft known as rebellion.“For not upholding the landmark which fathers have set, there is great judgement. For not only have these rebels stolen the resources of those who sacrificed years ago; they, as the ex-anointed, chase the current anointed so as to kill, steal & destroy them.
They are the Sauls chasing the Davids. They hold nothing back. They withdraw preaching from the people. They entertain rather than convict. They fail to convict individuals to come out of sin. They allow partners rather than husbands, wives & children. They have rejected the true landmark of Textus Receptus, in favour of Nestle-Aland, who changed script in line with social conditions. They ignore founders’ visions: entire sanctification no longer taught in the Methodists; the Foursquare Gospel ignored in Elim; the sacrifice of Carter, Harthern & Wigglesworth rejected in the Assemblies of God; the holiness of Williams & his team ignored in the Apostolics; the Anglicans ignoring the national landmark, to which they are responsible; ignoring their Protestant obligations in the Coronation Oath, its Archbishop, ignoring the landmark of the nation, supporting a ‘Remain’ vote.“So what do the righteous do?
Number 1: When the thief is found, he has to restore sevenfold. Expose the other Jesus. The Bible College Wales, with its Other Jesus course, does just this – it exposes the thief.
“The intercessors stand in strategic places & cry out as Haggai, Zechariah, & Malachi cried out. You challenge on the street stalls the religious order that has stolen the landmark of centuries. You bring the people on board; for what happened with ‘Brexit’ is an example to you. For the ordinary people opposed those who had stolen the landmark of the nation.
“Now it is time to bring together an army to challenge those who have stolen My Church, the Church in which the gates of hell shall not prevail.
“The time will come when you will take back the resources from those who have rebelled against Me. Stand with intercessors outside the places of rebellion. Outside the so-called ‘Citychurch’ yesterday, demons rejoiced as you went away, but now worry as you will come back even stronger. For the Foursquare Gospel has to be re-established in Cardiff. For the rebels have taken it away from the City Church, in favour of an accommodation gospel that embraces the sin George Jeffries would have challenged.
“For you, My children, represent the landmark, as I represented the landmark before the money-changers in the Temple. The time has come when you will face these prophets of Baal, & bring forward their downfall, in the name of Jesus, Saviour, Healer, Baptizer in the Holy Ghost, & Soon Coming King.”
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 12/06/12
“I’m saying there are many forms of witchcraft in the Church: that is, what is known as Church, rather than what is Church. For the Church is My body, where the gates of hell cannot prevail.
“Where you have the modern-day Church, which is not Church, because it is not My body, you will find witchcraft. These are the forms of witchcraft you will find:-
“(1) Jezebellic witchcraft, where the principles of the physical Jezebel are practised.
“The issue I am dealing with here is in the stealing of inheritance; for example, the equipment you have, Jezebel is looking to take from you, by reporting you to government authorities.
“Jezebel will say, “I want your inheritance,” just as she said it to Naboth. So if Jezebel hears of monies going into the Church, she will not want you to have it. So she will report you to government authorities, to take your money & equipment away, just as she reported Naboth to Ahab; Ahab at that time being the government authority.
“They then pray against your inheritance, looking to place you outside of your inheritance: literally, into the gutter, which was one of the Jezebellic threats against you.
“These operations are illegal in your society, because Jezebel operations are not consistent with the Constitution of thy nation, which you are to apply in this case with the Charity Commission.
“(2) Within this context of Jezebel, comes the government authority, who is trying to please all parties, so it has got to be nice to all religions, atheists, people of all philosophies; & try to have equality laws to please ; & so the nation comes under a spiritual Jezebel that says “You’ve got to show loving-kindness to everybody.”
“Jezebellic controls then takes over the nation that fails to stand on its original Constitution.
“(3) Within the context of the nation & “Church” coming under Jezebel, you then have leaders who think they are clever, by diplomatically keeping everybody happy.
“So, you have leaders who come under “Where is the prince?” They say that “we have done this; & we have done that;” & are proud of their achievements, shouting about how many good things they have done; yet in reality, they have brought about the collapse of a nation. For instead of giving Christ Jesus the pre-eminence, men’s achievement takes first place.
“(4) Witchcraft will always look to remove the ancient landmark. Thy monarch, by bowing down to the spiritual Jezebel of Catholicism; by wearing black in front of the Pope, whose god is one of physical deity, has brought about a spirit of betrayal throughout the whole nation. So if the monarch bows to the papal order, she has betrayed those of the royal family who established the Protestant order. What would Henry VIII, & Elizabeth I say, if they saw such behaviour?
They would feel betrayed. And so, a spirit of betrayal has run through the country; & a “dog-eat-dog” society has come about through the witchcraft of betrayal.
“And so, betrayal emanates through the monarchical system; as in the Bible, Absalom betrayed David. This betrayal is one of the sin of witchcraft; but one should not be alarmed, because betrayers will betray other betrayers; for what has come about in Britain is a divided nation, politicians failing to keep groups together because they have failed to deal with the spirit of betrayal. So the blood on the streets, forecasted by My Parliamentary prophet, has been there for all to see.
“(5) The “walking on eggshells” phenomena: to deal with the growing divisions in society, governments bound by witchcraft legislate more rules & regulations, to bring the nation under the letter of the law.
“Well, what does this do but kill – which is the aim of witchcraft (John 10:10)? The answer is repentance; & simplicity of law, rather than the excessive use of it, which is controlling & manipulating the people into the powers of witchcraft.
“What you have been called to do, is to stand up against it, in the anointing of God; the challenge on a witchcraft-bound society being how to handle the prophet.
“The answer is, to simply repent. But they cannot do that, because they live under the pride of man’s achievement, & the Jezebellic “Where is the prince in you?”
“(6) In Scotland, I am calling you to heal the Presbyterian divides, taking away the witchcraft controls of dead religious form, & replacing these with the apostolic & evangelistic zeal of John Knox.
“By taking these movements back to their own roots, you expose the deep-rooted hurts that has come through division. This is why I am calling a revival in Scotland, that will have political consequences; consequently, which will affect the whole U.K. The present-day system, of having the Knoxian nation bow down to a foreign power, is absolutely unconstitutional.
“Scotland is to become a God-fearing nation once more, with the betrayals, controls, & sectarianism removed. For in this revival, Catholics will leave the papal order; will be truly saved by the power of the risen God, there being nointermediary between man & God, for the witchcraft of Catholicism has been one that has built a veil that Christ removed.
“So, within its witchcraft is the blasphemy of making the people think they are inferior to God & the priestly order, when by being born again, they become joint heirs with Christ.
“The Catholic order covers many areas in Scotland; & you must not be afraid to go into these areas, for what you will do is open the veil of the Temple, by giving access through the precious blood of Jesus, to the Father, without any Jezebellic intermediary; the Catholic Mary not being the Mary of the Bible, but a Jezebellic counterfeit, who has stolen the inheritances of the people, to pay for the
Jezebellic palace of Rome, each male Pope being under the Jezebel of Satan.
“You see how the Catholic Church has stolen the monies of the people to build a massive palace in Rome, just as the physical Jezebel built her palace in Samaria.
“You are to set the people free from this witchcraft, a witchcraft John Knox stood against, when he stood against the Jezebellic Mary, Queen of Scots.
“As Knox was firm against Catholicism in Scotland, so you must stand in My Name against this Jezebel of evil, again.
“Now, be of good cheer. I have already overcome the world. Go forward, having already completed your rear-guard actions. Work hard, but with stress at over-doing it, for once you have completed these rear-guard actions, you are going to turn the United Kingdom upside down, just as My early Church did.”
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 02/04/13
“The counterfeit has been prevalent in Britain over many years; & it is a form of apparent adherence to God, without any submission to God’s will. It involves church-going on a Sunday, & living one’s own life the rest of the time. There is no understanding of hearing from God, not gathering possessions on earth, but using one’s resources for the gospel, & bringing one’s children up in the training & nurture of the Lord.
“None of these adherents have a place in the kingdom of God.
“Counterfeit (2): Those who give adherence to the scriptures of Alexandria have been taken away from Biblical Christianity & are therefore under a curse, for giving adherence to scriptures that have taken away & added to doctrines that do not have their base in the inspired Word of God. Commonly this group is known as charismatic, that base their operations on experience, rather than the Word.
“This group also are not a part of the kingdom of God.
“The third group are those who surround themselves with liturgy, & bow down to altars made with hands. I abhor the bowing down to across made with hands. I abhor the keeping of festivals. Christianity is about a person; not altars made with hands; not the keeping of dates; but complete surrender to Jesus Christ, the resurrection being represented by coming out of the waters of baptism, & not through the goddesses of Easter.
