.... he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost ,and with fire
update: 10 February 2025
Every Creature Commission TV youtube channel

Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 11/03/12
“I have a mission for you in this land, in line with My Word: that these places, where you used to visit, you will go back to them with the gospel. You will preach the Word; sing praises to Me; & witness what the monarch promised to witness in her oath in 1953.
“You see, what happened is, the monarch has failed in her responsibility to see that the Protestant religion established by law, the religion she promised to propagate, is the number 1 belief portrayed to the people. And to have this passion that you have, to bring these Constitutional Acts to the attention of the people, is one which you are called to do by Me.
“Is it not strange that in this Diamond Jubilee year, that it has not been brought to attention of the people, what the monarch promised to do? She goes around, having multi-faith services, which is out of line with the Constitution. Catholicism has been brought into the Royal Family – out of line with the Constitution.
“So, what is the single most important point of the Constitutional Acts? The answer: the gospel, which is preaching Christ Jesus as the only way to the Father. And the question to ask her, Will she say John 14:6 – that Jesus is theway, rather than the variety of ways of a multi-faith service?
This is the fundamental point of the Constitutional Acts of Great Britain: no other way but Christ Jesus. It is only He who died & rose again. None of the other gods of multi-faith services can say they have a God like this. The deities of the other religions have other traditions, backgrounds & beliefs.
The background of the gospel is written in the Constitutional Acts of the nations, from the Bible the monarch swore upon in 1953. She swore on the Bible that declares, “I am the way.” The issue is, Will she say this now? This is the fundamental question. If she cannot say that, in fear of upsetting the multi-faith agenda, then the singing of the anthem will be inappropriate, for God cannot save a monarch who cannot declare that Jesus is the only way to Heaven.
How can you be saved without that? For it is God who gave His only begotten Son, that through His blood, His shed blood on Calvary, can a man be saved. “Will she say it is through the blood? Now she is there with her multi-faith agenda. Yet she promised to propagate one religion, & one religion only, the fundamental point being the Egw eimi of John’s gospel, “I am the resurrection & the life;” & she is shortly to face Me (when I say shortly, talking in God’s perspective); she is shortly to face Me, along with members of the Government, who still have the blood of the innocents on their hands, by not repealing the Abortion Act.
“You must warn them what they are facing. I have not called your ministry to be involved with petitions, but to warn of the wrath of God upon thy nation.
“But when a nation breaks its Christian Constitution; when a nation slaughters innocents; when a nation rejects the covenant of marriage as depicted in My Word; when a nation fails to teach its children of its heritage, & what the monarch by oath promised to do, there needs to be My apostles & prophets touring the country, to warn of the breach.
“Now, this is My shopping-list for you:-
“(1) A new, comfortable bus, to take your gospel team around the country, with plenty of space for your equipment & ministry team, that includes the singers, the preachers, & musicians. I am drawing men unto thee, to fulfil My Great Commission, & counteract the multi-faith infiltration.
“Your hearts have been weeping for not being able to go out with the gospel. You have given up everything for Me; & I must return the hundredfold to thee.
“Get prepared with this shopping-list.
“The bus: No. (1), which is your “Go out into the whole world” vehicle.
“No. (2): I am restoring old-style tent meetings to thy nation. No. (2) Purchase: a van to hold the marquee, the chairs, equipment & stage.
“You are so heart-broken, you can barely think of the hundredfold; & I am developing your thinking in line with My plan to counteract the multi-faith agenda.
“Did I not promise you a glorious triumph? I am just telling you what the glorious triumph is. It is not £1 million, £2 million you need, but the resources of the entire world. But the earth is the Lord’s, & the fullness thereof; & what they have spent on killing innocents, should be in your hands, to bring life to the people. For life takes precedence over death.
“Remember the monarch’s promise to keep the laws of God? Killing innocents is not keeping the laws of God.
“You will address the moral decline in your nation-wide meetings, which will include the little places as well as the big places.
“I have called you to this great & mighty work, saith the Lord; to go to the highways & byways of thy nation, & proclaim what the monarch promised to do; & ask the Queen, “Will she declare John 14:6?” Only through Christ Jesus can people be saved; that is the gospel she promised to propagate.
“The nation is in trouble because of its failure to keep this promise. There has to be a turn-round in the nation; a repentance so great; & if the monarch fails to make this declaration of God, then she must be replaced by a monarch who isprepared to say this.
“Now, there will be more in My shopping-list for you to purchase, as the weeks go by.
“But just now: prepare for the resource to come in. For I have called you to tour the nation, & show the nation what the monarch declared she would do.”
[NB Fionnphort, Isle of Mull – opposite Iona – is very significant]
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 09/03/12 “THE TRIUMPH IS NIGH”
“You have been held back by attempts of the enemy: to bankrupt you, discredit you, accuse you of all kinds of falsehoods, to make you of no reputation.
“But I have called you to have life, & life in abundance; & those used by the enemy to sow discord in My body, will reap what they sow.
“For I have called thee to be a challenge to the nations; to expose the enemy’s plan for end-time control & domination. I have called thee into places of position, to make a stand for My Word. Your greatest triumph is nigh.
“Your greatest triumph is nigh. You have been held back with the ceilings down; your papers everywhere; not knowing whether you are coming or going. But amongst it all, you did not deny Me. You did not blame Me, as others have done in similar circumstances.
“You continuously looked to be led of the Lord, which is the Constitutional demand of thy nation.
“You have shown great courage; & now, you need to get the rear-guard in place, get the filing cabinets sorted, computer files up to date, all the rooms tidy: for your greatest triumph is nigh, saith the Lord.
“You will be offensive at the monarch’s Diamond Jubilee, asking ‘Has the monarch done this? Has the monarch done that? You will ask the awkward questions, & convict the nation of sin. For the monarch has betrayed My Word: primarily, in the slaughter of the innocents, but also in the areas of global control, & not declaring her Protestant oath to God; replacing this with the sins of the Canaanite infiltration, leaving thy nation to endure the great judgement that is upon it now.
“So go forward in My strength; root out the infiltrations of the enemy, in relation to so-called Church, & rejoice in My Name. Thy greatest triumph is nigh.”
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 17/03/12
“This is what you are doing now; & working hard to bring the rear-guard up to date.
“The preparation work has been tremendous; & I know you are needing momentum.
“I am speaking by My Spirit to those who are to give in abundance to thy ministry; & that is to give, to take the pressure off the mortgage of thy house, & in turn take the burden off the ministry, which needs great funds to fulfil its purposes.
“Great funds means a return to missions. That also includes the media centre activity; for I am preparing you to go on air around the world, pulling down the strongholds of Satan; & in pulling down the strongholds of Satan, bringing the conditions for a great harvest.
“No wonder you have been under attack during this preparation time. You have nothing to fear; the battle has already been won. Just get the rear-guard ready. Prepare for great harvest; & when I say great harvest, I mean great harvest. You have put everything on the line for Me; & so the harvest will come, & in abundance.
“Stick on in there at this time; prepare the rear-guard for the great harvest to come.
“And yes, I am calling you to Old Colwyn. You need a substantial place for the harvest there. No longer is there a Pentecostal witness in this town; & so I am calling you to provide it - & be prepared for a great number of souls coming in.
“Now, you are wondering where you are to go. Now, the Tan-y-Llan is too much out of the way at this stage, but can be used later for social outreach on the estate, as souls come in with that calling.
“But you need to be in the hub of Old Colwyn. Old Colwyn has a fine chapel heritage, & you are to restore that, as well as the Pentecostal witness in the area. Write to the Welsh-speaking chapel, & tell them of your calling. Stir up that mantle. Tell them of your heart to restore Spirit-led Chapel back into Wales; & not the dead religious form it became, but to have a group of people hearing directly from the Saviour, as a royal priesthood of believers, mattering not what language is used in meetings; what counts is having the pre-eminence of Christ.
“Ask them for the use of their building; for after all. It is My building; it was dedicated to Me. Explain to them you will be using modern equipment, but giving the never-changing old-fashioned gospel, that convicts souls of sin, rather than panders to their social need. Tell them of thy mission hall heritage, & on your side, Lindsay, how your father was a Treasurer of the Church of Scotland, & that you sing unaccompanied psalms in that tradition. Tell them you intend to make Colwyn Bay a Christian town, by running Christian councillors in the coming Town Elections; to be a blessing to all political parties; for the heritage of the nation is Christian, & not multi-faith. Tell them you intend to restore the Non-Conformist Chapel movement, as Spirit-led & vibrant; for He is the Lord that changes not; & that revival is a group of believers who deny self, & allow Christ to move through them. Tell them you welcome Welsh speakers to thy fellowship, although you have none at present; but that the Welsh Non-Conformist tradition of preaching, whether in English or in Welsh, must be restored for the saving of the nation.
“Tell them at this time, you would like to be the English-speaking operation of real Welsh chapel in Old Colwyn; but that this is not meant to be in competition with Welsh-speaking chapel, although it will be seen as such by some. But what is pre-eminent over Welsh & English speaking, which is the pre-eminence of Christ, & the language of Heaven, the earthly language being immaterial, the heavenly conviction being what counts. Explain that Old Colwyn & Colwyn Bay needs a Holy Ghost revival; & tell them that God has called you to shout this from the roof-tops; & tell them you are in the process of setting up a roof-top revivalist ???recording studio.
“Prepare for a great harvest. Bring in the sheaves; come rejoicing. Say, “The time of the Lord is here.” Say you are the people of the old Book that has saved generation after generation of souls in the area; the Authorised Version being the Book the monarch swore upon to uphold the laws of God. Say to them that this is no time to hold on to man-made tradition, but is time to hold on to the ancient landmark of God; for this is a move of the Spirit of God; but that we are bringing the gospel of Christ Jesus to the people, & that prayer meetings between the English- & the Welsh-speaking people can take place, with a view of hearing from God Himself, Who speaks prophetically, in English & in Welsh; for He is high above these things, so as to bring salvation to people of every background, race, & creed, to be born again, washed by the Blood, & filled with the Holy Ghost.
“What greater message than this? Say that we ask to use this building of God for the on-going Gospel, the Name of Christ Jesus being pre-eminent, with the Non-Conformist passion that we are the royal priesthood of believers, all one in Him; our unity being in Him primarily; for this is where our unity is.
“Prepare for a great harvest of souls.
“You can put this letter in their letter-box, & await their reply; for My Spirit is working already in that fellowship.
“This is the Chapel next to the Interchange, which is to be used for the preaching of the gospel, of old-fashioned conviction of souls.”
[e-mail this to DG & he will write the letter & put in their letter-box today, in time for their Sunday meeting.]
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 21/03/12
“I am sending you to the village halls of the North of Scotland, in the right time, once the rear-guard is complete: the forgotten places, with My gospel.
“You will have a bus, & your gospel team; even musicians. Through all this suffering you have been going through, I have been preparing you to build a gospel team, to travel in the bus.
“And this preparation period, is one where you are gaining the heart - & I like the term “Gospel Show,” for it simply means to show the gospel: that is all that means.
“Oh, how I love the forgotten places. No-one really thinks to go to them. Yet they have their community halls where people travel miles to get to them. And all these highways & by-ways of Scotland, I am giving you a gospel team to travel these roads, set up gospel shows, which will include preaching of My Word, with the music like you are discovering.
