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Mark 16:15-20 (AKJV)

15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. 16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. 17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; 18 they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

19 So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God. 

20 And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following.


Life Changing Ministries International Church South Cheshire Trust

Charity Commission No. 1065192

The Bible College of Wales

Founded in Dumfries & Galloway in the 1920’s 

The Original Vision & ECCTV.ORG Studios

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ECCTV Ministry Centre, Barry, South Wales

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Year 2017-18: Annual Report

Year 21: 01 May 2017 to 30 April 2018:

presented by David P. Griffiths on 27th. August 2018

Part 3: The Prophecies


Trustees believe that it is important to give a clear, open and transparent understanding in our annual report, be it that activity is revelation led, understanding of the Charity therefore needing to come by revelation too in line with the British Constitutional Acts that emphasize the Spiritual before the Temporal.


There is one thing higher than Royalty: and that is religion,

which causes us to leave the world, and seek God.
Queen Elizabeth I






David Griffiths; E M Lindsay Griffiths; Clive Bate; Marjorie Beynon; Brian Mason; Haroon Masih

Council of Reference: Late Margaret Dransfield



Our Professional Team: LCMI’s books have been audited by Ms Zoe Davenport, Henry R Davies and Co Ltd., The Clwyd, 33, Chester Road W, Shotton, Queensferry, CH5 1SA.


LCMI’s Legal Affairs are dealt with in England and Wales by Dylan R Moore, David Jones Solicitors, 22, Trinity Square, Llandudno, Conwy, LL30 2RH -  ;

in Scotland by Helena G Fox, A B & A Matthews, 37, Albert Street, Newton Stewart, DG8 6EG – ;

LCMI’s Legal Affairs in relation to Overseas Sponsorship have been dealt with by Sheyanne Lee, Salam & Co Solicitors, Cassidy House, Station Road, Chester, CH1 3DH.


LCMI’s Insurance Affairs have been dealt with by Brian Gelling, G3 INSURE, Tattenhall, Chester.




Part 3: The Prophecies

On a personal note both Lindsay and I have spent hours and hours

in “trance” like states hearing from God, the cost of this being massive

as it was in the life of the Apostle Paul. The logic of God is not the

logic of man and so like others before us we have had to pay the price.


Acts 22:17-21 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

17 And it came to pass, that, when I was come again to Jerusalem, even while I prayed in the temple, I was in a trance; 18 and saw him saying unto me, Make haste, and get thee quickly out of Jerusalem: for they will not receive thy testimony concerning me. 19 And I said, Lord, they know that I imprisoned and beat in every synagogue them that believed on thee: 20 and when the blood of thy martyr Stephen was shed, I also was standing by, and consenting unto his death, and kept the raiment of them that slew him. 21 And he said unto me, Depart: for I will send thee far hence unto the Gentiles.

2 Corinthians 12:7-10 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

7 And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure. 8 For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me. 9 And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 10 Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.

Isaiah 55:8 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.

D & L G.jpg

We therefore present what we have received from God, knowing the base of these has been two massive prophecies, one in 2007 of a further 95 Theses to that was given to Luther, for as a ministry we have been called to uphold the Protestant Reformation that founded our country in God, and then in 2015 a seven year plan upheld and accepted by trustees as the way forward, a plan God is bringing together in miraculous ways despite betrayals, attacks and persecutions.

Mark 10:29-31 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

29 And Jesus answered and said, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the gospel’s, 30 but he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life. 31 But many that are first shall be last; and the last first.

2 Corinthians 12:10 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

10 Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.

The progress of the year has therefore come through personal weakness, personal inability, not personal strength or academic know-how although God has used our years and years of study for his purposes and his purposes alone in the progression of the College, the close tight knit group of trustees understanding this, an understanding the expanding groups of trustees will grasp – but it is not with personal pride we progress, but through acknowledgement of personal weakness. This places the other man before us in personal love and compassion, that love being the agape of Christ himself.

Matthew 5:3-12 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

3 Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 4 Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. 5 Blessed arethe meek: for they shall inherit the earth. 6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. 7 Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. 8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. 9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. 10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 11 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. 12 Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.

The first prophecy of the year came through Lindsay with guidance towards what was becoming a new season in God, a progression of the seven year plan.

“Mountains shall be moved & rivers flow through thy ministry [=revival: see Isaiah 64]. The things of earth shall grow strangely dim, & the foundations made by flesh shall melt away. “Lo! Here he is,” say those that follow the way of the flesh. False prophets & apostles shall arise along the way, so tread carefully with your eyes upon the Lord. He [Isaiah 58] shall guide thee continuously as the Saviour of thy soul, chief Shepherd of the flock. Never shall you lack Him as your guide, even through the valley of the shadow of death.

This emphasized revival, and the coming to a place clearly where there is to be an old time revival, with warnings of even “walking through the valley of the shadow of death”, a prophetic word indeed of a great triumph after a great battle.

“Be ye therefore very strong & courageous. Be ye holy as I am holy & move at My command. Protect the rear-guard – I will give you the strategies – as well as going before you to prepare the way. Your ministry of end-time Elijah + John the Baptist, preparing the way of the Lord as He promises to come again soon.

“Call ye, call ye upon me & ye will see miracles, as at the crossing of the Jordan, as when you proved Me in the word to you on this forthcoming election. I will provide, I will make a way in the desert. Hear My words now in this time as I open the waters before thee. I have brought thee into a new season of fruitfulness, bringing forth fruit in your season, the season of the coming of the Lord in all power & glory.

Again through Lindsay a word followed on the 11th. July, the ministry preparing for its forthcoming move to Scotland, the land of the spiritual birthplace of the Bible College of Wales.

“Look to the way forward. Lo! I come quickly, on the clouds descending in the air. Be ready to move when & where I am calling you. The Church is beheaded when it takes unnatural ‘marriage’ between man & man, woman & woman, to be as normal. I speak here of Christ & the Church, the holy bride of Christ – pure, unspotted & saved from all iniquity.

At the heart of the Christian faith is the relationship of the Bridegroom to the Bride, becoming one in marriage that produces fruit. With the nation rejecting its own Constitution, it was being obvious that the persecutions the ministry had come under were that of a rebellious and insubordinate country, that had forgotten God and the fundamental of the faith laid out in its own Coronation service.

“The tentacles of evil stretch out in every direction, to suck in & destroy the life in the Word. They ridicule the ways of the righteous, mock at & scorn the true people of a holy God. They are as bottomless pits, each one filled to the brim with iniquity.

“Do ye not know, the hand of God is stretched out in fury upon this world? That thy God is an angry & furious Lord, raging at the filth & squalor upon the earth? For the deeds of man are always evil when they shut Me out of their squalid & godless lives – existences only.

“The go from evil to evil, from defeat to defeat.

As the prophecy continued it was clear that God’s vengeance was to come.

“The inheritance of the saints in light is twofold: to be with Me, to reign with Me in glory; & to set free all those in bondage of Satan upon the whole earth.

“See! I made the heavens & the earth; & I made man in My image, fearfully & wonderfully made, higher than the angels in their closeness to Me; spirit beings, made flesh. Adam was this, & so was My Son when He came to earth as a little baby.

“He knows the terror on the earth. Satan tries to kill all such new-borns, even before birth, even before conception. It is NOT by My desire that any of these little ones should perish, but that they should be the fruit of the vine – twice-born, in the world & into My kingdom.

“I weep constantly over the abortions – broken dreams, broken lives. Read My psalms, written through My prophet David. Read what it says about marriage & family life, in Psalms 127 & 128. Where is the fruit of the womb in these last days? Lo! Children are a reward, precious fruit to be nurtured, treasured & grown to maturity in My name! Where is the nurture & admonition of the Lord? Where is the wisdom of the book of Proverbs, written for the training of children & the protection of marriage & the family?

A nation that had turned to slaughter its innocents is bound to come under God’s judgement, bound to place the blame the righteous hence the theme of persecutions not only in God’s Word, but also re-emphasized throughout this year of prophecy.

“I tell you now: nothing is hid from the prophets of God, & I will tell thee that thou will prosper & be in health as the Israelites in Egypt were, but curses are spread out upon the earth, as the scroll of curses in Zechariah, & I will not go back in My anger at the corruption of crawling, creeping things in every land (Ezekiel 8).

“Be bold to declare My Word. Do not go back. See with My eyes, feel with My heart, show compassion to My lambs, the poor & needy, but be relentless to My foes, the foe.

“Be prepared for famine & fire to come upon the earth. They have sown the wind, & reaped the whirlwind. These hurricanes are a whirlwind, but more, far worse, is to come.

A series of prophecies came through Lindsay during September. One came on a train journey to Oxford, Lindsay looking to bring together teams of intercessors around the country, a task becoming difficult for so many true Christians had been through so much, that this time to bring together dedicated teams seemed impossible.

“The world is passing away, but My Words shall never pass away. In Me is stability, a calm sea, starry night & liberty. Be not tossed around in the storm of strife, conflicting dogmas & doctrines, & every device of the enemy. The world is passing away – all who love the world & its ways are passing into an eternity in hell. Pray for & reach the lost. Seek My face always. Stay calm in the face of fear & intimidation & all the works of darkness. A defeated foe arises from the pit of hell to bring this darkness. But no darkness can ever quench My light, the light of the glorious gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

On 23rd. September word came about the selling of the ministry H/Q in Wales, the ministry being called to the place of the Bible College’s spiritual founding.

“Only stand still & see the salvation of the Lord. For My yoke is easy, & My burden is light.”

“Behold My face – for I am coming soon, with all the angels at My command. It was not My time to summon them, when I was nailed to the cross. My Father’s will was done then – salvation full & free. But now, I am coming on the clouds with thousands in attendance, in My full power & glory, to the earth.

The next day came further word about holding fast, these words bringing a determination to the ministry, right from the heart of God.

“Work with the Asians, for I am restoring through them all My riches in glory. Love them, pray for them, lean on the everlasting arms. Heal the wounded, comfort the dying, as when you were in the wars of Sri Lanka. Hesitate not! Move at My command. Listen for My instructions. Be ready to move at My command. Whatever I tell you, do. And the God of all comfort shalt be with you wherever you go.

“Shake the dust off thy feet, where there is rejection. For where they resist & revile you, they do it unto Me. While I am with you before My return on the earth, you have My sincere & loving protection – so nothing to fear, for it shall not come nigh thee!” [Psalm 91]

The same day brought a further prophecy:

“Hold fast, hold still, repent of turning away. My vastness of My kingdom of everlasting love, is so near, the time is so near of My return to the earth. The faith I find on the earth in these last days, will stand tall & strong as never before. For you will have to depend on Me as never before, & thus ye shall be sanctified & set apart, never to be defiled with the mark of the beast, the mark of corruption, the way that leads to death, & not life.

“Be ye sanctified, pure & spotless as My holy Bride the end-time Church. The way of salvation is ever the same – allow Me to cleanse you in the inner parts [Psalm 51] – no secrets must be between & among you, but perfect trust, perfect love, perfect transparency, perfect commitment to the way of the cross.

The message was becoming clear, we would not be moved by the persecutions, the threats, the betrayals, we would make it, we will see the seven year plan through. The next day summed up the peace through all this God was giving us.

“My spirit of Prayer is calling you, My child. Listen, & go with the flow of My intercessions, My spirit of prayer over the whole earth.

“I am calling thee, calling thee, gently & tenderly to My bosom, to lie on My breast & share My love for the world, as My beloved apostle John did at My redemption feast, the Last Supper.

“Defeated is the foe; the enemy is grounded on the earth & he has to flee before thee, empowered & anointed as you are, fully armed against the foe. My armour of light protects My warriors, My end-time hand-maidens, from all the works of darkness. The night has gone, the day is come, for My believers. Walk in My light, by My revelation. For nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing can confound thee or divert thee from the way, the truth & the life.

“I AM that I AM. You are standing on holy ground. This house is holy ground. My saints tread on holy ground. Cursed is the foe that mocks & abuses thee. I have built a house for thee – houses – a mansion in heaven, yes, but on the earth My palaces where My righteous ones may dwell in peace, without disturbances of ravening wolves, the ‘little foxes’ that ruin the vineyard.

“Even now, there are still places of My peace & rest. Claim them by intercession, as thou hast already accomplished. The sacred ground of the martyrs for my faith is free for thee to dwell in. This ground is un-polluted by the world.

“I weep over this weary old world. Many of the saints have grown old, but are faithful to follow Me. Yet others have fallen away; as in the parable of the sower, as it is even in these days. Lift the fallen up to Me; build up, exhort, encourage, make straight the crooked paths. Bring liberty to the captives in every place you go, where I send you.

“Fear not: only be strong & it will all come to pass in My timing. For I am the Lord of time & space. My will is done on earth as in heaven, by My obedient saints.

The rejection of the rationale of the world came forth on the 26th. and 30th. concluding these prophecies through Lindsay that were paving the way to a wonderful season to come.

“Behold! Lift your eyes to the sky & you will see Me coming on the clouds in glory; & I will raise thee up with Me, seated with Me in heavenly places by My Spirit. Stay high above the things of earth – they are not for thee, for they are passing away before your eyes. Waste no time – the coming of the Lord is shortly to take place & none can change this. Tarry not, but be doing My Word before ye are caught up to glory at My coming………….

“Only ye, My children, can pierce this veil & tear it in twain to let in the true light of My gospel. The veil lies most thickly over My people Israel. In the Temple, the veil was rent in twain upon My finished work on the cross. Rebellion against My Word has returned the veil upon the eyes of unbelievers. Even much of My so-called end-time Church is veiled in secrecy & empty ritual. When secrecy exists, sin abounds & the works of darkness are shrouded in sin. But when the truth is spoken, all darkness is exposed & destroyed, never to return.

Lindsay continued to be prolific in prophecy during October coming straight in on the 7th. to those bearing false witness through false “Bibles”:

“The heavens are My throne & the earth if My footstool. Forever I will reign on high. Yet My people have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters, & hewed for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water. Forever My Word is settled in heaven; yet symbols, secret signs, false oath-swearers & traitors abound; perjurers who swear falsely, oath-breakers & those who take My name in vain.

“False scriptures abound, & false teachers, spies & infiltrators who despise My Word & mock My people.

“What is to be the end of these things? Destruction & death follow on the heels of deception. Treachery always ends in violence.

“My vengeance is swift. In these last days upon the earth, sin is everywhere. It always was, but as in the days of Noah, so it will be before the coming of the Son of Man.”

On the 12th. day came a call to sanctification:

“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem – speak ye comfortable to Israel. I have cleansed & healed My flock & made them one: Jew & Gentile, bond & free, one body, one faith, one Spirit, the Spirit of God the Creator, King of Heaven & earth.

“Therefore they chose a king of flesh & not spirit – to be as the others round about. Big mistake, for so they rejected Me. Be ye sanctified anew this day, as in the days of Hezekiah. For he saw that the Lord does not look on the outward appearance & the empty rituals of man – only on the heart.

“Amos & Joel said ‘Rend your hearts & not your garments’ & return to Me with all of your hearts, & I will set you free.

“Your heart was touched by all the people rejected, despised, bound by the devices of the enemy. But all My people have left My synagogue – My coming together - & followed after the flesh, eating things sacrificed to idols, worshipping the things of the flesh, even other men & women whom they call ‘celebrities.’ What about the celebrating of your Lord, to whom every knee shall bow?

“What about the sacrifice He alone made, the atoning blood of the Lamb, slain from the foundation of the world? What about the harvest of souls, awaiting the return of their Lord? ‘Thousand thousand saints adore thee,’ goes the hymn. Saints around the throne of God, worshipping Him for evermore.

“Sanctify thyselves this day. Harden not your hearts, for this suffering & privation is a temporary thing, sent by Me to try & test you. Ye shall come forth like gold, pure & shining & tested to the limit to withstand these dark days of persecution, famine & the sword.

“Many will come in My name. false idols abound, treachery is all around. It is like the Slough of Despond in My story. One step off the path & you are lost – even for eternity.

This was continued the next day, the 13th. relating the sanctification process to the rightful place of the remnant:

“All over this world, saith the Lord, I have My people, My heavenly host, seated with Me in heavenly places & feasting at the table of My Word.

“I brought them to My banqueting table & My banner over them is love.

“Beneath the host of My priests & Levites who soar with Me in heavenly places, I have set others who are rich in mercy, truth & peace. They are comforted by My Word & My presence. They rejoice & encourage them-selves in the ways of their God. There is no going back for them; they have decided to follow Jesus.

“This is My remnant: faithful & true as I am, who will survive great persecution & famine & still come out in victory. Others shall fall at their side in vast numbers – but they will be in My heavenly armour, & in heavenly places with Me, far above all principality & power. Singleness of heart, singleness of purpose, is theirs. Unique saints, made to fulfil My purposes before they go to glory, they are scattered across the earth like a sowing of seed bearing great fruit of end-time revival before the coming of the Lord.

