.... he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost ,and with fire
update: 10 February 2025
Every Creature Commission TV youtube channel

The Celts
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 28/02/15
(This Prophecy refers to the "Celts for Christ Jesus Programme" being broadcast live on www.ecctv.org from Saturday 7th. March at 2.00 p.m. UK TIME)
“The Celts for Christ Jesus Programme”“I, who am the way, the truth, & the life, will be speaking continuously to bring life to parts of Great Britain, Ireland & Brittany, to enable the Celtic nations to receive Christ Jesus as Lord & Saviour.
“Thou will be restoring the paths of apostles & prophets, who stood against the rebellion of paganism; who stood against the worship of the created, rather than the Creator; & indeed today, I speak into Wales, which as long as it has its flag that honours its pagan past, rather than godly foundations, will always be a nation reliant on others to succeed.
“The flag represents defeat. Indeed, the nation is so blinded to see that the apparent rival, England, has a flag that represents defeat of a dragon. So why should a nation want a flag of defeat, when its apparent rival has a flag of victory? Why should a nation not want representation on the Union flag, preferring to stand it out alone, & wallow in the defeat of one thrown out of Heaven because of rebellion?
A nation who has a festival wallowing in ancient Druidism, honouring a created power source, rather than the Creator of that power, will always have intrinsically in its systems the mode of defeat. For as a nation worships the created rather than the Creator, its education systems will be dramatically flawed, government will express itself through dead monuments, rather than lively projects which bring enjoyment to the people, rather than the Egyptian phallic symbols those in Wales’s leadership have longed to portray over many years.
“Along with the flag comes ancient monuments that either honour the god of this world, or symbolise the suppression of the Welsh by the English. These standing stones & castles are symbols of defeat. So when will the Celts of Wales realise that it is time for the nation to rise up behind the Christian flag of Wales that symbolises the victory of the cross; that spends no more money on the preservation of ancient monuments to honour the devil; that no more has a national Church that has altars made with hands,& no more has a national festival that honours the god of a physical deity rather than the God who gave His only begotten Son, that through Him all men can be saved.
“You see, thy television channel has a radical element that no other channel is taking up. For thou art constantly facing strongholds, in line with Jeremiah 1:10, the commission that demands that you do, to bring the condition for there to be a nation of life, rather than death.
“Through Chapel Pentecost I have called thee to re-establish the chapel movement. Oh, & how dead it has become! For this was My movement of Non-Conformist belief; of those not willing to conform to the norms of a society based on defeat rather than life. So I have set up this television channel with its passion to reach every creature, the commission of God including the pulling down of strongholds: the dragon flag, the standing stones, the acts of paganism in the National Eisteddfod, all needing to be removed for Wales to become an obedient nation under God, rather than the symbol of death it portrays in its symbol of defeat.
“The ‘Celts for Christ Jesus’ programme is therefore key in the bringing of revival into Wales; & of course thou knowest that as strongholds are removed, people’s reliances must change, which is where thou cometh in to preach the Cross. For Wales must this day choose whom the nation will serve: the god of the sun, or the God who sent down His only begotten Son. ‘Which Son will you serve?’ is the message for Wales.
The sun of the standing stones, or the Son of the living stones?“As for My Every Creature Commission television channel, its people have made their choice; & as you walketh with Me in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, high above principality & power, one through the ministry of Rees Howells have sent out a call in Wales for those who desire to bring in the reaping of the sowing of My Word, back into Wales from afar, to bring the people to the Cross, which is the return of My Non-Conformist chapel movement, separate from the vagrancies of those under the defeated flag, so Wales once more can be a land of true revival, rather than the Charismatic counterfeit it embraced at Cwmbran, it being a showpiece of the doctrine of devils.
“For there to be a true revival, there has to be a digging out of the weeds; & it isthis I have called you to do in Wales, so that one day true revival can come, & that there be those prepared to pay the price so that My power can manifest through the empty vessels prepared to put their own lives on the line to enable Celts to come to Christ Jesus.“Thus saith the Lord: Be prepared for victorious, wonderful programmes, as you give Christ Jesus the pre-eminence in the programme I have called thee to present.”
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 06/03/15
“Celts for Christ Jesus: the Continuation”
“Celts refer to the gathering of physical stones as being the oldest religion, & in one sense, they are right; but in the true sense, completely wrong.“You see, you can be right in one context, but completely wrong in the wider context. Indeed, the cross changed everything, & became the threat to those who gather round the physical stones. For these worshippers worship a physical entity: the sun. But the only begotten Son had descended to earth, & died for the sins of mankind on the cross. So in history, so as to placate this change, the cross was brought into the worship of Druids around the stones.
“So what you have today is a cross with a sun around it, known as the Celtic cross. All over so-called Church buildings you see this compromise cross, the cross of Baal. It is not the cross of Christ.“So you have the lifestyle of the Celt, honouring the god of the physical stones onemoment, whilst apparently accepting the cross of Christ at the same time; honouring the pagan trinity of IHS, with crosses that honour Satan rather than God.“Oh, thy programme ‘Celts for Christ Jesus’ will deal with all these issues.
By bringing all of these things out, you bring the conditions for Celts to come to Christ. And what you are dealing with is syncretisation. The religion of the Canaanites has been combined with the apparent honouring of the true God.“I am not to share My throne with Satan; for this is what the Celts have actually done, & brought a massive curse upon their lands, of negativity rather than progression.“I remember the days of Columba on Iona, that island today being a dead monument, honouring Satan & witchcraft rather than the apostolic achievements that I brought about through this apostle of God.
“The syncretised Celts look to bring about monuments of dead stones, rather than living stones of the true gospel. The live it in everyday life. They erect obelisks honouring the gods of Egypt, placing death over whole areas, areas that become known for suicides rather than lively young people.