“My Word is clear about those who preach another Jesus. This counterfeit Jesus is related constantly to the physical element, for I do not live in altars made with hands. I live in the hearts of true believers.
“So the counterfeits are there in great numbers. They give respectability to their operations by gathering in their respective Churches Together groupings. Yet they are not apart of Me.
“Where is the Church that gives its whole life to Me; that does not consider ownership as part of the criteria for existence? Where is the Church that has grasped & understood the Sermon on the Mount? Where are those who will come down & lay down all on the “altar” (not made with hands) for Me?
“You carry with you a full surrender message. Those of the counterfeit will call thee a cult; for you do not carry with you the chains of centuries of counterfeited Christianity. What you do carry with you is the Passover of God; for you are protected from being a part of the counterfeit; for you have been washed clean by the precious blood of the Lamb.
“This washing clean demands a reaction. It demands a handing over of one’s life to the Lord; the Galatians 2:20 activity, pulsating from the heart of the genuine Church.
“You are aware that those in the counterfeit need the saving grace of Jesus, & this can only come through handing over earthly lives, to move into the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.
“This is the Word I have given thee: to declare My Sermon upon the Mount as the criteria for Christian living. Who will come into the kingdom of God, & resign from the world? Who will give up their own will for Mine? This is the real Church; for flesh cannot exist in the presence of the Lord.
“Come unto the holy God, you sinners. Be ye separate. Be led of the Spirit to fulfil the demands of the Isaiah 61 call. For each missionary yof God is to be free to go when I call, the individual to go into the whole orld, & preach the gospel.
“The Every Creature Commission was never part-time. It is now your place to present real Christianity to the people; &you do this by relating Christianity to a person, rather than a philosophy; a person who gave His life that all may be saved – on condition that the whole of a life is brought to the Saviour, to fill with God.”
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 05/12/10
“The number of battles you have been going through are akin to that of the apostle Paul.
He, like you, sought to remove the impact of the social gospel; that is, operations of culture going on in the churches. You have already identified the abomination within Wales, which is the altar rail of the national Church – and that by building these rails, they have sought to eliminate the effects of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
“By ignoring My Word, in relation to the ordination of women to local church positions; ignoring My Word in relation to the ministries of Ephesians 4:1;
ignoring My Word in relation to removing the word ‘repentance’ with their use of bibles that have been brought together by the synagogue of Satan. Let Me tell you, by pointing these things out, your ministry has had major impact in North Wales, and it is My will that it should have major impact in Mid and South Wales too.
“The so-called national church of Wales, known as the Church in Wales, is an abomination of the synagogue of Satan, and it is your ministry that has fearlessly pointed this out, and it is from them that the prayers against your ministry have come. You see, you must not think parochially, as your ministry is having national and international impact; and you need to understand that those that pray against you are those at the wrong side of the veil.
Those that are with you are walking in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2). It is those of the rail that brought an end to the Welsh revival. Evan Roberts looked to bring all beyond the rail; looked to bring all to walk in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus – but not all were prepared to go. Indeed, if only they were prepared to leave him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, but the spirits of the rail were active to bring him back before the rail, rather than continue to walk high above it. These same spirits are active today, looking to bring you under “God,” rather than being the manifestation of God (I John 4:17). This is your battleground in your church here. There are some wanting to go high, and some wanting to stay before the rail; that will inevitably bring a conflict, between those who call themselves Christian before the rail, and those who call themselves the manifestation of Christ Jesus high above the rail. Those who use human logic are before the rail; those who speak out the word of truth, speak from the very throne room of Heaven, from the portals of power. It makes those before the rail nervous, and so they react, and speak against thee because they cannot attain this perfection, this perfection being Me. “You as Me,” as Norman Grubb put it.
“Only those of the Spirit understand this realm. Those before the rail, who depend on human understanding, can’t grasp it. The Hindu can understand it, as they can see you are walking much higher than their spiritual realm; because you are walking in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. They are walking at a different spiritual level, but look to attain to walk at your spiritual level, which can only be achieved by the rejection of the false gods, to receive the one true God. Buddhists can understand it, as they can see that their energies to remove suffering is an activity of nothingness, whereas what you have is an acceptance of everythingness, because I am your Lord, and in Me there is everything good.
“So by identifying those of the rail, those who think they can never be good enough, you are meeting those who are used by Satan to use the logic to pull down the Spirit.
“To move in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus requires a complete brokenness that is required to eat at the table of the Lord; for as you break the emblems of My body, you are saying ‘I am broken too’ – you are identifying with the very death of Jesus Christ. Thou knowest Romans 6 well, don’t you – if you are baptised into My death, you are risen together with Me – where to? Nowhere else but the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. In this place, you have the mind of Christ Jesus.
“You see, you walk in the realm of the Spirit. You see, the Hindu, the Buddhist, has an understanding, for they are looking to attain to a higher place. They know you are there, and seek to know how to get where you are. You know the words of eternal life – and only through the blood of Jesus. And those before the rail cannot attain whilst in their human state; look at John’s gospel chapter 3. Nicodemus was in effect before the rail. He tried to work out these things, even to the point of thinking he had to come out of his mother’s womb again.
“I am telling thee, David, I am taking thee aside to give the words so deep. My apostle is to use them to take the ministry forward. He is dealing with the everyday things that occur around what I have spoken through My prophets.
“I gave warning last year – it’s in your Annual Report – of the sin of pride. Remember the story of Paul’s thorn in the flesh? “Lest I be exalted.”
“David, I can see your heart to be a broken man. By being weak, even before a congregation, to enable My strength to manifest through thee. Every minister in your grouping must have this understanding, that it is when I am weak, then I am strong.
“I have brought you together with My apostle to bring the foundations of revival. My women are around thee. They are to wail and travail, expose the barriers, see out these gateways that thou hast identified in North Wales. And when thou crossest that veil – because a rail is the veil – in the home of the Walian stronghold, thou art exposing the gods of freemasonry, druidism, and the earth mother, who have combines to keep people under their god, who has been described over the centuries as Jabulon, the god Baal with its Egyptian slavery, that has held the people back under a priesthood of the synagogue of Satan.
“My people are not of any earthly order.
They are neither Jew nor Greek; they are neither male nor female; they are one in Christ Jesus. One in Christ Jesus, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Thou art one in the victory. Thou walkest in the heavenly place without spot or blemish – the building of God. Oh, how they see even their earthly temples as God’s house! But no, thou art God’s house; thou art the building of God, the very temple that cannot be destroyed. You have the words of eternal life: go ye, therefore, and make disciples of all nations; baptise them, yes, immerse them, into the Name above any other Name; the Name of the Father, the Name of the Son, the Name of the Holy Ghost. Baptise them, immerse them; and show them Romans chapter 6 – the truth of what it all means.
“Oh – walk in this higher realm; by writing down what thou hast to do; simply by writing it down, the victory is won. What thou brought to this Church last year in Habakkuk; writing the vision is thy “It is written.”
“Had they listened; had they taken up the notebook; had they listened to take the notebook and pen; had they taken up the notebook and pen, to write down what the Spirit is saying? For thou hast written many things over the years, dear Lindsay. Thou writes and writes, but I am telling thee, what thou hast written must come to pass. Thou hast said “Will it ever come to pass?” But it must come to pass, for My Word has said it, “at the appointed time.” I am telling thee, the appointed time is nigh thee.
“The girls are being moved for a purpose. This is that purpose: to be around thee, high above the altars of men. They are saying ‘I cannot attain, I cannot attain’ – i.e. many down below are saying. They question the very shedding of the blood of Jesus, because through this shedding of blood, all things have become thine, through Me.
“The girls are to grow, i.e. in number. This number of intercessors thou hast had for many years is to grow; for there are to be women like them all over this principality of Wales.
“Thou wast right to stand in Caernarfon; for by standing in that castle, thou impacted the ley-line bringing together the forces of evil of the Roman and druidic line. The day you stood in Court with Louise, it was clear even before a hearing could be spoken, that the victory was already won.
“High place Christianity is the place where the victory has already been won; low place is where a victory is looked to be attained; high place is where the victory has already been attained. As thou as a fellowship stood with Louise on that day, by standing at Caernarfon thou brought the conditions for a high place victory to impact the natural realm.
“Thou hast identified the strong man of Wales: the god of the rail. That is all he is, a defeated foe, one who you are to take offr the rails through the blood of Jesus already shed 2000 years ago: celebrate My victory.
“As regard to the Lleyn Peninsula: the devil sees ot as his triangle, his pyramid, looking out towards Ireland. Within this triangle, there has been a mysticism of the occult kind, which thou art to expose. I will show thee things by the so-called church building at Aberdaron. The fascination with the sea and the sea-monster will be apparent there, with the turbulent waters between Aberdaron and Bardsey Island. I will reveal things to thee at the so-called church building at Aberdaron.”