“Reach out to each other & link up in My name, as a golden chain of command across the earth & you will sweep all before you in victory!

“Be ye holy as I am holy, & move only at My Word so that you stay at My side, strong & protected in Me.”

On the 18th. October God was dealing with Lindsay as to why we were not experiencing revivals and miracles as in other countries:

“Go with My blessing today, My child. Go in victory. Go in strength. For where I AM, ye are also. Nothing can come against you & stand, as long as you are in Me & I in thee. Wherever the enemy comes against you in mind or body or feelings & emotions, sanctify yourself. Be ye washed in My Word & led by My spirit & the enemy cannot come near thee.

“Sanctify yourselves (Joshua 3:5), & tomorrow I will do wonders among you.”

 [N.B. This is the reason we & others e.g. Asians in Oxford have not yet seen wonders in meetings of the sort seen in A A Allen’s ministry – need first to be sanctified!]

Lindsay at this time was looking to bring teams of intercessors together all over the UK and was willing to travel to share this vision, but what was being found was that the Church had come under so much attack over the last years, that there was a weariness, clearly a time to stir up the Lord declared to Lindsay, a practice ongoing.

The lost need to be reached, and funding obtained so word was given over one way as to how this can be done:

“We launch a ministry under the title: ‘Silver & Gold have I None’ Ministries. This ministry runs crusades, meetings & rallies, right across London & beyond, offerings being taken to cover costs, & the funding of these 2 ministries, as the Lord leads in given circumstances.

“None of the ministers are to personally make money out of this. It is all to go into the cause of reaching every creature with the gospel, & setting the captives free.

“Now, the meetings of this ministry have a twofold purpose, outside of funding these ministries:

“(1) Setting the captives free from the false prosperity doctrine, the health & prosperity of III John 2 being within the context of having the resources & health to reach every creature (you need the two). It is not for personal material gain; hence ‘Silver & Gold have I None.’

“The second-fold is in the context of ‘Such as I have, give I thee; in the name of Jesus of Nazareth.’ Within this comes the demonstration of miracles, not only in the context of funding thy television ministries, but in major demonstration just as occurred in the Acts of the Apostles.

“The ministry will draw apostles & prophets as foundations to bring stability, not only in finances, for offerings will be great in these meetings, but also in doctrine, the people enrolling into courses of the College, so as to keep them firmly in the Word of God.

“Now practically, be prepared for the ministry to get very big. Day by day submission to Me – I will direct thy path without stress & strife; but just know, the ministry will become very big. Be calm & relaxed; I will direct thy paths. Simply write down what I am calling you to do, tick off when you have done it. You will see My joy manifest among you, seeing the great harvest of souls come in, & Christians set free from the stronghold of the ‘Emerging Church.’”

Towards the end of November, on the 30th. came a word to me in relation to my old Headmaster Charles Oxley, also in relation to Geoffrey Dicken M.P. and Mary Whitehouse, the great moral campaigner.

“The Puritans can never be defeated in Great Britain, for it is only they that uphold the Constitutional Acts of the nation. It is only they who expose the deep-rooted sin of a nation; not from the base of personal purification, but from the base of having been washed clean by the blood of the Lamb. The old tricks of trying to smear the lives of Puritans can never succeed because of that blood. Holiness & purification therefore comes through having been refined by fire, something those in Parliament know little about.

“The protection of the blood of the Lamb is one which thy enemies cannot break through. It is therefore with confidence that you can say that what Oxley, Dicken & Whitehouse found out, is still very much on the agenda, God’s agenda. For it is only Puritans who can have a rightful place in the House of Commons & the House of Lords, for all those without the blood are now facing judgement.

“My warning in the 95 Theses of 2007 is very clear, & at this time of the anniversary of the Reformation, a Reformation that continues in relation to the restoration of Puritanism, then you are to uphold the Puritan banner. “Onward, Christian Soldiers” will be the cry, as the truth about innocent child abuse comes out.

“A Parliament that upholds, allows & indeed increases the death & suffering of children in the womb, as well as the sexual abuse of children outside the womb, is one that must face the ultimate judgement. For whatever a man will sow, so shall he reap.

“The Marxists will try & smear the lives of the Puritans, taking the letter of their laws, rather than the heart of the Constitutional Acts of Great Britain, for with Marxism the law kills & destroys, whereas the spirit of the Puritanical Constitutional Acts of Great Britain bring forth life, health & peace.

“The Puritans are not fooled by the so-called negotiations of the EU, which are a front to hide the sins of European governments. The Puritans know the resources belong to them, not to kill the innocent child in the womb, or sexually abuse the child outside the womb. The resources are there to teach the people of the Christ; of the Christ who died & rose again. For it is only with the shedding of blood that there is remission of sin.

“Print out again the 95 Theses of 2007 along with this prophecy, & tell the people that Oxley, Dicken & Whitehouse were right, & that those at the bottom of the poll are in reality at the top of the poll; for the last shall indeed be first, to bring forth life, rather than the death of the present political system, based on apparent individual self-righteousness, which is the root of Marxism, rather than the blood of the Lamb.

“The warning is clear in the Theses: Beware, Great Britain! Who hath bewitched you? The findings of Oxley, Dicken & Whitehouse are clear. The truth of what they found out is now in the open.”

During the summer of 2007, at the point of this 2017 prophecy, just over ten years on, God had me wake in the night with great prophetic insights to expose the evil that had infiltrated our Nation (U.K.) & its Constitutional “Church”.

What is important here, is that with nations now facing judgment that at the time of delivery of these theses, they were widely ignored, prophecy despite of Biblical warnings being widely ignored in Britain.

On three separate nights I awoke, my wife Lindsay writing down what God was saying with our Lord’s instruction as to the method in which we were to spiritually plant Theses on representative ministries that had moved away from their original call – had moved away from what God had originally instructed – this activity bringing in a judgment on a nation allowing Roman Catholic ideals and false doctrines to infiltrate what was once a great Protestant country.


On this door in Wittenberg, Germany Martin Luther nailed his God given challenge to the Roman Catholic Establishment Church on 31st. October 1517. 7 x 70 years later God ordained me to place a further 95 Theses spiritually on doors of U.K. denominations & Church groupings bowing down to the same order Luther stood against.



Thursday 26/07/07


27 June 2009: These theses are to be understood within the context of Galatians 2:20 – the natural man dead to self and God within springing up; John 7:38-39. The natural mind will rebel against these theses – the Spirit of God will bring conviction, however to repent.


“THESES (1): Thou hast embraced Egypt, the bondwoman, rather than the everlasting covenant of the Lord thy God.


“THESES (2): Thou hast embraced the Alexandrian scriptures of bondage rather than the blood covenant of the Lord thy God.


“THESES (3): Thou hast embraced the line of bondage rather than the line of Abraham’s natural son.


“THESES (4): Thou hast sought to do things thy way, rather than through the revelation of the Lord thy God.


“THESES (5): Thou hast not embraced the apostolic mantle of thy forefathers as I have caused thee to do. Remove not the ancient landmark.


“THESES (6): Thou art to speak the words of the Lord thy God, rather than the words of reason & intellect. The methods of higher criticism are cursed: remove them from the training of thy students.


“THESES (7): Remove hermeneutics for the revelation of Me, the Great I AM.


“THESES (8): Stand fast in the revelation I have given thee: the revelation of the martyrs’ blood speaks through the Authorised Version of 1611.


“THESES (9): Take heed not of the social conditions. My Word can not be returned void.


“THESES(10): My prophet has spoken to thee yet thou hast not given heed: & so My wrath is upon thee, & thou art as rags before Me. As I spoke through General Booth, to cry out ‘Blood & Fire’, thou art to return to the same cry, whatever thy movement be – for He was sent to make all men rich in Me.


“THESES (11): Thou art to return to the old paths. I have seen thy entertainment shows on a Sunday, & I am not pleased. I require the heart of conviction to return to thy praise singing.


“THESES (12): Thou hast failed to recognise that Britain is Church & state together. This means it is obligated under law to obey My Word. Yet it has brought in laws which are not of Me: laws that kill & maim, rather than emanate the blood of the Lamb. Yet thou hast stood silent as the nation has stood under the paths of judgement. ‘Cry aloud & spare not’ is My cry. Yet thou hast stood by & allowed the nation to wallow in sin. Thou art to bring back the family of Mum & Dad under God, in holy matrimony – that is, holy covenant. Thou art to proclaim to homosexuals the error of their ways, & to introduce them to a Saviour Who holds out His arms to the repentant sinner. To the paedophile, thou art to cast out the curse of Molech from a nation that slaughters its innocents through the ungodly curse of abortion.


“THESES (13): Thou hast allowed the nation to come under the curse of Rome, rather than the Commonwealth of nations I have given thee.


“THESES (14): The fish in the sea will return as the nation repents before Me.


“THESES (15): A word to the theological colleges: Cast out the bondwoman of Egypt: that is, the new translations, which have no root in Me. My true Word has been preserved & purified seven times, authorised by King James. Have no other. Do not say, ‘There may be textual difficulties’ – for this is My bloodstained Word. In the words of the song sung through Smith Wigglesworth ‘Only Believe.’


“THESES (16): ‘The Word of the Lord is a strong tower’ – but as thou hast moved away, & taken the movements away from this cover, thou must now pay the price.


“THESES (17): Thou hast changed the words in thy hymn-books from the words given to the saints. Thou art to return to the original versions, as in ‘Guide me, O Thou Great Jehovah,’ thou art to include the words ‘Thou hast conquered sin & Satan & the grave.’


“THESES (18): Thou art in great danger by not following Me. Thou art to have thy complete trust in Me.


“THESES (19): The ‘Every Creature Commission’ given to Rees Howells is to be embraced by all of My Church. Every creature must be reached with the gospel rather than the ‘a’ or ‘an’ “gospel” of the new translations.


“Within these theses is a warning to thy nation to turn back to the Risen Christ, removing the Gnostic abominations, which thou hast called a Bible. Just as in My original theses given through Luther, thou art to cut all links with what is known as the Roman Catholic Church – i.e. thou art not to embrace a separate priesthood which is known as Pentecostal denominations as “Leadership.” There is only one priesthood in the New Testament.


“THESES (20): Thou art no longer to suppress the gifts in the Church, in fear of offending people; for I am the Giver of the gifts.


“THESES (21): Triumph over adversity, rather than bow down to the system.


“THESES (22): As these things are being written, so many acres of farmland in Britain are under water, placing a great strain on the finances of the nation. Return to the Book of the Coronation, & thou shalt be free from the curse of the Law.


“THESES (23): I hold your nation to every word spoken at the coronation of thy monarch.


“THESES (24): Thou hast removed the monarch in favour of apparent democracy, when thy nation has never ever been called to have its own choice. Thy nation is a nation under God: a theocracy rather than a democracy.


“THESES (25): Thou hast served a self-pleasing people, rather than a life-giving God that gave His Son, Jesus.


Explanatory Note: “There will now be theses in relation to specific parts of the nation. The next group of theses is for Scotland.


“THESES (26): Thou hast witnessed revival in the past. Do not come under this curse known as “contemporary Church” which refuses to use the language of old. Thy eldership must ensure that secularism, that is, reason, does not enter My precious Church.


“THESES (27): Thou hast an abomination at Dunkeld, which thou must remove.


“THESES (28): Thou must remove all signs of the occult from thy buildings, & all signs of superstition & unbelief. Thy capital has become a Sodom & Gomorrah, its festival emphasising paganism rather than Me.


“THESES (29): Thy nation in the past has stood against the inroads of Rome. Make sure that thou stands faithful to this call.


“THESES (30): The 1700 Act of Settlement is to be retained in thy nation, including the Act of Union – the union not being one with England, but with Me. For in Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek, male nor female, or Scot or Sassenach.


“THESES (31): As thou hast stood against Catholicism in the past, so thou must stand today against its infiltration into the affairs of state. Thy parliament in Edinburgh is an abomination to Me, as it seeks to pass laws in contravention to the Holy Scriptures, so it lies in your capital city as a symbol of the curse upon thy nation. Thy elections will never run smoothly whilst you continue in your act of rebellion to the Act of Union. Thou will never have a Flower again, whilst one rebels against the covenant the Reformation fathers fought for.  


“THESES (32): I have called thy nation to be a nation of Covenanters, & now the nation must bear the consequences of breaking its covenant with Me.


“The next series of theses are for Wales.


“THESES (33): Thou must reject the dragon: Thou must reject the dragon! For whilst you have the symbol of defeat upon thy flag, so thou wilt be reliant on hand-outs to fulfil the affairs of state.


“THESES (34): Thou hast moved from being a nation under God, to being a nation under Roman control.


“THESES (35): Thou hast used holy ground that had restrictions & covenants upon it, to build secular & religious abominations within what were known as chapels. Repent before Me, & rebuild these chapels of glory.


“THESES (36): Thou hast changed the valleys from being the valleys of song to Me, to being alleyways of devils.


“THESES (37): Thou still hast in thy midst some of the miners of old, who used to sing praises to Me. I hear no more the heart of the miner, but instead see so-called churches of secular humanism & despair. I refer your nation to Deuteronomy 28, & declare your nation to be cursed with a curse, for not continuing the revival of Moriah, & before that, of William Williams.


“THESES 38: Your nation sings ‘Bread of Heaven’ at the Millennium Stadium, yet waves a symbol which William Williams would not tolerate. Return to the flag of David, or be cursed with a curse that your European Community will not be able to get you out of.


“THESES (39): Your National Eisteddfod is a disgrace to Me, at which you seek to honour the works of man, rather than the bloodstained pages of Holy Scripture. Your bardic abominations are seen before Me as a symbol of your adherence to the dragon, who is destined for everlasting torment in the pit of hell. I implore you to restore the ancient wells of Christianity; remove the high altars from thy cathedrals, remembering children of God to be the holy temples of the Lord.


“For the nation of Ireland:


“THESES (40): I have called all of Ireland into this covenant: I see no division between North & South. Patrick was neither Catholic nor Protestant. He was the portrayer of sound doctrine for the whole of the island of Ireland. His doctrine of the Godhead was correct, & I have called this island of Ireland to be portrayers of sound doctrine. But in the South, thou hast allowed in the doctrines of Rome, & built up altars to false gods. And in the North, I have brought together the leaders of nationalism & the leaders known as Protestant.


“As thou accepts, & receives, the bloodstained pages of the Authorised Version, thou wilt see that the doctrine of Patrick can only be supported through the bloodstained pages authorised by King James. The Catholic translations are not in line with this doctrine.


“I call the whole of Ireland to come back to this doctrine of Patrick.


“The next series of theses is for England.


“THESES (41): Your Parliament is known as the mother of parliaments. There are those who have associated the genealogy of your monarch back to David. Along with Scotland, Ireland & Wales, you have sent missionaries all over the world – yet now, you are a nation full of fear & despondency. I am calling your parliament once more to restore the powers given to Wales & Scotland back to Westminster; the affairs of Ireland, though being administrated in Ireland, coming once more under the monarch, the monarch not being seen as Queen or King of England, but of the lineage of David, in holy covenant with Me.


“The people of Southern Ireland must decide whether to come under this, or the curse of the bondwoman.


“THESES (42): Thou art sitting on a time-bomb of racial hatred & mistrust. Thou must re-establish your Constitution & declare Jesus as being the only way to God. Hence, you say in your rituals, “Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.


“THESES (43): Thou art to restore the House of Lords & the House of Bishops back to its original state. Warn the politicians: “Do not touch the landmark of your Constitutional Acts.”


“Give warning to Charles not even to think about changing the Act establishing the Coronation Oath (1689).


“THESES (44): I have called thy nation to be politically incorrect in the world. Thy nation is called to be the manifestation of I, the Great I AM. Thou art to repent of the sins of thy forefathers that suppressed & hurt the peoples of the Empire, & at the same time thanking God for the blessings of the Empire.


“For I have caused thee to have an economic covenant with the Commonwealth of nations that brings about a COMMON WEALTH - & thou art to trade in holy covenant rather than the binding & controlling clutches of the Treaty of Rome.


“THESES (45): Thou hast removed the landmark of a Protestant nation by failing to act upon the foundations of your forefathers. Your nation is under flood, debt & despair. Why not come back to Me, so that I may give thee life?”


PART 2: WEDNESDAY 01 08 07


“THESES (46): Thy festivals are a disgrace unto Me; wandering around, wondering what to buy. Thy Christmases are to worship other gods, far from Me. Easter is a pagan festival, uncalled for by My Word. What I require is your 24-hour attention to My words. Attend to My words: they are life to those who find; healing to thy flesh; & peace to thy hearts.


“What do thy festivals do? Bring stress & death. My Word brings life.


“THESES (47): Thy Sundays are an abomination to Me. Thou art to close down all things except the very essential services to the elderly & the infirm, & bring the whole nation unto God, the Creator of heaven & earth.