You have seen the oppression increase in Llandudno, a town of obelisks, stones & domes honouring Satan rather than God.“They look to make a monument out of the pier in Colwyn Bay; a monument of dead columns, rather than have a living expression of Victoriana.“They want to build a monument of commemoration to Madoc, rather than have a living playground for children, who would learn a living story, rather than have to stand quietly by a monument.“This obsession with monuments comes from this syncretisation of the apparent religion of Christ, & standing stones, monuments, domes to the devil.“Yet they argue that the religion of standing, physical stones came first. In the true context, this is a lie of the devil.
For by Me were all things created, including the sun which they worship. So, if Icreated the sun, how could their religion come first? For I remember Satan being cast out of Heaven. It was at that point the religion of the stones took place. For following had cone the sin of Adam. It was at that point on earth the religion of the stones began.“But I am everlasting to everlasting, the Alpha & Omega. Something took place before Me. So, to the Celts you can proclaim that I am the Alpha & Omega, the beginning & the end, for by Me were all things created. So to say that the honour of the sun is the first, is a lie of the devil.
“And yes, the cross came later; but I, Christ, have always been in existence, I being the fullness of the Old Testament And so to proclaim Christ Jesus to the Celts is to proclaim the One to be worshipped, rather than the created of the Most High God.
“You see, what you have begun with ‘Celts for Christ Jesus’ is a programme of the Spirit to break down the bondages of Satan, to being the conditions for men, women & children to receive Christ Jesus as Lord & Saviour.”
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths: 22/02/12
“The nation is under judgement; its banks are under judgement; & what is known as My Church is under judgement.
“I am bringing My remnant together to stand against (in My Name) the infiltrations in government, banking, & what is known as My Church; yet not My Church, for syncretisation removes the covering of God.
“As regards to the nation; seven plagues have already begun:-
“Plague (1): the fish in the sea.
“This is in My Word. When a nation turns from Me, so shall it lose its fish. Repent! Have a booming fishing industry, from places where My Word is preached; where there is a consciousness of My presence. Through national repentance will come an invigorated fishing industry. Without the illegal restrictions of foreign powers, they will fish in abundant fishing grounds. This will benefit islands, as well as mainland ports.
“Also, the waters around thy shores are contaminated, repentance bringing a cleansing to the sea.
“Plague number (2):
“There is to be a drought in thy land. \they make excuses why there is a drought, instil hose-pipe bans, & talk of shortage. Shortage is because of sin. Abundance comes through holy living.
“What you have had within the water industry has been those who have the love of money, run it so it has become an industry, rather than a resource of God.
Water is a God-given resource, as a blessing to the people. It is not a product that can be sold commercially. It is there for the people, to bless the people, to have an abundance in thy land, with water charges being on a non-profit basis.
“Previous generations understood this: & whilst I am in favour of industry, I am against excessive industry; & commercializing water, the resource of God, has been an abomination to Me.
“And so, despite of all the proclaimings of water companies, & all the apparent great work they have done, they still present the people with drought, & hose-pipe bans. This is contrary to My will.
“So, plague number (2) is drought; & associated with this plague is, of course, famine; for famine follows drought, & whilst technology will relieve the effect of famine for a while, I am warning you, this is only for a while; for within the equation of the plague of drought, comes the follow-on of famine, as well as the next plague.
“The next plague is disease & blemish in farm animals. They have pumped farm animals with substances, looked to boost food production, have brought together a food chain, boosting the size of animals unnaturally, added unnatural additives to all kinds of foods in the nation, that has affected the health of the nation. Battery hens are an abomination to Me. Chickens were created to run naturally. Crops were designed to grow naturally. And so, on food production, there is a plague, not only affecting the health of farm animals, but the nation as a whole.
“Again, this has all been done for the love of money.
“And as you place these warnings on your Christian Financing website, you are to witness how the nation’s turning against God. They will say, you are abusing your Charity status. You will say, you are simply doing what the monarch promised to do; who promised to propagate the Protestant Reformed religion established by law; a Protestant holding the keys of being the state religion, with state charity status. And if the monarch has given rights to the Protestant clergy of the realm, to keep the nation on track with her promise, then you are the ones with the keys; not the keys of the system, who have transgressed against me, with their love-of-money policies, rather than having the heart to save the people.
“Following on from this plague, will be the continuation of strange epidemics, sicknesses, blemishes, amongst the people.
“But let Me say to MY remnant who is obeying Me: Fear not of the poison you eat; fear not of the contaminations. Just as I saved the Israelites from Pharaoh & the plague; just as I saw the physical blood upon the houses of My people, so today, I see the blood covering of Jesus. It shall not come nigh thee.
“Plague number (4): Wars & Rumours of Wars:”
“Behold, I say unto thee, the Babylonian crisis has held thy nation in bondage for some time. There is rumour of war in the South Atlantic. There is rumour of war with Persia; & the Plague (4) is that under this threat of world-wide turmoil, including the threat of world-wide conflagration, thy nation has had to reduce its military resources. So it makes sense to replace these natural resources with the ability of God. How else can thy nation face oppressors; which today have a spiritual root to them, rather than a natural one.
“You face oppressors who believe they go to paradise, by killing thee. This is a spiritual phenomenon. And because thy nation has not upheld its covenant with Me, its security services, who have tried to counteract spiritual phenomena with now limited natural resources, are in a quandary over what to do.
“You know what to do: you call the nation to its knees before Me. You state, There is a national religion established by law. And so, to God, the nation repents; a nation which is now divided, becomes a nation now united in Christ Jesus, able to resist any global threat.
“For without this repentance, thy oppressors will have the upper hand, making thy nation slaves to other gods.
“Hear the warnings of the prophet, who brought down the judgement at Boscastle, for the sin of blasphemy against My Word.
“How much more does the nation blaspheme Me, by giving preference to natural knowledge , over the sacred oath of thy monarch.
“Plague number (5):
“You are already witnessing this plague manifest; that is, the inability to keep up with the demands of the modern era. This is the plague of frustration.Children are frustrated, when they cannot have the latest piece of technology. Even young children, instead of having the simplicity of past generations, enter the rat-race to have this, & have that.