KEY WORD FROM THE LORD THROUGH David P Griffiths, 24.11.11
“I have lost movements as I have known them, now for many years of your earth years."
“The Methodist “Church” is not the Society I founded. Elim does not proclaim the Foursquare Gospel as it did. The Assemblies of God is not the free-flowing fellowship as thy brother Harthern described. The Apostolic Church (Wales) has forsaken its prophetic ministry base at Penygroes.
“All these movements - & others – grew under the anointing of My Spirit over many years. Indeed, another movement, the Primitive Methodists, a movement now gone or lost in the system; another, Emmanuel College, Birkenhead, fell the same way.
“All these movements suffered massive satanic attack to bring them into the respectability of the system – namely, Satan’s system.
“Organisations of Eli continue to batter systems, to take them out of the Zadok system.
“And you have been My lone voice in the wilderness, being prepared to forsake all to follow Me. You have declined the riches of this world, the easy life, so as to obey what I have called thee to do; the obedience to My Word being an obedience that cuts across the Eli system.
“So in effect, you are left alone, to starve & shout in the desert, where you have experience My ravens to come & feed you. But as with Elijah, you have found it a lonely place.
“And I am here now with the command to thee not to go back into the cave, but to go forward with structures I am calling thee to set up.
“Remember My Word about the harvest being plenty, but the labourers few? I maintain a remnant, but it is as if I am asking you to set up structures that the Methodists had, Elim had, the Assemblies of God had, the Apostolics had; structures that are necessary for people to witness the plans of God being manifest before them.
“This will involve some work; as I realise that with all the work that has gone on to set up structures in thy house to go ahead with My vision, have caused great strain.
“You see, the enemy is desperate to stop thee starting media Church, & is out to bankrupt thee, as he has bankrupted many others.
“You must recognise the level of satanic attack that has been against thee, & those connected with thee, & be forgiving in that.
“Indeed, the strain on thyselves has been enormous; & I recognise & understand the placing of burden on Me, because I do care for thee, & care so much; & that there is intercession to the Father in relation to your personal health, both mental & physical.
“You see, what you have looked to do is restore the movements of old, taken into Eli. You have looked to unravel Satan’s work of centuries, & his organisations, in what have become counterfeit movements (understanding there are remnants in those movements) is isolate you into virtual oblivion. That is why you are not on so-called Christian TV, or radio – because they have dependent support from these movements, & if they put you on, the talk will start, like it has done in relation to your activity in the Christian Party. Rejected ones must not have places of position.
“So, you are not going to get places of position in these now-Eli movements. Indeed, they want you out of position altogether; for you are a threat to respectability, which has now been built up over considerable time.
“But I, too, ran a rejected movement; so rejected, the religious community turned against Me; for I chose to hear from the Father & do the will of the Father; & the religious community sent me to the Cross, where, take note, I forgave them, for they know not what they were doing; & likewise, you must do the same. You must forgive them, love them, yet continue to expose the sin that is in movements that have come away from their original call.
“But your organisation now has to build structure. This will involve much work. You must accept your “going forward” has been hindered, as indeed the apostle Paul had his “going forward” hindered on many occasions. Yet the hindering of Satan was turned around for good – as indeed will happen with you.
“You need to bring forward now a council of ministers, with ministers that have been ordained in thy grouping, & issue them with certificates of ordination under God, with thy ministry name upon it.
“Lindsay, I am calling thee as UK College Principal, to work with Suresh as International College Principal, to set up a programme of degrees, from B.A. to M.A. to Ph.D., with degree programme structures that will be recognised by Me. This will mean much hard work, Lindsay; but literally I am telling thee to pick up the unpolluted college history of the movements I have mentioned. It is like a jigsaw you must put together, with the good pieces of the past, to put them together so the movement can go forward in Pentecostal Holiness, rather than the Higher Criticism these movements have gone into.
(This has happened with Lindsay's Title being U.K. Director of Studies and Suresh's as International Director of Studies. Brian Mason has been sent of the Lord as Director of the Bible College of Wales Continuing.)
“Your work on the Catholic infiltration into the once-great movements is very key in this.
“Now understand what I am asking thee to do, Lindsay. I use the illustration of a jigsaw puzzle. Each of these movements have had completed jigsaw puzzles of education; but these movements have suffered earthquakes that have shaken their tables. Because of sin, the pieces of the jigsaw have come apart.
“Now, in the natural sense, happened as children & you dropped the jigsaw, you would get on your knees, pick up the pieces of the jigsaw, & put them back together again.
“So, Lindsay, as regards to College, I am asking thee to do an impossible task; but thy movement is called Pentecostal Holiness; I am not just asking you to pick up one jigsaw, but many. The jigsaw of the Methodists I am calling thee to pick up; the Primitives; Elim; Assemblies of God, the Apostolics; My movements throughout the world infiltrated by Higher Criticism.
“I know those feelings of inability & weakness which thou casts upon Me; but I have something to tell thee, Lindsay: greater is He that is in thee than he that is in the world.
“Communicate with Suresh & Mercy, & bring those pieces together.
“The resource is in Me. I will direct thy paths. Others will be called to help thee; but thou needs to set forth the foundations first.
“So, you do this by setting up headings, i.e.
“Methodists: what did they have? i.e.
“The Keswick Convention: what did it stand for?
“As you ask these questions, on these movements had, you can set forth courses to bring forth the meat of My Word, & restore what Satan has stolen.
“You see, you have called thy movement “Continuing;” so you now have to set forth what you continue from.
“So, College is a very important part of what I have called thee to do.
“I know thou needest the resource to fulfil these callings, but so many have come against thee. Thou hast not compromised to fulfil My ministry.
“I know the target, David, I have called thee to bring in before the end of this financial year, looks impossible; but aren’t I the God of the impossible?
“The Egyptian army were a religious army, chasing after the Israelites. My prophet was there, raising up his rod of authority. The impossible task was being achieved; & even though people received the teachings & the efforts of Moses, they murmured against him. They picked up their golden calf, & followed other gods. Can you not see the parallel? How the prophet cried out to Me over the apostasy of the people! What he did was climb up the mountain, & come down with My Word.
“And as regard to College, the golden calf id the idol of Higher Criticism. The Assemblies of God warned against it in the 1920s, but have now embraced this golden calf in what you call the 21. century.
“Instead of destroying this movement as they say, you are in fact restoring the foundation teachings, so loved & embraced by so many in this once-great movement.
“You have climbed the mountain to restore these movements back to God, & are building up structures to be a blessing , & indeed, the calling you have as a ministry couple is to restore movements back to their original calling; & destroy not the movements themselves, but destroy that which has infiltrated into them.
“Now, stay calm. There is much work for you to do; & not only you, but all those now you are setting up – a ministry council, as well as the council running thy charity.
“Do not consider age, or physical or mental condition. The resource you need of strength will come in the anointing associated with My Psalm 103.
“So take heed of that Psalm. The task before thee looks enormous. So did the Red Sea before the Israelites – but they simply walked through. Such as it is with you. Pick up the pieces; put that which has fallen to the ground back again, & have a true College of Pentecostal Holiness Continuing.”
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 01/07/12
“What you have in Great Britain are groups who call themselves Christian. But as I warned in relation to those who call themselves Jews, but are not, but are of the synagogue of Satan, so it is with these groups who call themselves Christians.
“These groups have idols which have become the property of Satan, through their refusal to fully submit to the calling of God on their lives. As I go through these groups, you will understand the principle which, if not kept to, brings a satanic take-over of these groups.
“Your way of discernment is in relation to fruit, not by natural sight. Each of these groups have their so-called “mavericks,” who look for thy help in relation to the pulling down of the stronghold which runs the movements they are in.
“Now, when it comes to analysation, thou art not to analyse the Word of God in relation to the Church: simply obey.
“But as regards to those who have set up idols, one is called to expose what they are, & bring them out into the open. Thus My Spirit can bring conviction, in relation to observance to other gods.
“(1) Anglican/ Episcopalian:
“There are those who observe days, sabbaths, rituals, going through a process, without heed to what God is saying. There are those who bow down to altars made with hands, without heed to what the Word says about such places. There are those who look to commercialize what I call Church, without heed to what happened in the Temple. There are those who have the idol of syncretisation, combining pagan thought with apparent Christian thought. There are those who worship the buildings. There are those who look to combine good & evil together. Hence the black & white floors.
“Having all this has never been the fruit of My Church. Those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Saviour, have an overwhelming passion to reach the lost, & so bear fruit of the Every Creature Commission, rather than the liturgical ritual.
“(2) The Pentecostal Denominations:
“No longer proclaiming Jesus, as in Elim, with the Foursquare Gospel; as in the Assemblies of God – assemblies hearing from God & moving by the Spirit; Apostolic, with their full surrender message in the valleys of Wales.