“You will go to these village halls, set your equipment up, have your musicians, & your singers, your preachers & teachers; & proclaim My gospel.
“Did you see how J D Sumner was believing on a bus, to travel & bring gospel music, as well as preach My Word, which he did?
“And likewise, for these small village halls - & some will be quite large in British terms – you will put your gospel team. Get ready for this harvest.
“And yes, you will become well known through your media activity; but do not forget what I have called you to do.
“I am particularly calling you to the North of Scotland, to these halls. Remember My calling to you, to these so-called “Catholic islands?” A gospel show with musicians will get the people in, because they will see it as non-threatening – do you see the point? Then My Holy Spirit can bring My Word with conviction. It is for the Holy Spirit to bring conviction.
“Do you see the point? You have been wondering how to get through to the people of Barra. If you take a hall there, & they see a gospel show coming, they will all come, including the priests, & it is for My Spirit to bring conviction – not natural argument.
“And with that attitude, you go from place to place; a gospel show bus.
“And as, Lindsay, you are going up to the North of Scotland now, watch out for village halls, community centres, etc.
“Kyle of Lochalsh is a key place. Look out for locations for the gospel shows. Give not heed for the funding of this at this time; for what I am talking about will take a lot of resources, in your own understanding at this time. For you have suffered financially, & you must have the hundred-fold at this time.
“And here is the time-table for all of this:-
“(1) You are sorting out the rear-guard.
“(2) You are bringing to the attention of the nation the Constitutional Acts of Great Britain. This is vitally important; for example, the staff of the Magistrates’ Court in Llandudno will not know what to do with your defence; for they will read it, & realise they have been caught out. This you have done for the nation’s benefit. Suppressive application of law is not allowed in your Constitution; only the spirit of the law.
“And you have taken on the big brother take-over of your nation, & said ‘We will not bow down to you, Big Brother.’
“Now, where was that novel written? Do you see the significance of the Highlands, & the islands? Which part of Britain has held a huge nuclear military facility, of America & Great Britain?
“Answer: The Highlands & Islands of Scotland.
“So we are talking significant territory in the Spirit. I have called you to these islands & highlands, to bring the good news of the gospel; to bring the gospel show; & souls will be saved, & set free.
“Do you see where I am coming from? The gospel show, showing the gospel. But do not forget the little places. Can you be excited about a gospel show, in Applecross? They will be, because that is a forgotten place – but I do not forget.
“I know you have got your rear-guard to sort out; to have your base paid for – I know about that. I know you must have these breakthroughs to protect the rear-guard; but I am calling you. Just as you go in a car today up to the North of Scotland – that car will become a big bus, with the gospel show team; an excited group of people as a team, going to the highways & by-ways of Scotland, from hall to hall.
“So, be excited. Be able to proclaim My Word, in the Name of Jesus. The gospel show, with the gospel team – that is what this is all about.
“So, get ready to sort out the rear-guard. Keep working at it. Then, the going forward, & believing for the bus, that will include the necessary equipment: that includes lighting; producing radio & television. All this is rear-guard, even though it is going forward. For even though you will be well known on television & radio, what I am preparing you for is to have a gospel bus, a gospel team, preparing gospel shows. For I have indeed called you to this land; for indeed, you will be setting up Church fellowships on the back of all this, & the Pentecostal Church of Scotland will grow, & the gospel bus will support the fellowships, even in the little places.
“Get ready: you have got your rear-guard to sort out; you have got your work to get on with here, & you will wonder if you will get through - which you will do.
“And on fulfilling the rear-guard, this whole vision, & getting it going, will be prominent in your radio & television explanations of the vision.
“And remember to go to the forgotten places, the out-of-the-way places, as well as the prominent places; for I will give word about Inverness & the gospel show, & how to bring it there. For I have plans for you to take big venues too, in the prominent places, on condition you do not forget the small places, & for their village halls.
“The benefits of the prominent places, & you will be performing there, is that the people in the small places will know you are performing there, & that the Lord has not forgotten them.
“The prominent places I am calling you to, are in the Corran Halls in Oban; the Eden Court Theatre, Inverness, in the given times; the Pitlochry Theatre. And have you noticed something about these prominent places I have mentioned? They are all by water.
“For I am taking the land back from the oppression it is under, saith the Lord. Thou hast learned to remove the impact of Leviathan; & you will remove the oppression over the people in My Name, saith the Lord, & set them free in the gospel show.
“Now, you can do this here in Wales too, step by step; going to those halls, & the prominent venues too.
“But I will talk to thee about Wales another day. But the strategy here is not quite the same, but the principle is the same.”
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 25/03/12
“Those who put everything on the line for Me may expect a hundred-fold no in this time. That is My Word.
“The corruption you have found in what is known as Church & state in the U.K. has been such an apostasy that evil institutions have taken a hold of what is known as Church in Britain. The control of this is Rome itself. This is the seat of the Antichrist; & they do look to control all those in My anointing.
“What you have done, is speak well of those in My anointing; yet there are those who say you pull down people in My anointing.
“Forces of darkness tune in to the prejudices of people who are spectators in Church. These people pray against My people moving in My anointing.
“Coming up, David & Lindsay, you have a vital week. This is a week to protect your rear-guard. This is a week in which you need to get the rear-guard finished, because these are the things which are going to take off in April:-
“(1) The television ministry.
“(2) The issues with the banks (so, David, get going on all these banking cases this week).
“(3) The sorting out of finances with the accountant; so, Lindsay, get ready to get going on this.
“(4) The teaching ministry on the Constitution is going to get going. There is going to be great interest; so get going on this, David.
“(5) The ministering of My Word; My unadulterated Word. Opportunities to expose new translations is going to come.
“(6) Finally, the build-up to the elections; be prepared for great interest in what you have to say.
“So, this week is rear-guard week. So put huge effort into completing the rear-guard actions: the tidying of the house – complete it. The settling in of Sheila back into her house – be prepared for that.
“This is a ‘now, in this time’ scenario. For the hundred-fold is coming your way.
“This is going to be quite a week for you; the printing of the flyers, & all that; also, the issuing of intimations to Mother & Christine.
“Be prepared for a great week, remembering the term ‘now, in this time;’ & be prepared for an overcoming April. Be prepared to move in My glory; for thou will be seen, David & Lindsay, as My hundred-fold example.”
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 02/04/12
“You are going through the fire to prepare for a massive ministry, proclaiming the Word of God. For it is not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord.
“Do not strive to catch up on the backlog. Just rest in Me, & the work shall be done.
“The meetings you are having are going so quickly because of My presence; so take courage! Be strong, be bold. I am with thee.
“There is such a move of God coming through thee, to make your stand. Be not afraid; for I have called thee to be mighty warriors in My Name.
“There is a mighty move of God coming, & I am preparing thee for it. I have taken thee up to the higher level, to speak out My Word in such a way that you will be seen as manifesting Me.
“The glory of the Lord is upon thee. So take courage; be of good cheer; for the day of the Lord is here.
“This is a word of encouragement for you both, as you go forward on the catch-up this week.
“Do not strive; simply go through your list, one step at a time; & be of good cheer.”
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 11/04/12
“I have given My Word: for you it is the time of preparation, removing the backlog, & working very hard to do so.
“For the time is now coming for you to progress, & progress well. For I have given thee My Word, saith the Lord, for divine health & prosperity, to fulfil the purposes of God.
“Such is thy passion, saith the Lord, that I have called thee to give opportunity to thy nation to be on its knees before Me, crying out to the true Lord, rather than the counterfeit that fell from Heaven, who guises himself as the Most High God.
“But I have called thee to expose that which the enemy of souls is binding. I have come to live within thine hearts; & thou art to speak My Word at every opportunity thou is given; & it is My will that thou win this election; & as you pray, “Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven,” know I have a great army of angels behind thee; know that the anointing of God is upon thee, & within thee.
“I have told thee to prepare for the big things, having not despised the day of small things. Keep that thinking, & keep it well; for thy time has come.
It is My will that you win this election. Prepare; prepare for the great things to happen. My Word declares Greater things to happen. Stay in My anointing; speak out My Word; for the hour has come, saith the Lord, for the people to listen, & receive Jesus Christ as their Saviour.”
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 13/07/12
“Thou art to hold triumphant rallies at strategic places throughout the country. Thou art to hold triumphant rallies throughout the country.
“Here are the strategic places to hold these rallies, which are to be advertised in the local press; advertised through local articles by journalists through press releases into the local newspapers, & advertised through your activities at exhibition venues, which I will lead you to.
“These triumphant rallies are to proclaim the victory of Christ Jesus over the devil; & thou art to be excited over such rallies.
“Here are the strategic places to hold the rallies:-
“(1) Canterbury
(2) Southampton
(3) Penzance
(4) Warwick
(5) Manchester
“Aintree in Liverpool;
Within the Glasgow area;
Fort William.
“I shall take you to these places; & these are to be called triumphant rallies. Do not be alarmed at the distances, for I will give you news of other meetings to hold as well within these areas; smaller meetings, within these areas. But the triumphant rallies will be very important; & as you study exhibition venues: for example, I will give you strategies around the exhibitions, like Keswick, Spring Harvest, etc. where you will take on the demons of Higher Criticism, seeker sensitive, purpose driven; & you will even apply to have exhibition space at the conferences of the Pentecostal denominations, where you will advertise the Bible College of Wales Continuing, & the Bible College of the Western Isles, with the College set up in Rhos on Sea.
“I will give you separate strategies for Wales & Ireland; for the triumphant rallies, as you notice, are in areas of England & Scotland, there being separate strategies for Wales & Ireland, & the west coast of Scotland, where there are to be revival meetings.
“You are being chosen to go & give out the finished work of Christ in strategic places. Do not go jumping into this. Clear the backlog first, without stress. Stay calm, relaxed. This is the Lord God removing stress, rather than giving it.
“One phrase will be “Victory over over-regulation;” setting the people free from the letter of the law.
“Look how precious you are to Me. You are to have a world-wide profile, & strategies will be given by the Lord, for meetings world-wide. But clear this backlog first. I will give you strategies for protecting the home base. But be prepared to travel. Be prepared for great wealth to come in.
“For I am the way, the truth, & the life. No man cometh to the Father but by Me.
“So the triumphant rallies are very much part of My strategy. So be excited; rejoice; but keep going at that backlog. For I have called thee to do mighty things with signs & wonders confirming the Word in My Name.”

Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 22/08/12 “THE VISION”
“Please note everybody: I have not changed. Over many years, Suresh & Mercy, David & Lindsay, have battled over incredible obstacles, within the Asian setting, & the British setting.
“I have not changed.
“I gave a vision from the very beginning, to you, David & Lindsay, for an outreach from Sri Lanka to Tibet, via India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, & Nepal.