“So, even from the youngest child, up to the struggling pensioner, there is frustration in thy land. To solve frustration, social unrest occurs. You have already seen demonstrations outside thy cathedrals. You have already seen violence & discontent on the streets; & this plague will continue, saith the Lord, & intensify, saith the Lord, until the nation understand the significance of giving Christ the pre-eminence.
“Again, the nation has limited resources to cope with this unrest. There is only one solution: His name is Jesus.
“Plague number (6):this is the runs of Antichrist.
“With no anointing, there is no hope. Where there is no hope, there are depressions, & mental illnesses on a scale that has never been seen before in thy nation.
“The surgeries are full of those with stress-related conditions. Depressions are at their highest; for within Antichrist comes Ichabod. A once glorious nation has become inglorious. A nation with momentum has become a nation without hope. Depression is a plague; & how much depression is there! The nation needs to be on its knees before God.
“Plague number (7): the Neglect of My Word.
“Because thou hast failed to teach the new generations with My Word; because thou hast taught theory, rather than the truth of My Word, so shall the plague of illiteracy come upon thy people. For if thy people become ignorant of the Creation story, they become ignorant of everything. This results in lack of production; inability to get skills; & huge depression.
“So thy nation must be on its knees before God, return to the monarch-authorized Bible, & believe the Word, over the imaginations of scientists obsessed with theory, rather than the truth of My Word.
“These are the plagues upon this nation. Thou hast heard the Word of the Lord. Warn thy nation to take heed; for successive governments have taken thy nation on the path to destruction, rather than honour the God of thy Constitutional Acts.
“These plagues are upon thy nation. Invite the leaders of thy nation to ‘phone thee, not to discuss these plagues, but to repent before My prophet, who is there to lead these leaders to the Lord Jesus, repentance to Him bringing a removal of the plagues, during a prolonged period of national mourning, the nation having to grasp the understandings given on My Sermon on the Mount.
“That is the seven plagues to the nation.
“I now deal with the abominations that have come from the City of London. This is a word to the banking, & associated political activities, that comes around the looking after of thy nation’s money.
“Around the City of London you have built buildings that are an abomination to Me. My prophet has been called to stand before thy strong man; & even though you have been found out in your dealings with the people, you congratulate yourself with bonuses, rather than cover yourself with sackcloth & ashes, as a sign of your repentance towards the people.
“You have become the Pharaoh to the people, holding back the resources required to run business in the nation, to protect your interests, rather than the interests of the people.
“These are the sins I have against thee. My prophet is standing up before you, listing the sins of thy community:-
“(1) You laugh & pour scorn on the prophets. In this, you think through the grandeur of your buildings, you have it all.
“The wind of My Spirit is touching thy nation, & you are an abomination to Me. Just as the Egyptians built buildings of grandeur, you hold the people under suppression. The small businessman looks for the next penny; & you have built your buildings of grandeur & strength. You are under a curse, saith the Lord; & just as Egypt has plagues to deal with, so you have to deal with the plagues upon the nation, which you cannot do without God.
“(2) You charge excessive interest & charges to the people. This is listed as a sin in My Word. By charging excessive interest, you hold the people in bondage. You take them to court, bankrupt people; remove their livelihoods, because of your greed in charging excessive interest.
“My prophet speaks the judgement against you now.
“(3) The playing with people’s pension funds & investments: you are no greater than the bookie’s runner of the old St Trinians films. You are a joke before Me. You gambled the nation’s resources for your own gain. You are nothing more than bookie’s runners. You are a disgrace & abomination before the nation. Yet, have you repented? Nay. Found guilty, but living off the fat of the land.
“But these days are over, saith the Lord.
“(4) Your behind-the-scenes liaison with government: the nation knows it. You have had protests outside the cathedrals; & while I am not against capitalism to benefit the people, it is excessive capitalism that suppresses the people I am against. There is such a thing as ethical business. My prophet is available to teach it to the nation; & whilst you have lived in your palaces of grandeur, built on the profits of hard-working business people, you must prepare for an eternity in the hell fire, unless like Zacchaeus, you repent before God, & make good your excesses with the people.
“Then the Saviour can come & sup with thee. For you have become the tax-collectors of old. My prophet has done great work in listing thy transgressions; many words exposing the many breakages of the Constitution of thy nation. Yet you have chosen to pour scorn on these ancient Acts of history, one of you even calling these Acts archaic. Yet they are the ancient landmark on which thy nation has been built.
“Point (6): look around you. Why was your nation called “Great Britain”? Because of the cleverness of bankers, or because of the provision of God?
“You have failed to acknowledge the landmark, & must now pay the consequences.
“Number (7): My prophet has discovered your Antichrist. Your operations are based in a very significant part of London, steeped in history. And as we come to the points relating to the false church, you have seen the dome of St Paul’s as one of your own buildings, this dome housing the spirits which run thy operations; spirits that bring destruction rather than life.
“The building of God is no physical temple; the building of God is the body of Christ. It is this body you face today, the prophet calling down the judgement of God upon thy community.
“And now, My Word to the false church. This is My Word in relation to the financing of the false church; My Word in relation to on-going operations will come later, but at this stage I am drawing the attention to the nation of your corruption in financing.
“My prophet has shown that he is prepared to give his all; give all his personal wealth into the running of My ministry. But look at you: you have made church into an industry, rather than a ministry. You are the modern-day whited sepulchres of Pharisaism.
“God is not mocked. You have not given heed to the landmark religion of the nation. You have gone after other gods, & have made My Church into an industry, to please people rather than God.
“I give to you My Theses of 2007. Act upon them now. Remove the ecumenical, syncretized religion of Papacy, & return to the Protestant Reformed religion established by law.