“THESES (48): Thou art to remove all learning in your schools which is not of Me; for unless I am seen as Creator of all things, then learning is folly.


“THESES (49): Thou art to remove honour from those who do not trust in Me; for unless I am seen as the Giver of gifts, then an honour to celebrate human achievement is folly.


“THESES (50): Thou art to move into my presence as a nation. Great Britain has been chosen to be a spiritual example to the world, & I am returning thee back to the paths of thy forefathers. The ancient landmarks of My Church must be restored.


“I am causing thee to remove the pagan barriers; to remove the blots from thy landscapes – like standing stones, & white chalk men, etc. etc.


“Fear not for the outrage this will evoke; for My nation is called to follow Me, not those who worship earth in itself.


“THESES (51): Witchcraft again is to be a crime in thy land – a land which is dedicated to Me, not to the pantheistic gods of a devil who is determined to imitate Me.


“His deception is often subtle, yet surprisingly obvious on so many occasions.


“THESES (52): Thou art to recognise those suffering from mental illness, as opposed to criminality. I have given thee authority over all spirits of the underworld. Thou art to cast out spirits, & set men free. (Mark 16)


“THESES (53): Thou hast been right in exposing the Alexandrian scriptures: the so-called “new translations” are an abomination of hell that depicts My Word in a way that apparently pleases all.


“I am a jealous God, & will not tolerate that intrusion into society. I am declaring all theology degrees based on these new translations as null & void, meaning thy teachers have no right to teach children, thy lecturers have no right to teach students. These have to be replaced by those that have dedicated their lives to Me, who will proclaim the message ‘Ye must be born again.’


“THESES (54): I am declaring My Church to be those who have dedicated their lives to Me. Thine altars in thine great cathedrals are an abomination to Me. I have not caused thee to bow down to altars of gold, brass & stone, but rather recognise that thy bodies are the temple of the Holy Ghost, meaning that I reign within true believers. So rip down these altars of Satan, & recognise that Jesus is Lord.


“THESES (55): Thou art to rid thy land of political correctness. Thou art not permitted to say in the Church that ‘we believe this, & we believe that,’ but are to emphasise My Word as being fact, not simply a belief on its own.


“For example, thou art to say ‘God created the heavens & the earth,’ not ‘I believe that God created…’


“Thou art to proclaim that Jesus is Lord, not ‘I believe that Jesus is Lord;’ it is a statement of fact, whether you believe it or not.


“THESES (56): I will promote those who don’t know over those who do; for those who do not know will bring the affairs of state to Me, & I will direct thy paths. The steps of a righteous man are ordered of the Lord.


“Thy Queen is to be an empty vessel for Me, rather than a figurehead of government. Constitutionally, I am to give direction as to whether the Queen should sign acts of Parliament or not.


“Constitutionally, all acts that have been signed under government direction are not acts at all; constitutionally, your nation is a nation under God, your Queen being an empty vessel for My will to manifest.


“THESES (57): Thou art to bring to justice those that have brought in laws contrary to My Word. There is to be special punishment & wrath upon those who have slaughtered innocents, & upon those who have allowed the abomination of mankind to manifest. To avoid My wrath, I call thee to repent, & change thy ways.


“THESES (58): A nation on its knees is a nation at ease.


“THESES (59): There is to be a time of mourning for thy sins. Instead of thy Christmases & thy Easter, I am calling thee to call a day of fasting before Me as an acknowledgement that thou hast repented as a land & nation.


“THESES (60): Thou art to move ahead as directed by My Spirit, rather than thy intellect. I have caused there to be politicians prepared to give their lives for the nation, rather than to go after personal gain.


“Make sure that thy politicians stand for Parliament with a heart of dedication & submission to God, recognising that thy nation is a theocracy – a nation under God, with empty vessels as its Parliament, Assembly & council members.


“THESES (61): Thy seats of government are to recognise that I am the potter, & thou art the clay.


“THESES (62): The abomination of the EU is to be removed from all aspects of government, for thou art to be a nation under God. Amongst nations thou hast called to be a Commonwealth of nations – the emphasis on the word being Common Wealth.


“THESES (63): Thou art to remove all other gods from these nations. The tsunami was a sign of My wrath towards nations who have submitted themselves towards other gods.


“Thou art experiencing natural disasters yourselves; for unless your nation returns unto Me, these disasters will increase. Thy crops will be ruined, & there will be famine upon thy land, which the EU funds will not be able to cope with.


“THESES (64): I warn all those who laugh & scorn at My theses shall have no place in My kingdom.


“THESES (65): Thou art to teach thy children the story of Noah as fact; that Jonah did exist, & enter a big fish. My Word must be taken as truth, & must not be kept under textual criticism.


“THESES (66): In the same manner as Islamic ‘nations’ protect their ‘Word,’ how much more should thou protect My Word, given unto thee.


“Thou must make it an offence to question My Word, for My Word is the stability of thy nation.


“THESES (67): I speak to all those who see themselves as Church leaders: I have seen thy colleges & universities questioning My Word, & I have rejected thee from My kingdom. Unless I witness true repentance, there will be a place for thee in eternal damnation.


“Thou must not question My Word; only believe it.”


“I am causing My nation to protect My Word; & all the Alexandrian counterfeits to be burned on bonfires throughout the whole nation. Hallelujah! My Word once more is to be restored to My land.


“There will be no excuses of it being old English, etc. etc. For thus saith the Lord: it is neither old English nor modern English: it is the language of heaven.


“THESES (68): These theses are to be placed on denominational & “Church” groupings’ doors throughout the whole of thy land. And as these theses are pinned upon the door, so this will mark the beginning of a judgement & wrath that is not of human dimension, but of Me.


“Do not look to blame man; for this is a time of self-examination before Me; a time to die to self-motivations, & a time to repent before my throne.


“THESES (69): Thou art to institute the five-fold ministry: of prophets & apostles, the foundations of the Church, Jesus Christ Himself being the Chief Cornerstone. (Those with NIVs – do not dare to refer to Me as capstone, for thy ‘Jesus’ is a counterfeit of the One who is equal in substance to the Father. For your NIV has described its Jesus as the capstone unable to grasp equality with the Father. I cause thee to repent of having such an abomination before Me).


“THESES (70): There is to be a time of reflection upon My Word. My Authorised Version, or KJV as it is called in America, includes the word ‘Selah;’ reflect, meditate on My Word. Instead of going through your nonsense of Easters & Christmases, call a day of reflection upon My Word. Gather round a family Bible: Mum & Dad, & the children.


“Those living in sin, recognise the error of thy ways; for there is no such thing as a partner relationship in My kingdom. For I have ordained marriage between a man & a woman to bring forth children built up in My Word. There is no place in My Word for those who live together as a partnership, whether they be man & woman, woman & woman, or man & man.


“THESES (71): I am not pleased with the displays of sodomy in thy streets. I have not changed; for the sin of Sodom yesterday is the sin of Sodom today.


“THESES (72): There is to be a great crying out before Me. I cause thee to put into action the clauses of these theses: for a nation once again to be at peace with itself.


“THESES (73): There is to be a famine upon this land unless thy keep the demands of My Word within thy hearts & minds.


“THESES (74): Thou shalt not have a Queen on ‘Christmas Day’ give a message of goodwill to the Commonwealth, when these nations are far away from Me. Instead, thou shalt have a Queen that calls for national repentance – a day of mourning of thy sin.


“THESES (75): Speak to the islands around thy coasts to come alive, & bear the fruits of revival.


“I speak to the land of the Hebrides to once more bear the fruit of revival. The Kirk of Barvas is once more to be a shining light to the world, having removed the transgressions of false translations But this revival shall be so much bigger than the past one; for it shall reach the ‘Catholic islands’ of the south, & publicans shall once again say that ‘truly, our trade has gone.


“THESES (76): I cause the Island of Orkney to repent of its transgression, its darkness of witchcraft.


“I cause the Isle of Man to remove its swastika of unbelief. Just as I have caused the people of Wales to remove the symbol of the dragon, so I am calling thee to remove the symbol of hatred & unbelief.


“To the islands of Scilly, to the Channel Islands, to the Isle of Wight: think not that I have forgotten thee, but come to Me with all thy hearts, & receive My rest.


“To all the outer isles on the coast of western Scotland: I have seen thy passion towards apparent ‘churchgoing;’ receive My passion to become sons of God, led by the Spirit of God.


“To the island of Iona, I say: remove thy pagan altars, & restore the apostolic mantle of Columba.


“To Holy Island, the Farne Islands: remember thy past, & do not move into the realm of modern theology based on the questioning My Word, but remember the dedication of thy forefathers.


“To the islands off the coast of Ireland: Rathlin, the Aran Isles, etc.: remember, thou hast not been called to be centres of religion, dead observance – but centres of dedication to the Living God.


“To the islands off the coast of Wales: Anglesey, Holy Isle, Bardsey & Ramsey, Skomer, etc., etc.: remember the dedication of the forefathers. And I speak to Anglesey to rid the land of its Druid past.


Continued on Tuesday, 07 August 2007


“THESES (77): Sacrifice: those who have sacrificed, shall gain. Those called into My ministry have sacrificed everything for Me. They shall gain the promised land.


“But woe unto those who have chosen My ministry as a career, in the same way as a man should choose a secular job. They shall be found out.


“THESES (78): Woe unto those who have seen their denomination as being My Church: for the Church is My body.


“Thy idol has been removed.


“THESES (79): Warn those with “Bibles” that hath the word “blood” removed: thou art in danger of eternal fire.


“This is the day of judgement for those who have refused to accept My Word. Your intellect will take you to hell. Your sacrifice will bring you to heaven.


“THESES (80): I speak to those who would call themselves My Church. Do not have opinion on political & ethical matters. Do not have opinion on the situation in the Middle East. Simply remember My everlasting covenant with My children Israel – for if ye are Christ’s, ye are Abraham’s seed (Gal.3).


“THESES (81): The Church is the fulfilment of Israel, not the replacement.


“THESES (82): Under your Constitutional Acts, the Church & state are one together. Make sure you are one with Me, & cease to have tine own opinion.


“THESES (83): Make sure thou dost not question My theses, or question the heart of My prophets; for as in days of old, I speak today through those chosen of Me to be My prophets. Make sure thou dost not intellectualise what they have to say; for those who are led by the Spirit of God, are the sons of God.


“THESES (84): Thou hast seen amazing things in these days. My prophets have been called to inform the world of impending judgement. The flood of Boscastle was a warning to a Church that had blasphemed My Word. Make sure My Word is presented as Holy Writ before thy congregations.


“THESES (85): My prophets are giving warning of the false doctrines of the “new translations.” Make sure thou hast seen the light, & take the warning of the Council of Nicaea; for “Bibles” without the word “begotten” in John 3:16 are not Bibles at all.


“THESES (86): Suffer little children to come unto Me, for of such is the kingdom of God. Restore childhood in your nation; replace evil computer games, over-sophisticated television programmes, with the likes of “Andy Pandy,” “Bill & Ben,” & “Tales of the Riverbank.” Let children be children again. Tell them the stories of Jesus. Sing the lovely hymns which I have ordained for children – hymns that have not been copyrighted for earthly gain, but hymns & choruses that have come from the heart of God. Thou must never copyright the heart of God. Let children be children again.


“THESES (87): Mothers. Look after thy children. Do not regard them as commodities one can place into the care of others.


“THESES (88): Thou shalt protect thy children as a nation, & make them children again. For of such is the kingdom of heaven.


“Woe unto them who have tried to make children sophisticated; for I have called children to enjoy the simple things of life.


“I have ordained Sunday school teachers to work with parents who are ordained to bring up a child in the training & nurture of the Lord. I hath ordained a physical correction; for without this a child will have no comprehension of what is wrong; for this correction is one of love, rather than punishment. Removing the correction has resulted in your overflowing prisons in your land, combined with the effects of your evil computer games, & the like.


“My warning to the Church is that unless you teach the wisdom of Proverbs, you will never train parents to bring up children.


“THESES (89): I give warning to those who see themselves as Church, who obey the latest brand of political correctness before My Word: My Word can not be returned void. But if you, as a “Church,” choose to accept the latest brand of ungodly laws, then thou wilt be seen as a harlot before Me.


“THESES (90): A law in your nation is not a law unless it is consistent with My Word; for thy Queen has sworn to keep the laws of God.


“In these remaining theses I am calling thee to reflect on My Word; to have a time reflecting on what I have said, showing that thou hast not come under the bondage of slavery, but hath been freed by My precious blood.


“THESES (91): Woe unto those who have sought to make commercial gain out of My Word. A consecrated life gives all unto Me.


“THESES (92): What I give, the whole world must know without copyright restriction. For My Word is in the public domain.


“Woe unto those with “Bibles” that maintain the little ‘c.’ – unless it be of My crown, which is under Me.


“THESES (93): As I have shown in this prophetic word, the affairs of thy state are the affairs of My Church. My Church is to ensure government honours that which I have said. And as My Church comes to gather before Me, so the nation must stop all but essential services. Thy television & radio must not show anything remotely secular, for I am calling thy nation back to its Sabbath rest.


“Football & cricket shall cease, to be replaced by times around the family Bible, which is to be the centre point of every home in your land, if thou art to be a nation before Me again.


“THESES (94): God does not live in altars made with hands; for My true Church is the temple of the Holy Ghost.


“THESES (95): I John 4:4 ‘Greater is He who is in you than he that is in the world.’ I have already won the victory over the god of this world. Let those of his intellect shout & scream; for they intimate the preparation for an eternity in hell.


“Repent of thy intellect & come unto Me; for I am the God who shed his blood for thee.


These are the theses which I have called thee, David, to deliver to denominational & leadership doors throughout thy nation. I will provide thee means for these to be delivered. Make sure thou dost not get involved in earthly conversation, but speak out from thy heart the true word of the gospel, remembering that the vilest offender who truly believes, that moment from Jesus a pardon receives. “And this applies to thy nation, on condition that thy nation repents before Me – then I will pardon thy land from the torment it is now under. “This is the end of the theses.”

Prophecy continued into the New Year 2018 particularly in relation to the moving of the charity’s headquarters from North Wales to Whithorn in Scotland. The years in North Wales had been under severe persecution from the “Deep State”, we being threatened by text to be destroyed through official channels. Legal case after legal case followed in dramatic style placing us personally under threat, and the ministry’s finances under severe strain.

All this occurred with warnings from a Senior CID Officer that even though I (after giving a Police interview) walked in high places, that there were those in high places with an agenda against us.

If only we were the only ones! Ministries like ours all over the country are under severe persecution, only those of the old paths, standing not only for the Elizabethan Landmark of our nation that includes the Knoxian landmark of Scotland, but for the landmark of movements too.

Isaiah 58:12 King James Version (KJV)

12 And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in.

Jeremiah 6:16 King James Version (KJV)

16 Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.

God had spoken to Rees Howells in the 1920’s to start the Bible College of Wales, the Deep State even then coming against this call continually as it has with us, this Deep State being bound by Roman Catholic ideology alien to the Constitutional Acts of our nation, hence the Bible College being in process of producing a course exposing this worldwide domination and infiltration.

Through Lindsay came this word on the 9th. January. Where we were moving to was not only Scotland’s “Cradle of Christianity, it was the seat of the Covenanters, major victims of the “Deep State” that desired that they conform to its controls through a Pharisaic Priesthood rather than believe in the Royal Priesthood of Believers. Rees Howells had seen a copy of the Solemn League and Covenant and God told him to fight this “Deep State” with all of his heart, and God told us to do the same, but this time from the place of the greatest Christian martyrdoms in the whole of the UK and return the resources stolen by the “Deep State” to the stake of sacrifice from where God has called us to cling.

On the 9th. February God gave this word through me:

“As John the Baptist was to Elijah, so art thou carrying the mantle of Ninian & Columba to these shores.

“These were apostles of the highest order, who thwarted enemy plan after enemy plan against them; & so art thou, in the southernmost parts of Scotland & Ireland, setting up a beacon for the mantle of Ninian & Columba.

“Now, Ireland indeed has a mantle of Patrick to be proclaimed too; a Patrick not of Romanist descent, but a Patrick that identified & proclaimed the Trinity of God, the fullness of whom is the body of Christ Himself.

“So, as Christ Jesus is the fullness of the Godhead bodily, then indeed, the beacon of Ninian & Columba is Christ’s deity Himself. The enemy of souls sent to you all those who disclaim My deity, the enemy of souls freaking out at the thought of the return of the saints Ninian, Columba & Patrick.

“As the Baptist carried the spirit of Elijah, so dost thou carry the spirit of the true Celtic saints that took these lands for Christ Jesus Himself. “For I am taking Wales too, saith the Lord, for thou hast left one with the spirit of David, to take the land of Wales, which includes the land of Ireland too. For when thou was in the south of Ireland, one brought into this equation the lands of Brittany, Piran, & Wales.