“I have not changed. If I gave the vision, from Sri Lanka to Tibet, I have not changed. What has happened is that every gate of hell has come against you to prevent this. But My Word declares that I will build My Church, & the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
“Now, this is a word to Brian; David & Lindsay, Suresh & mercy, have been through many years of suffering; & as you know, I can only use the empty vessel. They have their joyful side, because they have the joy of the Lord. You have seen Manuel Scott Junior, who gave his 3 points of:-
“(1) How I am to be invited;
(2) How I am to be obeyed; &
(3) As in the case of Zaccheus, there was jubilation in the house, & generosity was expressed from that house. He wanted to bless everything that moved! He wanted to put on the biggest feast, for everybody he saw. He just wanted to bless everybody!
“My blessings are more than enough. Now, when it comes to this vision, I am operating under the same principles you heard from Manuel Scott Junior:-
“(1) I have to be invited. Now I am telling you now, with what I have got planned, you are going to be invited.
“Now Brian, there was times I was rejected. My heart went out for the people of Nazareth, who rationalized My vision; who rationalized My calling. But as I went out into the “whole world,” for My journeys within the context of that day, were perceived as long journeys (donkeys instead of 747s!). There was places where I was invited. My evangelist Scott Junior, an empty vessel of God that manifests My joy; that is why he jumps up & down, & wriggles – such is the joy of the Lord in him. I said through him the importance of being invited.
“Now, I speak to all of you: Suresh, Lindsay, David, Mercy, Brian, & also all those left with you in this environment of Wales: the 3 girls, who have battled too; Ken & Mary out there: get a hold of this, & understand Ken & Mary, we will have our words for Africa too; for I am planning on getting a studio in Kenya too, which at the right time this team will set up. But at this time, I am stirring up an original vision of this ministry. This vision is from Sri Lanka, where a studio is to be set up at Bellwood.
“Now listen, & listen carefully: this equipment is to be new equipment. This equipment is to be used to broadcast My Word right across Asia & the Middle East, with reports going out on western television & radio.
“Now listen, & listen carefully, for this is the second part of Manuel Scott Junior’s word; because I know you all have invited Me in – hence I am here.
“The second point is to do what I say. Now with your battles & your sufferings, the danger is, you become small-minded. Well, get this one: you do not have a small-minded God.
“When I create, you show Me evidence that I create small. I say, ‘Do not despise the day of small things, but you have been through the day of small things; & those who successfully go through the sufferings, are being prepared for the day of the big thing. But the danger is, you stay in the day of small things, rather than move into the day of big things. Hence, apostle Suresh is screaming to get the gear. For I have moved you all together for the day of big things.
“What I create, I create big! How many stars are there? The world’s scientists wonder ‘Why so big?’With all their equipment, they cannot keep up with the size of My creation. For I am not a skinflint God. When I create, I do not create enough; I create more than enough.
“Now listen to this, & you all listen hard: what I have called you to is bigger then your human thinking can comprehend. The vision for Sri Lanka through India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal into Tibet: do not think in terms of college just in Bellwood, in Wales, in Harrow & in Paris, just getting by. How many people are there in India, hungry for the gospel, just to name one country? How many people are there in India hungry to study the Word of God? I sent My apostle to Orissa, one of the poorest states in the world. Now, understand My thinking. You, yet not you but I, are going to be invited to Orissa; & government in that state is going to change, for you are going to be invited by local authorities to come to places needing the gospel primarily.
“Now, listen to what Manuel Scott Junior said. When the people obey Me, there comes jubilation into the house. The same principle works in a nation, & in an individual state. For the coming of Jesus, whether into a house, a state, or a nation, changes grief & despair into jubilation!
“Now, what are the people of Orissa going to say to that? You look at My Word. When I am obeyed, I do not just give them enough to get by; I am morethan enough. Same in Britain. When the west coast of Scotland was obeying Me, they were falling over themselves in herring. They did not have enough boats to pick them up. The sea was overflowing with herring – far too many.
“What happened with the disciples? They went out on the Sea of Galilee in their own strength. Could they find a fish? When they obeyed Me, the nets were overwhelmed.
“Are you seeing how I work? Now, when the little boy came with the loaves & fishes, he brought what he had to the Lord. Now, did I feed the people just enough? Or were there ‘basketsover?’ or were there ‘baskets over?’
“Remember, I am the God who is more than enough. Isn’t it El Shaddai – the God of plenty? That is who I am – the God of plenty – more than enough. Get a hold of it! It is all over My Word. When I am invited, when I am obeyed, there is jubilation. For I overwhelm the people; as the scientists are overwhelmed, looking to analyse My creation; even building a tunnel, which was only enough to discover what they call a “God-particle”; when they only needed to understand the principle of what I an talking about to you today.
“Listen to the words of the song, ‘How big is God?’
“Now then, coming back to the immediate: in Britain there are a lot of mistrusts from ministry to ministry; & indeed this has gone on in the Asian context too. You see, where there is mistrust between brothers, then the Spirit cannot move in that situation, so men go into their earthly ways. Now these 2 initial television & radio stations being planned, are only a start. The vision to be shared is, from Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, into Tibet. Colleges, with studios, will sprout throughout these areas; & with the studio in Wales, & elsewhere in western countries too, you will be able to live stream, record – whatever it takes, as led of My Spirit at different times. For I know all the technical terms & technicalities – I will tell you what to do.
“Now, My message is to go out in all of these lands; colleges & studios throughout these lands, all connected together. For the 5-fold ministry can oversee through the technology. For this is to be a quick work.
“Now get a hold of all this; for once you have started this, you are to do this in other continents too, with others I will send you. You will find out there are those with visions for South America, for Africa, for Europe, who will come to you to model what you have done in these countries, in the countries I have called them to. You will go to these countries & encourage them.
“But what I have called you to do now, is set up a college in Wales, with studio.Now, in founder Rees Howells’ day, transport ability to send people throughout the world was very much part of the vision. So it was not just a learning college. Part of the vision – the most crucial part of the vision – was to send out missionaries in the Every Creature Commission. The world was changed through this outreach. Now, My call to you all was never just to fulfil what Rees Howells did. Since when have I given a lesser portion mantle? I do not operate that way! Since when does it say in My Word, Elisha received from Elijah a lesser portion? That is not My way. He asked for the double portion!
“Now can you see how much more effective having a studio attached to a College is going to be? The students will be reaching lands they are called to reach during the course of their studies – not just after, as in Rees Howells’ day. So the Every Creature Commission, therefore, has not changed! But the ability for increase is enormous. For just as in My day on earth, when the Word became flesh, transportation was on a donkey, today you have got fast trains, planes, & all of that. Just as in My day on earth, natural echoes were used so large crowds could hear the Word, you can get equipment where the Word can be heard miles away; & having a studio, you can broadcast to the whole world the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ.
“So invest in these 2 initial studios; but do not expect that I am going to stop there! But just as I have created the heavens & the earth, you are going to find studios all over the lands from Sri Lanka to Tibet – not only that; I am ordaining there to be satellite trucks, with the ability to go into rural areas, & broadcast meetings all over the world. So college, studio, satellite truck, is My thinking. Rees Howells would be jumping up & down.
“There are great foundational ministries throughout these lands too. In the Tamil lands, you have met Jeva. His calling is to continue. There are those who worked with him who will come to you, saying you are moving in the anointing of this man.
“So carrying on the landmark, not removing the landmark, is what this ministry is all about.
“But I am calling you – get a hold of this – to get the best equipment to fulfil My call.
“I am not a skinflint God. I am the God who created the heavens & the earth. I am the God who is more than enough.”
Hearken, Hearken are the key words here for God is speaking to His Church expecting obedience. Read on ......
Exodus 15:26 King James Version (KJV)
And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken
to the voice of the Lord thy God,
and wilt do that which is right in his sight,
and wilt give ear to his commandments,
and keep all his statutes,
I will put none of these diseases upon thee,
which I have brought upon the Egyptians:
for I am the Lord that healeth thee.
1 Thessalonians 5:19-21 King James Version (KJV)
Quench not the Spirit.
Despise not prophesyings.
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 27/08/11
“Yes indeed, I have called thee to make 2 CDs; of these 2 CDs, one will depict the work of the cross, & the other of My coming, of The Midnight Cry.
“They shall be called ‘The Old Rugged Cross’ & ‘The Midnight Cry: on ‘The Midnight Cry,’ I am calling Lindsay to sing ‘Softly & Tenderly;’ & on ‘The Old Rugged Cross,’ you will find an arrangement so that Lindsay can sing with passion & compassion, & also an arrangement of ‘Rock of Ages’ in the same vogue, with atmosphere.
“Truly, saith the Lord, I have called thee, Lindsay, to be a minstrel according to My Word. I am sending thee all over the world, to sing My praise; to bring down the anointing of God upon gatherings throughout the whole world. And not only shalt thou be a minstrel, saith the Lord, & other themes for future CDs will include an intercessory CD, with warfare songs, to include ‘The Army of the Lord.’
“Behold, I am calling thee at this time to prepare, for indeed I have called thee both at this time to build up the rearguard, as indeed I have called David Owen to do the same; to prepare thy offices for major ministry, whiuch I have called thee all to.
“And Lindsay, I am anointing that voice to reach out to the lost. Be prepared for souls to be saved, through the anointing & conviction of My Spirit. Praise the Lord!
“I have called thee, Lindsay. This is thy time. Rejoice, & be exceedingly glad. For Mine hour has come, saith the Lord. Be constantly on the lookout for My Word, for what I am going to say.
“I have saved thee & prepared thee, saith the Lord, for such an hour as this.
“Rejoice & be exceedingly glad; for thou hast stood through the persecution & the testing, & thou hast shown thou ius prepared to go the extra mile.
“Prepare now, saith the Lord.
“And David, I have called thee to keep the balance of the Church ministry, with the extensions that have been going on, to keep balancing the books at this stage (i.e. not showing a loss).
“But be prepared for the funding of God to fulfil the call on your lives.
“That is why I have called thee to keep the rear guard. That is why I have called you to a season of getting your offices together.
“This is the season of preparation; & this house is to become the manse, all paid for.
“And indeed I have called you, David & Lindsay, to set up a similar manse in Stornoway, with thy ‘get-away’ along the West coast of Lewis, for thou wilt wander the beaches & hear from Me.
“And from Lewis, thou will blow thy trumpet back towards Inverness, & proclaim the victory of the Lord.
“In Lewis, thou wilt proclaim the price & power of revival; for in Lewis I am not leaving thee to thine own devices. I am bringing thee an army of prayer warriors, to destroy the religious stronghold the enemy set up after the revival.
“Be prepared for big meetings on Lewis, & to remove the religious pride in Harris.
“There is no point wearing all the finery of religion on the outside, when the inside is hard & corrupt.
“There is no point being proud of your stand on religious finery, when the hardness is holding back revival.
“There is no point in saying ‘Look at us – see how religious we are,’ without the compassion of the Lord. Without the compassion of the Lord, thou shalt not be in thy call.
“And yes indeed, I have called thee to the so-called Catholic islands. And they will say ‘What are you doing here?’
“And thou shalt put on concerts in these islands. Take the halls; set up thy sound equipment, & sing the praises of God. And the conviction of My Spirit, saith the Lord, in these concerts will move the captive of religion into life.
“And these islands will no longer be known as of the Catholic persuasion, but be known as the islands of the Lord.
“The Castle of Barra is a stronghold that has placed the island under a masonic control.