“My prophet will continue to bind the spirits behind thine altars. He is to teach on the coming together around the Table of the Lord, as one body in Christ, the royal priesthood of believers, whose five-fold ministry have simple clerical wear, rather than the finery of a religion with its links to the City of London, the national Church of England needing to be fully reformed, the first step being to remove the holy places made with hands, this step coming after repentance before Me.
“Now, a Word to movements which have come away from their original call. By removing the landmark of thy movements, thou hast removed the foundations; & the wind & the rain is blowing.
“So this is My Word this day, to the nation, the banking community, & what is known as My Church. I am not mocked. My judgement is come.”
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 04/04/12
“This is a very serious scenario for a nation. You will know this from My Word; when Israel turned away from Me, it became captive to another. It ceased to prosper, & sickness, disease & infirmity was evident amongst its people.
“What has changed? Nothing has changed, the answer. A nation turning away from God will fail to prosper, & cope with the plagues put upon it.
“The prophet will cry aloud, & spare not, & point out the error of the people.
“In Britain’s case, the failure to obey God has been there a very long time. The failure to heed My command not to swear, & build altars made with hands, are two elements of the Protestant Reformation you must put right in relation to Britain. There needs to be affirmations in the courts, Parliament, & in the Constitutional Acts; in other words, the Queen will affirm that her yes is yes, & her no is no; & all Anglican altars must be removed, physically & spiritually.
“Also, this nonsense of placating God by closing shops on Easter Sunday. Placating God does not work. Complete obedience to God is what is demanded; & the removal of prayer from Council chambers of the land is an abomination towards Me.
“The prophet is issuing this warning, to heed this word, Nation of Britain. Repent now, or face the consequences. Not only repent, but remove the altars of stone, & I shall heal thy land. Living under the regulations of Europe is an abomination to Me; for I have made thee a Christian land. A Christian land is one where God is in His pre-eminent position; a land in which the monarch & its government waits on every word from God.
“Where does that leave Britain? A bankrupt force, unable to manage its own affairs; a nation bankrupt before Me.
“And you, My prophet, have warned about these for a number of years; & not even those of Church have taken heed of My prophetic warning.
“Political party after political party have forgotten Me, & they sit in their poverty, wondering what to do. My prophet declares the solution.
“So, as you take charge in your nation, I have given thee the rod of authority, O prophet, to lead the followers of Christ into a Promised Land situation.
“I am sending you people, saith the Lord, so you can stand as a remnant against the errors of the people. This is so important. The word is Repent, & turn away from the altars. Affirm faith in Christ; & be not disheartened nor dismayed; for Psalm 91 applies to My remnant. Make the stand you need to make. Proclaim the error of the nation’s ways.
“As you stand for government position, do not compromise. Simply say out My Word. Be prepared for great miracles.
“And so, as you make your stand, you must lead those of the remnant into Promised Land living. It is Jesus who is Lord; & it is His Name you shall proclaim. This nation is called to be a nation under God, not foreign power.
“Rejoice, & be exceedingly glad; for I have called you into position to call this nation to be on its knees before God.
“In your position of government, immediately stop the slaughter of the innocents. To take away a child’s life is an abomination towards Me.
“There must be no re-definition of marriage.
“There is gross sin in thy nation, & I will give word of the corruption going on behind the scenes in Government, & in the national Church.
“I have called thee to be My prophets to the nation, to express the error of their ways, only repentance to God being sufficient for thy nation to prosper, & be made well again.
“Constantly warn the nation of its errors. This is the great day for the prophet; for he shall be as Moses was before the Egyptian army. For he took out a great governmental force.
“As you proclaim My Word, you are opening up opportunity for individuals to receive Christ, & be protected from the plagues of the nation. Your word is a serious word, for it will preside over downfall of government after government, unless thy nation repents before Me.”
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 15/10/15
“Welsh Speakers, the Chapels, & the Issue of Women”
“The Bible College of Wales was at the forefront in the teaching of women, as regards to the perfection of the saints for the work of the ministry. Was this normal in the culture of the 1930s, when it was widespread that women could not preach from the chapel pulpit?
“But let Me tell you this: the true Welsh chapel pulpit did not have men speaking either, for the true Welsh chapel culture is not for men to speak, not for women to speak, but Christ Jesus & Him alone. “Now, I warned thee to have the practicalities out of the way, & this thou art working on now. Thou art working on getting into position to be free of earthly possession, so thou might obtain Christ in all His fullness. Is it not this that is in My Word, neither Greek nor Jew, neither male not female, but Christ, & Him alone?
“But where the world has got equality wrong, it sees that male & female are equal with each other. For the equality is not with each other, but in Christ Jesus, & Him alone. For thou art crucified with Christ, yet you live; yet not you, but Christ. “This is the true Welsh pulpit. “The religious spirit draws a distinction with the natural mind, but the true revivalist, as in the Hebrides, as at Loughor, knows that the empty vessel was used to bring revival.
“Where are those empty vessels today? What thou art doing is stirring up the Welsh revival spirit, of men & women crucified with Christ, who are to be the empty vessel for God to speak, & Him alone. In this context, the sons & daughters prophesy. There is no distinction. This is the true welsh pulpit; for it is God speaking, & Him alone. “The religious spirit crept into chapel life.
Many of this generation were forced into a religious routine. But in the truechapel of Wales, there was a hungering & thirsting after righteousness, & from the true chapel pulpit, the people were filled. “Oh, how the Welsh speakers will flock to thee! Whether the Word be given in Welsh, or in English, is not the point. What is the point is that from the true Welsh pulpit, the language of heaven is spoken. “For there is neither Jew nor Greek, Welsh nor English; but the true revivalist chapel culture of Wales sees no distinction. Yes, I use the oratory of which Wales is renowned.
But I use it not in the academic sense, but with an impassioned spirituality. This is the true pulpit of Wales. ‘Guide me, O Thou Great Jehovah, pilgrim through this barrenland.’ It was not a man that wrote this. ‘Open Thou the crystal fountain, whence the healing stream doth flow.’ It was not a man who wrote this. ‘Thou hast conquered sin, & Satan, & the grave’ – not a man who wrote this.
