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The Seven Year Plan is Concluding this year (2022) -
now being followed by ​"THE IMMINENCY PROGRAMME"

1)  25th. June 2015


Praise God! 

Thank you David!

Praise the Lord, He is good and faithful!

I had already started to take it through (online), but now it is officially started!
Now I can go online again in order to deeply take to heart and to appropriate by faith the very things God has prepared as a true answer to the dramatic and worldwide challenge of the hour!
It is biblically and prophetically sound and truly it gives a safeguard and lines along which one can pray and intercede with a free heart, knowing all things are in God's Hands and that He makes history, not me


Jean-Claude, Germany

2)  25th. June 2015



Nigel North Evangelist, Leicestershire, England

3:05 PM (1 hour ago)


to me


praise the lord! trust u  all ok? facebook have bannd me for 28 days for preaching the Gospel......WHAT A NATION WE ARE LIVING IN!!! KEEP JUMPING 4 JESUS! Nigel




I suspect someone has issued a complaint and Facebook have acted on it.


The suppression of the Gospel is illegal in Britain for the Monarch is on Oath to uphold it - 

Here are the demands of the Oath:


*  Maintain the statutes, laws and customs of the realm.

*  Government of the People is the Monarch’s responsibility according to the statutes of Parliament and the laws and customs of the same.

*  Law and justice in mercy to be executed in all judgements.

*  The Laws of God maintained, the Monarch being obligated to do this by the utmost of her power meaning she is honour bound not to allow laws onto the statute book that contravene the Word of God, any such law being null and void according to this constitutional demand.

*  The utmost of the Monarch’s power has to be used in relation to the ongoing profession of the Gospel and the Protestant Reformed Religion that has been established by law.

*  Rights and privileges are given by law to Bishops and clergy meaning in reality that anyone who tries to quieten the ministry of the Gospel would be in effect guilty of High Treason.


If therefore Facebook are suppressing the subjects of the Monarch in fulfilling the constitutional demand then it looks clearly a case of High Treason to me!


One thing you will notice from this business plan (economy of souls) is the Legal Cover section!7-year-plan-part-2---added-unto-you/cq2  - go to Stage 4


Unconstitutional activity is widespread and we are living in an era where the sinner is the prosecutor and the righteous the defendant.


Now Nigel - it is our view that you are a key Minister in this build up to revival and as the Lord leads please be free to contact us.

3)  Dr John Ringgold, Snr Minister, Bethel Baptist Church, San Diego, California, USA  25 June, 2015


John Ringgold

2:18 PM (3 hours ago)


to me


Thank you for the prophetic word. By the grace of God we will be prepared to carry the word of the true hundredfold around the world. God bless. 

4)  Billy Moore, Born Again Boxing Trainer Evangelist and son of Heavyweight Champion Archie Moore, San Diego, California - 25 June 2015

Billy Moore <>

6:08 PM (42 minutes ago)


to me


Hello Bro how does it look to come to wales to help with the youth ?


Thank you,

Billy Moore


ABC Youth Foundation

Office: 619.234.2200

Cell: 619.244.4572




So pleased to get your reply and yes you are so welcome to come and stay with us here and do TV - but would love to get you ministry engagements with youth.


Now Billy this business plan at!7-year-business-plan/c22cp and follow on pages has brought a God given framework of ministry operation. I am hearing back from ministries and I so much believe it right to bring the conditions for ministry opportunities for you when you come.


So please let them come - I am going to share about you.


Now Billy - from your end - if you have contacts that would look to embrace this business plan (economy of souls) please let me know. I believe there to be a strong message here with the hundredfold and believe God would have me play a part in Bethel's expansion in meeting it's call.


Bless you Billy



5)  25 06 15 Christine Bestwick, Isle of Lewis, Scotland

Yes I have looked it over and read it on the computer but not printed it out as I have very severe pains in tummy side and back - blood tests tomorrow to find out what it is - agony pains since 28th May the day after Jesus healed me of severe arthritis in my left knee!!! 