“Thou art to stand on the hill of McCaig & remove the oppressive spirit over the islands. And thou hast cried out in the past over these islands. I have heard thy cries; I am calling thee to stand on the island of Castlebay, & declare My glory.
“Rejoice & be exceeding glad; for I have called thee, saith the Lord, to prepare right now.
“Be content in this preparation period; be not frustrated, saith the Lord, for I have called thee to fulfil that which I have called thee to do.
“Thou will be offered ministry all over America & Canada; & thou art to collect the resources, & at the same time share what the Lord has callked thee to do; to talk of thesew island of the West; to talk of the vision of Sri Lanka to Tibet; to set up thine own offices in Sri Lanka.
“See – I am sending you the resources to set up the rear guard. Thou art to pay for the manse here, the manse in Stornoway; set up the Pentecostal Church of Scotland; & the get-away on the West coast of Lewis. These are rear guard activities. Be content in the rear guard setting up.
“But for you, Lindsay, I am sending you out shortly into a season of reaching out; to go & fulfil that calling in America to go & record the material.
“And I am opening doors for you, saith the Lord – mighty doors. There will be those who will want to join you in Scotland & Wales. So give heed to this call.
“Thou wilt be involved in mighty meetings in America & Canada. Give heed to My call. Pay for the manse in Rhos. Pay for the manse in Stornoway. Have the van with the sound equipment in Stornoway, as you have the van with the sound equipment in Wales.
“I will bring you those to run all of these things; but I am providing for you also the get-away on the coast of Lewis, so you can go & hear from Me.
“But remember at this time: set up thy offices; set up this manse; & yes, even within this time of setting up, Lindsay, there will a call for you to reach out; but the rear guard must be set up.
“Yes, I have called thee to set up Chapel Pentecost & to share the vision of this – of new building chapels throughout Wales, built by the sides of major roadways.
“And in Scotland, for the Pentecostal Church of Scotland. It will be My true Kirk, saith the Lord.
“Can you not see, I have brought you together, David & Lindsay, on the home ground, to save thy nations of Wales & Scotland; to go out to lands, as I have indeed sent the missionaries of old to nations all over the world.
“And indeed I have called thee to get the wealth to establish My covenant.
“So go & work with My people in the U.S. & Canada. Bring many back to thy homeland to help thee fulfil the call of God on your lives.
“I have called thee, saith the Lord, to let this time of building up the rear guards be precious to thee; for I am calling out from these places, to fulfil the call of God on your lives.”

Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 14/06/12
“This is a command, & not a request. It is paramount in these last days you reach every creature with the gospel.
“Now, you are having to believe for a lot of funding at this stage, for not only is the College to be paid for, but also the building & equipping of all the radio & television studios, Chapel Pentecost on the A55, & also, outreach chapels throughout North & Mid Wales at this stage, to where students can go & pioneer, with the Spirit-led heart of those who set landmarks in the past.
“In addition, the Pentecostal Church of Scotland is to be set up; to restore the passions of true Christianity to Scotland, & to remove the dead religious form, that involves going through a set form service, that has no fruit whatsoever; for the letter of the law killeth, & the Spirit giveth life.
“True, you can run an appeal by producing a booklet, both on-line & printed, to send out, with the projects God is calling you to fulfil. This will be an update of a previous booklet, explaining the callings God has given you.
“My apostle has gone out & put the spirits to rest in the place appointed, the truth being that the term “rest” is not in the earthly sense; indeed, just the opposite to the earthly sense. For they have been placed screaming in torment, by the power of the risen Christ.
“You may go confidently forward. My Spirit is bringing conviction all over North Wales at this time, to be followed by Mid Wales, & then the South, with My apostle shouting the intercession of the Lord in strategic places as I lead.
“There is a move of My Spirit so vast – get a hold of it! Tell the spirits of Bangor they have no place here. For I have come that the people may have life, & life in abundance.
“Tell the modern-day lawmakers they are placing far too much burden on the people.
“Look to reduce regulations by half as soon as possible, with the nation relying on God, dealing with the planks in government eyes, rather than the specks in the eyes of the potential law-abiding people. For in Britain, with all the pages of law, which the ordinary person has never studied, most people break these laws every day, out of sheer ignorance.
Then the Crown Prosecution Service quote their cases of victory, without giving heed as to whether these cases have been consistent with the oath to God of the monarch, which demands that the philosophy of law-making be consistent with the Protestant Reformed religion established by law; & that My prophet has found cases of foreign power influencing law-making, & in decisions by judges who should have given heed to the promise of the monarch, rather than what European legislation has had to say, this legislation being illegal in the 1534 Act of Supremacy, restored by Elizabeth I, who within the Elizabethan Settlement, gave rights to the clergy of the realm , to ensure the Constitution is kept to.
“And so, you are to continue teaching about the British Constitutional Acts, & how they are to be applied in society.
“And so, it is not by might, or by power, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord. By all means, release an appeal through thy booklet, printed & on-line, so that people can share the vision, & be led of the Lord, & given heartily unto Me.
“Tell them of the threatening thou hast been under, using the Scripture verse which relates to this. Tell of the battlegrounds you have had to face; for this is what I have done in My Word, in relation to the early Church; & so you must do, in relation to what has happened in the reproach, & what is now happening in the going forward.
“By all means, invite people to give their best gift; but what I have called you to do, is proclaim to the people to give heartily to the Lord. That is My Word: the Lord loves a cheerful giver.
“And as you go forward in the strength & power of My Spirit, all authority has been given unto you – I say, all authority. For I have restored a great mantle through My apostle. I have given direction through My prophet. For once more I have brought apostle together with prophet, to set forth the foundations of a College ministry; the apostle having been anointed & appointed, through the ministry of Rees Howells, that the message of the Every Creature Commission be fulfilled now at this time.
“Be prepared for this move of My Spirit. Be prepared for the glory of the Lord to manifest. Be prepared, in My appeal to the people to not only give of their resources; not only give heartily unto the Lord; but also to consider before God whether they should move from their house, & obey the principles of the hundredfold, & place their whole self before God, so as to fulfil the demands of the Every Creature Commission.”
Word from the Lord through DPG, Sunday, 31/08/14 at “On Fire Meeting” ECCTV
[This was given just after M Dransfield testimony, & just before he reading of Romans 12:1]
“Not by might, or by power but by My Spirit, saith the Lord.
“I have called you this night to go forward in the power & strength of the Holy Ghost, to go about doing good, healing all oppressed of the devil, because God is with you. As He was with Me – that is, the Father – whilst the Son on earth, so am I with you, saith the Lord, & in Me is the fullness of the Godhead bodily
“And so this day I have called you go into the four corners of this earth to reach every creature with the gospel. I have called you to intercede, so that you may bring the conditions for Me to comeback, saith the Lord. For I am holding My return, for I have called you to reach every creature, that every creature be reached with the gospel, in the name of Jesus; that none be left out; that every creature be given the opportunity to receive Jesus Christ if Nazareth, who went about doing good, healing all oppressed of the devil. And I am declaring to you today, that I have given you all authority to go out in My Name, to cast out devils, to heal the sick, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.
“And I tell you this, that in My Name you shall go about moving mountains; in My Name you shall go about removing spirits from individuals who are bound by infirmity, who are bound by unbelief, who are bound by all the wiles of the devil.
“I am calling you tonight to fulfil My purposes, so that I may return for a glorious Church without spot or wrinkle; & you have been called, saith the Lord, to remove the dross, to remove the dirt, to judge, saith the Lord, to bring the conditions for My Church to be pure & spotless at My return.
“I declare it in the Name of Jesus of Nazareth.”
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 01/10/11
“The banner of the Lord is lifted up; the heat of the battleground for your mind is on.
The renewal of your minds, & the subjection of your bodies, in line with the Word, is so important at this time.
“There are two factors here:
“Factor no. 1 is the plan to take the Populating Heaven outreach into halls.
“Secondly, broadcasting the gospel from that loft.
“He is doing all he can to pull down this operation. “And so, he is looking to bring confusion, disharmony, mind-racing, fear – to pull down this work of the Lord.
“There are some factors going on here. There is a determination of the enemy to stop the money supply. His operations include: stirring up old memories of what you have been through - & that it will be worse in the future.
“So, every foul means of operation is working at this time, to prevent thee from fulfilling thy callings in God - & what mighty callings they are!
“For at this time, one has been noticing things happen, which have been diversion tactics of the enemy to stop thee fulfilling thy callings in God.
“You have made a stand, too, in the community; for thy callings in God are callings of the heart; & the enemy looks to bring confusion to thy mind.
“To have a broadcasting operation going out from this house is not something he wants to see.
“Indeed, there is a lot of overcoming to be done, & so in the project’s infancy, he is looking to eliminate the money supply.
“You know, My Word declares, “Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world” - & this whole world-wide recession is a manufactured one; one to bring the people to such a state that they are under the control of the individual state; & at the moment, you have rejected that control, by the efforts which thou hast given to be able to “contend before Caesar,”
“His tactics are diversional: something going wrong here, something going wrong there. His desire is to drain you completely. Stay on track with My Word; fulfil thy purposes. Rejoice always; & again I say, Rejoice. For this is thy hour of real overcoming.
“So now, one can get ready the loft for its broadcasting operations. One has the capacity to reach the world.
“Speak out My Word; demand the resource to come, from the north, south, east & west. Show no fear. Rejoice always, at the same time understanding the ability thou hast to cast cares upon Me. And be ready for the great harvest of souls – for this is the time of preparation.
“I have given thee the power to get the wealth, to establish My covenant. One has great callings in God; this call has been on thy family for many years. Thou art fulfilling this call.
“Rejoice in the Lord; use the power to get the wealth, & one will see the miracle happen.
“So, go forward in My strength; speak to the mountain; go forward, & use the resources which I have given thee; call the resources in.

Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 22/08/12
“Please note everybody: I have not changed. Over many years, Suresh & Mercy, David & Lindsay, have battled over incredible obstacles, within the Asian setting, & the British setting.
“I have not changed.
“I gave a vision from the very beginning, to you, David & Lindsay, for an outreach from Sri Lanka to Tibet, via India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, & Nepal.
“I have not changed. If I gave the vision, from Sri Lanka to Tibet, I have not changed. What has happened is that every gate of hell has come against you to prevent this. But My Word declares that I will build My Church, & the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
“Now, this is a word to Brian; David & Lindsay, Suresh & mercy, have been through many years of suffering; & as you know, I can only use the empty vessel. They have their joyful side, because they have the joy of the Lord. You have seen Manuel Scott Junior, who gave his 3 points of:-
“(1) How I am to be invited;
(2) How I am to be obeyed; &
(3) As in the case of Zaccheus, there was jubilation in the house, & generosity was expressed from that house. He wanted to bless everything that moved! He wanted to put on the biggest feast, for everybody he saw. He just wanted to bless everybody!
“My blessings are more than enough. Now, when it comes to this vision, I am operating under the same principles you heard from Manuel Scott Junior:-
“(1) I have to be invited. Now I am telling you now, with what I have got planned, you are going to be invited.