“Yes, the hymn books show William Williams, but I can tell you, it was not him who wrote this. It came from the throne room of God, & it is from this throne room the true culture of chapel life in Wales, truly comes. “Oh, have I called thee to restore the true pulpit of Wales! For that oratory has not its origins in the physical, but deeply in the portals of power, where in one sense both men & women walk, but not men & women, but the empty vessels through whom God speaks, so that from the true pulpit of Wales, there is a message from the Lord, Hallelujah!
“And I have called thee to restore this wonderful chapel of Wales, from where both black & white shall meet, the Bible College of Wales in its infancy saw no difference between black & white, & even the royalty of Africa was drawn to come into this most sacred of places. For the Bible College of Wales broke all cultural norms. At that time, blacks were seen commonly as inferior beings; but never in Christ; & the true revivalist culture in Wales saw no distinction between black & white.
For in Christ there is a Common Wealth. And what thou art doing is bringing an understanding that in Christ there is no distinction between male & female, black or white. Thou art all one in Christ Jesus.”
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 28/02/15
“The Celts for Christ Jesus Programme”“I, who am the way, the truth, & the life, will be speaking continuously to bring life to parts of Great Britain, Ireland & Brittany, to enable the Celtic nations to receive Christ Jesus as Lord & Saviour.
“Thou will be restoring the paths of apostles & prophets, who stood against the rebellion of paganism; who stood against the worship of the created, rather than the Creator; & indeed today, I speak into Wales, which as long as it has its flag that honours its pagan past, rather than godly foundations, will always be a nation reliant on others to succeed.
“The flag represents defeat. Indeed, the nation is so blinded to see that the apparent rival, England, has a flag that represents defeat of a dragon. So why should a nation want a flag of defeat, when its apparent rival has a flag of victory? Why should a nation not want representation on the Union flag, preferring to stand it out alone, & wallow in the defeat of one thrown out of Heaven because of rebellion?
A nation who has a festival wallowing in ancient Druidism, honouring a created power source, rather than the Creator of that power, will always have intrinsically in its systems the mode of defeat. For as a nation worships the created rather than the Creator, its education systems will be dramatically flawed, government will express itself through dead monuments, rather than lively projects which bring enjoyment to the people, rather than the Egyptian phallic symbols those in Wales’s leadership have longed to portray over many years.
“Along with the flag comes ancient monuments that either honour the god of this world, or symbolise the suppression of the Welsh by the English. These standing stones & castles are symbols of defeat. So when will the Celts of Wales realise that it is time for the nation to rise up behind the Christian flag of Wales that symbolises the victory of the cross; that spends no more money on the preservation of ancient monuments to honour the devil; that no more has a national Church that has altars made with hands,& no more has a national festival that honours the god of a physical deity rather than the God who gave His only begotten Son, that through Him all men can be saved.
“You see, thy television channel has a radical element that no other channel is taking up. For thou art constantly facing strongholds, in line with Jeremiah 1:10, the commission that demands that you do, to bring the condition for there to be a nation of life, rather than death.
“Through Chapel Pentecost I have called thee to re-establish the chapel movement. Oh, & how dead it has become! For this was My movement of Non-Conformist belief; of those not willing to conform to the norms of a society based on defeat rather than life. So I have set up this television channel with its passion to reach every creature, the commission of God including the pulling down of strongholds: the dragon flag, the standing stones, the acts of paganism in the National Eisteddfod, all needing to be removed for Wales to become an obedient nation under God, rather than the symbol of death it portrays in its symbol of defeat.
“The ‘Celts for Christ Jesus’ programme is therefore key in the bringing of revival into Wales; & of course thou knowest that as strongholds are removed, people’s reliances must change, which is where thou cometh in to preach the Cross. For Wales must this day choose whom the nation will serve: the god of the sun, or the God who sent down His only begotten Son. ‘Which Son will you serve?’ is the message for Wales.
The sun of the standing stones, or the Son of the living stones?“As for My Every Creature Commission television channel, its people have made their choice; & as you walketh with Me in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, high above principality & power, one through the ministry of Rees Howells have sent out a call in Wales for those who desire to bring in the reaping of the sowing of My Word, back into Wales from afar, to bring the people to the Cross, which is the return of My Non-Conformist chapel movement, separate from the vagrancies of those under the defeated flag, so Wales once more can be a land of true revival, rather than the Charismatic counterfeit it embraced at Cwmbran, it being a showpiece of the doctrine of devils.
“For there to be a true revival, there has to be a digging out of the weeds; & it isthis I have called you to do in Wales, so that one day true revival can come, & that there be those prepared to pay the price so that My power can manifest through the empty vessels prepared to put their own lives on the line to enable Celts to come to Christ Jesus.“Thus saith the Lord: Be prepared for victorious, wonderful programmes, as you give Christ Jesus the pre-eminence in the programme I have called thee to present.”

Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 23/02/12
“At one side, the Atlantic Ocean; on the other side, the Irish Sea. This island is situated amidst a line of Leviathan runs, making it a complex array of pagan infiltration that has caused division amongst it peoples, corruption in it governments, & a fascination for humour, which is a defence mechanism of the people, to divert attention from the battles of everyday life.
“As the Romans were fascinated with chariot-racing, & competitions of all sorts, so the Irish love their horses, & all kinds of competitive sport, as a distraction from having to deal with the battle-grounds in society.
“There is no border in the Spirit in relation to the North & the South. In the Spirit, this island is one island; & because of the oppression on the people over the years, those with a controlling spirit have held these people under bondage. This controlling spirit has manifest through terrorist groupings on both sides of the divide; has manifest through the Catholic priesthood, by holding people under to the system. On the Protestant side, has manifest through Pharisaism; that is, where the outward appearance has become more important than the inner heart.