“What we see now is the fruit of the organizers; their organized outreaches; their emphasis on growth, rather than the giver of growth; their emphasis on the gifts, rather than the giver of the gifts; their emphasis on Higher Criticism, rather than the early days acceptance over what God’s Word simply says; their obsession with their form of order, rather than God’s way of order, even to the point of disallowing tongues & prophecies, & the manifestation of God.
“These movements have become apostate in My sight & bear no fruit, only converts to their religion rather than Mine.
“(3) The Alpha Grouping:
This abomination has crept right across the denominational divide, thus making it a proud movement over what it has achieved in bringing churches together.
“There is an a major problem with this: My Church has never been apart to be brought together; & when they say, “bringing churches together,” the concept is a lie in itself, as far as My Church goes. For My Church will not have togetherness with Baal.
“In My Church, there are cries from the sinners, “Is there mercy for me?” For in My Church, the sinner is brought to the Cross, where the things of this world are laid aside, with the Saviour coming into the lives of those who have now become believers, whereas in Alpha, they are taught of the manifestations, rather than the Giver of the manifestations; for in Alpha, they have laid emphasis on the feeling, rather thanthe Saviour Himself.
“So I am calling thee this day, they say, “By their fruits you will know them.” For where the Saviour is in charge, the gates of hell will not prevail.
“These movements which are already crumbling at thy sight; you will continue to have those ringing, saying, “I am a maverick.” But the prophets & the apostles, they made their stand right in the seat of power, pulling down their thrones, & proclaiming the Lordship of Christ Jesus.”
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 01/10/14 “Pulling this Monster down”
“The root of all the issues you face is of course Satan, who has taken over the banks with the love of money, who has taken over political parties, who panders to the lusts of the people, has taken over governments, who over-regulates the people through false premises of security & their scientific ‘facts’ from experts who cannot even see the Creator, the Bible referring to such people as fools.
“But the greatest monster in amongst all of this, is the manifestation of Satan through his statement recorded in Scripture, ‘I shall be like the Most High.’ The greatest monster in all of this, for what is known as My Church (not My Church) is under a massive curse because of it. The greatest monster in all of this is those running ‘business Church,’ that uses scriptures that have taken out words & added into them words which never came from God, but have come from Egypt, the intellectuals, & subsequent intellectuals throughout time.
“This is the greatest curse. It is itself under a massive curse, which is why you constantly meet people who have been under this curse. You refer this to being the charismatic movement. Those who produce these false Bibles admit themselves that they forever change them. But if I am the Word, how can I be changed?
“You see, the monster you face is guilty of the greatest blasphemy, of taking words out of Scripture, adding to Scripture, & building a Church on the base of this curse, rather than the Rock that never changes. Casualty after casualty is out there, including yourselves within the context. For that which were the movements of which you would have been a part of in years gone by before this curse came upon them, it is they that have the resources, no longer available to you, but for the work of Satan.
“It is therefore your role, in the Jeremiah 1:10 commission, to take out these movements from the curse of the Emerging Church, & restore them back into the fold of their founders.
“I want these movements back into the fold. Your efforts have been on the Bible College of Wales; but the Bible College of Wales did not stand out on its own. Immediately related to B.C.W. were WEC & the Nazarenes. Restoring these movements into the fold is crucial for your success.
With WEC it is positional truth, with the Nazarenes it is true holiness, depicted through J D Drysdale & Stanley Banks. I speak to David: You saw the holiness emanating through that man in your Mission Hall days. It is that I look to restore in the Nazarenes, who placed themselves under Higher Criticism against My will.
“A message to Lindsay: You have wondered who to send the 95 Theses to; & the priority must be to WEC & the Nazarenes.
“Now, this whole issue of Sheila & what she has placed into the ministry: that money is designated by the Spirit for a specific purpose; for they shall try to place issues around her into the natural realm; but as you know, your relationship with her has not been a natural relationship, but a deeply-rooted spiritual one, & the resources she has given you must be used for the purpose of restoring the Pentecostal movements back to the original condition that they were in when her family was part of their foundation-building. You tell the authorities that these funds are protected by the Spirit, & that they have been used already in restoring the Pentecostal movements back to where they were. You can mention the huge amounts you have spent in restoring My Word; for restoring My true Word is always the main priority in restoring any movement. For that which you have spent is well in line with the spiritual designation of the calling, in line with Sheila’s resources. Any which comes against that, comes against Me. For the wealth which Sheila accumulated over the years was always to be used for the establishment of My covenant. For that designation is of God, as was the spiritual covenant Sheila had with you, for you to get her out of trouble in My Name, & for her to get you out of trouble, which she did, & you paid her back. This was all of My Spirit, & no man can come against this. For it is deep-rooted covenant, rather than the shallow regulations & policies of the present day; regulations & policies akin to a foreign power, rather than the monarch’s oath to God, & all the Constitutional Acts around it. For in those Constitutional Acts is a demand on the nation to increase virtue in Christ’s religion; that is, increasing the anointing, which is a supreme law which is high above all today’s regulations & policies, which have bound up the people rather than freed them, which would have happened if governments had kept to their Constitutional obligations.
“As they have not kept to this, they then judge in relation to their ownregulations & policies, rather than the increasing of virtue.
“Now, My true Church points this out, which you have done in page after page of website material. So in that which is spiritually designated offerings, thou hast spiritually correctly used the resources given to you, to restore the Constitutional foundations of thy nation, for constitutionally state & Church are together in Britain by the Spirit & written covenant. This word ‘covenant’ is what they fail to understand in present-day regulations & policies, making them illegal under British law; for in effect, it is government that has stolen from you, in the resources you have had to spend on legal practices that are out of line with the Constitutional Acts of the nation.
“Now, government needs to pay that back to you, & invest in your ministry & its work to restore the foundations of the nation. What you have spent in this restoration of government law under God, is correct in the spiritual designation, in restoring movements back into the fold.
“Now, I bring your attention to the Pentecostal movements. The key problem is no longer having the Word of God, & removal of original tenets. That is the issue. Without the true Word, there is no Holy Spirit; & what thou hast witnessed in their hands is the fire that destroys, rather than brings life. Hence all the casualties of these movements today. These movements have been stolen from Me. The Low Church of England movements has been stolen from Me, with the Alpha without Omega, a curse of Higher Criticism that has infiltrated the Pentecostal movements too.
“So thou hast well kept to the designation of Sheila’s resources, in all the work you have done which has been for the benefit of for without the true Word of God, the whole nation & the movements of what was once My Church, will die. It is with the heart of restoring thy nation & its Christian movements that you have used the resources given to you. And Constitutional law in Britain demands understanding of the spiritual as well as the temporal.
“Now, as regards to Sheila’s ongoing care, the government has received designated offerings of its own in relation to this. For did not Sheila pay into a designated fund to look after her medically for the rest of her life? Why then should government chase you for designated funds in relation to restoring My Word, in relation to restoring Christian movements, of which her family members were foundational stones?
And here you have a statement of God to offer them, in which you ask, ‘Are you keeping to the designated funds which she has given for her care for the rest of her life, as you are keeping to the designated funds she has given to you. Are you giving priority to the Constitutional Acts of the nation under God, & the oath of the monarch, above regulations & policies that have come about when government has placed itself under a foreign power, not permitted under the nation’s Constitution? Instead of attacking you, political parties & governments need to embrace that which has been said through you, & given you resources to develop this work, rather than look to steal resources from you.
“The once-great Christian movements I have called you to restore, need also to give you resources in order to restore their movements back to the foundations on which they were built, the first priority being to restore My true Word, the Word that never changes, of the only begotten Son; for taking out that word ‘begotten’ has brought a curse, not only on these movements, now of Satan, but also on the whole nation as a whole.
“The intercession of Rees Howells in relation to the Second World War, would not be as effective today; for in those days, the nation still had the Word of God. For intercession to be effective in nations today, the Word of God must be restored, both in state & Church.
“I have given you My sword in relation to dealing with government today. Thou can show them this prophetic word, & say, ‘This is the truth of what has happened, your actions being entirely in line with My Word, under the Constitution of thy nation. Present-day regulations & policies come & go constantly, but this is My never-changing Word, & as such, has to take priority in this situation.’
“This is the word of the Lord. This is My instruction for your ongoing work. Restore the nations of the world back to Me. Restore once-great movements back to Me. This must be your whole-hearted undertaking, as it was with Sheila when she understood all of this. As a Trustee, she was part of this undertaking. This is a hallowed & holy undertaking before God; & thou hast used the resources given to you, not for selfish gain, but establishing the covenant of God.