“Now Brian, there was times I was rejected. My heart went out for the people of Nazareth, who rationalized My vision; who rationalized My calling. But as I went out into the “whole world,” for My journeys within the context of that day, were perceived as long journeys (donkeys instead of 747s!). There was places where I was invited. My evangelist Scott Junior, an empty vessel of God that manifests My joy; that is why he jumps up & down, & wriggles – such is the joy of the Lord in him. I said through him the importance of being invited.
“Now, I speak to all of you: Suresh, Lindsay, David, Mercy, Brian, & also all those left with you in this environment of Wales: the 3 girls, who have battled too; Ken & Mary out there: get a hold of this, & understand Ken & Mary, we will have our words for Africa too; for I am planning on getting a studio in Kenya too, which at the right time this team will set up. But at this time, I am stirring up an original vision of this ministry. This vision is from Sri Lanka, where a studio is to be set up at Bellwood.
“Now listen, & listen carefully: this equipment is to be new equipment. This equipment is to be used to broadcast My Word right across Asia & the Middle East, with reports going out on western television & radio.
“Now listen, & listen carefully, for this is the second part of Manuel Scott Junior’s word; because I know you all have invited Me in – hence I am here.
“The second point is to do what I say. Now with your battles & your sufferings, the danger is, you become small-minded. Well, get this one: you do not have a small-minded God.
“When I create, you show Me evidence that I create small. I say, ‘Do not despise the day of small things, but you have been through the day of small things; & those who successfully go through the sufferings, are being prepared for the day of the big thing. But the danger is, you stay in the day of small things, rather than move into the day of big things. Hence, apostle Suresh is screaming to get the gear. For I have moved you all together for the day of big things.
“What I create, I create big! How many stars are there? The world’s scientists wonder ‘Why so big?’With all their equipment, they cannot keep up with the size of My creation. For I am not a skinflint God. When I create, I do not create enough; I create more than enough.
“Now listen to this, & you all listen hard: what I have called you to is bigger then your human thinking can comprehend. The vision for Sri Lanka through India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal into Tibet: do not think in terms of college just in Bellwood, in Wales, in Harrow & in Paris, just getting by. How many people are there in India, hungry for the gospel, just to name one country? How many people are there in India hungry to study the Word of God? I sent My apostle to Orissa, one of the poorest states in the world. Now, understand My thinking. You, yet not you but I, are going to be invited to Orissa; & government in that state is going to change, for you are going to be invited by local authorities to come to places needing the gospel primarily.
“Now, listen to what Manuel Scott Junior said. When the people obey Me, there comes jubilation into the house. The same principle works in a nation, & in an individual state. For the coming of Jesus, whether into a house, a state, or a nation, changes grief & despair into jubilation!
“Now, what are the people of Orissa going to say to that? You look at My Word. When I am obeyed, I do not just give them enough to get by; I am morethan enough. Same in Britain. When the west coast of Scotland was obeying Me, they were falling over themselves in herring. They did not have enough boats to pick them up. The sea was overflowing with herring – far too many.
“What happened with the disciples? They went out on the Sea of Galilee in their own strength. Could they find a fish? When they obeyed Me, the nets were overwhelmed.
“Are you seeing how I work? Now, when the little boy came with the loaves & fishes, he brought what he had to the Lord. Now, did I feed the people just enough? Or were there ‘basketsover?’ or were there ‘baskets over?’
“Remember, I am the God who is more than enough. Isn’t it El Shaddai – the God of plenty? That is who I am – the God of plenty – more than enough. Get a hold of it! It is all over My Word. When I am invited, when I am obeyed, there is jubilation. For I overwhelm the people; as the scientists are overwhelmed, looking to analyse My creation; even building a tunnel, which was only enough to discover what they call a “God-particle”; when they only needed to understand the principle of what I an talking about to you today.
“Listen to the words of the song, ‘How big is God?’
“Now then, coming back to the immediate: in Britain there are a lot of mistrusts from ministry to ministry; & indeed this has gone on in the Asian context too. You see, where there is mistrust between brothers, then the Spirit cannot move in that situation, so men go into their earthly ways. Now these 2 initial television & radio stations being planned, are only a start. The vision to be shared is, from Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, into Tibet. Colleges, with studios, will sprout throughout these areas; & with the studio in Wales, & elsewhere in western countries too, you will be able to live stream, record – whatever it takes, as led of My Spirit at different times. For I know all the technical terms & technicalities – I will tell you what to do.
“Now, My message is to go out in all of these lands; colleges & studios throughout these lands, all connected together. For the 5-fold ministry can oversee through the technology. For this is to be a quick work.
“Now get a hold of all this; for once you have started this, you are to do this in other continents too, with others I will send you. You will find out there are those with visions for South America, for Africa, for Europe, who will come to you to model what you have done in these countries, in the countries I have called them to. You will go to these countries & encourage them.
“But what I have called you to do now, is set up a college in Wales, with studio.Now, in founder Rees Howells’ day, transport ability to send people throughout the world was very much part of the vision. So it was not just a learning college. Part of the vision – the most crucial part of the vision – was to send out missionaries in the Every Creature Commission. The world was changed through this outreach. Now, My call to you all was never just to fulfil what Rees Howells did. Since when have I given a lesser portion mantle? I do not operate that way! Since when does it say in My Word, Elisha received from Elijah a lesser portion? That is not My way. He asked for the double portion!
“Now can you see how much more effective having a studio attached to a College is going to be? The students will be reaching lands they are called to reach during the course of their studies – not just after, as in Rees Howells’ day. So the Every Creature Commission, therefore, has not changed! But the ability for increase is enormous. For just as in My day on earth, when the Word became flesh, transportation was on a donkey, today you have got fast trains, planes, & all of that. Just as in My day on earth, natural echoes were used so large crowds could hear the Word, you can get equipment where the Word can be heard miles away; & having a studio, you can broadcast to the whole world the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ.
“So invest in these 2 initial studios; but do not expect that I am going to stop there! But just as I have created the heavens & the earth, you are going to find studios all over the lands from Sri Lanka to Tibet – not only that; I am ordaining there to be satellite trucks, with the ability to go into rural areas, & broadcast meetings all over the world. So college, studio, satellite truck, is My thinking. Rees Howells would be jumping up & down.
“There are great foundational ministries throughout these lands too. In the Tamil lands, you have met Jeva. His calling is to continue. There are those who worked with him who will come to you, saying you are moving in the anointing of this man.
“So carrying on the landmark, not removing the landmark, is what this ministry is all about.
“But I am calling you – get a hold of this – to get the best equipment to fulfil My call.
“I am not a skinflint God. I am the God who created the heavens & the earth. I am the God who is more than enough.”
The nation of Kenya plays a major part in the strategy God has given us for reaching African nations, Emmanuel being a Kenyan Minister who with Hiram God has called us to work to build up all true Word of God Ministries in this land to reach out in the Every Creature Commission.
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, House Group with Emmanuel, 24/05/12
“The time has come, saith the Lord, to bring this Church into the fullness of My glory; that as you have surrendered to Me….
“For I see you have battled over the past year to overcome every onslaught of the enemy….
“For what these backgrounds have taught you is to rely on Me.
“Those who have given their lives to Christ can speak to the mountain. Deuteronomy 8:18 But I have given you the power to ….My covenant.
“This power I have given unto you; & as you have exposed, saith the Lord, the works of the devil in these commercial versions of the Bible, you have seen that the sales of these versions have gone, not to the on-going proclamation of the Word, but have gone in to the hands of greedy shareholders.
“I call this money accursed, saith the Lord. For all that you do, saith the Lord, should be to My glory. As in My ministry, you have accusers all around you; those who would look to catch you out; those who would look to imprison you, even to the point of taking you to a cross.
“But I am telling you this day, that the things which are past, are past. Do not take into this season the hurts of the old season. For I am preparing you for mighty revival; such will be the anointing, they will cry out ‘Is there mercy for Me? Is there mercy for Me?’ Living a holy life, is not living a religious one.
“They used to look for every false move of the disciples. The Pharisees of the day, in effect pioneered the modern surveillance society; for they watched for more errors than any of your modern-day speeding devices.
“Such as it is with the religious spirit. They look for the specks in others, rather than the planks in their own.
“But I am bringing forth a revival, saith the Lord; & as you start setting the agendas in this town of Colwyn Bay, you start putting back the foundations; for walls without foundations will fall; & as your back garden wall fell down today, let this be an illustration of how the world system is falling today. That which is built on sand shall fall.
“But you have been My wise men, saith the Lord – for there is a great wind & rain coming.
“Prepare ye the way of the Lord; for those built on sand shall fall. For I am the Rock on which the Church is built; & you are My body, partakers of the divine nature. For the earth is to see a great storm. Be not alarmed. Does not My Word cover the great conflagrations of the last days? Does not My Word declare that it shall not come nigh thee?
“For thou shall stand, in the midst of the fire, saith the Lord. Thou shalt stand in the midst of the fire; & those around who know not me shall cry ‘Help me! Help me!’ And in those days, saith the Lord, they shall come begging to thee. But even though a thousand shall fall at thy side, even though ten thousand shall fall at thy right hand, it shall not come nigh thee.
“There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.
“For thou shalt trample the works of the devil under thy feet; that through the attacking of the last few years, you might say, ‘I will die young;’ ‘I cannot suffer all of this without death;’ ‘I cannot go on through this persecution & affliction.’
“But I declare unto thee tonight, that whatever attack thou hast been under, with long life I will satisfy you, & show you My salvation.
“But I say unto thee, that there is judgement for thy persecutors; &, as the Egyptian army persecuted My chosen people – for they were slain at the rising of the rod of the prophet.
“But I declare with the prophet of old, that thy persecutors shall stumble; they shall not prevail. They shall be greatly ashamed. They shall not prosper. Their everlasting confusion shall never be forgotten.
“For I am bringing judgement on those that persecute thee. For as you lift up your rod of authority, so shall those who come after thee be drowned in the midst of their own confusion.
“For I am declaring to thee, that thou must declare, ‘Even so, come, Lord Jesus.’ For I am waiting that word to come; & though you look for Me in the north, south, east & west, I am coming at a time to meet thee in the air; & so you will say, ‘I am heading for my mansion in the sky, to be forever with Thee.’
“And so the books shall be opened, saith the Lord; & those who have remained faithful will have their names in the Lamb’s Book of Life;
“Those who have stood against (?) adversity, those who have not bowed down to the demonic system will not have their names removed from the Lamb’s Book of Life.
“For I am coming soon, saith the Lord.
“Tell the people here something very, very important: do not be at all distracted. Live by My Spirit continuously. Do not be alarmed by what you see. Do not be moved by how you feel, but await My Word, which will be revelation from deep within.
Word for Kenya through David P Griffiths
“You have a mountain in the centre of Kenya, where demonic stuff (Satanic stronghold – Mount Kenya).
“I bind that spirit, in the Name of Jesus. This is known as a fire spirit. I see worship of fire – fire god. The Lord is showing me this spirit. This is a throne of Satan – he is appearing as a dragon in this place. They are gathering to worship Satan – natives walk through fire – go through Satanic rituals. In the Name of Jesus, I call this to an end. Satanic rituals I call to fail in the Name of Jesus. I call an end to the sacrificing of children. I call an end to the eating of human flesh.
“Cave inside the mountain – this is their high point. Davil, you are defeated, in the Name of Jesus.
