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An Appeal to Government for Co-Operation and Understanding in relation to the way we gave On-Going Care of Our Fellow Minister and Friend Brian Mason – by David and Lindsay Griffiths, who Brian chose to be his Power of Attorney in times such as these, Brian now being in heaven.

Brian’s Choice and Our Ethos

  • Alongside us giving unpaid personal care, on call 24 hours a day has been fellow Trustee Pamela Masih, we all as trustees witnessing to the following appeal that on our side brings everything out into the open, our appeal to Government agencies being to do the same.

(Except two serious acts of medical negligence in legal process.)



1)  It is a fact that Brian Mason joined us about ten years ago, with a heart-felt desire to join us in the cause of “reaching every creature” by “perfecting the saints”, the vision of Rees Howells in the 1920’s, David’s dad having been a student at the original Bible College of Wales in the 1930’s and Brian in the 1970’s. With this desire came a commitment to lay everything down, and this was clearly intimated at the time, the ethos of Rees Howells who declared “I am finished with ownership!”




No trustee receives any wages from the charity, every current trustee has been an unpaid carer & volunteer, all giving and donations from outside going into the Charity’s account. We operate in our accounts with the assistance of an independent chartered accountant, all funds being used to go forward as led of the Lord Jesus to us in his demand to “reach every creature with the Gospel” by “perfecting the saints for the work of the ministry.”


2)  During April 2022, it was as if Brian had lost his mind, he was hospitalized, this coming after a long period of sickness, disease, and infirmity when Lindsay and I as his chosen powers of attorney started to make decisions for him, previously he was regularly consulted, as a charity trustee given monthly financial reports and every opportunity given to him to input his say into situations.


His medical discharge sheets from hospital report the following, that include mental health issues, physical health issues and overcoming miracles that have astonished medics.


Please note, it was also during this time that we took Brian’s phone from him, (ministry property) as he was throwing it about and making strange phone calls (we now knowing due to infection affecting his mentality).


We are so pleased that he now has it back having recovered from his infections that had caused severe mental health problems.


Brian is very regularly consulted on both his own personal finances and those of the charity that have been severely stretched due to lockdown restrictions and extreme rising costs. He had thought he had lost his wallet thus causing concern it would seem with Social Services, it being understood that they organized a Police inquiry.


It needs to be noted that Brian for some time during his period of inability, had asked me (DPG) to look after his finances and take enough to run the charity. In reply I declared a match funding policy with Lindsay and I and this has occurred.


Brian is also encouraged to continue his ministry, with a video camera being taken into hospital regularly should he feel led and able to contribute to the TV channel he helped set up with us. He remains a fellow minister with us and Anglican Canon to the Ruvuma Diocese in Tanzania, where I (DPG) am also ordained.

Further News:


Report on Brian Mason, 22/06/22


About 4:00 pm, a (male) Sri Lankan doctor from the Palliative Care Team phoned. They are looking after BM in Ward B3, DGRI.

This dear doctor was very open and clearly very caring. He explained the situation re BM health in some detail: gangrenous foot (beginning to smell) – surgical & vascular team have seen it – nothing to be done because BM cannot tolerate anaesthetic. Still on antibiotics to give him best chance against infection (some coming from foot) & treatment also for mental health issues (see earlier report from 5-22 April plus short-term detention order). The doctor knew about our care for BM at home & very appreciative that we have done a good job in difficult situation (including mental health issues).

He has asked permission from BM to put in a ’line’ because BM has been suffering a lot of pain from his infected foot. This means BM has a small continuous dose of painkiller without having to ask for more.

BM conscious but mostly sleepy. Conflict between heart & kidneys re treatment. Previous doctor we saw last Sunday said that BM’s kidneys had ‘taken a hit’ from the infection hence IV fluids. Blood in urine/catheter therefore two scans given. Results show lesion/tumour. No invasive treatment to be given because of BM frailty. When UV fluids given, it helps kidney function but then puts strain on heart.

The doctor has also contacted the Spiritual Care Team, knowing BM to be ‘very spiritual;’ I explained to him that BM has been our colleague in Christian Ministry Team (mentioned PM too & how she had looked after him at night); also, how BM had suddenly taken ill on border of South Sudan ‘strange happening.’