“So, what thou has done, has restored mantles that places the enemy of souls into massive fear. I have connected thee with those in Scotland who uphold the mantle of early Pentecostalism of the 20th. century, & of Wesleyan holiness. Whilst also upholding the governmental systems of Knox, one also takes out those carrying the devilish mantle of the Queen of Scots.

“For I have brought thee to these shores to restore My governmental system to Scotland, a system of order & respect rather than that of the controls of a foreign power. For as well as bringing thee to the land of Ninian & Columba, I bring thee to the land of those who uphold the royal priesthood of believers, a land that has a Moderator of its national Kirk, rather than one of separate priesthood.

“But this Kirk of Protestant descent has been infiltrated by those of another agenda, a movement infiltrated by those who uphold the secrets of a foreign god, rather than those who uphold the landmark Knox set for the nation.

“For I have called thee to Wesleyan holiness, saith the Lord, whilst restoring the stability of the nation that came through Knox. For in this there is a key figure, a figure of the 20th. century, who not only brought the principles of revival to Scotland, a one who was part of a ministry team that brought the rending of the heavens to the Hebrides.

“For I have called thee not only to bring this to the west, but also to the whole of Scotland, including its capital city where Satan has played a part for far too long.

“Now, finally for this prophecy, the pressure thou hast been under to sell My property in Wales – for this property is in the name of the Charity, it is My property rather than thine own personally – the enemy of souls has seen this as a way to manipulate your thinking, for thou in this place of Ninian, thou hast restored the landmark. At the place of the stake, thou hast proclaimed thy determination not to compromise, as Satan requires. For thou not only has restored the landmarks of those known as the Celtic saints. One has also restored the lands of the Covenanters who spilled blood for the benefit of this land, against those who proclaim a separate priesthood.

“For thou art My royal priesthood, saith the Lord, & the enemy of souls has done all he can to keep thee in Wales, just as the enemy of souls did all he could to keep My people in the land of Egypt.

“But the prophet stood firm, & the people departed over the choppy seas; & those who came against My people in the land of Egypt, suffered the plagues; & just as with the Egyptians, so it is with those who have looked to slander & abuse thee with false rumour & extortion, so shall the waters of the Red Sea fall upon them, saith the Lord.

“For I have brought thee to a land over the sea from Rhos-on Sea. Thou has lifted up the name above every name, for at this name every knee knee shall bow.

“The Pharaohs of today have mocked & abused thee, but thou hast proclaimed the true Word of the Antioch line, thine opponents being those of the Antioch line.

“For as thou speaks to the mountain of this financial transaction to help thee in the setting up of My work in Whithorn, so shall all the plans of the enemy of souls be cast into the sea.

“And so now, by My Spirit, I speak to the mountain of financial oppression to be cast into the sea, in the mighty name of Jesus. For where two or three are agreed on anything, it shall be done.

“Such is My will, to set up My work, from the southernmost shores of the land of Ninian & Columba, & of My Covenanters.”

Coming to Scotland however was to a land, whose national Kirk had lost its identity although at Whithorn it was clear an evangelical witness and great pastoral care to the community was continuing. This word came on 11th. February.

“The tabs mean little or nothing in today’s national Kirk, a Kirk a shambles of its former self, well in the control of its Luciferian order that has brought in the Alexandrian line of false teaching, false doctrine, loose morals, & attention to the questioning of the deity of Christ, through its Higher Critical training of ministers, its bowing down to cultural Marxism, & a bowing down to a state that in itself is over-whelmed by foreign control & manipulation through its embracing of the stars of Mary.

“A sorry state indeed! But I have called thee to be as John Knox was to the Luciferian order, which in those days was embraced through Mary, Queen of Scots. It is your duty now, as citizens of this nation, to bring notice to all who wear the tabs that their duty is to protest against this Luciferian order, to protest against the false bibles & all they represent under the N.W.O. order of control. For thou hast witnessed Baal take over this national Kirk.

“But thou, Lindsay, was brought up through a man of the United Free, a group that brought revival to the Hebrides; & thou art to start a cam-paign that God should again rend the heavens, through a national Kirk free of the Alexandrian line, a national Kirk that embraces the deity of Christ, so that the Church of the Holy Rood, instead of being a seat of liberalism, will once more be a seat of James, of the line of Antioch. For anything else is a blasphemy before Almighty God.

“The tabs are to be worn only by those in protestation. They represent a protest against Romanism, rather than an embracing of it.

“I have brought thee to Scotland, as I brought Ninian & Columba, to cast out the pagan order & bring forward the gospel of Jesus Christ.

“John 3:16, AKJV.”

We had often been in the depths of despair, yet through these experiences we and the ministry had grown enormously. As regards our position this word came on the 13th. February:

“From the cries of despair of the psalmist, the walking through the valley of the shadow of death, to the cries to the Lord that ‘We have given up all to follow thee;’ I gave a word through Norman Grubb that progress occurs through turmoil. And there you are, My children, with cries of despair, just like the psalmist, just like Peter, just like Paul, you have cried out to Me to keep My Word. But My Word is dependent on an empty vessel, one that I can use to enable to hundredfold promise to occur, with persecutions. “For the weak to say, ’I am strong,’ for the poor to say, ‘I am rich’ – this comes through a process of surrender to Me. This Charity shall not fall, for the gates of hell shall not prevail.

“But I have called you to a place where Elijah is to face Baal, where David is to face Goliath; & you are to attend the London meeting; I will provide. For I am not only looking to set you free, but the whole Church in Great Britain. For such is the importance of this meeting. It is My ministry facing Baal; & as in the days of Elijah, as in the days of Smith Wigglesworth, you are rising up before thy persecutor.

“For I have called thee to rise up, face up to the Emerging Church, face up to that which has come against thy ministry for years. Do not be afraid, for I have caused thee to make thy stand, to tease the enemy, just as Elijah teased the prophets of Baal.

“For I am bringing you into position within a spiritual battle, as Elijah was within a physical one, to completely remove the capabilities which have persecuted you constantly along the path of righteousness.

“For it is this I have caused you to bring: righteousness; not the self-righteousness of the Pharisee, but the righteousness of God.”

On the 18th, February with our close proximity to Ireland came this word, for we were to build a powerful base here to take all of the UK and beyond. The prophecy refers to the day that the Rev Dr Ian Paisley was thrown out of the House of Commons for accusing John Major’s government of declaring falsehoods, history proving he was right!

“My Spirit was quenched in the House of Commons that day. My Word was cast out.

“The ‘law & justice in mercy’ of My Constitutional Acts was ignored. For instead of owning up to its sin of falsehood. The government sat back & allowed the innocent prophet to be removed from the House of Commons.

“Today, there are victims of that sin; & whilst admitting of that sin which the prophet pointed out, there has been no repentance, & no putting right of the consequences of that sin. So you have a lie running through governmental dealings with Northern Ireland. Where you have a lie & fronts, there will be discourse. Yet the prophet, in all graciousness, saw & grasped the opportunities for peace, by being open & transparent; of showing his love towards Roman Catholic people, yet maintaining his no compromise position in relation to the establishment system that binds them.

“This prophet showed love & forgiveness; yet being accused of hatred, he manifest My love towards all the people of Northern Ireland.

“It was this love that brought the peace deal, not the falsehood of government. It is this love that will bring the peace deal again in Northern Ireland, not the putting up fronts & arguing one’s own position.

“Yet, there are two areas the D.U.P. cannot compromise on, & that is, the protection of the child in the womb, & their stand on biblical marriage. Yet, there are many Roman Catholics of the same view, so this should not be a problem. The protection of life, & love towards one’s neighbour, is fundamental in bringing together a peace accord. Also, complete openness one to another, compassion, understanding, & love, which indeed Martin McGuinness demonstrated.

“What the people of Northern Ireland require, is honesty, openness, & transparency, the British government, having sinned against the people of Northern Ireland through its lies & deceit going back to John Major’s day, is tainted through the lack of repentance; who sat back in sin, watching the prophet depart.

“There is, therefore, two requirements of the British government: (1) that all those alive today, of the government of that time, repent before God, & clear the name of the prophet on parliamentary record; (2) that there be genuine repentance & putting right of that sin. ‘Law & justice in mercy’ of the British Constitution needs to be applied to all the victims of that sin, those who lost loved ones being denied justice & compensation at that time need to be rewarded primarily by the British government in compensation for the sin which they are responsible for, also there needs to be a return of resources to all those businesses & charities infiltrated by the agents of the troubles, having their resources taken away.

“Who is to pay for this? The resources of those in government agreeing to this falsehood, need to place their resources on the line for the benefit of those they lied to.

“For whatever a man shall sow, so shall he reap; but in repentance, so they can rely on God for their provision, as have the victims of their falsehoods had to endure.

“For the victims today are rising up in power, loving one’s neighbour in Northern Ireland. For it is all the people who have been lied to – the Roman Catholic side too, the sins of the British government going back way before John Major. In their ignoring of Skibbereen, they hold great guilt.

“So, it is the Roman Catholic side that has been lied to as well. Instead of showing compassion to the people, they sent in men of violence, to suppress the people down.

“Oh, how repentance to the South is required too, for which the British government needs to humble itself, needing to love & repent openly to all the people of Ireland, for many years of deceit & lies, & say to the people of the whole of Ireland that we can prosper together without the EU, by having open borders between our countries, & have a genuine peace deal between the peoples of Ireland & the peoples of Great Britain; & there will be issues the people of Ireland will need to repent of too, with the heart of Patrick, who would have looked to bring all sides together in the love of the Lord, as indeed the prophet, rejected by the House of Commons, did also.

“I declare the root of the present-day troubles of failing to bring about a government at Stormont. It is these issues that need to be dealt with: the standing back of the government in allowing the prophet to be cast out; & the failing to deal with the issues of Skibbereen. Dealing with these issues, with openness on all sides, will bring about a peace deal that lasts, rather than the one that has left victims without justice, the root of all this being government inaction at the time of the Famine, that brought deep-rooted bitternesses on all sides, there needing to be a coming to the cross on all these issues, & the smiles of man-made confidence removed, & replaced by the repentant humility required for a genuine peace deal.  “This is your message in Ireland: that you show love to all sides of the divide, convicting British government of its past sins, & encouraging forgiveness & understanding from all the peoples of Ireland, who are called by God to love each other, just as the cast out prophet & McGuinness did. For unless we forgive each other our debts, then how can the Father forgive us?”

Being the Bible College of Wales we expect the nation of Wales to celebrate its Patron Saint with the St David’s Cross rather than a pagan dragon, thus in legend defeated by the English saint. Word came through on “St David’s Day” about this, the College’s present location and its future mission:

“Thus saith the Lord: a dragon? Oh no! This is the dragon, that is the enemy of souls. For instead of celebrating the sainthood of those prepared to martyr their lives for the sake of the gospel, they wave their flags of despair, not to God, but to each other.

“These are not the children of Abraham; they are now the children of an Assembly of Marxists so bound in corruption & sin that even one of its most prominent politicians took his own life under the despair of a nation that gives the pre-eminence to its dragon, the god of death & destruction, rather than the one who gives life, & life in abundance.

“As the corruption of the Assembly comes out into public notice, it is I who have left a remnant in this nation, to restore its movements of God back to the people of God. The Pentecostal Evangelical movements that were once mine, the fruits of the revival of the 1900s, & 1700s, are now taken over by those who give credence to the flag of Satan rather than to the cross that you now bravely wave in Barry.

“For I have called thee to take back these movements, saith the Lord, to restore the prophets & apostles to the Apostolic movement; the heart of the Primitive Methodists to the ‘Calvinistic Methodists’; the evangelism & miracles of the Elim movement – all with their origins in Wales, I have called thee to restore.

“The revivals through William Williams & Evan Roberts, with intercession going forth from thy base on the Machars, not only to restore the understanding of sainthood, not just of David, Ninian, Columba & Patrick, but that all believers are the saints of God, the royal priesthood of believers. For on the day known as the day of the Welsh saint, I am opening up the ungodliness of its celebration to a dragon god rather than to the God of heaven.

“I have called thee to have a remnant in South Wales, to prepare itself for the taking over once more of that which I built, not only at Swansea, but also all over the world.

“This peculiar ministry that I have brought into being is one of great practical skill, that can organize the taking back of My buildings in Swansea, so that from the South of Wales, I can bring in My people of power, not only to have physical buildings taken over through Rees Howells so as to have practical buildings, so as to intercede, & to train missionaries, & train children of God. For this I tell you: you are moving in My plan, not only to fully restore the Bible College of Wales, but also to restore the movements that not only came out of the 1900s revivals, but also those of the 1700s. The intercession through Brian Mason at Trefecca, but also in the homeland of the 1700s revivalist, whose hymn declared of the barren land is so true of Wales today; a barren land whose daffodils have been trodden down in the snows of despair.

“I declare to you this day that I have brought about the remnant of Rees Howells under the banner of thy ministry under Me, a remnant that moves in peculiar faith, a remnant not only to have outreaches to save those in despair, but also a practical force that can bring about the taking over, not only of My buildings in Swansea, but also of the chapels, also of the old mission halls; but also of these movements in Wales that came after the 1900s revival.

“Be prepared together to bring forth the sevenfold return of the thief, the dragon, the symbol of Wales’ defeat, before it lifts up the symbol of My victory, of what I achieved at the cross, the defeat of the dragon of souls, that is, the enemy of souls.

“Hence the passion of My evangelist to wave the flag of Christianity.”

Events have clearly shown Britain to be highly divided, indeed viewed by Christians as under a curse, a curse scripturally understood within the words of a dramatic prophecy of the 6th. March concerning Britain’s fate, unless she repents.

“In 1953, the Monarch representing the country again came in covenant with Me to obey Me rather than Lucifer the god of this world.

“In reality, it has chosen the ways of the god of this world, ignored My Word in both the House of Commons & the House of Lords, & in councils throughout the land. My Word is ignored in favour of the philosophies of man & foreign gods. In the Assembly of Wales, the past land of revival, we have a blend of cultural Marxism, alongside homage to foreign gods.

“In Scotland, instead of upholding its nationalistic Knoxian roots, upholds a blend of Roman Catholic sociology, aligned with the European Union, placing the nation under the idols of Brussels rather than the God of John Knox & the Covenanters.

“In Northern Ireland, where there has been a passion to uphold the principles of family life, there has been a blessing that came through the last Parliamentary prophet, who set up a massive Church building in honour to My name & the martyrs that had gone before; & so came a blessing to Northern Ireland that thou must encourage, & help establish once more, with Roman Catholics who support family life & the protection of the unborn child.

“The divide today in Northern Ireland is deep-rooted, needing a deep repentance of the British establishment towards the people of Skibbereen, upon the graveyard of Abbeystrewery, that there can be a coming together of the Irish peoples  outside the EU & inside, a trading partnership of blessing, rather than the curse of Brussels.

“Forgiveness, repentance, love, & loving one’s neighbour, can be promoted in the whole of Ireland, to great blessing & success, without the use of Bentham’s utilitarianism, which brought a fragile peace that is now breaking at the seams, the repentance needing to come by the governments of John Major & Tony Blair, this being replaced by a real repentance by the British establishment towards the peoples of Skibbereen (this represents the whole of Ireland that suffered through the potato famine); then, the doctrines that came through Patrick, outside of Roman influence, can come to the fore (instruction give St Patrick’s Breastplate hymn).

I bind unto myself today
The strong name of the Trinity,
By invocation of the same
The Three in One and One in Three.

I bind this today to me forever
By power of faith, Christ’s incarnation;
His baptism in Jordan river,
His death on cross for my salvation;

His bursting from the spicèd tomb,
His riding up the heavenly way,
His coming at the day of doom
I bind unto myself today.

I bind unto myself the power
Of the great love of cherubim;
The sweet Well done in judgment hour,
The service of the seraphim,

Confessors’ faith, apostles’ word,
The patriarchs’ prayers, the prophets’ scrolls,
All good deeds done unto the Lord
And purity of virgin souls.

I bind unto myself today
The virtues of the star lit heaven,
The glorious sun’s life giving ray,
The whiteness of the moon at even,

The flashing of the lightning free,
The whirling wind’s tempestuous shocks,
The stable earth, the deep salt sea
Around the old eternal rocks.

I bind unto myself today
The power of God to hold and lead,
His eye to watch, His might to stay,
His ear to hearken to my need.

The wisdom of my God to teach,
His hand to guide, His shield to ward;
The Word of God to give me speech,
His heavenly host to be my guard

Against the demon snares of sin,
The vice that gives temptation force,
The natural lusts that war within,
The hostile men that mar my course;

Or few or many, far or nigh,
In every place and in all hours,
Against their fierce hostility
I bind to me these holy powers.

Against all Satan’s spells and wiles,
Against false words of heresy,
Against the knowledge that defiles,
Against the heart’s idolatry,

Against the wizard’s evil craft,
Against the death wound and the burning,
The choking wave, the poisoned shaft,
Protect me, Christ, till Thy returning.