[Mt. Kenya is an ancient extinct volcano]
“I expose what is going on at Mt. Kenya, in the Name of Jesus – government officials are taking part in this fire, & suppressing the people through fear & oppression.
“I bind it - & expose every government official.
“I have this devil on the phone line – “you appear before me, devil.” He can’t, because he is bound.
“Let the people go! I remove fear – revival to come to the Church – Holy Ghost to convict, save, set the people free.
“Get ready for Holy Ghost meetings in Kenya, saith the Lord. Get ready for the …. to go out, saith the Lord. For I have brought My Rees Howells to thy presence. Thou must support him, for from the College there went out Christian missionaries to Africa.
“Get ready for mission trips. Sort your lives, & get ready.
“And the devil would say to Ken: ‘you can’t be a part of this. Your time is short.’ But the Lord would say, ‘With long life I will satisfy thee. Be not afraid, for I am with thee, My rod & staff comfort thee.’
“For this is the return of the Lord.
“Mt. Kenya is highest in Kenya; second highest after Kilimanjaro, in Africa. We are speaking life into that area.
“Emmanuel, this new season is to be a much bigger season – as you expand your tent-pegs…expect signs & wonders, miracles. Beware of the Jezebel – don’t allow personal ministry to take place in your Church; no “little group;” I have ordained anointed ministers. They must protect those I have ordained into office – mustn’t be burdened by the house church attack.
“I have ordained prophets & apostles – not to be in huddles, but to be perfected by the prophets & apostles to…go out, & preach the Word in & out of season.
“I bind the spirit of Antichrist, looking to question the leadership - I speak the anointing on Emmanuel & Hiram, in their respective fellowships.
“For I have been anointed (by the Lord) to blast the attack on your fellowships.
“For I have come to bring life - & as the people respect the ordained leadership, so they will be set free.
“I see a woman come into your fellowship – with black & grey hair – trying to take away the people by her ministry – Jezebel.
“I cast you out, thou woman Jezebel.
“I see there have been those falling by the wayside…bind spirit of lust , pornography, extra-marital sex, etc. which the Jezebel does bring through her life of chaos. Those drawn into homosexuality – all sorts going on in your area – paedophilia.
“I am bringing forth Holy Ghost revival, but before that, I must remove that not of Me.
“Mighty revival throughout Kenya; & as we have taken out the fire-god, saith the Lord, so the rains will return, & the fertile land (famine will go).
“The Lord told David to look up something. The Kikuyu tribes built their houses towards the mountain because they thought that was where God lived.
“This mountain is the throne of Satan over the nation. I am declaring tonight…Satan has been removed.
“Now, we have put out the fire of the devil tonight.
“March 2012 – great fire there, destroying forest.
To Emmanuel:
“I am taking you to great things, saith the Lord. When you return, you will see the manifestation of My glory.
“…we have together removed the mountain of oppression over Kenya – it seemed you could not get anywhere – but the mountain has been removed.”
Emmanuel’s Witness re Kenya:
Kikuyu – Mau-Mau – bloodshed – independence – quiet for many years. Early 1990s, a movement emerged, taking people back to the worship of Mount Kenya – included powerful politicians. Sacrifices were offered – human sacrifices!
“Kenya was being re-dedicated back to the enemy. Great bloodshed, every General Election. Last time, people in Churches met to pray against that.
“Big fire early 2012. Control always from Mount Kenya – appease gods because of leadership of Kenya.”
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 24/08/14
“To understand how I am moving through the nations, you need to understand how I view nations, which is different as to how the god of this world has presented the kingdoms of this world.
“Those countries in covenant with each other under God are, as I see it, one nation; that is, Britain, America & the Commonwealth are one nation in My eyes.
“There is turmoil in Britain because of its decision not to honour this covenant, & marry itself to a harlot rather than what God has ordained.
“As you have witnessed, the economic arguments for joining the EU, based on what is perceived as human logic, have been found to have been disastrous. So the move of God in the world relates to as I see countries rather than as the world’s press presents them.
“Now, I shall deal with rebellious nations later, for I am beginning with those of the Mayflower Compact, & the Commonwealth. My Word, in history, has influenced all of these nations to a massive degree. These nations have lived under My protection for many years, this protection now being withdrawn from the richer countries in this covenant, whilst those who have given themselves to witchcraft are having to deal with the plagues of Egypt, which have come through Pharaohs rather than natural causes.
“To deal with the richer countries first, that is, the perceived rich. Why have you drawn covenant away from thy original calling? Great Britain, why are your waters not flourishing with the fish of previous generations? America, why have you embraced restrictive green policies rather than trusting God? For you say, ‘In God we Trust.’ You say you are a free nation. Yet you are putting on your people the same restrictions that have destroyed the small business people of Britain.
“You are introducing laws in line with the global order, rather than the freedom America is supposed to stand for. Now, I am all in favour of good stewardship, but I am strongly opposed to New World Order restrictions, based on false scientific criteria; & you are using these lied to restrict the people. This has already occurred in Europe. So why are you letting it happen to you?
“Also, if you had kept yourself under the British Crown (& if Britain had kept itself under its Constitution), then you would not have the eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth mentality that your legal system loves to embrace. Do you not know I came to save sinners?
“And so, with the same mentality as you deal with your prisoners, you are coming under judgement; for the law of the British Constitution you were once under declares all law has to be applied with law & justice in mercy. Yet you apply law with vengeance, & that vengeance has become part of your society. Add this to all the aborted babies, & you have a nation in trouble. It is interesting to note that those areas in thy country which honour the Protestant Constitutions that I have established over many years have become prosperous areas not under that curse. Hence the freedom that abides in the areas of the Amish & the Mennonites are there for all to see. Yet, America, you choose to place yourself under the global green order whilst you have a better order in the lands of the Amish & the Mennonites.
“Now, to deal with the perceived richer countries of the Commonwealth: you are in covenant to bring about common wealth; & it is your responsibility to bring about conditions for building up conditions for the poorer lands to flourish, by setting up infrastructure in these lands. Just as Britain did in India with its road & rail network, you are to bring the conditions for all the countries of the Commonwealth to flourish.
“Now, how has this been achieved in the past? Answer: through the spread of Christianity. As missionaries went in, so the lands affected by these missionary moves flourished. Business was able to grow. So what you have done in thy Charity has set up conditions to build mission houses in what is perceived as poorer areas of the Commonwealth, that give opportunity primarily for men, women & children to receive the gospel; & in this context you have the 6-fold commission of Jeremiah 1:10; the importance of reaching every creature, & as you see from Isaiah 61, the waste places become renewed. So you train people into worthwhile employment, the land flourishes, businesses take off, & within this context, you have set up a non-profit trading company where those of strong Christian ethics can bring their skills to people who have suffered, as in the north of Sri Lanka.
“So the prophet’s call to have a trading company was never folly. It has just been held up by the legalism of Europe. For it is My will that all the lands of the Commonwealth flourish, & have a common wealth.
“So, just as you have been working towards social & economic improvements in North Wales, so you go into the poorer lands of the Commonwealth with the same heart. For it is My will that the people prosper & be in health, & this cannot happen while they worship other gods, & give adherence to the Global Word Order religion of decrease. It can only happen when life is portrayed; that is, life responding to obedience, rather than responding to the fear of the snake. For the snake brings fear, whereas the fullness of the Godhead bodily brings power, love & a sound mind.
“So you see, your move into Sri Lanka has massive economic implications, & whilst this reality is understood in the context of receiving Jesus Christ, & that the death of Christ was all about bringing the conditions for branches to flourish attached to the vine, you have a global world order of decrease that sees global size as negative, for its whole ethos is based on decrease rather than increase, hence its embracement of marital relations without fruit, rather than the Biblical ethos of that which comes together bearing fruit, which is why I embrace large families, rather than have the restrictions applied under modern-day Chinese culture, which sees increase as a threat rather than a blessing.
“You see, life will always defeat death, for life defeated death 2,000 years ago; & I have the keys in the hands of My Church, that what I have called you to do at this stage on your television programmes is establish positional truth, the baptism of fire, & the true one hundredfold.
“Now, the next 7 years will bring about big changes in the world. They sit there looking at their big pensions & their property portfolios, & look to these as their rocks of stability. There is only one Rock, however. The wise man built his house upon the Rock; & as the sand swallows up the securities of western man, you will have built your house on the Rock of the Lord; & whilst government bail-outs have kept the banking communities afloat, these banking communities are still on sand.
“So you need to tell the people to have their monies instead in the Lord, rather than investments that seem right to man rather than God.
“You know the story of the wise man & the foolish man. For those who will look to embrace the world system, tell them that Babylon is rising, & to build their house on the Rock, rather than the establishment of mammon.
“Now, within this context of understanding, the poor countries who turn to Christ will become the rich; for the poor say, ‘I am rich,’ the weak say, ‘I am strong.’
“So the presentation of the gospel brings life, not only in the spiritual sphere, but also within the natural realm. Lands unable to produce crops begin to flourish; & so, be prepared to flourish; as you build thy houses in poor areas, expect those areas to flourish; so that the family unit can prosper – Mum, Dad & children; & grandparents – for the practice of placing the older generation into homes I have never ordained. For I have called the family unit to be one of all generations. And I bless the family unit, which I have sought to keep together in spite of great opposition.
“So you see, there is a great global move of God on; & you have seen it within the context of Jeremiah 1:10, Isaiah 61, & Mark 16. So, be prepared to build your first mission house, from where great intercession will go out, the rock on which the Church is built being in the pre-eminent position. For you bring the message of life, & My Spirit will draw all men unto thee.
“So as you obey My will for your lives, so you will prosper & be in health. Give no heed to the arguments of man. Only give heed to what I have called thee to do.”

Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 15/12/14 “INDIA”
Given after a Ministry Visit to Bethel Baptist Church - San Diego, USA
“I give thee thy strategy for bringing all of India into the gospel, the states of India being wide open to receive from the Lord. And I am telling thee to reach every creature in India, & I’m giving thee the strategy to do it.
“The strategy for reaching India is exactly the same as what thou art doing now; but there are specific things which thou art to do in relation to India, like there is specific things which thou art to do in relation to all the countries of the world.
“So, in each country, there is a particular rhema word, which thou art to wait on in relation to activity. As always, I refer you to the Every Creature Commission, in Jeremiah 1:10, Matthew 28 & Mark 16, with reference to Isaiah 61. All of these apply.
“Within the context of India, the context of the six-fold commission of Jeremiah is very appropriate.
“Let Me deal with Hinduism first. I deal with the issue of equality. Now, the Roman Catholic Church, which is very active in India, has no equality. There are priests & lay people. In Hinduism, there is the caste system. So the concept of a crucified Saviour, begotten of God, giving His life for them – now, this is the crucial point – the poorest of the poor can be a joint heir with Christ.
“So, the equality strategy is very important here. The poorest caste can be as Him. Indeed, in Biblical Christianity, it is far easier for the poorest caste to receive, than the richest ones.
“Now, that comes right against the ethos & culture of governmental India, the poor saying, ‘I am rich’ & the weak saying, ‘I am strong.’ There is no gospel like the gospel thou art portraying; for thou art using My purified Word, with the blood of the martyrs upon it.