I found I could communicate with this wonderful doctor in the spirit! I thanked him for his openness & for all their kindness – he said they were doing all they could - & at present fairly stable, but time running out & with foot etc. things could change very quickly.


Lindsay Griffiths


i)  Mental Health Diagnoses – Six Month History of Anorexia (29 01 21); Mild Cognitive Impairment (26 05 21); Very Confused (18 01 22); Increased Confusion (13 03 22); Infection related mental incapacity, ischaemic changes (04 22)

13 03 22 – Dr Fashola GCH – Increased Confusion

Periods of aggression and agitation especially at night. Treated for UTI in community. Treated with iv co amoxiclav then oral – confusion improved in readiness for vascular. Refusing insulin.


24 04 22 Katharine Coulthard, Midpark House, Dumfries: Issue of Short-Term Detention Certificate for Mental Illness. It is noted on the certificate that we were not able to cope with Brian’s challenging behaviours, also not engaging well in treatment for his physical health, likely to have led to a further deterioration in his mental health. The writer notes verbal and physical aggression in the lead up to hospital admission, in hospital wandering into the rooms of other patients and not agreeing to stay. Further comments were made in relation to Brian’s aspirations.

The report emphasizes that there had been a CT scan showing evidence of pre-existing ischaemic changes, relating we understanding to the blood flow to the brain, there being possibility it would seem of a cause of mental change.


ii) Physical Health Diagnoses & Spiritual Miracles

As POA’s chosen by Brian, and we keep to his choice and take these positions very seriously and will continue to do so according to Brian’s wishes in sound mind.


There have been two occasions of miracles Doctors have observed, highlighted here:


17 09 19 – DGRI Dr Chaudry: DIAGNOSIS of urinary retention, a left inguinal hernia and newly diagnosed diabetes.

07 09 20 – GCH Dr Patankar: Bilateral pleural effusions – probable interstitial and alveolar pulmonary cedema due to left heart failure.

27 11 20 – DGRI – Dr Khan: Raised Troponin of 321 & 245. Severe triple vessel disease. Transferred to GJNH – risk to high for CABG – RCA Targets poor. We assume all this means he was too high risk for a bypass and got six stents instead.

29 01 21 – DGRI – Dr Rathnamalala: Vomiting, six month history of anorexia and weight loss – deteriorating renal function. LV dilation and impairment. Occasional scattered crackles and inguinoscrotal hernia

11 03 21 – MOUNTAINHALL – Dr Rathnamalala: Acute Kidney Injury requiring haemodialysis – secondary to multi-drug resistant e-coli bacteraemia January 2021- CKD 4 – secondary to Diabetes and Cardio renal syndrome.

Type 2 Diabetes on insulin; Left inguinoscrotal hernia for conservative management; normocytic anaemia – dual anti-placelets + CKD.

Dr Rathnamalala made verbal comments to Lindsay about the loving care BM receives by us; LG mentioning the role of Pamela in this too. She stated she had never come across such care towards someone who is not a relative. She also made comments of his frailty, relating to us an imminent heaven departure – this simply did not happen, Brian miraculously pulling through.

26 05 21 – DGRI – Dr Rossiter: PMHx:NSTEMI with PCI 6x stents Nov 2020. Notes show transfer from GCH with a few weeks Hx of progressive SOB, non-productive cough and bilaterasl foot pain.

Asthma, Mild Cognitive Impairment, previous E coli bacteraemia Jan 2021.

WCC elevated at 16.8; neutrophilis 13.5; CRP 90

CT Thorax showed bilateral pleural effusions, larger on the right with overlying atelectasis, no convincing underlying lesion identified. Small areas ground-glass nodularity may be inflammatory in nature.

02 07 21 – DGRI – Shortness of Breath on the background of a known pleural effusion. SOB/effusion.

Foot pain – neuropathic pain in both feet although primarily worse on the left foot.

Deranged LFT’s – felt to be biliary related. Ultrasound scan and an MCRP showed evidence of acute cholecytisis although no evidence of an obstructive element.


Iron Deficient Anaemia; recurrent hypos.