Christ be with me, Christ within me,
Christ behind me, Christ before me,
Christ beside me, Christ to win me,
Christ to comfort and restore me.

Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ in quiet, Christ in danger,
Christ in hearts of all that love me,
Christ in mouth of friend and stranger.

I bind unto myself the name,
The strong name of the Trinity,
By invocation of the same,
The Three in One and One in Three.

By whom all nature hath creation,
Eternal Father, Spirit, Word:
Praise to the Lord of my salvation,
Salvation is of Christ the Lord.

“I place thee into position to minister this into Ireland, gaining support for this cause from the peoples of Scotland, the people with strong affinity to the people of Ireland. In this, there is great hope for the people of Scotland & Ireland, which ultimately can influence England & Wales.

“This is the reason thou hast been placed in Scotland’s cradle of Christianity: to uphold the apostolic words that came from Ninian, Columba & Patrick.

“This is why thou art here, & why it is here the word came to Rees Howells, that brought revival throughout the world, through missionaries trained, with the passions of the Covenanters.

“That was the key of the success of the Bible College of Wales, & will be the key of its success today, as thou restores the landmark which was not only set with Rees Howells, but with the Covenanters before him.

“This is why you are here. Oh! The devil does not like it; but he is under thy feet, for thou hast the victory.

“This prophecy began with a title of great seriousness for the people of Great Britain; but let Me tell you this: for those who grasp the truth of My Word, for those who grasp, for those who truly surrender to Me, those who have wept at the cross of Calvary, those who have allowed in the inward Christ, & allowed their bodies to be the temples of the Holy Ghost, it is not the second part of Deuteronomy 28 that applies, but that which was written under the blessings of that very same chapter.

“Not only this: My Word declares a divine protection; & this shall be seen, the ultimate safeguarding policy of the God of heaven, rather than the god of this world. For thy safeguarding policy was written thousands of years ago, & declares ‘It shall not come nigh thee.’ The safeguarding policies of man bring destruction; but for those who give their lives to Me, it shall not come nigh thee (Psalm 91.)

“And as those who read this prophecy read the whole of Deuteronomy 28, the whole of Psalm 91 & Psalm 103, also sing the hymns ‘All to Jesus I Surrender’, ‘Trust & Obey’, ‘Search Me, O God’, then declare Isaiah 64, oh! Thou shalt be blessed. A thousand shall fall at thy right side, a thousand shall fall at thy left, & it shall not come nigh thee; & thou shalt say, ‘Come unto Me, all ye that are heavy laden.’

Deuteronomy 28 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

Part 1


And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day, that the Lord thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth: 2 and all these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee, if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God.

3 Blessed shalt thou be in the city,

and blessed shalt thou be in the field.

4 Blessed shall be the fruit of thy body, and the fruit of thy ground, and the fruit of thy cattle, the increase of thy kine, and the flocks of thy sheep.

5 Blessed shall be thy basket and thy store.

6 Blessed shalt thou be when thou comest in, and blessed shalt thou be when thou goest out.

7 The Lord shall cause thine enemies that rise up against thee to be smitten before thy face: they shall come out against thee one way, and flee before thee seven ways.

8 The Lord shall command the blessing upon thee in thy storehouses, and in all that thou settest thine hand unto; and he shall bless thee in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.

9 The Lord shall establish thee an holy people unto himself, as he hath sworn unto thee, if thou shalt keep the commandments of the Lord thy God, and walk in his ways. 10 And all people of the earth shall see that thou art called by the name of the Lord; and they shall be afraid of thee. 11 And the Lord shall make thee plenteous in goods, in the fruit of thy body, and in the fruit of thy cattle, and in the fruit of thy ground, in the land which the Lord sware unto thy fathers to give thee. 12 The Lord shall open unto thee his good treasure, the heaven to give the rain unto thy land in his season, and to bless all the work of thine hand: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, and thou shalt not borrow. 13 And the Lord shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath; if that thou hearken unto the commandments of the Lord thy God, which I command thee this day, to observe and to do them: 14 and thou shalt not go aside from any of the words which I command thee this day, to the right hand, or to the left, to go after other gods to serve them.


Part 2


15 But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee:

16 Cursed shalt thou be in the city, and cursed shalt thou be in the field.

17 Cursed shall be thy basket and thy store.

18 Cursed shall be the fruit of thy body, and the fruit of thy land, the increase of thy kine, and the flocks of thy sheep.

19 Cursed shalt thou be when thou comest in, and cursed shalt thou be when thou goest out.

20 The Lord shall send upon thee cursing, vexation, and rebuke, in all that thou settest thine hand unto for to do, until thou be destroyed, and until thou perish quickly; because of the wickedness of thy doings, whereby thou hast forsaken me. 21 The Lord shall make the pestilence cleave unto thee, until he have consumed thee from off the land, whither thou goest to possess it. 22 The Lord shall smite thee with a consumption, and with a fever, and with an inflammation, and with an extreme burning, and with the sword, and with blasting, and with mildew; and they shall pursue thee until thou perish. 23 And thy heaven that is over thy head shall be brass, and the earth that is under thee shall be iron. 24 The Lord shall make the rain of thy land powder and dust: from heaven shall it come down upon thee, until thou be destroyed. 25 The Lord shall cause thee to be smitten before thine enemies: thou shalt go out one way against them, and flee seven ways before them: and shalt be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth. 26 And thy carcase shall be meat unto all fowls of the air, and unto the beasts of the earth, and no man shall fray them away. 27 The Lord will smite thee with the botch of Egypt, and with the emerods, and with the scab, and with the itch, whereof thou canst not be healed. 28 The Lord shall smite thee with madness, and blindness, and astonishment of heart: 29 and thou shalt grope at noonday, as the blind gropeth in darkness, and thou shalt not prosper in thy ways: and thou shalt be only oppressed and spoiled evermore, and no man shall save thee. 30 Thou shalt betroth a wife, and another man shall lie with her: thou shalt build an house, and thou shalt not dwell therein: thou shalt plant a vineyard, and shalt not gather the grapes thereof. 31 Thine ox shall be slain before thine eyes, and thou shalt not eat thereof: thine ass shall be violently taken away from before thy face, and shall not be restored to thee: thy sheep shall be given unto thine enemies, and thou shalt have none to rescue them. 32 Thy sons and thy daughters shall be given unto another people, and thine eyes shall look, and fail with longing for them all the day long: and there shall be no might in thine hand. 33 The fruit of thy land, and all thy labours, shall a nation which thou knowest not eat up; and thou shalt be only oppressed and crushed alway: 34 so that thou shalt be mad for the sight of thine eyes which thou shalt see. 35 The Lordshall smite thee in the knees, and in the legs, with a sore botch that cannot be healed, from the sole of thy foot unto the top of thy head. 36 The Lord shall bring thee, and thy king which thou shalt set over thee, unto a nation which neither thou nor thy fathers have known; and there shalt thou serve other gods, wood and stone. 37 And thou shalt become an astonishment, a proverb, and a byword, among all nations whither the Lord shall lead thee. 38 Thou shalt carry much seed out into the field, and shalt gather but little in; for the locust shall consume it. 39 Thou shalt plant vineyards, and dress them, but shalt neither drink of the wine, nor gather the grapes; for the worms shall eat them. 40 Thou shalt have olive trees throughout all thy coasts, but thou shalt not anoint thyself with the oil; for thine olive shall cast his fruit. 41 Thou shalt beget sons and daughters, but thou shalt not enjoy them; for they shall go into captivity. 42 All thy trees and fruit of thy land shall the locust consume. 43 The stranger that iswithin thee shall get up above thee very high; and thou shalt come down very low. 44 He shall lend to thee, and thou shalt not lend to him: he shall be the head, and thou shalt be the tail. 45 Moreover all these curses shall come upon thee, and shall pursue thee, and overtake thee, till thou be destroyed; because thou hearkenedst not unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to keep his commandments and his statutes which he commanded thee: 46 and they shall be upon thee for a sign and for a wonder, and upon thy seed for ever. 47 Because thou servedst not the Lord thy God with joyfulness, and with gladness of heart, for the abundance of all things; 48 therefore shalt thou serve thine enemies which the Lord shall send against thee, in hunger, and in thirst, and in nakedness, and in want of all things: and he shall put a yoke of iron upon thy neck, until he have destroyed thee. 49 The Lord shall bring a nation against thee from far, from the end of the earth, as swift as the eagle flieth; a nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand; 50 a nation of fierce countenance, which shall not regard the person of the old, nor shew favour to the young: 51 and he shall eat the fruit of thy cattle, and the fruit of thy land, until thou be destroyed: which also shall not leave thee either corn, wine, or oil, or the increase of thy kine, or flocks of thy sheep, until he have destroyed thee. 52 And he shall besiege thee in all thy gates, until thy high and fenced walls come down, wherein thou trustedst, throughout all thy land: and he shall besiege thee in all thy gates throughout all thy land, which the Lordthy God hath given thee. 53 And thou shalt eat the fruit of thine own body, the flesh of thy sons and of thy daughters, which the Lord thy God hath given thee, in the siege, and in the straitness, wherewith thine enemies shall distress thee: 54 so that the man that is tender among you, and very delicate, his eye shall be evil toward his brother, and toward the wife of his bosom, and toward the remnant of his children which he shall leave: 55 so that he will not give to any of them of the flesh of his children whom he shall eat: because he hath nothing left him in the siege, and in the straitness, wherewith thine enemies shall distress thee in all thy gates. 56 The tender and delicate woman among you, which would not adventure to set the sole of her foot upon the ground for delicateness and tenderness, her eye shall be evil toward the husband of her bosom, and toward her son, and toward her daughter, 57 and toward her young one that cometh out from between her feet, and toward her children which she shall bear: for she shall eat them for want of all things secretly in the siege and straitness, wherewith thine enemy shall distress thee in thy gates.

58 If thou wilt not observe to do all the words of this law that are written in this book, that thou mayest fear this glorious and fearful name, THE LORD THY GOD; 59 then the Lord will make thy plagues wonderful, and the plagues of thy seed, even great plagues, and of long continuance, and sore sicknesses, and of long continuance. 60 Moreover he will bring upon thee all the diseases of Egypt, which thou wast afraid of; and they shall cleave unto thee. 61 Also every sickness, and every plague, which is not written in the book of this law, them will the Lord bring upon thee, until thou be destroyed. 62 And ye shall be left few in number, whereas ye were as the stars of heaven for multitude; because thou wouldest not obey the voice of the Lord thy God. 63 And it shall come to pass, that as the Lordrejoiced over you to do you good, and to multiply you; so the Lordwill rejoice over you to destroy you, and to bring you to nought; and ye shall be plucked from off the land whither thou goest to possess it. 64 And the Lord shall scatter thee among all people, from the one end of the earth even unto the other; and there thou shalt serve other gods, which neither thou nor thy fathers have known, evenwood and stone. 65 And among these nations shalt thou find no ease, neither shall the sole of thy foot have rest: but the Lord shall give thee there a trembling heart, and failing of eyes, and sorrow of mind: 66 and thy life shall hang in doubt before thee; and thou shalt fear day and night, and shalt have none assurance of thy life: 67 in the morning thou shalt say, Would God it were even! and at even thou shalt say, Would God it were morning! for the fear of thine heart wherewith thou shalt fear, and for the sight of thine eyes which thou shalt see. 68 And the Lord shall bring thee into Egypt again with ships, by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold unto your enemies for bondmen and bondwomen,

and no man shall buy you.


Psalm 91 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

1 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High
shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.


2 I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress:
my God; in him will I trust.
3 Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler,
and from the noisome pestilence.
4 He shall cover thee with his feathers,
and under his wings shalt thou trust:
his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.
5 Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night;
nor for the arrow that flieth by day;
6 nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness;
nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.
7 A thousand shall fall at thy side,
and ten thousand at thy right hand;
but it shall not come nigh thee.

8 Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold
and see the reward of the wicked.
9 Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge,
even the most High, thy habitation;
10 there shall no evil befall thee,
neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.
11 For he shall give his angels charge over thee,
to keep thee in all thy ways.
12 They shall bear thee up in their hands,
lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.
13 Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder:
the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet.

14 Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him:
I will set him on high, because he hath known my name.
15 He shall call upon me, and I will answer him:
I will be with him in trouble;
I will deliver him, and honour him.
16 With long life will I satisfy him,
and shew him my salvation.


Psalm 103 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

1 Bless the Lord, O my soul:
and all that is within me, bless his holy name.
2 Bless the Lord, O my soul,
and forget not all his benefits:
3 who forgiveth all thine iniquities;
who healeth all thy diseases;
4 who redeemeth thy life from destruction;
who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies;
5 who satisfieth thy mouth with good things;
so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

6 The Lord executeth righteousness
and judgment for all that are oppressed.
7 He made known his ways unto Moses,
his acts unto the children of Israel.
8 The Lord is merciful and gracious,
slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy.
9 He will not always chide:
neither will he keep his anger for ever.
10 He hath not dealt with us after our sins;
nor rewarded us according to our iniquities.
11 For as the heaven is high above the earth,
so great is his mercy toward them that fear him.
12 As far as the east is from the west,
so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.
13 Like as a father pitieth his children,
so the Lord pitieth them that fear him.
14 For he knoweth our frame;
he remembereth that we are dust.

15 As for man, his days are as grass:
as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth.
16 For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone;
and the place thereof shall know it no more.
17 But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him,
and his righteousness unto children’s children;
18 to such as keep his covenant,
and to those that remember his commandments to do them.

19 The Lord hath prepared his throne in the heavens;
and his kingdom ruleth over all.
20 Bless the Lord, ye his angels,
that excel in strength, that do his commandments,
hearkening unto the voice of his word.
21 Bless ye the Lord, all ye his hosts;
ye ministers of his, that do his pleasure.
22 Bless the Lord, all his works in all places of his dominion:
bless the Lord, O my soul.


All to Jesus, I surrender;
All to Him I freely give;
I will ever love and trust Him,
In His presence daily live.


I surrender all, I surrender all,
All to Thee, my blessèd Savior,
I surrender all.

All to Jesus I surrender;
Humbly at His feet I bow,
Worldly pleasures all forsaken;
Take me, Jesus, take me now.


All to Jesus, I surrender;
Make me, Savior, wholly Thine;
Let me feel the Holy Spirit,
Truly know that Thou art mine.


All to Jesus, I surrender;
Lord, I give myself to Thee;
Fill me with Thy love and power;
Let Thy blessing fall on me.


All to Jesus I surrender;
Now I feel the sacred flame.
O the joy of full salvation!
Glory, glory, to His name!


When we walk with the Lord in the light of His Word,
What a glory He sheds on our way!
While we do His good will, He abides with us still,
And with all who will trust and obey.


Trust and obey, for there’s no other way
To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.

Not a shadow can rise, not a cloud in the skies,
But His smile quickly drives it away;
Not a doubt or a fear, not a sigh or a tear,
Can abide while we trust and obey.


Not a burden we bear, not a sorrow we share,
But our toil He doth richly repay;
Not a grief or a loss, not a frown or a cross,
But is blessed if we trust and obey.


But we never can prove the delights of His love
Until all on the altar we lay;
For the favor He shows, for the joy He bestows,
Are for them who will trust and obey.


Then in fellowship sweet we will sit at His feet.
Or we’ll walk by His side in the way.
What He says we will do, where He sends we will go;
Never fear, only trust and obey.


Search me, O God,
And know my heart today;
Try me, O Savior,
Know my thoughts, I pray.
See if there be
Some wicked way in me;
Cleanse me from every sin
And set me free.

I praise Thee, Lord,
For cleansing me from sin;
Fulfill Thy Word,
And make me pure within.
Fill me with fire
Where once I burned with shame;
Grant my desire
To magnify Thy name.

Lord, take my life,
And make it wholly Thine;
Fill my poor heart
With Thy great love divine.
Take all my will,
My passion, self and pride;
I now surrender, Lord
In me abide.

O Holy Ghost,
Revival comes from Thee;
Send a revival,
Start the work in me.
Thy Word declares
Thou wilt supply our need;
For blessings now,
O Lord, I humbly plead.


Isaiah 64 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)


Oh that thou wouldest rend the heavens,
that thou wouldest come down,
that the mountains might flow down at thy presence,
2 as when the melting fire burneth,
the fire causeth the waters to boil,
to make thy name known to thine adversaries,
that the nations may tremble at thy presence!
3 When thou didst terrible things which we looked not for,
thou camest down,
the mountains flowed down at thy presence.
4 For since the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear,
neither hath the eye seen, O God, beside thee,
what he hath prepared for him that waiteth for him.
5 Thou meetest him that rejoiceth and worketh righteousness,
those that remember thee in thy ways:
behold, thou art wroth; for we have sinned:
in those is continuance, and we shall be saved.
6 But we are all as an unclean thing,
and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags;
and we all do fade as a leaf;
and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.
7 And there is none that calleth upon thy name,
that stirreth up himself to take hold of thee:
for thou hast hid thy face from us,
and hast consumed us, because of our iniquities.
8 But now, O Lord, thou art our father;
we are the clay, and thou our potter;
and we all are the work of thy hand.

