.... he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost ,and with fire
update: 10 February 2025
Every Creature Commission TV youtube channel

True Revivalist Restoration of Holiness,
Full Surrender, and Brokenness -
"Bend Me, Bend Me" in South Wales
and Removal of the Counterfeit

"Keswick in Wales", the coming of the "Deeper Life" movement was key in the bringing to Wales the passion for revival and missionary work, the offshoot of every true outpouring of God.
Through Brian Mason, trained into intercession by Samuel Rees Howells comes an intercession to restore this "Deeper Life" heart into Wales, the present convention continuing in Llandrindod Wells a million miles away from the passion of Rev Evan Hopkins and Jesse Penn-Lewis whose "War on the Saints" publication has been well known amongst past Evangelicals. The convention played a vital role in Rees Howells life in bringing understanding of the Deep Life and moving under the instruction of the Holy Ghost, our lives not being our own BUT HIS.
It is this point that is missing from the present Keswick Convention and "Keswick in Wales". It is this point that is the fundamental reason for the Convention, and it is this point that intercession as of the Holy Ghost is poured out in this morning intercession near to the place of the original Convention.
Upholding the original vision of Rees Howells in reaching every creature with the Gospel, the Gospel of the true Bible, not the Alexandrian counterfeits of the Emerging Church.
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Intercession through Brian Mason thanking God for the life, prose and hymnwriting of William Williams, not only this but the preaching and true Methodist revival.
John Wesley records in his journals the revivalist passions of William Williams, of full surrender and the allowing of the Holy Ghost to move upon meetings. What is strange however is that after his death someone has placed an Egyptian obelisk with the doctrine of soul sleeping placed on it, a doctrine and Egyptian passion that there is no evidence for in the life of William Williams.
Below the obelisk is the original stone, a stone simple in format in line with non-conformist belief.
The establishment Church had rejected William Williams yet his earthly remains are in an establishment Churchyard under an obelisk. Clearly the establishment has had its say, but a "say" not powerful enough to bring back the heart of true revival - hence the intercession in Llandovery.
Upholding the original vision of Rees Howells in reaching every creature with the Gospel, the Gospel of the true Bible, not the Alexandrian counterfeits of the Emerging Church.
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Outside what was the Barry School of Evangelism intercession takes place to return theological training back to orthodoxy. At this very place, now a Mosque - Rev Dr Ian Paisley, former First Minister of Northern Ireland began his theological training.
The College had been founded in 1936 becoming known later as the South Wales Bible College, and then the Evangelical College of Wales being situated in Barry from 1950 to 1985. In 1985 the College moved to Bryntirion House in Bridgend in 1985 when Eryl Davies became Principal. However like so many "Christian" educational institutions the College came under the secular university system and embraced the Luciferian system of "higher criticism" that has removed orthodoxy from so many Bible Colleges and Seminaries, this institution coming under the University of Lampeter.
It is now in its critical heresy known as the Union School of Theology, this intercession being about returning it to its roots away from the god of this world, away from higher criticism to the true Bible, the AKJV.
From here Upholding the original vision of Rees Howells in reaching every creature with the Gospel, the Gospel of the true Bible, not the Alexandrian counterfeits of the Emerging Church.
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Intercession takes place through Brian Mason outside the former Barry Dock offices by the statue of Victorian engineer Barry Davies.
In amongst his continuous engineering achievements, Barry Davies was a generous giver to the true Methodist cause encouraging his workers to shun alcoholism and attend Chapel.
This intercession goes to the heart of this, for those called of God to return Wales to the Methodist revival cause, to the teaching and preaching of holiness, the deeper live to have a Wales once more shunning the drinking house to return to Christ Jesus.
Upholding the original vision of Rees Howells in reaching every creature with the Gospel, the Gospel of the true Bible, not the Alexandrian counterfeits of the Emerging Church.
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Through Brian Mason comes an intercession from the heart of God to restore to Wales the true heart of revival away from the charismatic counterfeit.