18 01 22 – GCH Dr Fahmy

Mr Mason was admitted to the hospital with a history of vomiting to have a AKI. He had been catheterised prior to retention. He deteriorated on the ward, urine output decreased significantly, and his inflammatory markers did not improve after IV antibiotics, his renal function also deteriorated further. He was treated for both chest and urine infection without improvement.

After a long discussion with his NOK who he lives with and who care for him it was decided that all active treatment should be stopped. The palliative care team was informed and he was transferred to Dalrymple for end of life care.

Astonishingly he has stabilised and has not required any intervention since treatment has stopped. His renal function has improved as have inflammatory markers. He is producing good amounts of urine and has no complaints of pain.

He was very confused however he now appears back to his baseline. It was discussed with his NOK that if Brian wished to get home then this would be the window of opportunity to facilitate that they agreed if he wanted to go home they would support this. They state that he was confused at times before admission and that his behaviour had been challenging especially at night. Staff on the ward feel that although he can still shout out at times especially at night. He is much more settled than he was at first.

His routine meds have all been stopped and anticipatory meds have been prescribed and requested by the palliative care team. He remains on his insulin as per their advice.


He is over the moon at being able to go home, he has a full care package and will be followed up by the palliative care team. There are no plans for any further treatment or active treatment, he and his carers understand this.

06 22 – Galloway Community Hospital, Stranraer – Here we were told by a Dr Jonathan (Nigerian background) that Brian’s mental state was so much better, the main cause of them being infection from his foot, diagnosed with dry gangrene. He was trying to get a transfer for Brian to a hospital in East Kilbride for foot amputation, the hospital refusing to do this due to the state of Brian’s heart.

iii)  Our Ethos and History


There needs to be something clearly understood for on taking advice from a Senior Social Worker in North Wales, I was simply told by here that it is likely that in this modern era, Social Services would not understand us, so we now present a report designed to bring this understanding, an understanding that perhaps defies human logic, something peculiar people always do:


Deuteronomy 14:2 Authorized (King James) Version

2 For thou art an holy people unto the Lord thy God, and the Lord hath chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto himself, above all the nations that are upon the earth.

Brian had turned away from his old life giving his rights to Jesus Christ. All trustees have done the same. We do not see any of us as having rights of our own.


1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Authorized (King James) Version

19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? 20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.

Brian when he became ill in July 2019 was doing something no natural man would undertake, daring to attempt to go to South Sudan through North Uganda on a service bus, a route known as one of the most dangerous in the world, a route festoon with witchcrafts which to most of our society would seem abhorrent. We believe it was these that attacked Brian, and we have looked over the last years to see him recover, with some miraculous success, we believe the ultimate success being imminent. We believe the Lord is calling him home.


The spiritual values of Africa and Asia are not the same as here for spirituality of whatever faith is far better understood. There is more to it than blaming infections although it is a fact that these can cause strange behaviours, but one has to ask what the root is, and only those who understand these spiritual concepts will understand what has been going on. We find understanding from medical practitioners from African and Asian backgrounds of whatever faith, but those who have been educated and brought up without knowledge of Britain’s Constitution that demands the “spiritual” being above the “temporal” will simply as one Senior Social Worker said to us “not get it!”


In practice, everything changed legally in Britain when PM Blair placed his new Supreme Court (that even makes laws outside of Parliament) above the Lords, Spiritual and Temporal, thus making it much more difficult for those keeping the laws of the constitution rather than the Supreme Court, for there is a huge rift between that which the Monarch promised God in relation to law making and that which is practiced today. This includes nearly all modern-day procedures and regulations that relate to government offices, thus when a government office meets up to a Constitutional Ministry, then inevitably there are misunderstandings.


It is vital therefore to return to the old paths, our Christian heritage, our Judeo-Christian roots that include the word “virtue”, for without this declared President Reagan in a speech of 1984, then we are a nation “gone under” and this is what is happening in Britain today, a divided nation, that is a nation without peace, and a nation of great social disorder.


Intercessions through Brian have taken place around the world on this theme – playlist link:


Jeremiah 6:16 Authorized (King James) Version

16 Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways,
and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way,
and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.
But they said, We will not walk therein.


Isaiah 58:12 Authorized (King James) Version

12 And they that shall be of thee shall build the

old waste places:
thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations;
and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach,
The restorer of paths to dwell in.