“Advise all not to touch this holy undertaking, but lift up the name of Jesus, for this name is high above all that changes. For this name yesterday, today & forever is the same. For all that changes is of sand (refer to Nestle-Aland foreword). All that is of God, all from My throne-room, is of the Lord, who changeth not.”
Word from the Lord to David P Griffiths, 22/12/14
“I Grieve Over My Movements”
“This has continued now for many earthly years. I gave the anointing of God to George Jeffreys to fulfil callings within the Elim movement; but those against this call took over this movement, to now male it part of the Emerging Church, devoid of all understanding of the Word of God, as it eventually bowed down to the gods of Egypt, like you saw at Elim Bible College.“What went on there was a bowing down to the Romanist spirit, to make it the Emerging movement it has become today.“Should they try to take legal action against thee:
Vaticanus, Sinaiticus & Alexandrinus – there is no dispute over the codices they use; these codices & their bowing down to the Higher Critics; their offering of a Manchester University degree, & the work of Professor Peake, is ample proof for the earthly mind to grasp. But what is more important is what has gone on in the spirit. The organisation has neglected fulfilling the spiritual calling of Jeffreys. No longer is the Foursquare Gospel portrayed as it was.
At Lowestoft, thou experienced the calling of Jeffreys, with the walking of the cripple; not witnessed by those around you, obsessed with the Higher Critical approach.“Elim is My movement, & I have called you to restore this movement back to those with the vision of the founders. So this is what I am calling thee to do: Shout from the rooftops of intercession, for I have called thee to repair the breach; not only in Elim, but in movements worldwide stolen from the kingdom of God.“I will reveal to you words to say at given times.
The WEC organisation of missionaries of total surrender & submission; the understanding of the Word of God, given to prophets & apostles like Grubb & Studd; deep insights into the Word of God, & a working together with movements of total surrender. The embracing of the word that came through Tozer is important here, for this prophet was showing how the Emerging Church would become.
“And so, the infiltration goes on. Methodism no longer portrays entire sanctification. The National Church in Scotland bowing down to the sins of Sodom & Gomorrah, rather than embracing the word that came Churches, from the true Word of God, to bow down to the codices of Egypt, & Romanism.
“I call you in Scotland & Ireland, to bring all those of the Received Text together; for to restore My Word is the first step to restoring My movements. “Thou hast stood against the Emerging Church infiltration. Now My movements must be restored to Me. I gave prophetic word to the Apostolics to continue the mantle of those who operated from Pen y Groes; but the modern movement defied My words, defied My tenets, compromised with the social gospel, from discos to rave nights in the Rhondda.
This was never My way for this movement. It was called to be a deeply spiritual holiness operation of God, with apostles & prophets pointing out the sins of the people, rather than being an embracer of them.“You see, the list goes on of stolen movements. You pointed out the use of the cross of Baal to the Assemblies of God in the UK. They do not like these exposures; but the fact remains in UK, they have neglected the callings of the founders.
“The operations of Harthern in Staffordshire have been compromised to the social gospel. In thy midst, thou hast the prophetess Standish, who was crying aloud & sparing not, in relation to the restoration of her uncle’s callings. Thou hast used the resources she has given you to fulfil that call of restoration.
Her family may shout & holler, but thou hast used these funds, not only to restore her true family heritage, but also to expose that which stole from her, a ministry based in California.“There is much to say over thy work. But, as in the days of Noah, the people scoff, & say all manner of evil against thee.
But thou hast stood firm on My Word, & been prepared to go where I have called thee to go.“In Scotland & Ireland, thou art to bring forward the people of the Received Text, bring forth a mighty movement exposing Vaticanus, Sinaiticus & Alexandrinus; the ministry in Asia & Africa benefiting from this enormously. For thou will run a wholesale attack against these codices in the continents of Africa & Asia.“My Word must be restored to the peoples of the world. Surely you can come together & agree on this?
Those of the Mission Hall movement need to come together & restore the mission halls of Glasgow & Liverpool & the cities of Great Britain. I want to see mission halls back, with their Sunday schools, & their text cards & memory verses for the children. I want Baptist Churches free of the codices of Egypt, & thou has been called to make a stand against the infiltration of Romanism into all movements.
“Thou comes together as a group to hear from God together. This is My will. But these prophets & apostles of the Emerging Church proclaim an equipping of the people rather than a perfecting, an empowering & a teaching of walking in the fullness of God.“They come & they use the codices of Egypt for commercial practice; & those who use the Received Text misquote it, so as to gain resources for their own selfish lusts.
“Your challenge to the Word of Faith movement is to sell what you have, & restore to the people that which you have stolen from them, through the misuse of Scripture. Instead of a movement of the selfish lust, the Word of Faith movement is to increase, by being doers of the Word, a movement motivated by the inner witness, rather than those who have embraced Rome, & embraced the doctrines of metaphysics, & the positive confession movement.
“For I have called the Word of Faith movement to be one of the negative confession primarily, embracing the crying out of the psalmist, the crying out of the New Testament apostles, who declared it was in their weakness that they became the manifestation of God, doing all things through Christ that strengtheneth them.“It is to be a conviction movement rather than a formula. I have called thee to restore this movement back to its original call; & be not afraid, for much of this movement has been taken away by those embracing the philosophies exposed in the ‘Midas Touch’ publication.
“Thou will become a Biblical Word of Faith movement, rather than the scam it has become all over the world; not through the teaching through Hagin, but by those who made formula out of what Hagin was saying.“Thou must not be afraid to take on these rogues of iniquity; & indeed, in thy station’s ‘Triumphant Church’ programme, recognise the life of true Word of Faith, which is well portrayed through My work through Grubb about the intercessor of South Wales, Rees Howells.
“My intercessor today regularly teaches Word of Faith; & these teachings can go on the Word of Faith Increasing web-site, beginning with the ‘Let Us Pray’ programme, for this teaches real authority in the Spirit, the teachings through Grubb & Rees Howells being key to restoring this movement.“And here, one can well work with Sylvia Pearce; for in this movement, there is no barriers over women teachers (of course, with Me there are barriers over women teachers; there are barriers over male teachers.
For the true preaching & teaching of My Word comes through those who are neither male nor female, neither Jew nor Greek; but whatever their natural gender on earth, they become the manifestation of Me. For each one born again has the calling of God to reach every creature with the gospel - & there are no barriers to this call).
“As I have said therefore, I can use you all through the Word of Faith Increasing format, to have a movement hearing from God & acting accordingly, rather than having a sons of Scaeva movement of the formula rather than the conviction of the apostle Paul. “I will be returning to the restoration of movements at regular intervals. The restoration of the Nazarene Church is very important to Me. I will be calling intercessions in relation to this.
“So, be ready for My Spirit to give directions at regular intervals for the restoration of movements. “Be strong & courageous; for thou art called to be a Joshua, to face up to the walls of Jericho that have been built up around these movements.“Obeying My instruction, as with Joshua, will bring these walls tumbling down.“Rejoice, & be exceedingly glad. For they persecuted the prophets before thee. But I have called thee to repair the breach. My movements are to be returned to Me.”
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 26/02/15
“A Young People Burdened by the Apostasy of a Fallen Nation, a Nation whose Evangelical Church has been Taken Over by a False Prophetic Cry that has its origins in the roots of the Purpose Driven Movement that has brought to nothing the origins of Movements founded by Young People of Sacrifice” “My heart cries out for the young people of Britain.
They are under threat even in the womb. Out of the womb are broken families. The education system denies the Christ, even though it was founded throughout the nation by those determined to proclaim the Christ to the children. “Previous Acts of Parliament have protected the children from being taught alien philosophy, opposed to the teaching of the Cross, the present system even denying the creation of God. So that young people no longer have foundations, even to the point of the teaching of sex outside of marriage, & of the coming together of strange flesh. “No wonder so many turn to drugs.
The Constitution of the nation is not even taught in the schools or colleges or universities. What thou art proclaiming is seen as archaic. Thou art seen as oddities amidst a system that threatens the very life of a child in the womb; that threatens the stability of a child through broken relationships; that teaches a child false law & adherence to a philosophy alien to the Constitution of the nation.
“No wonder a child will turn to drugs, immorality, & the decadence of man, rather than know Jesus as Saviour. Government after government has allowed the slaughter of the innocents. Government after government has allowed the clever scientists to rule over the teaching of creation.
This is the triumph of Lucifer, for if he can convince the young person that the world began through a great big bang, then he can have the young person exactly where he wants them. “For by Him were all things created – the Lord Jesus.
Yet the modern bibles of Romanism deny the very deity of Christ. So young people who do get hold of a Bible get one under the control of Charismatic groups who dominate them & control them, with the teaching of cursed manuscripts, brought about through the Nestle-Aland Committee that has its origins in the philosophies of devils, mustered up by higher critics, the most celebrated of whom being of the Satanists Westcott & Hort. “This is what has taken over the movements thou longest to restore.