9 Be not wroth very sore, O Lord,
neither remember iniquity for ever:
behold, see, we beseech thee, we are all thy people.
10 Thy holy cities are a wilderness,
Zion is a wilderness, Jerusalem a desolation.
11 Our holy and our beautiful house,
where our fathers praised thee,
is burned up with fire:
and all our pleasant things are laid waste.
12 Wilt thou refrain thyself for these things, O Lord?
wilt thou hold thy peace, and afflict us very sore?


Matthew 11:28 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden,

and I will give you rest.

It was clear Part 2 applied to Britain.

“Oh! The gospel is high above all the policies of men, & shall be proven to be so, as one brings forth the Constitution Keepers course to the nation; & as the intercession through the Rees Howells intercessor continues; & as the travailers & the groaners begin to wail & squeal as the end-time intercessors come forth, there shall be a change as thy nation comes back to God.

“For there is a way back to God from the dark paths of sin. As the nation returns to the old paths, the paths of eternity, so thy nation shall be saved.

“Oh! What a prophecy this is, one that begins with the consequences of the wages of sin, & ends at the foot of the cross, at the place where the inspired words came forth; & for those who read this prophecy, sing the hymn ‘Burdens Were Lifted at Calvary’, all those who sing under the anointing of the Holy Ghost, shall witness the protection of God upon their lives, as they go out into the harvest fields, where they shall gather the sheaves of glory, populating heaven rather than the abyss of the god of this world.”

The move to new larger premises was certainly coming to the fore on the 11th. March when initial word came in relation to not only the Mission House in Scotland but also around the World:

“You have been brought into the land of apostleship, revelation, education, & martyrdom. Upon this land are the records of the saints of old; & thou hast been chosen to bring the present-day records of the truth of My Word to the world.

“You have been chosen for this awesome task. Now thou must obtain wealth to fulfil this call. Let us detail where this call is; for I have called thee to equip buildings, to enable thee to reach the lost, & perfect the saints.

“I have moved before where saints have come together & declared ‘not I, but thee.’ ‘Not I, but thee’ is the key to revival. So I will be templating the use of buildings which thou hast been given at this point, & will be given in the future, & I am now to deal with equipping of buildings to enable the reaching of the lost, the perfecting of the saints, & there is one final point: the gathering of the remnant that has not sold out to the god of this world.

“In this word, I will be dealing with Whithorn, Barry, Bellwood, Nuwara Eliyha, Thiruthangel, Karachi, & so as to bring understanding, future missions to Africa.

“(1) Whithorn: your operation in Whithorn will become very high-profile, so you will need to prepare for this. I am calling for an excellent studio, that has the means not only to reach the lost & perfect the saints internationally, but also to be a place of revival, not only for Scotland, but also for Ireland & the whole world.

“The Constitution Keepers course is a part of this, particularly in its part on the principles of the Hebridean revival. One of thy rooms is to be a revival room, where once more I will be called to rend the heavens, through saints prepared to go all the way.

“As you set out the books of the library, ensure they are clearly labelled, having one subject intimated as revival books. See they are easily found on the shelves. Place the books on Higher Criticism in the section called ‘Philosophies of Men’, & clearly show the difference between that which is of man & that which is of God.

“Be prepared to take over once great Bible colleges that were built on revelation & have now fallen to the philosophies of men.

“So I have defined 2 rooms in Whithorn so far: one known as the revival room, where saints will gather, as in the Hebrides. For I have called thee to the same west coast to bring revival once more. The library is very important, & you need to have a book budget, to concentrate on revival.

“Also, you are to have a place for Dr Oliver’s books, under the heading of ‘kingly leadership.’ For I have called thee as saints to take over those of cultural Marxism in the nations; & in the revival section there needs to be understanding of the Great Awakening in the United States. For before revival, what was known as the ‘social gospel’ had to be removed. You must do likewise.

“I will give instruction for the library as you go along. Another section will be ‘The Welsh impact on Revival’, the works of of William Williams, Evan Roberts, & others, & the role of the Calvinistic Methodists. Thou shalt return to Loughor to declare this. Bring forward a revival grouping there, to pray in the prayer room once more, free of the curse of the charismatics, & full of the blessings of the early Calvinistic Methodists, who knew far more about revelation, personal surrender, moving in the spirit, pulling down strongholds; & it is for this I have called thee to work with present Calvinistic Methodists, to restore revelation & remove the philosophies of man. How Evan Roberts would be doing just that! For thou art to clear South Wales of the grave-soaking, anointing-chasing charismatics, who chase the spirits that bind men, rather than the embracers of God’s holy Word.

“The impact of thy work in Whithorn will be significantly higher than the land of North Wales, which again has rejected the gospel in favour of the philosophies of men.

“Thou art to run a financial appeal, to equip a studio, to reach the lost, perfect the saints, & have a programme called ‘The Revivalist Programme’, in which true revival can come to the whole world, giving particular attention to the Rees Howells missionary experience, for in the revival section in the library will not only be the books written about Rees Howells by Norman Grubb & Doris Ruscoe, along with all of Norman’s books, alongside those of A W Tozer, giving careful attention to the experiences of Jonathan Edwards.

“This is what is meant by equipping. You equip premises, not people. You perfect people, through moves of My Spirit. The very nature of a Bible college is to have students who study, so the library is so important; a clearly labelled library, so make sure you give it careful attention. For you are bringing conditions for the saints to be approved of God & perfected, in My Holy name.

“Prepare for semesters, & domestic students to come, & send out invitations for students to apply to come to Scotland’s cradle of Christianity, to not only study, but to be part of that revivalist prayer room; students too with technological know-how, who will set up a studio of excellence, equipped to send out the highest quality programmes, not only through live-stream, but also with significant satellite programming, to impact the whole world; & from this studio, thou art to equip rural ministries, city ministries, with screens, projectors & lap-tops, so that thy programmes will include live preaching into meeting of the saints around the world, which needs a significant improvement in presentation technique to enable the gospel to have its maximum impact. The appeal should be called: ‘Equipping a Studio to Reach the Lost, restore Revelation, expose the Philosophies of Man, & Perfecting the Saints.’

“Thou art to use the shop area as an opportunity to reach out to the local community, just as is going on at the Barry sandwich shop, where one needs to be prepared for a massive breakthrough in the spirit, with the zeal of the evangelist going forward in that community, with a passion for great evangelistic rallies to set the people free.

“This is only Part 1 of this prophecy. I will be covering the other mission houses over future days & nights. Be ready to receive My Word.”

On the 12th. March this related to the gathering in of resources, myself and Clive Bate being called upon in relation to the Deuteronomy 8:18 factor, using the power to get wealth, the Part 2 factor of the previous prophecy coming out here:

Deuteronomy 8:18 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

18 But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.

“This verse has 2 elements to it of great importance now. I know thy thoughts, saith the Lord, & I know that David & Clive are living in Part 1 in view of part 2. As with all verses, the whole verse has to be used in discussion, as indeed the context of the verse in which it was originally given, the introduction to the verse as well as the conclusion; in other words, the fruit which flows from the understanding, the listening which comes from the revelation of scripture.


“David & Clive are operating through getting the wealth, looking for sound financing, using business acumen, & seeing possibilities for commercial gain within the context of Part 2. This is not wrong; for My people have used this over the centuries to establish My covenant.


Look at My Israel. There were tribes called to create the wealth, otherwise the Levites could not operate. Likewise today in the body of Christ, there are wealth creators who are called to bring the wealth into the kingdom, to establish My covenant.


“As in the days of the tribes of Israel there were particular roles for particular tribes, as today there are many members of the one body, called to fulfil the call of the Lord, with diverse ministries. Hence I installed the very first diversity policy, the devil polluting such policies today with his cultural Marxism.


“There has however been barriers to this creating of wealth. The legal as no come through those that call themselves Christian but are of the synagogue of Satan, whose ways are to bind rather than give life. Indeed, what has been recognised in intercession through Brian, has been the places like Goldman Sachs, who stole the money from the people. He too has recognised at Canterbury a Luciferian order that has split the Anglican Communion. Its property portfolio has no heed of Part 2, but is run by property managers, whose actions are on the wealth side, without the covenant element.

“You see, creating wealth has to come with Part 2; & intercessions have brought the conditions now for creating wealth, so the call of God can be achieved. Hence the business operations in Barry, & the operations to come in Whithorn.


“Now, in Whithorn there needs to be residential students, & you can find out from local people, who are prepared to let their houses, & who are prepared to take in lodgers; but there needs to be a Bellwood-style operation of students & workers. My Spirit is calling such people to thee; but now one must do the preparation work, in finding out who can take in these members of My body.


“Now, there is an element here that is crucial. Clive is a whole-hearted evangelist, dedicated in the economy of souls primarily, & moves in the calling of General Booth, with the 3 S’s: soap, soup, & salvation. It is as simple as that. Some will be called to full-time ministry; & it is here you need to be ready, to have the local community excited to welcome students, not only from South Wales, but from all around the world.


“The revival room is therefore important. It is from here revival will spread, revival always bringing about missions; & from Whithorn will spread missionaries around the world, setting up mission houses.


“So, further word will come over the development of the mission house at Whithorn, at Barry where we need to be looking at property in relation to setting up a mission house to God’s glory, as well as continuing the present evangelistic outreaches. Now the Sri Lanka mission house, for which word will be given later, has an element of restoration in it, to once & for all take down the stronghold of Nuwara Eliyha. For I am calling Brian to stand in the pulpit of the Nuwara Eliyha church, on a golf course by the hotel, & on the race track, & finally in the park , to set Nuwara Eliyha free to receive in its fullness the restoration of the Myrna mission house. Now, Gregory Joseph of course will be involved in this, as well as Suresh & his team, & there needs to be a ministers’ meeting, in the Nuwara Eliyha church. For what is to happen from the Bellwood mission house, will impact the whole of Asia.

“Now, see how this is coming together. Now, Lindsay has the heart to root out the evil with the corruptions of the so-called present-day Church. She is to do what I did with the money-changers in the Temple. For those who take Part 1 of Deuteronomy 18 without Part 2, are those who take My Word in part, rather than in full, thus making My Word in effect corrupt. These are the Luciferians that contact thee with scriptures out of context; & Lindsay is called to deal with them. It is these men of Satan that suppress healing on the Sabbath, that steal from the body of Christ, & take over buildings for personal wealth, rather than to establish My covenant. It is these property managers, for example in the Church of England & Church of Scotland that thou, Lindsay, are to cast out. For Satan uses scripture by the letter, & not by the spirit; & with this comes the suppression of women from fulfilling their ministries.


“And so, the Whithorn operation is to be a beacon of light, & not darkness, students coming to study My Word in its entirety rather then the narrow context in which it is taught today.


“Thou art right to expose the Luciferian versions known as the Bible, with their Luciferian logos, & scriptures from the depths of the Alexandrian school, which became the citadel of Satan, to deprive men of their salvation. For in the Vatican, from the indulgences of the people, are the idols of shame for the Roman Catholic Church, the prime example of Part 1, rather than Part 2.


“The Deuteronomy 8:18 verse, then, is to be taken in all of its context. The power to get wealth is upon thee - & huge wealth, Lindsay being called to take back the wealth from the money-changers in the Temple; for as they are found, they have to restore seven-fold, David & Clive going out creating wealth with spirit-led business acumen, & Brian standing in intercession, bringing the conditions to let the attacks of the past impact no more.


“For you see, thou art a team together, with all the Trustees called now to take their part, in what is the true landmark of the Bible College of Wales. Restoring landmarks has been part of the intercessions through Brian, the landmark of the Bible College of Wales now being restored through the heart of the Covenanters.


“You are not to allow any government institution to interfere with this; indeed with all thy policies to be presented to Trustees, there has to be the element of protection from cultural Marxism, whose ideologies are based on the philosophies of man, rather than the Constitution of Great Britain that declares the holy oracles of God as the most precious thing this world affords.


“For I have brought understanding of the diversity of thy ministries, all of which are one ministry under God, this prophecy being of Elohim, the understanding of one God, & His ministry through men.”

Then the subject of stolen resources came up on the 13th. March with our intercessor and prophetess Sheila Standish being denied her choice, her choice to give to ministry and ministry projects, this choice being taken away by the Deep State System, her choice still being fought for in intercession, and that God in Wales had miraculously given a man to us with strong early Assemblies of God background who understood and passionately was standing with us in the call:

“She knew the background; she knew it well. She knew the sacrifice required; she knew it well. She knew how her Uncle Charlie gave; she knew it well. She knew how Roy & his wife had given to the cause; she knew it well. She knew the phenomenal attack. Devils visited her, to threaten her & give her odd thoughts in the night; & she reacted as the Church Militant. Tongues was her reply. She declared to the devil his defeat. She loved all of her family, on both sides of the divide. She longed for the Speight side to receive Christ Jesus as Saviour, as the Harthern side had already done.

“On the Harthern side is a massive harvest of souls, & it is in this she invested her money, & it is in this you acted as Attorney. But the enemy of souls was angry, through principalities & powers who had aggressively held back through Sheila’s ministry, looked to have their way.

“You have declared the victory of Calvary, & the finished work of Christ; & should I tarry, & Sheila’s Will comes up, simply pray that My will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.

“For her friend Margaret witnessed her heart, & sat in front of a camera she could barely see; & with all the passion she could muster, under the anointing of God, she fought for the choice of her friend Sheila.

“All the principalities & powers have fought to destroy you over this, the nation losing its spiritual heritage, even to the point of muzzling My prophets from speech in the courts. They won their case through threats; but My Word is clear: ‘Whatsoever a man shall sow, so shall he reap.’

“Sheila sowed her seed towards the harvest of souls. Her Uncle Charlie knew all about this, his passion, like Rees Howells, to reach every creature for the gospel.

“He planted his seed too, a seed manifesting world-wide even to the present generation. You see, souls in the Harthern family have been the passion; but the pressure that has been on that family has been so great.

“You have in your ministry policy, in a disciplinary section, the heart of God, which is longing to forgive, & bring the weary unto Me.

“I know about the escape routes even the greatest men of God can take; but they come back to Me in repentance & tears. Such was the attack on the Harthern family. But you understood this, took in Roy & Pauline as your own, using the Biblical ethos of there being great fruit, that great fruit continuing through his daughter & son-in-law.

“You see, Sheila was on that side of the family, the side that gave their all into the cause; & she was simply following family line in her passion of giving her all; as Attorney you simply followed the family mantle.

“You called her a prophetess; & indeed, she was powerful in intercession. They accuse you of controlling her, & using her money for your own ends. What little they knew! Depth they did not grasp.

“At the time of her taking, she will be re-united with her friend who fought for her cause. On the Constitution Keepers web-site, thou art to place this prophecy, alongside Margaret’s videos of Sheila’s Choice, & challenge the authorities to take away her choice on earth from her heavenly choice. But thou art to reply, in the words of My Word, that Thy will be done, in earth as it is in heaven, where the will of God is that we all surrender all our earthly goods to the Saviour of souls, to a Saviour who surrendered all of His life on the cross, in sacrifice for the salvation of mankind.

“Such was Sheila’s choice: to give, so that souls could be reached with the gospel. It is for this you used her resources in attorney-ship, & it is for this you continue to make your stand.

“You can follow this prophecy with the hymns ‘All to Jesus I Surrender’, & ‘Have Thine own Way, Lord, Have Thine Own Way, & it is these hymns thou art to use at her celebration of life service.

“I have given My word, & given it powerfully. My will shall be done, saith the Lord, & the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

“You see, I have given thee in Wales a man with an early Assemblies of God link. It is not just with Margaret I have called him, but with Sheila too.

“Thus saith the Lord.”

On the theme of resources therefore stolen by the Deep State it was regarded as normal that which was stolen had to come back to the place of martyrdom, and away from the Establishment. This came out on the 14th. March:

“A web page in the Intercessions section of ECCTV is to be headed ‘The Return of the Resources to those upholding the Sacrifice of the Martyrs’, the intercessor standing primarily upon 2 places of the Rees Howells dynasty: one at the place of supreme sacrifice, representing the martyr-dom of the Covenanters, the place I have chosen being the stake of the two Margarets, from where the intercessor stands & claims back the stolen resources into those upholding the sacrifice of the martyrs, so that every creature may be reached with the gospel.

“As one holds on to the representation of the stake, so shall one call the resources of the Bible College of Wales unto the land of the Covenanters; & on the web page, refer to what Rees Howells had to say about this. For thou art to claim in My name the Rees Howells inheritance, the financial one as well as the spiritual one. For with this wealth, thou shall reach every creature with the gospel.