Proverbs 22:28 Authorized (King James) Version

28 Remove not the ancient landmark,
which thy fathers have set.

It is the view of trustees that social workers need training in faith and spirituality, and most importantly training in the promises the Monarch gave to God on behalf of herself, on behalf of governments and most importantly on behalf of the British people. Our ministry offering free courses to government to bring understandings of this. This offer is in huge contrast to agencies that supply diversity training to government at huge cost to the taxpayer. Our courses are free because they are paid for by those like us all who have sacrificed our rights so that we can edify society. We have had several people lay down all they had for this cause.


One lady came to us called Margaret. Before joining us, she was just a lady on the back pew of a church, but she was spiritual dynamite, joining us as a great prayer warrior and intercessor, and in addition to this a great giver. She designated funds from her pension to build a studio to “reach every creature” with the Gospel. This we did, her Social Worker coming to me, knowing how she had asked me each pension day to call at her house to takes funds for this project. We kept nothing for ourselves, all going to the cause, her Social Worker acknowledging to me that he knew she was doing this voluntarily.


The studio was built in our own house, which the Charity Commission took exception to in 2010, there being a group observing this believing we were using this for our own ends. Nothing could be further from the truth. We took threats threatening to “destroy us through official channels.” We took government inquiry after government inquiry costing us thousands in legal fees, so we put all our money into the cause paying a huge amount in, selling our house in New Testament style, then Brian came and a lady called Sheila buying a ministry house for the Charity in North Wales, this now being moved to South West Scotland where we have much more space and ability to produce programming that Margaret wanted.


Social Services and a relative who seemed fundamentally opposed to our ethos took exception to Sheila’s sacrificial giving, a full Police inquiry took place, the Chief CID officer who we can name recognizing our co-operation in the inquiry declared we had done “nothing wrong” but even though I was walking in high places, there were those in high places after us.


See “Sheila’s choice” for the full story:


On this page are videos of another Margaret, witness to Sheila’s will and POA given by Sheila to us who saw how the system was looking to take away Sheila’s choice of giving her wealth to God, God’s projects operating through us. As we defended her choice, we now defend Brian’s!


As we show in the medical part, we find it easy to talk to medical practitioners of African and Asian background who understand these things, whereas in the modern culture of white Britain these things are commonly disregarded and not understood.


What is then Brian’s choice? It is that of the founder of our ministry in the 1920’s a man from Wales called Rees Howells who visited the Anwoth Parish seeing a copy of Scotland’s Solemn League and Covenant signed with human blood. The establishment came against those who had written this in what is known as the “killing times”. Rees Howells modelled his ministry on these Covenanters and the sacrificial lifestyle they lived and even died for. We all have done the same and that includes Brian who knew well the son of Rees Howells, Samuel – Brian reporting to us that he had handed over all his worldly wealth to him so that the call to “reach every creature” can be achieved. This principle applies to us all.


Declared Rees Howells: "I finished with ownership once for all. I became as dead to money as to the stones on the road.”


1 Timothy 6:10

For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.


Acts 2:44-47 Authorized (King James) Version

44 And all that believed were together, and had all things common; 45 and sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need. 46 And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, 47 praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.


It is this ethos of “all things in common” Lindsay and I have operated as POA’s with Brian’s full commitment and passion in right mind and I can talk of these things today to him which I could not do in April. This ethos of operation has 6,000 years of history from Genesis to Revelation behind it whereas modern values have only been with us a short time and will wither away just like all the values that have attempted to place academic knowledge over the spiritual.


It is our view that “virtue” has to replace the letter, letter of the law regulation that Social Workers and the like have to keep to, when this is given the priority attention, only death can follow:


2 Corinthians 3:6 Authorized (King James) Version

6 who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.


When regulation is quoted therefore, we see it as a threat, but when we hold discussions by the spirit, we have life and this is Brian’s choice, and it is also the law of the United Kingdom, the withholding of information also being illegal in our view, for the nation’s spiritual Constitutional Acts clearly forbid this activity, whatever regulations may say. It is time to return to laws of the “Spiritual and Temporal,” indeed laws that benefit and protect the people rather than run their lives!

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