You see, evangelical movements whose modern-day young people, wallowing in a maze of Charismatic wonderment provided by the enemy of souls, all heading for a lost eternity; false philosophies in schools over creation; a nation threatening the little one in the womb, & an evangelical movement brought to nought by the filth of Westcott & Hort., by the filth of the Bible Societies that promote the bibles of publishers whose thrones are of the synagogue of Satan. From this, you look for young people to continue the visions of founders. You look & look, but there is nobody there.
They have been taken out by the rebellion of a nation, & the stealing of movements by the Charismatic experience of wonderment that comes from the playground of devils. “So what must My remnant do? Unrighteous decrees abound in the nation from false philosophies. Thy courts have been stolen from those who proclaim the justice of God, to the new breed of judges wallowing in the seats of false philosophies. Even thy monarch has signed away the nation’s heritage to a foreign power. So what must My remnant do?
“First, it must submit to God, for the resistance of the devil must only take place in My strength. The proclamation of My Word can only be through that that has been untampered by the Nestle-Aland Committee.
The return of ‘Thus saith the Lord’ proclamations must occur, through those who speak the first person word, through those who know positional truth, those who walk the walk with Christ, as well as manifest Christ; those who are empowered of the Holy Ghost; those who overcome the buffeting of Satan & his cohorts. “And this is the key point: by Him, the Lord Jesus, were all things created, for in Him is the fullness of the Godhead bodily.
For thou art high above principality & power, & all of this attack against the young people of thy nation. For they have been denied access to My true Word, My true Word being the basis in education of the generations of the past, but now the failing education system that has forgotten its foundations has brought together a generation devoid of any reality.
“My Word however cannot be returned void. I cry out in intercession for this generation. For thou shall find those open to the teaching of the gospel. This whole generation is seeking a foundation; & as the psalmist wrote, ‘I go to the Rock.’ Say to the young people to build your house upon the Rock. For I have called you to bring young people to Jesus; to hand over thy ministry to young people so anointed of God, from whatever part of the world they come, for thy ministry is international.
“For thou art setting up the diplomas of God, so as every creature can be reached. Thou art doing a mighty work. Be excited. Be encouraged, as those who have brought about the removing of a generation from God are being brought to account even as you speak. “The wise man built his house upon the Rock. This young generation needs the Christ. My remnant are to proclaim Him, the King of Kings & Lord of Lords. “Continue to work hard in preparation for the harvest of souls.
They try to destroy thee through their official channels, through application of their unrighteous decrees. But thou art standing on the Rock. One simply says to the young people to come to the Saviour, the way, the truth, the life; that only through Him can one obtain eternal life; & return back to those carrying the visions of the founders, movements stolen by the Emerging Church.
“This is the Word of the Lord.”
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 23/04/16
“The Upside-down Cross of Canterbury”
“This will remain at Canterbury (clearly seen on the video) as long as a high altar remains. For Christ does not live in holy places made with hands, but in the hearts of true believers who are the temples of the Holy Ghost.
“For when the royal priesthood of believers was mentioned in the intercession at Canterbury, a shock wave went through the system, that momentarily shook the system of the upside-down cross. “The presentation of the upside-down cross is one that shows Peter not as worthy as the Christ, a doctrine based on there being a separate priesthood. But as you know from the Word of God, there is only one priesthood, along the line of Melchizedek, for which those truly born again have their sins removed without continuous confession to a priest, or as in the charismatic movement, a deliverance pastor.
For through the blood, the slate is wiped clean, & one becomes the temple of the Holy Ghost. “And so, Peter became such a being, not to be venerated as less worthy on an upside-down cross, but to be recognised as a joint heir with Christ, just as you all are who know Me.
“An altar made with hands brings a separation between God & man. It is a rebuilding of the veil Calvary opened up, & is of the doctrine of Baal, whose altar needs to be removed so as to bring peace not only to Canterbury, but to the entire Anglican Communion that is in complete disarray due to its adherence to Baal.
“I therefore hand over responsibility from the courtroom of God to the Bible College of Wales Continuing, to uphold the Constitutional Acts of the nation in line with the Word of God & the Elizabethan Settlement, the Act of Settlement being an Act that draws a line between religion of the separate priesthood & the royal priesthood of believers, the role of My College being to perfect the saints for the work of the ministry; & that work, David, on the Constitutional Acts of the nation, is now to come to the fore.
Such is My will, that you be in the House of Lords to bring attention to the Upper House to what is really going on in the nation, which is a matter of spirit first & temporal second, so that the people will know that Great Britain is to be run by My Spirit, hence there being prayers before each law-making session in Parliament, rather than adherence to a foreign power, which the EU has done, hence it being My will that unrepentant members associated with this organisation be brought to justice in the new Parliament.
“This is the decision of the courtroom of God."
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 20/11/11
“Over the coming days, I am to give words for the groupings known as the Pentecostal denominations.
“Some have strayed far from Me, whilst others have strayed a short way. However far they have gone, opportunity is being given to come back to Me, with movements on fire. For all these movements must be free & clear of operations that are akin to Catholicism & the worship of Baal. They must be free of the modern revivalist movement, to be able to come back to their first love.
“Movements I am going to minister into include: COGIC; The Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee); the Foursquare Gospel Movement in the USA; Elim (UK); Apostolic (Wales); AOG. And to begin, we deal with Elim.
“Thou hast strayed far, far from Me on a number of fronts; the most important of these being in what was once your Bible College; your embracing of NIV & its satanic verses; your embracing of Higher Criticism; your removal of faith from students; your dancing with devils – all of which is far removed from the days of Jeffreys, & Albert Edsor.
“My Word declares: ‘remove not the ancient landmark;’ yet you have ceased to proclaim the Foursquare Gospel, a proclamation I gave to Jeffreys & Macpherson to form an alliance, to boldly proclaim this marvellous truth.
“You have embraced the modern idiom of Satan’s end-time church. What he looks for movements to do, is neglect the vision God gave to their founders. By neglecting the vision, the movement becomes in rebellion, the sin of witchcraft.
“Your founder was a man of the Word – yet you have neglected the Word. Thou hast embraced a book that is satanic in origin; a book that has removed the drive & thrust of a once great movement.
Woe to those who have taken thy movement, & taken the funds I gave to this movement to proclaim the Foursquare Gospel, to proclaim another gospel, the counterfeit gospel of Satan!
“My Word gives warning of this - & it is all very well to, in your intellectualism, to write off this prophecy; for that is all you now have: a mocking spirit to those who look to restore your movement back to its former glory.
“Thou hast pained the Saviour you once proclaimed within the proclamation of the Foursquare Gospel. Your gospel proclaims Jesus as being a son of the gods! Your gospel proclaims Jesus as having Joseph as His father! Your gospel proclaims Jesus as having a starting-point in history! Your gospel denies Jesus as being the Jesus of the Foursquare Gospel.
“Your movement has become a hive of Jezebels. They wander around like bees in a hive, looking whom they may devour. You have spent the money of sacrificial saints in an appalling way. Thou hast looked for social integration, rather than separation from the god of this world. Thou hast preached the gospel of accepting the sinner, rather than calling sinners to repentance, as your founder so boldly did in his proclamation of Jesus the Saviour.
“There is much to do, if thy movement is to come back to its former glory. The modernists must depart, & those of the mantle of Jeffreys must come together.
“I have given this prophet the mantle to restore this movement back to its former glory. On being allowed through the door, he will come in like a cutting edge, to identify those of My remnant who are called to help in the process of restoring Elim back to its former glory.
“The modernists will depart, having been given opportunity to repent of the decadence of this modern age – a modern movement that has brought in filth, immorality, homosexuality, & all of the passions of a modern era that has brought thy nation to destruction.
“Woe to you all, you parasites of humanity! You have sucked innocent people dry, with your controlling pastors of decadence. You have trained your pastors into being big boys over their congregati0ns; yet in My eyes, they are nothing but specks of dandruff infecting the scalp of humanity.
“Woe unto you, pastors of filth, who have embraced this modern culture, with its filthy bibles & disgusting practices! You have scorned the Bible of thy nation’s Constitution, to embrace the codices of Rome: Vaticanus, Sinaiticus, & Alexandrinus are all codices embraced in what was once a movement of the true Word. Oh how you stand proudly in how well you have done in embracing the modern culture! Your students have degrees of Higher Criticism - & how proud they are!
“I tell thee: after pride, comes shame. There are those in thy movement crying out for a change. I have heard thy cries, O remnant of Elim, & have given thee prophets & apostles being called to get a hold of Elim, & return it to its former glory.