“Some former Trustees did not have this passion, & resources were spent to put the College under the curse of Higher Criticism, under the curse of respectability. But My College has never been under the world system of the universities of Great Britain. Rees Howells called for full surrender, & no compromise. Just as the two Margarets were drowned by the estab-lishment, so the resources have been taken from the sacrifice of the early pioneers of the Bible College of Wales, who gave of their all into the cause.

“That money has to be returned to the sacrificial stake of the Covenanters, now represented by the Bible College of Wales, the original vision in Scotland’s cradle of Christianity, which is also the cradle of the Bible College of Wales. So shall these resources come.

“The intercessor, in his travels across the country, shall stand in strategic places where funds were taken from the Bible College of Wales, & from family resources that should have come into the cause, rather than being used for the lusts of the flesh. So shall the intercessor stand in Rugby to claim back the resource. So shall he stand in Poole, Dorset, exposing Jezebel not only on the south coast of England, but throughout the world, the Jezebel having stolen the vineyard of Naboth, now being called back to the stake of sacrifice. So shall My intercessor make his stand in calling resources back to the stake.

“The property portfolios of the Church of Scotland shall be brought back to the stake. Now, thou shalt set up the Pentecostal Church of Scotland, with parishes of men, women & children full of the Holy Ghost & with power. For Scotland shall be taken, saith the Lord, with resources not being used for property investment, but for reaching every creature with the gospel.

“As you take back the funds of the Rees Howells pioneers of the Bible College of Wales, so shall those funds be used for My property portfolio, for mission houses & colleges of revival throughout the world. As you stand at the stake, intercessor, call it in, call it in! And as you stand in Rugby, claim the resource back to the stake, the symbol of sacrifice that founded the Bible College of Wales, a founding established in the shed blood of the blood of the Lamb, & the blood of the martyrs, not only of the two Margarets, who are here as a representation, but of all martyrs who have their lives for the cause.

“In setting up in Whithorn, thou art associating oneself with the Covenant written in blood; & so through My shed blood, you claim back the inheritance. For that shed blood is now against the enemy of souls, who has to return to the storehouse all that has been stolen; & that claim you make with reference to Luke’s gospel. For the enemy of souls has been found out, of how he used men with academic prowess to place the College under the curse of the university system, rather than to the stake of the martyrs. For only those with this sacrifice are qualified to take the resources of those who sold their houses for the cause, just as you have done at Whithorn.

“I see mission houses around the world, the 7-Year Plan fulfilled. I brought thee to the place of sacrifice; & so shall the Bible College of Wales, which was built on sacrifice & martyrdom, be returned to those upholding the cause of the martyrs’ stake.

“Be afraid, those who took the resource for the cause of respectability. For the cause of the drowning women is not respectable, neither was the cross of Calvary. For resources are called to the un-respectability of martyrdom, rather than to those looking to bring My movements into a world system of iniquity & self-gain.

“The resources now are called back to the cross, are called back to those of full surrender, those who have been beaten & shaken over the years, but have not compromised. It is to this stake that resources are to return.

“This prophecy is to be shown on this web page, & initially will just have the intercession at the stake, with Rugby added to it; also Sheffield & Bangor universities. Oh, how a rumpus will occur in the spirit! Remember in the gospels that ‘the strong man was found’? Quote those verses for that page; quote those verses; & for Scotland, oh my! Claim the resources to the George Street of the Covenanters, & restore the Church of Scotland back to its Knoxian roots, & lead it on with the Holy Ghost & with power.”

In Deep State run Britain the issue of equality and diversity was hitting the continuation of our ministry in Barry for the policy of the Deep State is alien to those who follow the principles of God, so this came out on 17th. March:

“Thou art to laugh at the equality & diversity policies of thy present-day Parliament, for they have come out of the Marxist philosophy of equality & diversity.

“The policy in government is a corruption so great, an equality & diversity that founded the EU, & the Politburo of the Soviet Union. It is a godless policy, that decides that all men are equal, all faiths are equal, all sexual orientations are equal; & whatever the choice made, everybody is equal in his or her diversity.

“However, in the Oath of the monarch to God on behalf of the nation, the monarch swore otherwise. She declared only one religion to be established by law in Great Britain. She proclaimed the pre-eminence of only one God above all others, of whom Jesus is the fullness thereof.

“So where does the Marxist policy of equality & diversity lie in this? It does not; for it is based in the corruptions & lusts of man, rather than that of the Word of God. So, by choice you have chosen the Biblical policy of equality & diversity; of men being sinners before a holy God, man being given a choice of accepting Jesus as Lord & Saviour, & becoming joint heirs with me, equal sitters at the table of the Lord, which is at the heart & root of thy Constitution.


“So, how can the Marxist counterfeit override My policy of equality & diversity? Indeed, the gates of hell cannot prevail, for it is thee who has stood on the Elizabethan landmark of safety & security. For thou art witnessing the fall of the Marxist state all around thee. A thousand shall fall at thy side, but it shall not come nigh thee. For thou hast stood on the rock of the Lord Jesus; & the Biblical Sunday school chorus of the wise man & the foolish man, now applies in thy nation.

“For the storm is raging, & the house on the rock stands firm. But what of the foolish man?”

In March news was coming through that the Deep State regulations that had dogged western society were now hitting Africa with church building after church building having to be closed down due to building regulations. The example was Rwanda, thus this prophecy:

“What is happening in Rwanda is a move from simple, free-flowing fellowships to those heavily controlled by government infiltration. Now, this infiltration is not necessarily local or national, for what we are witnessing is not only demands for building regulations & so forth, but the coming in of a whole package that will include all the insurance policies, & so forth, to run a public meeting. There will be procedures to work out, lawyers to pay, heavy insurances to cover; & all the package that occurred in Western countries some years ago. It is an adherence to a letter-of-the-law policy of cultural Marxism that looks as if it is protecting the people, but in effect is destroying them.

“So, this latest demand for adherence to building regulations is only the start. There is far more to it; & with it will come the organisers, which will move fellowships from being free-flowing, protected by God, into highly organised fellowships with the right insurances, policies & procedures, which will become the protection, rather than God Himself.

“So, what looks therefore to be a protection for the people, is in effect their destruction. So, what do we do about it?

“(1) Form a campaign with the Scripture at the forefront ‘for the letter [of the law] killeth, but the spirit giveth life.’ Proclaim the Psalm 91 insurance policy.

“(2) Become a part of the Antioch Christian Resource Bureau, coming out of Whithorn, Scotland, where intercession will take place which will pull down the intrusion into those fellowships proclaiming the Antioch line of scripture.

“(3) Make sure fellowships are not under the Alexandrian line, which is an even greater control than that which we are talking about in Rwanda.

“(4) Get together travailers, wailers, those who groan in the spirit, & see the antichrist at work here. Bind him, & set the nation free; for the battle is not against flesh & blood, but against principalities & powers.

“(5) Receive Holy Ghost procedures & policies from the Antioch Christian Resource Bureau, which is being set up at Whithorn, through the ministry of the Bible College of Wales, the original vision. It is this that is to break down these barriers, supported by intercession on the ground, the Spirit leading as we go along.

“(6) Take note: this latest lot of financial expenditure that is demanded is only the start. There is far more, unless we break this down in inter-cession. Having experienced this letter-of-the-law attack, the Bible College of Wales is well endowed to take these attacks on, & pull them down. For these legal attacks are a barrier to every creature being reached with the gospel. For those with the original vision are called to move mountains, so that the gospel can go forth.

“This is My calling on your lives. It shall be done, in My name.”

Scripture: Zephaniah 3, especially verses 8-13

“Therefore wait ye upon me, saith the Lord,
until the day that I rise up to the prey:
for my determination is to gather the nations,
that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour upon them mine indignation,
even all my fierce anger:
for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousy.
9 For then will I turn to the people a pure language,
that they may all call upon the name of the Lord,
to serve him with one consent.
10 From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia my suppliants,
even the daughter of my dispersed, shall bring mine offering.

11 In that day shalt thou not be ashamed for all thy doings,
wherein thou hast transgressed against me:
for then I will take away out of the midst of thee them that rejoice in thy pride,
and thou shalt no more be haughty because of my holy mountain.
12 I will also leave in the midst of thee an afflicted and poor people,
and they shall trust in the name of the Lord.
13 The remnant of Israel shall not do iniquity, nor speak lies;
neither shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth:
for they shall feed and lie down,
and none shall make them afraid.”


It was clear in March that major progress was going on in the ministry and that the devil was mad with us, thus this prophecy on the 20th.

“The enemy of souls is mad with you. He was almost content with having you run a College for a limited amount of people, from an isolated place. He was almost content with having offices in Barry, high up awkward stairs, away from the public gaze; whereas now, having to face something he is very, very scared about: the Antioch Christian Resource Bureau; & the scriptures of Antioch displayed on windows to the public in Barry, at street level.

“I, the Lord, am bringing this out into the open, to make you aware of the attack you have been under. In effect, he was quite happy for you to have the Bible College of Wales. In effect, he was quite happy for you minister to a few people at Barry. What is driving him mad, is to have you in public gaze, restoring the true Word of God back to the Church & to the public. By bringing the true Word of God back to the Church of Scotland, for example, will solve every issue. By restoring the true gospel back to nations, will restore every issue. So in effect, having the Bible College does not concern the devil very much. If that Bible College, however, decides to restore the Antioch line back into the hands of schools, colleges, churches, hospitals etc., then the enemy of souls has lost control of these places. That is why he is mad with you.

“What he has tried to do, with his limited resource, is bring confusion. You are running around looking for a lost key; Clive running around sorting out a business deal; all this is the work of the enemy to confuse you. Note this: he is defeated in the Antioch line of Scripture. He is victorious in the Alexandrian line of scripture that includes NIV, NKJV, NLT, RSV, TLB, NASB, etc. etc. He is victorious in all of these. For all of these so-called bibles are under the control of Lucifer’s own Nestle-Aland Committee. He has been loving it for years.

But now, he has to contend with the Antioch Christian Resource Bureau, a ministry of the Bible College of Wales, the original vision. For it is not what Rees Howells set up, that the enemy of souls was afraid of. It is what it did, & its original mission statement in the heart of the Covenanter country, that the enemy of souls is afraid of. For the greatest control the Luciferian ‘Church’ has, is through Lucifer’s own control of the scriptures, that continuously change through the Nestle-Aland Committee.

The text shared by these two editions was adopted internationally by Bible Societies, and following an agreement between the Vatican and the United Bible Societies it has served as the basis  for new translations and for revisions made under their supervision. This marks a significant step with regard to inter confessional relationships. It should naturally be understood that this text is a working text (in the sense of the century-long Nestle tradition): it is not to be considered as definitive, but as a stimulus to further efforts toward defining and verifying the text of the New Testament .......

[Quote from the introduction to Nestle-Aland Edition]


 “Now, he is quite content to have this quote in the hands of just a few people, hidden away in an introduction which the general public does not read. But to have a Bureau bringing this out into the open, that live-stream television about this all over the world, which will bring out into the open all the intercessions that have taken place. which have now hit millions, as opposed to just a few; & to bring teaching into the African & Asian situations which is of the Antioch line, is far too much for the enemy of souls to take. For ‘salvations’ under the Alexandrian line, he can have control of; but now you have the evangelist portraying Antioch scriptures in a shop window that sold sandwiches! This is far too much for the enemy of souls, who has been throwing confusion after confusion against you, with his limited resource.

“He has been defeated by the blood of the Lamb, & the word of My testi-mony. So what does the enemy of souls not want to see happen? Scriptures with the blood of the lamb & the word of our testimony. Oh, what a control he has!

“But now, you have 2 shops at street level, where people can come in & receive the true Word of God. Now you can have thy web-site,, an outreach ministry of the Antioch Christian Resource Bureau. For on, one will display the Antioch scriptures on all kinds of products; on mugs shall be the Antioch scriptures; on rulers, on badges, on T-shirts, on track-suits; on all kinds of products, shall be the Antioch scriptures. Oh, the enemy of souls cannot control this; & these retail outlets, both at street level & on-line, shall make huge profits, saith the Lord, that is, those who go out & prophesy My Word, saith the Lord.

“Oh, he has tried to confuse you all right; but that enemy of souls is defeated through that blood portrayed through the Antioch line.

“Do you see what I have restored to you? Shops, instead of a shop; & the selling of true Antioch products, rather than the Antioch you used to work for. Ha! Ha! Ha! The enemy of souls thought he had you in chains, but now thy chains have fallen off. Your hearts are now free, to go forth & follow Me.

“The Antioch Christian Resource Bureau; the evangelistic outreach in Barry; not as other ministries, under the curse of Egyptian scriptures & practice; not under the Gnosticism of the past, but under the blood of the Lamb.

“My Word is coming back to the people. Stolen ministries are coming back to the remnant. The mission statement of Rees Howells is coming back to the fore. The enemy of souls is mad. I saw him cast down from heaven & he has been mad ever since. He thought he had Me, with his taking over of the scriptures of so many ministries, but now has to contend with a little ministry reaching out to the whole world; a little ministry that will reach every creature with the gospel of the Antioch line, the line of the blood of the Lamb, rather than the bloodless gospel of Egypt.

“Oh, what a force thou art, waving the bloodstained banner of victory! My sword is being restored to My Church, & the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

Clearly the Enemy of Souls is mad with us, and even though the shop at Barry never opened, the progress being made was remarkable, it being more important than ever to realise enemy attacks by being on our guard, on our watch, not falling to offence and the illegal regulations of the Deep State. A warning came about one of the tactics of the Deep State came out on the 25th. March:

“The disciplinary code of the Bible College of Wales, the original vision, has at the heart of it the ‘there could have been me’ ethos. Simply put, if a minister falls, there is love, understanding, with a move of the Spirit to bring such a one back to full ministry. No-one looks down at the individual, because ‘there could have been me’; for each is subject to temptation. So the disciplinary code deals with this with compassion, love & understanding, bringing such a one to the Saviour of souls.

“In contrast, the establishment has for many years run smear campaigns. If somebody has something on the system, & becomes an embarrassment to the establishment, it takes the ‘all have sinned’ understanding from the Bible to relate only to the one who is embarrassing the system, pointing out specks in the eyes of those causing this embarrassment, within the context of a smear campaign, rather than dealing with the large plank in the eyes of the establishment system.

“These smears often relate to sexual activity, in many cases unproven sexual activity. For smearing is in effect, a sophisticated form of gossiping, & gossiping is the destroyer of souls, of the god of this world. Smearing is straight from the evil one. The examining oneself culture is from the God of heaven. Confessing faults one to another is of the God of heaven; but to protect establishment secrets by smearing is from Lucifer himself.

“The present Russian crisis can easily be solved, by Britain confessing its own faults, which are undoubtedly many. For this will bring a response from Russia to confess theirs. A Christian nation is not afraid to admit its faults, to repent & expose its cover-ups. For that nation is protected of God. Love, understanding & compassion is My order for the people of Britain; but for this to happen, the establishment needs to examine its own self,  & not reduce itself to dealing with the specks of others, but deal with the planks in its own eyes, the system of smearing now being truly found out.

“As regards to the Russian tensions, of course it is serious to introduce chemical warfare on to the streets of any country; but the Christian country looks at its own self first, & deals with the issues in its own juris-diction, that cause offence to God. But a Christian country looks to bring peace, rather than war, the countries coming together, dealing with their own violations of God’s law.

“With this ethos, serious progress can be achieved with Russian relations, allowing the gospel to reach every creature, & not resorting to the smear campaigns of the past, & having the love understanding which is in the British Constitution, under the phrase of all law being applied with ‘law & justice in mercy.’

“The smear campaigns have duly been found out. It is within the old system of sin & corruption, right at the heart of the British establishment, a sin & corruption that began to be found out through Dicken, Whitehouse & Oxley, your ministry being called to bring all sinners to the Cross, the smear campaigns of the past being used to protect sinners, a failing policy of State.

“For unless a sinner comes to the Cross of Calvary, he cannot be saved. For at Calvary comes the washing in the blood of the Lamb, a far cry from the smear campaigns of history.”

For many years we have been calling for the return of movements back to the original callings of founders, it being personally experienced the clear decline of Elim since the bowing down to the establishment and ignoring of its own landmark. A word came on 28th. March:

“Over many years, I have called you to do this; & now is the time for all that which has crept in, The Alexandrian line of scripture, Jezebellic witchcraft, the spirit of rebellion, the taking away of the landmark, the teaching of Higher Criticism & Roman Catholic theology, the emphasis of ministering to each other rather than God, the desecration of the pulpit through demonic rock music, etc., etc. – all this I have called thee to pull down, in the name of the Lord Jesus.