“Yet there have been those looking to uphold the Reformation, remembering the Reformation was there to set free the people from the corrupt priesthood & system, that corruption binding the people to this day in Ireland.
“Within the island of Ireland itself, there is a complex system of pagan ley-lines. Each area has its own strong man, under the overall spirit of Antichrist, the Antichrist being the false Jesus I informed the Corinthians of in the scriptures. The scripture is clear that Christ, the real Christ, does not live in holy places made with hands; but the people living under oppression, have built up holy places of their own, as outlets for their superstitions. The kissing of the Blarney Stone is one.
“Other activities include: looking for physical manifestations of their god.
“The key doctrine of setting free the people, is that there is no mediator between God & man; only the one Christ Jesus. He is the only way; & the obsession with Mary is an obsession of the idols of mammon; for great money is made out of this obsession, the Catholic Church being an industry, rather than a ministry; and through the pagan cloak of ecumenicalism, have infiltrated once Protestant movements too. These Protestant movements I am pleased with to a degree, in that many have stood to the Authorised Version; many have stood to the principles of brokenness revival; but what I say unto these movements is this: Quench not the Spirit; despise not prophesying; learn the difference between Rhema & Logos; do not bind the people through the Logos. Set them free; so free, that the religious grave-clothes are removed.
“This is where I come to the islands off the coast of Great Britain; & here we come to Bardsey Island, off the coast of Wales; an island full of legend, rather than fact.
“The fact is, this island has been held as a headquarters, for occultic goings-on, affecting the people of England, Ireland & Scotland. For here is a base for spiritual activity; for holding other nations under the dragon of Wales.
“The dragon of Wales is, as we know scripturally, a symbol of defeat. So Wales has its reliances on other nations. So what it does, is look to bring in resources from others to keep a nation running, rather than having industry of its own.
“Politicians talk about how to spend money, rather than make it. The road network in Wales; the railway network; has not been set up to maximize the resources of the nation. But what has been set up, is a drawing of foreign monies into the altar of the Welsh Sennedd, so as to please the people that has a flag of defeat, rather than victory.
“What Wales wants is its independence, yet being reliant on others.
“Now where this lies with Bardsey, is that Bardsey sticks out into the Irish Sea; an island with the syncretized religion of Wales, a syncretized religion still standing, whilst the Non-Conformist chapel movement wallows in the dust of past glory.
“And this is the warning for the Non-Conformist movement of Ireland: the political infiltration of a foreign power, having already affected the South, is now having its hold in the North, with the Non-Conformist movements being infiltrated by the ecumenical Alpha, & other Catholic outreaches that are making the Non-Conformist movement of Ireland on its way to the rubble of the Non-Conformist movements of Wales.
“There are two factors which can save the Non-Conformist movement of Ireland, that is:
“Quench not prophesyings, & uphold the principles of brokenness revival.
“Do not hold back on this; for religion without activity on the Rhema word of God, is the reason why the chapels are in rubble in Wales. Take heed of this warning.
“Now, take heed of this warning in the North. Thy goat has manifest, saith the Lord, for the goat on the door-posts of thy Parliament is manifest, saith the Lord. This is the god of witchcraft; & My Non-Conformist movement has syncretized itself with the gods of witchcraft. The statues to the god of Mendes must be removed, saith the Lord; for from there has come the witchcraft that has affected people on both sides of the divide, the sacrificial altars of Cave Hill needing to be removed.
“So, this Leviathan run being seen today from Bardsey, the significance of the islands around these coasts; My prophet stands before them all. He binds now the goat of Mendes, in the Name of Jesus. He sets free the people from their escape routes - that includes alcoholism, right across these islands; the hymn “St Patrick’s Breastplate” needing to be sung towards these islands, & the Name of Jesus proclaimed.
“And so, this whole operation today, looking over towards the island of Ireland, & up towards the islands of the coast of the mainland, some being known as Catholic islands, some being known as Protestant islands: My prophets is here to declare the victory of the Lord; the Name of Jesus, whose Name is above every complexity, that at this Name, every knee shall bow.”
Word from the Lord through DPG, 27/01/12
“With being at the stage, one is seeing the conditions for revival manifest.
These are the factors to be pulled down, before the building up:
(1) The challenge of facing up to the strong men throughout North Wales, is one thy ministry has been prepared to face.
“The overall strong man being based in the so-called City of Learning, from where the secular humanism of man has manifest.
“For here comes Factor (2): the Mark 10:30.
“Who will leave the world’s perceived ‘safety’ for Me, like the disciples did? This is factor (2) – who will leave the world to follow Me?
“From this, there comes Factor (3). This is the old Keswick Convention factor. Who will come to the front, to give their whole lives to Me? Not just a part of it, but all of it. This means being available to go anywhere in the world at My calling.
“Factor (4): How many have identified the Baptism in the Holy Ghost as being for empowerment for ministry, rather than self-gratification?
“The next factor is (5). Will there be repentance in the denominations? Will the Methodists preach once more entire sanctification? Will Elim portray the Foursquare Gospel? Will the Assemblies of God be the Holy Ghost movement it once was? Or, as it is today, a movement that has forgotten its original call? Will the Apostolics return to Penygroes, My Word for them being to stay there, & not forsake the calling of its founders. Will the “Church in Wales” forsake its altars & pagan symbols in high places? Will the remaining chapels forsake their present establishment position for a return to their spirit-filled past?
“Will the politicians of North Wales gain the oratory skills of their predecessors, these skills coming out of the hearts of the people who had a passion for God?
“Will the council chambers have a passion for prayer before meetings, to seek the Word of the Lord?
“Will the young people forsake their designer clothes & drinking habits?
“These are all important questions within this factor.