“Now, the work of the Bible Societies has been devastating on the people of India. For they brought in a word denying the very deity of Christ; & deity is very important in India. To become a joint heir with Christ, & partaker of His divine nature, enables the believer to stand against those gods you faced, David, in Andhra Pradesh.
“India is very much open spiritual warfare. As thou hast witnessed, the gods will appear before you & challenge you. But these gods, who are overpowering the vast majority of what are known as Christians in India, is because of the work of the Bible Societies, the Roman Catholic Church, & Vaticanus, Sinaiticus & Alexandrinus.
“Now, this is the key for you taking India. How many ministries do I have which are solely the received Text – Textus Receptus? Tell Me, how many do I have? Why are you so special to Me for taking India? You see, you preach the message of those being born again, being as Me. Those Hindu gods then have to bow the knee; even to the poorest of the poorest caste. For as you remove the effects of work of the Bible Societies, according to Jeremiah 1:10; as you remove Vaticanus, Sinaiticus & Alexandrinus in favour of the Received Text, you are perfecting the Indian people to stand against those gods, David, that appeared at the end of your bed to torment & control you.
“Those gods will know the text you have, for they are afraid of it.
“You & your ministry team will move in phenomenal power in the country of India. You will clear the railway stations of the crippled bodies. Expect such a harvest. The harvest will be phenomenal.
“Warn your ministry colleagues in India of the work of the Bible Societies. Warn them strong. Warn them that the Word thou art giving them is that of the blood of the martyrs. Tell them to check out verses in their Tamil Bibles, their Telegu Bibles, & so on. Tell them you are coming into India with the blood-bought Word of God, & that India shall be saved, with the preaching of My Word, & - wait for this – with phenomenal signs & wonders following.
“Now, tell this to your team. I have a particular word for Margaret Dransfield: The way you were on the ‘On Fire’ programme is the way I want you; speaking with great authority & power. For I have called thee into India as a crucial team member. For that is what everyone in your team is – a crucial team member.
“You see, it is vital that people see your team as a team of equals, which is what the joint heir with Christ message is all about; what John 17 is all about – ‘that they may be one, as we are one.’ This is the perfecting of the saints.
“This is a very crucial message in India. Let this be known to the Christian television channels operating in India.
“Prepare to take India.
“Now, when I talk of signs & wonders, I am talking of the greater things. You will witness the greater things, far higher than I witnessed in My earthly ministry. For you understand with the power of the resurrection. You have been lifted high above principality & power. In My earthly ministry, the devil was yet to be defeated. You operate in My name, with the defeat of the devil well & truly established in My Word. The devil’s defeat is not established in Vaticanus, Sinaiticus & Alexandrinus. It is not there.
“The Word you have is of the co-existent, co-equal Godhead, not in Vaticanus, Sinaiticus & Alexandrinus.
“So you have the Word of God that is pure, holy; that brings the poorest of the poor opportunity to be joint heir with Christ.
“I am honour bound that once the purified Word is preached, I am honourboundto produce signs & wonders that your human comprehension cannot come near.
“There will be great empowerment of the Holy Ghost on the people to be witnesses for Me – massive empowerment. This is so massive, the millions in India will receive this Christ, the true Christ Jesus, rather than the other Jesus they have been offered through the work of the Bible Societies, who promote Vaticanus, Sinaiticus & Alexandrinus.
“So India is on My agenda.
“Now, I want to talk to ministries thou art affiliated with. First of all, to Bethel in San Diego: I am pleased with thee, saith the Lord; as I intimated through My prophet, I am not only pleased with thee, I am well pleased with thee. For thy ministry is one of the few that has resisted the change of modernism. Resist fully the words of Vaticanus, Sinaiticus & Alexandrinus. They preach another Jesus. What thou hast, is the Received Text. Cherish this Word; for with this Word I have given thee authority to reach every creature with the gospel.
“In thy building, thou has a map showing the nations thou hast ministered into. Thou hast associated thyselves with the suffering Church, & have given unto ministries who battle day by day to overcome unbelievable odds. Thou hast been faithful to the cause of the gospel. Thou hast given faithfully, not only financially, but also with your lives, honouring Me by being prepared to go to dangerous places.
“I have seen your sacrifice, saith the Lord. I have seen that you are prepared to go all the way. I have heard the intercession led of My Spirit, for a revival so great, to impact even those of materialistic America.
“But thou has been prepared to give to the poor; even those laying down on the streets of San Diego, with no place to go, the Isaiah 61 commission pulsating from your hearts.
“Yes, there have been those coming in, trying to organise you into the thinking of man. But thou hast resisted the influence of the Emerging Church. Thou hast said ‘No’ to the illogicality & compromise.
“But, like with whom you call ‘The Wild Man,’ I am taking thee higher, to move in this higher plane I, through the ‘Wild Man,’ described on that Sunday morning at Bethel.
“Expect to move in that higher plane. There have been those who have tried to keep thee low with their logicality; but I have heard thy cry for higher ground.
“Oh yes, Bethel! Expect the higher ground. My prophet stood beside thee, Donna, & heard the cry of your heart! Expect the higher ground.

“Billy – your heart for the youth be so much a part of this higher ground teaching. For through you shall come a revival through the boxing community. America is famous for its boxing community. This gospel can reach the heart of the boxing community today. Can you believe on a Las Vegas revival? Oh yes, I have plans for America too. For there is a call of My Spirit to reach the sporting community of America.

David P Griffiths with son of Archie Moore - Billy Moore
Billy is carrying on the mantle of born again Christian Champion Archie Moore
“All this is to happen, saith the Lord. But it is to come through those who are considered the poorest of the poor. For the effects of the Emerging Church have been overcome. The intercession has been gained at Fuller & Saddleback, so that the heart of Fuller’s founder can be restored, not only in California, but in the whole of America; in the whole of the world. For I brought the Rees Howells man to Fuller so that both visions of the Every Creature Commission can be brought into one vision to reach the whole world.
“And I am just talking about India today, the specifics of India. For step by step, I will give specifics for every country & situation in the world.
“Now, let Me come to your ministry base in Asia. This is very important, for thou hast already set up the media studio, which I have plans to increase. Here, thou will make television programmes with the team which the apostle at Bellwood has built up.
“Emphasise again the importance of exposing Vaticanus, Sinaiticus & Alexandrinus, & the work of the Bible Societies. This is crucial for taking Asia.
“Now, I will speak of Sri Lanka another time. I am talking of India today. But before this, I want to establish a few things at Bellwood:-
“Thou has shown Me your determination to go all the way. So much has come against thee; & I understand what you are going through just now; & I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.
“For I have brought thee together; for you must understand that there is understanding of thy situation in the prophetic ministry in Wales. There is a passion to work with thee; but there is a move on now to take thee out of the suffering season. For I have told My prophet, when he comes to the College, to preach on the higher plane.
“Now, he knows you do this already. But I am talking of a higher plane. For I am talking of thy students, with their heart of sacrifice, being taken to such a place of surrender that they are lifted up to fearlessly preach the gospel, from such a position that wherever they go, souls will be saved, healed & delivered.
“Now, My Word is at stake here. For this affiliation thou hast with the Bible College of Wales - & understand this is a true affiliation in God, for thy founding documents are identical to each other; which is why I have specifically told them in Wales not to accept the pressure to found a new charity under new founding documents. That is not My will at all, but a move of the devil.
“Both ministries have had demonic attack in relation to the letter of the law. But that was never the way I established these founding documents, which is why the ministry in Wales & the ministry in Sri Lanka have overcome letter of the law attacks. For these documents are of the spirit
rather than the letter. ‘Not by might, nor by power; not by regulation or by policy, but by My Spirit,’ saith the Lord.
“Thou hast stood together over many years; & now I am calling thee closer together. I see Christine & her family having suffered; & they too are a part of all My move. Their suffering has brought reliance on Me, as it has in Wales. This is the whole heart of the Mount Carmel College; & is not the name of this College significant?
“For I have called thee up, saith the Lord, to take the nations of the world. As in San Diego, My apostle at Bellwood is much travelled.
“Now, My topic today has been about India; but My overall vision is to reach every creature; yes, every creature. Can you see it now, coming together? The key is to be aware of the Bible Societies & their work undermining true Christianity. These societies, aligned with the Emerging Church, have done much damage. But thou art called to be the repairer of the breach.
“Oh, I have talked about India today. But be prepared, as the years go on, to hear of all the countries in the world.”
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 22/06/15
“I Speak to the Church at Bethel, San Diego, the Church that has kept Orthodoxy,
preached the True Hundredfold, & has a Passion & Heart for Mission”
“My word comes today, for I am well pleased with thee, Bethel, Southern California. For thou hast kept the faith amidst a turning away, not only in California, but in USA & the whole world.
“Indeed, thy state has been used by Satan to influence the world with false doctrines, use of the hundredfold to abuse others, & have the Spirit for self-gratification rather than empowerment for ministry.
“But thou, Bethel, has kept orthodoxy. Thou hast understood the hundredfold for what it means. Thou hast understood it too, that it comes with persecutions. But thou hast not turned away, even amidst times of trial. For thou has stuck to the faith delivered unto the saints. For I am well pleased with thee, saith the Lord; & thy ministry is to have a world-wide influence & impact. For not only has thou kept orthodoxy, taught the true hundredfold, & have this great heart for mission, but thou hast stood faithful in prayer, for the pulling down of strongholds, so that thou can say unto the Lord that I have stood amongst times of tremendous trial; that the intercession has never ceased. For thou is drawn to the Spirit & the Son, who forever maketh intercession. And I have been preparing thee, saith the Lord, for great times ahead, fulfilling the call of God on your hearts; & as you enter the time of world-wide influence, thou shalt not disregard these years of preparation. For I am calling thee to be the Bethel of the true Word, whereas the enemy of souls has used another Bethel in California.
“So thou shalt be seen as the true Bethel, proclaiming orthodoxy, the fullness of the hundredfold, & impassioned determination to reach every creature with the gospel; & in amongst all this, have an intercessory cry, a cry that I see has intensified over recent months, that that land I have given thee be a beacon to the world of the true light, not only the light that extinguishes the darkness, but a beacon of the fire of God.
“For thou shalt witness intense repentances, saith the Lord, that souls, saved in this revival that I give unto thee should be as in the old days, soundly saved; & with all of this has been the cry from thy evangelist, to be saved & well saved; to be prepared for the persecution; to have the restoration of family life, as the Word of God puts it; & that thy elders & deacons have stood with thee through tremendous trials, not looking to take thee from orthodoxy, from the hundredfold, from the missions call, but being one in the intercession with Me, not looking at the outward appearance, but going forward in the strength of the Lord.
“Oh how thou art to have world-wide influence, saith the Lord; to be the true Bethel from California. No wonder thou hast been given lands to build houses, not only in the Californian state, where thou will build this sanctuary, but also all over the world, with mission houses of the hundredfold, with those from the poorest environments moving in the hundredfold, the fullness of God, with all the resources required to fulfil the missions & callings of God; & that this will become a world-wide intercession, with ministries of the true hundredfold standing together.