I think all Christians are being attacked severely in these last days before Jesus return - so we must stand firm and keep close to God Father Son and Holy Spirit and the wonderful things with the most wonderful Christian leaders speaking  is a great encouragement that you sent . 


I woke up at 11.30p.m. with the severe pains as severe if I lay down and yet we need to lay down at night to go to sleep!!!  so I will keep your email on my computer so I can look it up again and read it  though maybe I should print it out - it will be easier.  Love in Jesus from Christine Bestwick  


Also have torn ligmanets in foot and the other foot is hurting now too  - splint on the injured foot wh ich helps. Anwyay I wont go on and on!!!!  Never had such agony pain and only about 3 hours sleep in 24 hours due to not being able to lay down to sleep and sitting hurts a lot too - I think horses sleep standing up but I cant do that!!!! as hurts to stand too long with foot!!!!


It sounds comical really but pain is never comical!!!  Yet the Lord has allowed it even though I am sure He does not want me to have all this agony pain - pain killers don't work - but I do keep thanking Him for healing my knee and driving away the severe arthritis in it so that I don’t have to have a knee operation,  and I do keep praising Him as the enemy hates it when we worship in praises and song  though it hurts to sing - hurts my chest inside so I sing in my heart and mind and spirit.   I was humming a tune and just did not know what it was - or what it was called so I could not look it up to see what the words were and I said to the Lord Please can you tell me what hymn that is Lord - and I opened Mission Praise book at Number 1000  and there it was !!!!


I knew the tune but did not know the hymn or the words and there it wa s- King of Kings, Majesty, God of heaven living in me, gentle Saviour, closest friend   strong deliverer, beginning and end, all within me falls at Your Throne Your majesty I can but bow, I lay my all before You now, In royal robes I don't deserve  I live to serve Your majesty.


Earth and heaven worship You, love eternal, faithful and true, who bought the nations, ransomed souls, brought this sinner near to Your throne, all within me cries out in praise - Your majesty  I can but bow, I lay my all before You now, in royal robes I don't deserve, I live to serve Your majesty, I live to serve Your majesty  In all the agony pain that really spoke to me - and I received much love from the Lord by Him leading me to that hymn in answer to my prayer where I knew the tune but not the hymn or the words 0 it is precious and I know He wants me to praise Him  - it was a special touch of His love on me that He gave me that  and all the agony pain makes me ljust love Him more as He must have had pain in his side and back and tummy when he hung by nails in His hands on the Cross for our sakes for our sins  taking all the burden of our sins -  such agony He went through - much more agony than just my back and sides and tummy and chest. I have had an ECG and my heart is O.K.!!!! Blood tests tomorrow. 


Do wish I could have a scan or xray to find out why the great pain but as xray recently on left knee where severe arthritis was shown - , maybe they don't like to give a person too many x rays (radiation?)  Anyway I Must finish now praying for you and Lindsey  Christine Bestwick


Dear Dear Christine


Thank you for reading the 7 year plan - yet I believe in it are God given overcoming strategy.


I too have been through times of agony pain when I had 5 bouts of pneumonia yet the Lord came with an action word which through this plan is being obeyed and incredibly I have recovered from what I believe was a death bed situation. The scripture in Proverbs comes to mind ........


Proverbs 4:20-22 King James Version (KJV)

20 My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings.

21 Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart.

22 For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.


Bless you - David

6)  27 06 15 - Drs Oliver, Texas, USA - Zadok Publications


May the Lord establish every word you have spoken and open doors that cannot be shut for us both. I send to you a local pastor's stand against the ruling in the US over gay marriage, I think you will see the universality of persecution. Also, Rick Wiles a good friend of mine who run Trunews: - The Real News, Uncensored. has faced surveillance as well.


Your encouraging words are humbling and I bless you and all who stand with you. L, cro/b



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