“Factor (6): Will the understanding of seeking first the kingdom of God, be fully understood in this North Wales revival? For I say to you, I have found you to be sold out to My Spirit, seeking Me to obey My Spirit; & this is the time to be confrontational; to say to the Church: you are My separated Body, members of My body, flesh, & bones; & as such, you cannot be part of the world; & yes, the Hebridean scriptures will be prevalent in this revival. There will be cries of ‘Who shall climb the hill of the Lord?’ There will be cries of repentance amongst the people who have held on to earthly wealth, rather than hand it to My apostles & prophets, who use it to bring forth the evangelists, pastors, & teachers. They see their money as their own; but in revival, those who hold treasure on earth, are convicted by the Spirit of God, knowing the true hundredfold is their; walking the path of reliance on God, rather than the systems of this collapsing world.
“In revival, there is a conviction of souls so great, that the factors intimated here look so easy to see the manifestation of.
“And here you are, facing the Leviathan strong man; yet the so-called ‘Church’ does not hear. You have simply obeyed Me & faced up to this strong man of the Antichrist of nations. Within North Wales, you have faced up to the strong man of pride, & the manifestation of the Jezebel. ‘Where is the prince in me?’ they say. ‘I am a minister of the gospel,’ they say, ‘And I have no idea of the royal priesthood of believers who sit equally with Me in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.’
“Within revival, there is such a conviction of God, that the vagrancies of Jezebel are removed; the false social gospel love is removed; & that Jezebellic smile, the lure of bringing vulnerable people into submission, that has operated in North Wales alongside the Leviathan run, that sea-monster that is exposed in My Word being bound up in My presence along the Llandudno shores.
“As you wait for repentant leaders of fellowships to come, so I have been knocking on the doors of so-called churches & chapels of North Wales for years.
“I have been refused entry with My convicting Spirit. So, just as I have been ignored, so in this context I have been ignored, operating through thee.
“’Behold! I stand at the door & knock’ is My cry to the churches in North Wales, who need to seek Me with all their hearts.
“Your internet websites, coming together now for My glory, your media centre being built for My glory.
“How I have been convicting men & women throughout the nation to come & join thee in this preparation period for revival! My revival call is knocking on doors: ‘Come – leave what you have to follow Me.’ Revival is brewing in the spiritual landscape of Wales; yet within this landscape, there are the usual false cries for revival; but I have taken thee along the old-fashioned way, of men & women & children being convicted of their sin; the preaching of the old-fashioned Word, & the manifestation of My glory.
“Thy meetings are so anointed with power. Call the people to come! Bring g them out of their shell, & declare the glory of the Lord! Cry aloud, & spare not! Remove the social gospel from amongst the people, & bring in the full surrender chapels of the past; not the dead religious form, but the new chapels I have called thee to build, full of God-anointed, devil-stomping people, that are sitting in the heavenly places with Me.
“And as you deal with the issues of the strongholds of the devil, remember I have called thee to follow Me with all of thy heart, the full surrender versus the partial surrender message. What a contrast! One message where saying a little prayer, & continuing the old life, is perceived as a born-again experience, whereas the true born-again man forsakes the world, & all its treasures, to follow Me.”
Revival that is to COME TO SCOTLAND
Prophecy through E M Lindsay Griffiths 29 December 2012
“There is a mercy-seat, which none but the just shall see. It is My throne, saith the Lord, on high. Angels rescue and bring to it those who are weary and heavy-hearted, but only My Holy Spirit shall baptize, convict, convert. It is not a work of the creation, but the Creator. Heaven is My throne, and earth is My footstool.
“Obey Me in this My calling for thee, and carve thy name in the Lamb’s book of life. It is written that many shall cry ‘Lord,’ but only the righteous man or woman shall see God, and know His truth, righteousness, mercy and peace.
“There is a mighty move beginning through you, saith the Lord; so mighty it shall overtake you like a tidal wave. You will ride the crest of the wave, though at first it will feel engulfing. The tidal wave of My Spirit of revival sweeps away all debris, all filth, all human refuse, and purifying the earth.
The tidal wave of My spirit plunges many beneath its waves. Only those who surrender to it shall survive. Those who refuse it, fight against it, or turn away from it, shall not survive the hour of My power and glory.
“But those who do not perish, but surrender to My power, will be carried, and lifted higher than they would ever have thought possible. For with God, allthings are possible. Therefore, seek not to do in thine own strength what I can do far beyond all measure, in Mine.”
Word from the Lord through Rev Dr David P Griffiths,
“There is an open door in Scotland, whereas in Wales I am still knocking at the door. For in Wales, they still fail to understand the vagrancies of the charismatic movement; the syncretisation within the national Church of paganism & so-called Christianity (except the remnant); the gross amount of witchcraft & its effects on the false Church, which is growing; the acceptance of spiritualism & its off-shoots; its constant attacks on the remnant; all leading to a closed door for the remnant in Wales.
“All thy advertising hits a closed door. But do not be disheartened. My Word, which thou hast advertised, cannot be returned void. Thou hast sown constantly into Wales, but its time is not yet; for its people continue to reject Me. They see thou hast continued, in My name, to knock at the door of Wales. It continues to wave its flag of defeat. It continues to look at thee strangely. For you, as a remnant, have not been accepted because you have not changed your ways to fit into their cultural hell.
“The Welsh mind-set, without God, is a cultural hell. The chapel movement once brought heaven to the valleys, heaven to the coasts, heaven to the inland areas. But what they did was build up their Jezebel warlords, to take these lands into death; & when you stand & have a meeting in these lands, they simply deny your existence in a general sense; but because you put the fear of God into the hands of the Jezebel, what they do is promote gossip circles against you, so that you become a bankrupt ministry.
“Oh yes, you rely on Me. Oh yes, I do not let you down;& oh yes, you cry out to Me, & suffer. For it looks impossible to make a ministry pay in this dead & barren land. “Oh yes – did not Elijah feel the same way? I sent ravens unto him, to feed him. Did not the hymn writer feel the same way when he wrote, under the guidance of My Spirit, that he was a pilgrim in this barren land? What did he do, but build a chapel, housing people surrendered to Me?