This means a coming back to the understanding of true revival that came forth from the surrender to God and passion for his call that manifest through those is set forth the heart of true revival.
Hywel Harris was certainly one who set forth such a landmark and here at the place where he brought together a Christian Community comes this intercession. Clearly Hywel Harris was a supporter of the Deeper Life teaching, so part of Methodist Revival in Wales, the holiness, the separation, the deep rooted commitment that always leads to true revival.
Such is the passion therefore of this intercession at a very special place, a place that had brought forward Christians to work together in a community, an inspiration indeed to what we are looking to achieve with the restoration of the original vision of the Bible College of Wales.
This means restoring the landmark and this College, that was Upholding the original vision of Rees Howells in reaching every creature with the Gospel, the Gospel of the true Bible, not the Alexandrian counterfeits of the Emerging Church.
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Below the family farm of William Williams is situated a chapel deep in the Welsh countryside. near Llandovery. Pentretygwyn Chapel was built and opened in 1749/50, the present chapel dating to 1840.
In celebration of the God given life of William Williams comes this intercession in view of restoring real Welsh hymn and prose writing in honour to God rather than the songs of today that honour the "I" rather than the God of Heaven.
Clearly great revival came through the heart of William, revival of full surrender and obedience to the voice of God. There is also evidence of his understanding of the finished work of Christ, one of the verses of "Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah" declaring "Thou didst conquer sin and Satan and the grave."
Upholding the original vision of Rees Howells in reaching every creature with the Gospel, the Gospel of the true Bible, not the Alexandrian counterfeits of the Emerging Church.
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Throughout the World freemasonry has been taking over and running what is known as Church, making it a highly organized, highly business like unit.
However God moves by his Spirit, his saints in full surrender declaring the LORDSHIP OF CHRIST JESUS and him alone, rejecting any idea of the coming together of all religions. This intercession at a representative Lodge in South Wales is to bring understanding of the importance of the Church being separate from such institutions, a rejection of the York Rite said to be the "Christian rite" through the Knights Templar and Knights of Malta.
It is only therefore that potential blockages are understood and removed in relation to the coming together of true revival again in South Wales can we continue.
Hence in line with Jeremiah 1:10 this intercession takes place. It is in line with this that this ministry has set up a "Ministry Centre" in Barry to reach those who need the Lord Jesus, rejected by the establishment but in Christ Jesus welcomed with open arms.
As the restoration of "General Booth", of the heart of the primitive Salvation Army Clive Bate wanders Barry with his open King James Bible to save the lost in Jesus Name.
Upholding the original vision of Rees Howells in reaching every creature with the Gospel, the Gospel of the true Bible, not the Alexandrian counterfeits of the Emerging Church.
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The Unholy Trinity of the 3 m's - Masonry, Media and Marxism is so entrenched in the culture of Wales bringing an intensity so great to the Principality that chooses Welsh speakers rather than the best person for a job.
This exclusive system has meant commonly that those who oppose the sub-culture and God calls equally those of all cultures, races, language speakers and nations, will be targeted or have their movements taken over. In building in Jesus Name therefore a ministry in Barry we in intercession lets the principalities and powers know that we are onto the system, a system that embraces or opposes.
Intercession therefore comes out at a point in Barry that looks out to the Bristol Channel and over to England. Truly Wales can be restored as a land of revival again. Upholding the original vision of Rees Howells in reaching every creature with the Gospel, the Gospel of the true Bible, not the Alexandrian counterfeits of the Emerging Church.
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Intercession takes place through Brian Mason outside Council Buildings in Barry and its Cenotaph.
Within government authorities, councils and services exists a culture of marxism, of giving with one hand, yet controlling with another and it is for the freedom of the people this intercession takes place, for the nation to return to God, to once more experience the protection of God.
Upholding the original vision of Rees Howells in reaching every creature with the Gospel, the Gospel of the true Bible, not the Alexandrian counterfeits of the Emerging Church.