“This prophet through whom I speak, has an immense love for this movement & its proclamation of the Foursquare Gospel.
“The first thing he would do would be to place on Elim’s website in prominent position, the proclamation of the Foursquare Gospel. Banners would be bought for all the fellowships, of the Foursquare Gospel. Scriptures of the Authorized Version would be placed around all of Elim’s buildings. The modernists, with their jeans & T-shirts, would be replaced by the old-time ministers of glory. Choirs would replace so-called “worship bands” of filth & decadence; bands that are there to entertain, rather than worship God. The old-time choruses of Elim which I used continuously to convict sinners of sin would be restored. The proclamation of Jesus the Saviour, as depicted by Jeffreys, would once more move powerfully through this movement, if it repents of the modern filth it has embraced.
“The modernists would say ‘We can’t use this KJV today!’ But I say, “I am the Lord: I change not.” What was good enough for Jeffreys is good enough for thee.
“O, how thou hast scorned the preachers of old! How you have looked to bring in the non-convicters & talkers of today! O, you are whited sepulchres of Pharisaism!
“My prophet has spoken these words of judgement; yet holds out a hand for thee to repent before God, of thy filth & evil thinking. Elim, in your neglecting of your first love, you have fallen into the depths of depravity so great, that only in a return to the foundation stone of God, can thou be restored to thy former glory.
“Now, to the proclamation of Jesus, the Healer. This did not come through your embracing of the charismatic movement. This came through a man sold out to God; so full of the conviction of Jehovah Raphah, the Lord that healeth thee. The founder’s crusades were legendary; yet where are thy crusades today? Becoming social workers is not embracing the proclamation of Jesus the Healer.
“You were founded as a miracle-bringing movement; but today, you connect yourself with the ecumenical movements of the modern era, rather than the Healer Who gave His life for thee.
“Your faculty members thought they were clever, in manipulating scripture away from the proclamation of Jesus the Healer. Thy movement has denied the body of Christ broken for thee. So it has become a movement of Belial. Whilst accepting thou hast a remnant crying out before Me; that the prophet cries out, as the apostle of old, ‘Who has bewitched thee?’
“My apostles & prophets must come together & restore this movement; for at this time, its people are in danger of hell-fire; not that this movement uses that word any more, for its primary bible has removed this word, & so the conviction this movement once brought to the people is no longer there.
“You are just as filthy rags. Oh, how the remnant cries out to Me – the solution being, the coming together of apostles & prophets; & this prophet wants to be part of that; to lead this movement back to its former glory, yes; but this prophet is not content to accept just that. He has been to Me over many years, to receive the double portion.
“You place him in thy Kensington Temple, & you will see that building no longer be a temple, but the people instead become temples of the Holy Ghost.
“Oh, how this movement has strayed far from Me! Yet I have heard the cries of the remnant, & I am giving a way forward. Oh to restore the proclamation of Jesus the Healer. It would not only bring the miracles of old, but the double portion to which thou art called.
“Now, to the proclamation of Jesus the Baptizer in the Holy Ghost. Oh, how I long to baptize with the baptism in the Holy Ghost, the evidence of which is speaking in tongues! Oh, how I know this doctrine was battled over in the past; but I am to give to a repentant movement tongues of fire.
Oh, how this movement is to rip up its books of Higher Criticism; & how I am to give the baptism of fire to the remnant, which has stood against the modern filth! Remnant – come together, I cry! There is more of you than what you think! Come together! Allow My prophets & apostles to stand, & bring the baptism, the true baptism of fire, to those in thy movement who can take it – for it will cut right across this movement of modern decadence that I curse right from My throne room of Heaven. For you have removed the words from My Word, & added on the modern interpretations of Satan!
“Yet I have provided a way out for thy movement with My prophets & apostles.
“Now for the Soon Coming King. Are you to stand before Me, with your social works to the community, or be a separate body before Me? As this prophecy, & others, is placed on the Pentecostal Continuing website, are you to mock & scorn at My prophet, as they mocked & scorned at Noah?
“I tell thee, over the years My prophets have got used to being laughed & mocked. They have got used to being persecuted & spat at; & this prophet is well aware the modernists will say he has lost his head; but that us exactly what I have called him to lose – for to become wise, thou must become a fool!
“Such is thy movement, standing wise in its own ability; wearing the rags of Satan, rather than the full armour of God.
“And so, thou art to proclaim Jesus the Soon Coming King. But I tell thee, the remnant has been heard, & the opportunity given to repent; opportunity given to embrace prophets & apostles, who will bring the necessary division between Christ & Baal, so as to restore thy movement back to its former glory; but with not only that, but with the double portion.”
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 21 11 11
“Just as I have called thee to lead Elim out of its mire of false doctrine, of heresy, false bibles, false spirits – particularly what came from Toronto those years ago, when you were at their Bible College; I am calling thee to lead that movement back to its proclamation of the Foursquare Gospel.
“And likewise, I have those ready to lead the Assemblies of God out of its newly-found “user-friendly” status.
“But thou must be the prophet to expose its false grace gospel. Thou must be the prophet to expose its false ministers, & find the remnant who are crying out, as in Elim, for Me to rescue their movement.
“Thou hast been told by thy brother Harthern that the Assemblies of God were a simple, free-flowing movement. Today, they are a complex movement, with Higher Criticism having had a devastating effect.
“Thou hast studied the words of its intellectual status, & found it wanting. Its heretical approach has seen church in its grouping grow, for what they have done is adapt the Word to appease the thoughts of man.
“On a world-wide scale, the Assemblies of God have kow-towed to Rome, & all that entails; so that it can become a movement of today’s political respectability.
“You ask: ‘where are the old-time preachers?’ In your Church fellowship, you can have preaching going on for two, even three, hours; but here, we have a movement that has looked to please & entertain the people, rather than convict them of their sin. Yet its origins in the UK are somewhat different.
“Its early ministers moved in the power of the Holy Ghost – powerfully. Its early edition of “Redemption Tidings” warned of what Higher Criticism can do; & this generation has ignored the warnings of its fathers, & embraced what the fathers warned against. The Higher Criticism of Germany was particularly mentioned in its magazine; & today’s movement has embraced the doctrine so alien to the early days; that what you have is a group of people not giving heed to the ancient landmark of the movement.
“ ‘So, what is the solution?’ you cry. The first step is repentance, followed by a complete disassociation, worldwide, from Rome. The movement is to be a protesting movement against Rome, rather than one to be under it & its bibles.
“What great sin thou hast discovered in this movement. A complete turning away from the passions of the past, to embrace the politically correct agenda of today.
“So today, you are to proclaim the Jesus of ‘yesterday, today, forever, the same;’ & compare, on thy Continuing website, the movement of yesterday with the movement of today.
“So, you have quite a challenge; but there is a remnant. There are still pillars in the movement in the UK; but as in Elim, they are isolated pillars. But I will draw them to thee.
“Place on thy website the anointed teaching of the movement’s “fathers.” Show the difference, & give My Word that I never change.
“I never called these assemblies to be as they are today; I called them to be powerhouses of God, rather than the community church social workers they have become.
“You ask Me the question: ‘Will they ever come back to Me?’ Their remnant has been crying out to Me to restore the values of the past.
“Prove on-line the differences between their writings of today, & the writings of the ones of the early days. Give the banner heading ‘Choose ye this day whom you will serve.’
“The intercession is on; but for this fellowship of churches to survive, it must come back to its first love.
“Its operation as a simple free-flowing fellowship, rather than a movement chained up in the doctrines of despair, proclaiming word which is not from Me. It really must decide now between the passions of its founders, & its community church outreaches of today – outreaches based on control & manipulation, rather than the freedom of the Spirit.”
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 13/04/12
They are using the title “I am doing a new things, saith the Lord;” that as you know, is out of context of what I am doing. For I am calling those of My remnant, to re-establish the visions of founders of Pentecostal movements. They are using the term “new thing” in relation to God adapting His gospel to social conditions. My gospel, however, never changes. My Word never changes. But they have brought new editions of the Bible, to suit the changing social conditions, because apparently I am doing a new thing!
“But I am declaring to you, that I am the Lord that changes not, & that I am calling thee into Old Colwyn to counteract the new thing of the Pentecostal movements, by proclamation of the old thing; the old Foursquare Gospel when it comes to Elim; the free-flowing gospel of the Assemblies of God, as it was in the1920s; the strong role of the prophet in the Apostolic movement, which you re-instated in your time working every day with David Owen, & still maintain even working from a distance.
“These three movements have rebelled against Me, saith the Lord; & you are to bring them to account, & tell them God is not doing a new thing in their movements, & that they have adapted the gospel to suit social conditions; in other words, they have the gospel of the god of this world.