“Thou hast stood firm against the abuse of the hundredfold doctrine, for in this comes the forsaking of Peter, the surrendering, the giving up of one's life to the Lord, & this thou hast shown, rather than have this doctrine used as a weapon of manipulation rather than have the freedom that comes with having the resources to fulfil the call.
“So, thou hast touched a key doctrine, Bethel, in relation to the manifestation of world-wide true revival. I congratulate thee, Bethel, for standing firm during times of extreme provocation, & determination by others to bring thee into the fold of what is known as the Emerging Church.
“Thou has not forsaken the poor, but has looked to fulfil the commissions of God, that includes the Isaiah 61 & the Mark 16; but there has to be now an overcoming of the extreme pressure to make thee world-respectable. For instead of this, thou has looked to move by My Spirit, to reach out to the entire world with My true Word.
“But thou has stood firm, Bethel. Be prepared to expand. For thou proclaimeth the way, the truth, the life, & that no man cometh to the Father except by Me.”
Word from the Lord through Lindsay Griffiths, 12/01/16
[Continuation from the first intercession coming from ‘Walking the Himalayas’ part 1, plus spiritual dream re Sri Lanka, with Mercy, Christine & so on – concern about Christine needing protection from danger – then this intercession coming out of ‘Walking the Himalayas’ part 3 & the source of the Ganges etc. – all about rivers, Isaiah 58 & 64/
“My power surges will manifest in cataracts & torrents of My manifestation – the pure waters of My Spirit will wash away all the filth & obscenity of idolatry, witchcraft, poisons, incantations & dead men’s bones.
Their sin has found them out. My peace will flow like a river. Light & life & power will follow in its wake.“Remember My prophecy to you way back in the time when you flew over Trichy in the very South? ‘Risen with healing in His wings’ over India. The time has come, the veil of darkness has been & is being & will continue to be lifted, with great manifestations of miracles, signs & wonders as never before, arising as the Sun of righteousness.
“Darkness & foul spirits & the stench of death shall be put to flight, never to return.“Hanuman the monkey god & all his devious devices shall come to naught. Diminished his power, pulled his teeth, he shall depart in terror to the pit of hell.“Descending into the chasm shall be all the children of wrath.“My time for vengeance hath come, saith the Lord. I will raise up a people of the truth & the life. No man cometh to the Father except by Me.“Those rivers of the Spirit will rush as a torrent, sweeping away all iniquity. For I the Lord will arise & Mine enemies be scattered, never to return.
“Only watch & pray, & I will bring it about, saith the Lord.“My tabernacle is with men & My Spirit will move as never before & put all darkness & evil to flight.“For the devil is under My feet & always has been. Do not be afraid. I willrestore, saith the Lord, all the enemy has stolen, & set the captives free; free indeed.”Confirmation Scripture: Psalm 106, esp. verses 28-40.
Word from the Lord through Lindsay Griffiths, 13/02/16 “Times are Changing”
This word came to me as a kind of ‘meditation’ on a hymn whose melody I had heard last Sunday, but did not know the words or the title – just that there was something very special about it. DG researched it & found its title, ‘Jerusalem the Golden’.
It is translated from the Latin, written by a 12th. Century monk called Bernard of Cluny. The theme of this beautiful hymn is the New Jerusalem & the joys of heaven.
“My child, I set you over the nations – all nations according to My Word.
Jeremiah 1:10 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
10 See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant.
Jeremiah 1:17-19 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
17 Thou therefore gird up thy loins, and arise, and speak unto them all that I command thee: be not dismayed at their faces, lest I confound thee before them. 18 For, behold, I have made thee this day a defenced city, and an iron pillar, and brasen walls against the whole land, against the kings of Judah, against the princes thereof, against the priests thereof, and against the people of the land. 19 And they shall fight against thee; but they shall not prevail against thee; for I am with thee, saith the Lord, to deliver thee.
“Power, praise & worship are Mine. I have set you as a strong fortress, with gates of brass, & sharp threshing teeth against the enemy. He batters at the gates & you sense & feel the battering – but he cannot get into this vineyard, fenced, walled & with a watchtower in the midst & a winepress too. For the grapes of wrath are already been treaded out among the nations.
“Behold! My presence goes before thee & in thee. Be in the palm of My hand, the centre of My will. For I am not burdensome (my commands).
“I made thee a prophet to the nations. I will male all nations bow before Me as King. The times are in My hand. Only look up! & see the salvation of the Lord.
“Brothers & sisters in Me will be re-united. Children will be birthed – My spiritual children - & a symphony of praise to Me.
“Childlike innocence will return to My kingdoms in the earth – sorrow & sighing will flee away, as I promised. You will rule in My name on the earth, & all the curses will flee away. Eden will return, paradise, the true paradise as at the beginning (Genesis) & the end (Revelation) for true paradise is walking forever with Me in trust & total abandonment to My love & My will.
“My will be done – will be done – on earth as it is in heaven. GLORY!
Part 2 of Prophecy
“He that calleth thee is mighty: mighty to save, mighty to heal, mighty to deliver from all pestilence, vices & chaos of the enemy.
“I will revive thee in the midst of the years. ‘My table thou hast furnished in the presence of my foes – My head thou dost with oil anoint, & my cup overflows’ (Psalm 23).
“Anguish shall fall on the swords of the enemy & blast them, break them.
“I have pity on all the suffering people of the earth through all the ages. I see them all – I weep over them all. Man’s solutions of bitterness, hatred & revenge are not My ways, for all My paths are peace.
“I am life to all who see me. & healing to all their bones, for I am the living Word.
“I am the flood that breaks through all man-made barriers – as the Red Sea swept away the Egyptians & their chariots of iron, so will I by the flood of My Spirit sweep away all man-made devices to chain & entrap. I will set the captives free, to tread on the high places of the earth & proclaim My name to the nations, in power. Enough is enough, saith the Lord. Vengeance is Mine – I will repay. Only show divine patience – one of the fruit of the Spirit, & wait for My coming, move at My Word & My Word alone.
Malachi 3:2-3 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
For who may abide the day of his coming? and who shall stand when he appeareth? for he is like a refiner’s fire, and like fullers’ soap: 3 and he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness.The Lord, pavilioned in splendour
Word from the Lord through David P Griffiths, 20/01/15
“The Choice in Wales: Standing Stones, Druids, & the Dragon Flag v. the Cross of Jesus Christ”
“The old hymn, ‘Who is on the Lord’s Side?’ is the message in Wales. For Wales has a choice to prosper & be in health, or continue to over-strain its National Health Service, its social services, which is the result of bowing down to a flag which depicts Satan, who comes to kill, steal & destroy.
“So, Wales has a choice: to embrace the flag of Satan, or to embrace the cross of Jesus Christ. The question is simple: Who is on the Lord’s side? The flag of defeat, or the cross of victory, from where Jesus laid down His life, bearing the sins & sicknesses of this world.
“But let us bring this reality into what this particularly means in Wales. What thou has achieved in Wales will go alongside the achievements I brought through Seth Joshua, John Elias, John Wesley, William Williams, D P Williams, Jeffreys brothers - all the great preachers who have come out of this land.
“What has been achieved by thee through My Spirit is on a par with these great ministries; for thou, like them, has taken on this nation of Wales; & of course this leads us on to the Bible College of Wales & what I intend to do through it in the future, all over the world & in Wales.
“Thou art to fill the buildings of Swansea with those especially chosen from all over the world, as the harvest to Rees Howells’ surrender. For what was sent out, must come back.
“You see, Rees Howells was big time into seed faith. He planted seed all over the world; but the seed was not money, as the false prophets & apostles declare. The seed is the Word; & the ministry became the Word of God, planted all over the world. The seed he planted, the seed is the Word, & the Word multiplies. So no wonder you are getting this passion for mission houses. For the mission house is the greenhouse of natural seeds, where they are nurtured to grow to maturity. This is the perfecting of the saints; & the saints are empowered of the Holy Ghost, which is why I have called thee, in the diplomas I am setting up through thee, to teach on how to be led of the Spirit, the anointing; exposing the other Jesus, past missionary adventures, sound theology & doctrine – all of this I am setting up through thee.
“But what about Wales? Once thou hast set up the College in Wales, to house the overflow from the seed faith of Rees Howells, thou will give Wales the choice, between the flag of Satan, or the cross of Jesus Christ. This is what thou art setting up: an operation to receive the return of the surrender that came through Rees Howells.
“Now, the charismatic counterfeit must be thwarted. It has been a spiritual counterfeit of immense proportions; but thou stood at Fuller; thou stood at Saddleback; thou stood in San Diego; thou hast stood against the Romanist plot & its indulgences; of seed faith not of God; but thou hast stood for the seed faith of Rees Howells; of the planting of the Word, from which will always come a mighty harvest of those who understand that they are to be the manifestation of the Word. For this army of the Lord is as I am (I John 4:17). This army of the Lord is married to Me (Jeremiah 3:14). This army of the Lord is my body (Ephesians 5), full clad with My armour (Ephesians 6); which treads on principality & power from the high position in Christ (Ephesians 1 & 2; Colossians 1 & 2). Now, this army, on the Lord’s side, is going forth all over the world, to preach the gospel; to make disciples of all nations; to baptize them in the Name above every other name; an army empowered of the Holy Ghost, so powerful that the threats against thy ministry look so small, from subversive groups that are on oath so destroy you, representing the standing stones, the sun worshippers, of the pagan flag of Wales, that has brought so much shame on the nation. For the only place which will bring life, is the cross of Jesus Christ, the preaching of which is foolishness to those which are perishing. And this is why I brought to your attention the great preachers of Wales. Thou art to broadcast the preaching of Maynard James, & the passion & conviction I brought through this man of surrender.
“You see, I have brought thee to Wales to preach the gospel; to bring in the harvest from overseas into Wales, to preach the cross of Christ. I will bring those in this vision unto thee, one such man being of the Gethsemane experience, like thee, who has cried out for the valleys to come back to Me; a land that has been barren, as the hymn writer wrote. But can thou say together, ‘Open Thou the Crystal Fountain, whence the healing stream doth flow?’ The over-stretched Health Service, the social services, the benefits system, cannot provide it. Can Wales once more cry out to Me?
“Prepare for a mighty harvest. Prepare for a mighty harvest. For I am the way, the truth, & the life. No man cometh to the Father, except by Me.
“The widely used flag of Wales was defeated at Calvary. Time now to pick up the flag that represents the cross of Christ. For this army is the army of the hymn writer, ‘Marching as to war.’
“What is this army lifting up, but the place of Satan’s defeat? This is the army of the Lord. The army has a barracks. What do you think those buildings at Swansea are for? They shall be called the Swansea Barracks. This is what this is all about in Wales. Thy time has not been wasted here; & these attacks are under thy feet, in My name.
“They said they would destroy you through official channels; but I have already destroyed the one they represent. My blood was shed for that destruction; & you see, those under the flag of the defeated one, that is why they are intent on destroying things, & not wanting to build things up. They are under the standing stones & sun-worshippers of the pagan flag of Wales which they wave so proudly.
“So, the choice is clear: the seed, My Word, or this pagan flag of defeat.
“Choose thee this day whom ye will serve, Wales. For My army, the return of the sacrifice of Rees Howells, is coming to take My land.
“This has been thy preparation.”