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With the counterfeit Luciferian false church, commonly known as the Emerging Church zooming in on the Swansea area, a timely intercession through Brian Mason against the practice of grave soaking.
This is embraced by Bill Johnson and the emergents from Bethel California, linked to Cornerstone Singapore who have poured money into past places of revival including the refurbishment at what once was the Bible College of Wales.
In amongst their strange practices is grave soaking seemingly to soak up the anointing from the bones of past revivalists. However as Rees Howells pointed out in Africa, he could not transfer the Welsh Revival to them, it had to begin in their hearts and it is over this intercession has taken place at the grave of the Rees Howells.
Upholding the original vision of Rees Howells in reaching every creature with the Gospel, the Gospel of the true Bible, not the Alexandrian counterfeits of the Emerging Church.
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Intercession through Brian Mason right before the birthplace and home of Evan Roberts in Loughor. Here, Evan was the younger of two sons born to Henry and Hannah Roberts, a Calvinistic Methodist home, a home of devout Chapel goers.
His vision of all of Wales being lifted up to heaven is still alive, although intercessions in the area have had to come about to take on and remove from the area, an Emerging Church ideology contrary to that of the brokenness revival that came through Evan Roberts, a brokenness, a weakness that saw him led of the Holy Ghost to walking the heavenly places in Christ Jesus as an empty vessel for God to fill.
Upholding the original vision of Rees Howells in reaching every creature with the Gospel, the Gospel of the true Bible, not the Alexandrian counterfeits of the Emerging Church.
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2 Corinthians 10:7 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
7 Do ye look on things after the outward appearance? If any man trust to himself that he is Christ’s, let him of himself think this again, that, as he is Christ’s, even so are we Christ’s.
The Charismatic "Emerging Church" movement is causing great concerns to those embracing orthodox Christianity in the Swansea Area.
One such concern is Pisgah Chapel, near the home of Evan Roberts and at one time a seat of his ministry. Today it is has been taken over by those who have embraced the ethos of the Emerging Church, the Word denying, grave soaking, experiential led followers of international ideals of those of the "god of this world." Intercession is breaking this pattern.
Like the Bible College of Wales building this Chapel has been beautifully done up on the outside but has become a hornets nest of devils on the in! However as led of the Holy Ghost, Rees Howells trained Brian Mason along with David P Griffiths - of Rees Howells heritage have both stood in agreement outside the Chapel that again it can be a place of those who intercede for brokenness revival rather than manifest the strange movement of spiritually affect charismatics of rather strange and weird body movements.
It is time to return to the fundamental tenets of the faith! Upholding the original vision of Rees Howells in reaching every creature with the Gospel, the Gospel of the true Bible, not the Alexandrian counterfeits of the Emerging Church.
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First of three intercessions through Brian Mason from the pulpits of Welsh Calvinistic Methodists, this is in the Chapel from where the Welsh Revival broke out.
This revival was a heart felt conviction and surrender to the will of God, Evan Roberts and those around him being devoted to God's Word completing the demand of Galatians 2:20 to "be crucified with Christ", to live - yet not him and those around him but Christ.
It was a God sent, Christ led, Holy Ghost convicting revival that led to so many missionaries going all over the world, it led to so many receiving Christ Jesus as personal Lord and Saviour, it led to holiness along the Methodist line being part of the community, it led to captives of sin being set free, it led to so much fruit that the attack on Evan and those around him was so great.
Embracing the John Bunyan understanding of the attack against those moving in Christ, it was clear that this so anointed ministry came under such spiritual attack that the suffering for the revival was so immense, yet the fruit was so great, fruit that is still manifest today, but fruit that needs to be stirred up, the true Spirit of the Revival, of conviction of sin, of this conviction affecting the nation, it can be restored and will be restored and these intercessions give recognition of how God has used these Chapel Methodists in the past and how he can still use them in the future.
We as a ministry appeal to them with all of our love, the Charismatic stranglehold of movements that came out of the Revival is there before us.