“And thus I call you to build a chapel on high ground above Bangor & collect funds from around the world to invest in a building to house My people from other lands, who will go to the highways & byways of Wales, knocking on the doors of the people. “You see, My principles have not changed. You have a vision for Wales, yet I am still knocking at their closed door; knocking to come in with My glory. But they would rather wallow in their own defeat. And oh yes, the false Church is growing in Wales. They will say, “We’re growing; we’re growing” – but at what price? The price of compromise. Those in the false Church will say to you, “Do this, do that, & get in the people.”
But I have not changed. I do not change. The people have embraced a syncretized form of Christianity. “So in Wales, there is a closed door. So in your future advertising you can depict a knocking at the door, with the Revelation word alongside it. “But in Scotland, there is an open door. The infiltrations of the Irish troubles has been realised, & its history you are aware of needs now to be removed from the hearts of many, including thine own. The falsehoods of the new charismatic so-called Church is being realised.
The devil has overplayed his hand in the national Church, which has become a laughing-stock amidst the people, which they look to retain their Knoxian foundations,& look to put on top of those modern laws of immorality, decadence & flesh. This decadent Church is the laughing-stock of the nation. “And so, you have established the Pentecostal Church of Scotland, the newest national Church; & this will expand to My glory.
The door is open. “Many false prophets, false ministries have entered the land of Scotland over the last 20 years. In Scotland, their falsehood has been realised, rather than accepted, as it is in Wales. You have discovered real fire in Scotland, & false fire in Wales, with its national symbol looking a sad figure in a principality of syncretisation. “But in Scotland, there is an open door for My true Word to flourish. So what you have is an open door in Scotland, & a closed door in Wales. Keep knocking; & in Scotland, move in through that open door, & take the land for Me.
In the era in which you live, you rightfully are using the technology; so your Scottish operations can be run from North Wales for the time being. Keep warning the Welsh that their dragon will lead them to hell-fire & constant damnation; whereas in Scotland you can say, “Come unto Me, all ye that are heavy laden – I will give you rest.” “That is the difference between Wales & Scotland at this time. Keep knocking in Wales; but in Scotland, move in & take the land.”
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 28/02/15
“The Celts for Christ Jesus Programme”“I, who am the way, the truth, & the life, will be speaking continuously to bring life to parts of Great Britain, Ireland & Brittany, to enable the Celtic nations to receive Christ Jesus as Lord & Saviour.
“Thou will be restoring the paths of apostles & prophets, who stood against the rebellion of paganism; who stood against the worship of the created, rather than the Creator; & indeed today, I speak into Wales, which as long as it has its flag that honours its pagan past, rather than godly foundations, will always be a nation reliant on others to succeed.
“The flag represents defeat. Indeed, the nation is so blinded to see that the apparent rival, England, has a flag that represents defeat of a dragon. So why should a nation want a flag of defeat, when its apparent rival has a flag of victory? Why should a nation not want representation on the Union flag, preferring to stand it out alone, & wallow in the defeat of one thrown out of Heaven because of rebellion?
A nation who has a festival wallowing in ancient Druidism, honouring a created power source, rather than the Creator of that power, will always have intrinsically in its systems the mode of defeat. For as a nation worships the created rather than the Creator, its education systems will be dramatically flawed, government will express itself through dead monuments, rather than lively projects which bring enjoyment to the people, rather than the Egyptian phallic symbols those in Wales’s leadership have longed to portray over many years.
“Along with the flag comes ancient monuments that either honour the god of this world, or symbolise the suppression of the Welsh by the English. These standing stones & castles are symbols of defeat. So when will the Celts of Wales realise that it is time for the nation to rise up behind the Christian flag of Wales that symbolises the victory of the cross; that spends no more money on the preservation of ancient monuments to honour the devil; that no more has a national Church that has altars made with hands, & no more has a national festival that honours the god of a physical deity rather than the God who gave His only begotten Son, that through Him all men can be saved.
“You see, thy television channel has a radical element that no other channel is taking up. For thou art constantly facing strongholds, in line with Jeremiah 1:10, the commission that demands that you do, to bring the condition for there to be a nation of life, rather than death.
“Through Chapel Pentecost I have called thee to re-establish the chapel movement. Oh, & how dead it has become! For this was My movement of Non-Conformist belief; of those not willing to conform to the norms of a society based on defeat rather than life. So I have set up this television channel with its passion to reach every creature, the commission of God including the pulling down of strongholds: the dragon flag, the standing stones, the acts of paganism in the National Eisteddfod, all needing to be removed for Wales to become an obedient nation under God, rather than the symbol of death it portrays in its symbol of defeat.
“The ‘Celts for Christ Jesus’ programme is therefore key in the bringing of revival into Wales; & of course thou knowest that as strongholds are removed, people’s reliances must change, which is where thou cometh in to preach the Cross. For Wales must this day choose whom the nation will serve: the god of the sun, or the God who sent down His only begotten Son. ‘Which Son will you serve?’ is the message for Wales.
The sun of the standing stones, or the Son of the living stones?“As for My Every Creature Commission television channel, its people have made their choice; & as you walketh with Me in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, high above principality & power, one through the ministry of Rees Howells have sent out a call in Wales for those who desire to bring in the reaping of the sowing of My Word, back into Wales from afar, to bring the people to the Cross, which is the return of My Non-Conformist chapel movement, separate from the vagrancies of those under the defeated flag, so Wales once more can be a land of true revival, rather than the Charismatic counterfeit it embraced at Cwmbran, it being a showpiece of the doctrine of devils.
“For there to be a true revival, there has to be a digging out of the weeds; & it is this I have called you to do in Wales, so that one day true revival can come, & that there be those prepared to pay the price so that My power can manifest through the empty vessels prepared to put their own lives on the line to enable Celts to come to Christ Jesus.“Thus saith the Lord: Be prepared for victorious, wonderful programmes, as you give Christ Jesus the pre-eminence in the programme I have called thee to present.”