“According to the Jeremiah 1:10 commission, over many years you have warned Elim of its rebellious root. But as with all rebellious movements, I’ve kept a remnant that has not compromised to this move of the evil one; & it is to this remnant I’m drawing thee by My Spirit.


“Now, if the landmark has been removed & you have been obedient to My Jeremiah 1:10 call, then it is obvious that the landmark has to be restored. In Elim, the landmark is a proclamation, the proclamation that came through Jeffreys & Macpherson. What a proclamation! Within the proclamation came devout & sincere use of the Antioch line of scripture. The Authorized Version of the Bible was preached powerfully in the anointing of God. Great miracles followed this preaching in Great Britain.


“What was the proclamation? ‘Jesus the Saviour, Healer, Baptizer in the Holy Ghost, Soon Coming King.’ The result? Fetters, burdens, sickness, disease, infirmity, all fell off. Hearts were free, to obey & follow the Saviour of souls; fir in all things Christ Jesus had the pre-eminence. The very proclamation brings anointing.


“I have caused thy movement to lead this movement back to its God-given call. As with Elim, so with the Bible College of Wales, so with the Apostolics, so with the Assemblies of God. The landmarks have to be restored; & I shall do this, through thy anointed Bureau, a ministry of the Bible College of Wales the original vision.


“And now, I have thee in Scotland, on the borders of Ireland; so I shall draw all men unto thee (when I say ‘all men’, it relates to women too, of course), so as to restore landmarks of movements which I set years ago, through anointed founders; & in Scotland thou shalt see the political landmark restored. For the present-day rebellion will be quickly swept away, as thou restores the Knoxian line of government to this once-great land; great not because of its clan warfares of centuries, but great because of the stability John Knox brought to what was then an unstable situation, due to a monarch who did not know the Antioch line of scripture.


“Hence in Whithorn, I have brought about the Antioch Christian Resource Bureau. For what the King of Scotland did, the King coronated at Stirling, was to restore the Antioch line of scripture.


“So you stand in Whithorn with all the authority of the King of Scotland who authorized scripture now used by the true Church all over the world. The use of the Alexandrian line is treason against what King James authorized in My anointing.”

This word was continued on the 30th. March:

“I’ve caused thee to form a divide. The message in My Word is that I’ve come to bring division; that is, the division between Christ & Baal.

“For many years, Baal has been ruling, with the exception of a remnant, the Elim Pentecostal Church. Baal is signified by the teaching of Higher Criticism in its college, the use of Alexandrian scriptures, the putting aside of the landmark Foursquare Gospel, receiving of the Emerging Church & its counterfeit healings & deliverances, the emphasis on ministering to each other rather than to God, & the playing of appalling rock music from so-called ‘praise bands’, festooned with the sins of a rebellious generation. What concord has Christ with Baal?

“So I’ve called thee to form a divide between this, & the Church without blemish I’ve called Elim to be, whose founder knew the path of holiness; whose founder knew the Antioch line of scripture, to whom I gave the message of the movement, that was never to change.

“Yet infiltration came in, as you witnessed at the College; infiltration so great that you had to study the Word separately to that which you were being taught. For what you were being taught was from the mire of Satan, the Alexandrian path of Higher Criticism & philosophy, rather than the revelation I had given to the founder.

“But thy ministry has found it out; brought it out into the open. One was given the warning that came through the Assemblies of God over the Higher Criticism that came from Germany. One has carried about with you ever since the warning I gave to the Assemblies of God to all the Pentecostal movements. I gave you the warning not to take the Higher Critical degree, established in the degrees of masonry rather than the portals of Almighty God.

“You have been called to bring about a rescue mission, to expose the sins of the movement, to re-establish the foundations of landmark. For once more, the message is to be ‘Jesus the Saviour, Healer, Baptizer in the Holy Ghost & Soon Coming King.’ A return to the heavy nights of con-viction, which the founder was open to bring. But not only was there great manifestations of signs, wonders & miracles; there was also souls coming to Christ, under the heavy conviction of the Holy Ghost.

“Instead of the bang, crash & wallop of the so-called ‘praise band’, there was the singing of hymns & choruses; of congregations dedicating their lives to Me. With this move of the Spirit within Elim, comes a great sword, a massive divide. The Jezebellic fantasy of the ‘love gospel’ is to be removed & replaced by the love that took Christ Jesus to the cross, the agape love of sacrifice, rather than the counterfeit love of Satan, that allows for sin, rather than the love of the cross that convicts men to give their all to Me.”

The final four prophecies of the financial year came in April, it being pointed out to us that the preaching of the blood needed to be restored, and that as a symbol of that blood, we had to have red lecterns, one being bought and the other painted, so on the 8th. April came this:

“A great earthquake is occurring at Whithorn. Just as you saw the tractor & plough in the centre of Whithorn, so thou hast brought a huge spiritual tractor, to plough the grounds for world-wide revival. An old-time preaching of the Word of God, with the blood scriptures of the Antioch line in pre-eminent position; for I am the Word of God, who shed his blood on Calvary’s cross; & from thy headquarters in Whithorn, shall come the preaching of the Word of God, with the blood scriptures in pre-eminent position. For it is not thee who shall preach from the pulpits of Whithorn; for it is I, the way, the truth, the life. For no man cometh to the Father, except through the blood of Christ Jesus; & it is this thou shalt preach, & sing the hymns of old: ‘Are You Washed in the Blood’, ‘Power, Power, Wonder-working Power’, ‘What Can Take away My Sin?’ ‘O, the Blood of Jesus.’ Thou shalt sing these hymns & songs of My blood; & thou shalt see My Spirit move, not only on the Machars, but also in the whole world.

“For the overcoming comes through the blood of the Lamb, & the word of thy testimony. For My Word is the blood. My Word is the shed blood of Calvary, & the word of thy testimony is the word of My blood. Thou shalt have preaching lecterns symbolizing the blood. Thou shalt have My Word upon them. Not for you the Perspex lecterns of the charismatic movement. For thou shalt see the corruption through them. But for you, there shall be lecterns symbolizing the blood. For with the blood comes the fire which the saints of old proclaimed.

“Blood & fire shall come out of Whithorn. Blood & fire shall come out of Barry. Blood & fire shall come out of the Mount Carmel heights of Sri Lanka; & throughout the vision of the countries from Sri Lanka to Tibet. For out of here shall come a move into China & the Middle East; & thou shalt restore the Antioch line. Thy symbol shall be pulpits of blood & fire. The world pays fortunes for corporate images; but I, for thee, have already paid the price; & there shall be blood pulpits throughout the whole world, symbolized by thy red lecterns: Yes, red – for this symbolizes My shed blood.

Over the last months, thou hast ploughed the ground, & planted the seed. Thou hast lived out the parable of the sower. What is the seed of the sower, but the Word of Almighty God? The blood scriptures shall be pre-eminent, those scriptures in particular, taken out by the Alexandrians. Thy preaching & teaching shall be of the blood. For I have brought the conditions for revival through thee, saith the Lord; for they dare not touch thy pulpits of crimson. Those who stand there with My Word are as white as snow.

“Conviction shall follow over nations, saith the Lord. Governments shall bow the knee, including thine, saith the Lord. For thou shalt preach & teach the blood, & signs shall follow. Governments shall fall at thy feet. In thy very shadow, men, women & children shall be healed. For thou art preaching the blood that never fails. For this is the symbol of Calvary. This is the symbol of My stripes, the stripes that healed thee on Golgotha’s hill.

“O, thou shalt preach & teach the blood. In Africa too, thou art forming a spiritual earthquake, a continent that has been under attack by the Higher Critical gurus of the Alexandrian line. Thou has been led to expose the corrupt line of Egypt, of all the symbols of despair of the Alexandrian line, that looks to re-crucify Christ through its symbols of physical Calvary, rather than thy symbols of the spiritual blood that sets the captive free. For this blood is the blood that bringeth the resource to reach every creature with the gospel.

“For thou hast had to plough the ground. For thou hast had to remove the thorns & the briars, to enable thee to plant in good ground, fertile ground. Just as one can see on the Machars. But thou hast planted deeply in the Spirit. For those who preach from thy pulpits, must have laid all their lives down. For thy symbol of the red lectern shall go all over the world, saith the Lord.

“In thy stadium meetings, thou shalt have this symbol of the the blood. On thy television programmes, thou shalt have this symbol of the blood; the symbol of blood & of fire. For thou has been anointed & appointed to preach the blood, the precious blood of the lamb slain at Calvary. For with the preaching of the blood, comes the Passover; for the angel of death cannot touch thee. For what thou art bringing to the people, is the way, thee truth, the life. For absolutely nobody can come to the Father, except through this precious blood.

“Now, in America thou shalt continue thy ministry; & thou shalt witness the collapse of Saddleback, the infiltration at Fuller, & all the cults of America based on the Alexandrian line. Instead of this, shall come the pulpits of crimson, & the old-fashioned preaching of the blood; & there shall be a move into Canada, saith the Lord, & an explosion of the Spirit, right on the Mexican border. For there is, saith the Lord, the coming of a great move from the south to the north. Thy contacts shall inform thee of this, & thou shall be called & moved to take thy crimson pulpit throughout America & Canada; & do not think I have forgotten South America, the Caribbean, & Mexico; for thou shalt go to the land of the Welsh, & stir up amongst the people the revivals through Williams & Roberts; & thou shalt see a great move through the Welsh in these lands; & thou shalt witness also a move from here, towards the homeland. For already the corruptions of the Senedd have been found out, saith the Lord; & as for Scotland & Ireland, thy opponents will have no answer towards the crimson pulpits of revival.

“The Ayrshire coast shall be saved. The lands going north shall be saved. Glasgow shall be restored once more for the preaching of the gospel, & thou shalt carry the symbol of the crimson pulpit lectern, on it the scriptures of the Antioch line, symbol of perfection & purity. For before them shall come the manifestation of repentant sinners, the Holy Ghost conviction nights restored in their fullness, with fetters falling off, hearts set free, & the glory of the Lord restored.”

Then on the 16th. April, Lindsay came out with a word thus removing any heaviness at Whithorn to bring conditions for true holiness revival:

“Heaviness is manifest here for a season; but I am come to bring life & life in all its fullness.

[NB again Rhema – Psalm 51 ‘A broken & a contrite heart, thou wilt not despise.’]

“A tree of life, of forgiveness & healing through the blood, am I to all who seek Me & come to know Me as their Saviour, Healer, Baptizer in the Holy Ghost, & Soon Coming King.

“I have brought you here to clear the way, to cast up an highway of holiness, the planting of the Lord in this place, to go to all nations from the land of the plough & the fisherman. My harvest is so great – an harvest of seed & of souls – fishers of men.”

Now the crux of activity was certainly coming out in April, and on the 17th. word came relating as to what was to happen, what is happening, growth itself having us to rely on God providing labour now, such is the growth:

“I am that Root, saith the Lord, & I am manifesting through thee as empty vessels, & using all the resource thou hast, from the Antioch Bureau, a ministry of the Original Vision of the Bible College of Wales. For I have not come to bring peace on earth, but rather division, for light cannot travel with darkness, for in darkness, there is no light at all.

“For what thou art setting up in Whithorn, is the root for ministries to flourish all over the world. For I have initially given thee the Jeremiah 1:10 commission, which is to dig out & root out the weeds in the garden, that is, the weeds & thorns of the Alexandrian line. The chart makes it clear that there is that division between those who hang on to the Alexandrian school, a school of Gnosticism & compromise; but for those who have held precious My scriptures, they shall go forward & blossom.

“But without thee, the root, this cannot take place; for from the root comes the branches. From the root comes the feeding. From the root comes rivers of living waters, to enable ministries to blossom & bring forth fruit.

“Thou art to train & to teach; & most importantly, to perfect. What a mighty Bureau thou art setting up! ‘Resource My Church! Resource My Church!’ would be the cry through Rees Howells; but this resource is within the teaching & perfecting of My empty vessels; for in Whithorn thou art setting up a foundational ministry, one that cannot fail. Despite of the attacks from those of the Alexandrian line, they cannot succeed. The gates of hell shall not prevail; for thou art My empty vessel, & I am the root, manifesting through thee, perfecting the saints for the work of the ministry, a ministry that cannot fail.

“The distractions are there; but do not fall for these. Resource this Bureau with materials needed to perfect the saints: holiness materials. Restore the Flame magazine back to its original call, of being prophetic in relation to the activities of nations. Have no fear, for I am that root. Thy ministry will blossom through the flowers which thou art carefully nurturing to reach their full potential in the Lord.

“For I am the Rock on which the Church is to be built; but as with Peter, so with thee. Thou art to rejoice, for the kingdom cometh, through the empty vessel of the Resource Bureau of Whithorn. For thou art to establish a strong base here, one full of resource of the Antioch line, whilst at the same time exposing the Alexandrian counterfeit.


“Addendum: You water the root. Invite those to water the root – for you water the root, & not the flower. For through the root comes the watering of the flowers; & that root is to be well watered, well resourced, for flowers to blossom. For thou art that root, that root being Me through thee. For thou shalt see a magnificent tree of fruit, the flowers, the bloom, bearing the fruit of righteousness all over the world.”

Being joined to the Lord as one, the true covenant relationship was the call in the last prophecy of the year on the 28th, so important to stay together, be together, in a great call, given in the Seven Year Plan. The Lord’s anointing is upon it. We need to grasp it, embrace it and move on in the power as the Deep State of the Devil quakes:

“There is one word that is important in the understanding of God’s promise: that is, the word ‘you.’ Example: ‘If you hearken unto the voice of the Lord your God’ [Exodus 15:26] refers to God’s covenant people. Ephesians 5 gives the illustration of being joined unto the Lord; that is, those who have given everything into a covenant relationship with God; that is, given their all.

“That is why it is so much more difficult for a rich man & those who live in a materialistic society, to enter into this covenant relationship. For as the ‘you’ gives their all, so I am obligated to give up My all in such a situation.

“Now, there are acts of God’s mercy which come into situations; but here I’m talking about acts of covenant, acts of complete obedience to God & a complete giving to the cause. These are My covenant people, partakers of the divine nature, who like the apostle Paul, have surrendered their education unto Me, have surrendered their resources unto Me; & it is to these who I give the hundredfold, of houses, homes & families. It is to these who see houses, homes & families given to them from all over the world. For their wealth is not in their own name, for the ‘you’ is the bride of Christ, who carry deeds of properties in the name of the Bridegroom, for which the gates of hell cannot prevail.

“It is to these who seer the miracles. It is to these who walk in divine health. It is to these who hear the inner witness & obey it. It is to these who carry a divine ‘aura.’ It is to these who walk the portals of power. It is to these who cry to God to rend the heavens over communities, who break down the lusts of materialism, humanism, & societies of personal lusts. It is therefore to the humble, as in the Hebrides, that revival comes; & so it is to you I have called to have a mission house in Whithorn, as a house of revival, not only in Scotland & Ireland, but also the whole world. For I have called thee to this place, to bring such a revival, the result of which being every creature being reached. “All over the world are houses being built; & thou shalt visit America again, to share this whole aspect of covenant, to break down the materialism, & transfer resources from the rich to the poor. For unless My Church has a heart of giving, then it cannot be described as My covenant body. ‘For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.’ [John 3:16]

“Note the word ‘begotten,’ meaning ‘of the same substance as the Father.’ Such is My body, the body of Christ, the branches to the vine. For as I gave, so My body gives. As I surrendered to the will of the Father, so does My body. As in the Hebrides, so in Whithorn, there has to be the understanding of the price & power of revival. No more of man, but all of God.

“Now, a word to the regulators of a materialistic society: thou art protecting the system above the needs of the people, whose answer is Christ Jesus above your regulations of protection. For a nation that wears the armour of God does not need to over-regulate the people, for it has its protection in God.

“A Christian government de-regulates, emphasising the spirit above the letter. Such is the British Constitution of the Zadok priesthood. A government with a Constitution that demands a hearing from God above a reaction to circumstance, a nation therefore that trusts in God, de-regulates, taking off the pressure of regulation, having its trust in Ephesians 6, rather than the reaction in Parliament to the outside world. The covenant Parliament hears from God, rather than the philosophies & reactions of men.”

The Bible College of Wales

Founded in Dumfries & Galloway in the 1920’s 

The Original Vision & ECCTV.ORG Studios

Antioch Christian Resource Bureau

25, George Street, Whithorn, Wigtownshire, DG8 8NS

Tel. 01492 544451; 07542 565415;

07542 565416; 07542 565417;



Parts 4-11: CLICK HERE

4) The Bible College & The Bible College Lecture Channel-

5) The Ministry in Cardiff & Barry

6) ECCTV.ORG - Television Programming

7) The Bible Assemblies

8) WEBSITES & The Seven Year Plan

9) The Personal Cost - Persecuted on every side and why?

10) The Move to Whithorn - The Rees Howells Dimension

11) The Future - trustee teams all over the World building the vision