“When it comes to updating the Pentecostal Continuing site, this prophecy is to go on the homepage. You are to declare your vision, to take the Pentecostal movements back to the vision of their founders, who brought about a landmark in the Spirit, which should never have been removed; & this is the landmark which these now modern-day cults have ignored. The landmark is called conviction; for this new thing the Pentecostal movements are declaring, is the apparent new gospel of God, the new thing being the withdrawal of conviction. This is an abomination in the sight of God, this abomination being so great that this removal of the work of the Holy Ghost prevents the term being used, that term being “soundly saved.”
“Oh, I have not changed; I never change. Today, they go through a routine of saying a prayer, then religiously baptizing the individual, who has no knowledge of the conviction of God.
“This new thing is an academic form of salvation that is not salvation at all. This new thing they have embraced, is a sons of Sceva declaration of a gospel that does not even exist. When someone is soundly saved, they need to understand they are coming to the Cross; & if they die with Me, they are risen up together with Me.
“Today, they have no idea of the Ephesians 1 & 2 reference, & the Romans 6 deep surrender. How I cry over these movements, saith the Lord. Look at the work you are putting in in preparation; for not only am I building My Church through thee, for which I have given thee instructions to have this manse, owned by the ministry forever, so future generations, should the Lord tarry, will know it is from this place that I have built a base, not only as a ministry of the old paths, but also to take back those movements who have strayed into what they are calling the new thing; that is not God’s new thing, but the devil mis-quoting Scripture for his own benefit.
“So, there are two tasks here: the manse to be bought by the ministry, money which you are then able to gain to buy your West coast of Lewis getaway, from where you will find a large house in Stornoway, from where you will establish the Pentecostal Church of Scotland; that is on the ground, so to speak, for you will already have established this on-line, along with Chapel Pentecost.
“Then, I am calling you together with two other leaders, who are to take over the “new thing” Pentecostal movements, which are to come back to the ancient landmarks their fathers have set.
“These are the steps of the takeover:
“Number (1): The removal of Vaticanus, Sinaiticus & Alexandrinus.
“Number (2): The return to the KJV, My holy Word, perfected in Heaven, which must never be questioned.
“Number (3): On the homepage of each of the websites of these movements, place their original statements of faith, alongside Scripture which I call thee to write.
“Number (4): Those who have been apparently saved through “new thing” belief, the non-conviction gospel, must be baptized only on becoming soundly saved. The academic form of baptism does not count within the context of being soundly saved.
“Take note: many evil spirits will manifest within your exposure of “new thing” heretics.
“Number (5): As you know, their ministry training techniques have been an abomination before Me for some time. You are to declare all degrees given through the secular state system as null & void, & not recognised by the movements you will have restored. The degrees you give out will have appointed by the Holy Ghost, in recognition of study in My Word, led by the Spirit of God.
“And on the certificate of the degree, will have the student’s name, who was led by the Spirit of God to study whatever he/she was led to study. For the students will not be given choices of modules to study; for in all things I must have the pre-eminence; & the students are to hear from Me in relation to what is to be studied. But there is one module they all must take, & that is, a study of how the apostasy came in, & deep repentance that followed.
“For these movements have become an abomination to Me; yet I am calling them back to their original call, the “new thing” expression being replaced by a return to the old paths, the ancient landmark that was set.
“And yes, David, you will see your dream of the Foursquare Gospel being proclaimed in Elim. For I will have you as Elim’s leader, declaring in Kensington Temple the words like you declared in the Lowestoft Elim, ‘I have come to declare the Foursquare Gospel, of Jesus the Saviour, Jesus the Baptizer in the Holy Ghost, Jesus the Healer, & Jesus the Soon Coming King.’
“You will say these words in Kensington Temple, & await the miracles that will follow. For you will have re-established the landmark. And likewise, there are those coming to thee now, & you will say to go & re-establish the Assemblies of God. And just as you release these leaders from your North Wales operation, so shall this occur in South Wales with the Apostolic, who are to re-establish their headquarters in Penygroes. How dare they remove themselves, & be taken in by the new thing! And this is My instruction for them: Return to the base of the landmark. Remove the silly names you have given your fellowships. You are Apostolics; & that should be in the title of each & every one of your fellowships.
“Oh, I am returning thee to the old paths; in which the prophet shall speak, & the apostles shall take forward the vision.
“This is My Word this day: take heed of My Word. Go forward in My strength.
“I have given thee overall direction this day. Take heed that you do it. Share this word on-line, on the Pentecostal Continuing site, that there shall be Chapel Pentecost, the Pentecostal Church of Scotland, & Elim, the Assemblies of God, & the Apostolics, restored to their original vision.
“Oh, praise the Lord! Praise Him! And prepare for many others coming to join thee in this vision. Rebuke those holding back from coming to join thee, for they shall regret missing their opportunity of being part of this calling of God.
“For behold, saith the Lord, this is not by might, or by power, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord.”
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 28/08/12 “VISIONS OF FOUNDERS”
“A movement of God will have a human resource: an empty vessel, temple of God to work through, in setting forth a vision.
“The visionary will write down what God has called him to do, & set up. This can go either one of two ways: where people gather round him, & accept his prophetic word, & forward the vision; or, a group of people will gather round, giving lip service to the vision, & look to take over with their own agenda.
These people are rebels to the vision, & guilty of the sin of witchcraft. Such people bring earthly order to such movements set up by visionaries. They become highly organized, highly disciplined units, impossible for God to work through, for they have rebelled against the visionary, & are guilty of the sin of witchcraft.
“They give lip service to the vision; make their movements highly organized & disciplined in man’s eyes, maintaining a form of godliness, but denying the power. Stay well clear of such rebels.
“This is why, if you ever preach in a Methodist church, you do not preach anything else but entire sanctification; for that movement was setup by God as a holiness movement, its leaders giving lip service to the vision, having a Methodist church highly organized & disciplined, but with no anointing of God – hence its lack of flamboyance. If John Wesley returned today, little place would be given for his full surrender message, for it would crack wide open the organization & discipline of the rebels, for the message of God to continue in line with the vision.
“Such as it is with many movements. The Elim Pentecostal Church had a founder who proclaimed the Foursquare Gospel. Where is it now? Bound under a chain of Higher Criticism; a movement embracing the cult of Higher Criticism to such a degree that when you were at its college, it denied the very anointing that brought huge numbers to massive physical relief.
“Remember at Lowestoft, when you stood in Jeffreys’ shoes? By honouring the vision, greater miracles will take place than even Jeffreys witnessed; for as Elisha received a double portion from Elijah, so when you preach in an Elim church, you preach the Foursquare Gospel, a message the rebels suppressed, which you are to restore to Elim one day, as its leader in the boots of Jeffreys rather than in the boots of the rebels.
“Such as it is with the Bible College of Wales. It is obvious that it is to be in Wales; hence its name, for it is a missions manifestation of the Evan Roberts revival, & all that it embraced. The movement got taken over by those that did not embrace the vision of the founder, & it is right you stir up that mantle.
“Today there are those who have taken over that vision, so they think, who have brought great organization & discipline to that call. What they do not have is the anointing of the founder! Only those who ask for the double portion are entitled to the vision. The rebels have made it into a den of iniquity; discipline & order of an earthly nature, but lacking the power of the past.
“The Bible College of Wales website has maintained the intercessory emphasis of the ministry, continuing the original vision – hence the use of the word ‘continuing.’ And now, you have stirred up the anointing, in bringing back what Rees Howells sent forth: well-trained missionaries, with a great knowledge of the Word, the reaping now coming back, with anointed material from Asia, which rebels, under the university system of Britain, will not be able to compete with.
“Those moving in the anointing of the founders, have a flamboyance in their bellies the organizers cannot cope with. The organizers keep to every rule of man, bringing in a deadness & a lull-ness to movements taken over by rebels – that is, organized rebels.
“The devil attacks the minds of those moving in the flamboyance, with stories of imminent disaster & government disapproval. The organizers are vision-stealers, bringing destruction to the people; for without a vision, the people perish.
“You are to stand firm, in restoring the mantles of the past, so that you can know that when you face God, you can say you have continued movements in the anointing, rather than the discipline of the god of this world, who is taking, not only those with a spiritual vision, under the world’s order, but also businesses who have had histories over many generations, that are being taken over by a globalization agenda that has not given heed to the way business has been run in Britain for years; hence the number of bankruptcies going on, because of the highly disciplined & organized globalization structures of the New World Order.
“You are bringing life through obeying the call of God. The organizers are bringing death, because they are well organized & disciplined adherents to the letter of the law that kills, rather than the one who set us free from the curse of the law, movement after movement taken over by rebels, & those looking to restore visions coming under constant attack from those who are wonderfully organized, who are rebels who deny the power.”