We need to bring these movements back to the landmark Evan Roberts stood for, of Christ as the Head and we as the Body, with devotion of the study of the Word of God taking priority, the Word being of the Antioch line and not the Alexandrian, of complete trust in God's Word, of the complete openness to the Holy Ghost.
Yes, it can come back, but what needs to be understood is that there is a price to be paid. Evan paid it. Are we prepared to do the same?
Upholding the original vision of Rees Howells in reaching every creature with the Gospel, the Gospel of the true Bible, not the Alexandrian counterfeits of the Emerging Church.
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Garland, Texas -
The Welsh Revival of 1904-05 by J. Edwin Orr
Revival Is Like Judgement Day by J. Edwin Orr
Opposite Ty Lwlyd on Ebenezer Street in Newcastle Emlyn, the place where Evan Roberts began to understand the sacrificial calling on his life is Brian Mason in intercession.
The intercession has a heart felt cry to bring this understanding to us all. Interestingly enough opposite the house is a huge Congregationalist Chapel called Ebenezer showing the impact Chapel used to have on Welsh life.
It can happen again, on condition that those of us of the old time revivalist Chapel ethos are prepared to come together, in complete openness one to another, in complete sacrificial love one to another and if we do the Lord in his power will fall on us again, we being the empty vessels for God to fill, and we can witness the crystal fountain William Willams wrote about, and the whole of Wales can return to God.
Are we prepared to pay the price as Evan did?
Upholding the original vision of Rees Howells in reaching every creature with the Gospel, the Gospel of the true Bible, not the Alexandrian counterfeits of the Emerging Church.
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The heart of Evan Roberts is clearly shown by Evan after attending a meeting in this Chapel of Seth Joshua. The immense compassion of the Saviour clearly manifest through Evan in this place, a compassion we all need if we are to save our nation once more.
With this heart Brian Mason cries out in intercession, of recognition of what has in the past come through the Calvinistic Methodists in Wales, but also how it can happen again. After a 9.00 a.m. meeting with Seth Joshua in this chapel Evan Roberts wrote: Roberts wrote, ‘I felt in going to the meeting that I was compelled to pray. When the meeting commenced many prayed, and I asked the Holy Spirit, “shall I pray now?” “No” said the Spirit in answer.
Shortly some wonderful influence came over me. After many had prayed I felt some living energy or force entering my bosom, it held my breath, my legs trembled terribly; this living energy increased and increased as one after the other prayed until it nearly burst me, and as each finished I asked, “Shall I pray now?” When someone finished I prayed. My bosom boiled all through, and had it not been that I prayed, I would have burst. What boiled in my bosom? The verse, “for God commendeth His love.”
I fell on my knees, with my arms outstretched on the seat before me, the perspiration poured down my face and my tears streamed quickly until I thought that the blood came out. Soon Mrs Davies, Mona, New Quay, came to wipe my perspiration, Magdalen Phillips stood on my right, and Maud Davies on my left. It was awful on me for about two minutes. I cried – “Bend me, bend me, bend me; Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!” …
What came to mind after this was, the bending in the day of judgement. Then I was filled with sympathy for the people who will have to bend in judgement day, and I wept. Afterwards the salvation of souls weighed heavily on me. I felt on fire for going through the whole of Wales to tell the people about the Saviour.’
Upholding the original vision of Rees Howells in reaching every creature with the Gospel, the Gospel of the true Bible, not the Alexandrian counterfeits of the Emerging Church.
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Moving to bring this chapel into existence was Rev Ebenezer Richard of the Calvinistic Methodists who hailed from Tregaron, the land being provided by John Jones, a local farmer.
Here intercession takes place through Brian Mason of Welsh Rees Howells stock, in relation to the revival ethos of these Methodists not only on the 1900's revival but also of the 1700's, the chapel being situated in glorious Welsh countryside, the creation of God, to God we give the praise!
Upholding the original vision of Rees Howells in reaching every creature with the Gospel, the Gospel of the true Bible, not the Alexandrian counterfeits of the Emerging Church.
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